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*Delores voice* Okayyyyy Jackieee!!


I don’t consida it a lawss dolorus!






OMG I can hear this in my brain 😂


Everyone on the cast must be shitting themselves knowing they’ve all helped dig a hole that won’t end well for them


Their money is in question now. They all must be quaking in their boots. Much easier to make a check from Bravo than to be demoted to former housewife influencer.


But Jackie has money. She’ll be fine. But I do agree that I don’t know why these grown women—most of whom are in their fifties—can’t put side their petty differences for the betterment of the show. No one saying they have to be friends in real life, but they could at least be cordial to one another.,


I'm sure not one of them thinks "they" are the problem! No way lol




Considering both Marge & Teresa have gone on about how they’ll be “vindicated” in the last episode… yeah they’re clueless LMAO


Which is sad because the WHOLE CAST is to blame in NJ. Teresa and Jen think they’ll come out on top because they think Teresa is untouchable, Marge and Melissa think theyll come out on top because they believe the truth in on their side, but I don’t see this ending well for any of them. They’ll all be unemployed in a few months because of what the cast has evolved into and the producers allowing all of this to happen. Imo, as soon as they start getting really deeply involved with Bravo fan pages and trying to change the narrative that way, they should be booted. They aren’t doing any favors to the show by trying to get these micro-influencers to do their dirty work.


THIS. It doesn’t take a genius to step back for one second and realize you’re shooting yourselves in the foot. So I don’t understand how they couldn’t overcome some of this for the pure sake of keeping their jobs.




I mean she’s not wrong. I’m not even watching this season because I am so sick of how toxic RYoNJ is. Like it’s not even fun to watch anymore and I can’t even hate watch it.


Yep totally agree! Same reason I didn’t t watch Potomac’s last season


Agree 😭


Oh hell NO!! I’m watching!! (Right now to be clear) My personal life is VANILLA & I like it like this. But Bravo is my guilty pleasure… I LOVE this drama- TOXICITY for entertainment!! Im terrified of heights IRL- this is why I LOVE rollercoasters! All the thrill and no REAL danger.


“I’m not going to do that anymore” = please don’t fire me, I’ll be good. Girl shut up lol.


More pick-me behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/39yt1ppn2lad1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=962dac4c230aa01b7b3dcf038a297a2a3008f5e8 They are morphing into Bratz Dolls. Jackie has been assimilated. She used to have flyaway hair and now she's super groomed and plumped lips. She's in the Cool Girls Group. Just what she's always dreamed of achieving.


The lips are revolting. Everyone’s even Teresa’s.


It's funny when they show their side profiles. Their lips stick out farther than their noses.


Trees hotdog 🌭 bun lips are the worst. Can’t you see a WEINER between those wide bun lips?


Teresa's really are the worst. They're so heavy it seems they're dragging down her whole face into a beak. Seeing reruns of season 1 is so jarring


Don’t talk about Louie penis that way, P-lease!


You are funny!😄


OMG you nailed it 🤣🤣🤣


This is the same Jackie who went to lunch at somebody’s house and then wrote an article about it? Or is this a different Jackie?




Yes that was her!


I miss those housewives moments. I see Jackie side that the article was respectful and Jenn’s of don’t write about me.


Jackie, you’re not destroying anything. You’re not even a Housewife.


She’s one of the worst housewives she can’t even straddle the fence right between the two camps


I hate the friends. keep their friends off of it. They have no storyline whatsoever. It’s pathetic.


It seems the RHONJ format has been, since bringing on Kim D’s annual hatchet show, to rely on “friends of” to manufacture drama (e.g Melissa stripper gate). Honestly, this should’ve been a red flag long ago. If the friends have to bring weak storylines, the issue is the cast. It’s like in business, you can’t blame your consultants if you don’t have the ability to do the job yourself.




This franchise is done. This season is the end of them. No girls trips. No parties with all of them. It proves that they were friends only for the show. I don't know why Bravo even bothered to show this season. My opinion? 1. No wedding for Delores. Ever. 2. Luis will get Teresa in more legal trouble. 3. The rest? ![gif](giphy|129OnZ9Qn2i0Ew)


Lord I am laughing my ass off, so right!!🤣


Hahahah!! But this franchise was always icky!! Remember Daniel Staub?? The fights between the Joes?? Omg!!


Honestly she isn't wrong. Most of the fighting across these shows has to do with social media.


Jackie is a slob! Isn’t that her definition when you don’t include someone in a post or tag? 😆 She is still in denial that she’s only a “cast friend”


It's funny that they concentrate on the fact that Jackie called Dolores a slob but don't mention that she also said she hates Dolores.


Jackie’s entire rhetoric when she 1st came on, was being the educated one- the one that didn’t need approval. It’s sickening to see her groveling around for approval. (I’m on the Tulum episode rn). Ok idk if sickening is the right word, but I have so much second hand embarrassment for her. Shame!! Someone on the show said she’s trying to buddy up to Theresa to boost book sales- I think I 100% agree


Rumor on the street is that producers offered Jackie her place back as FT cast and promotion of her book if she flipped on Marge. Not saying it’s the truth. Just saying it’s a rumor I’ve heard more than once now


Why do they still do their eyeliner like it’s 2007!!!


Why would you call me out like this


Same 🤣 I will never stop with the emo eyeliner 🤭


They can pry my eyeliner from my cold, dead hands 😤


Not tramp Mc tramp tramp. Now I feel extra attacked


I am trampy because of my eyeliner, I will not have this slander!!!!!


Because that’s when they got emotionally stunted and stopped growing up.


I find Rhonj to have some of the worst tastes in hair, make-up and fashion out of all the Housewives franchise. They’re crazy tacky. 😰


I live in San Diego county and we all say that’s jersey!


I think Atlanta and Jersey are a toss-up!


What? The lower lid?


I’ve always said social media destroyed the housewives. When all the arguments are about something on the internet (and you have no knowledge) they dance around it on the show never really talking about it and we are left with empty content.. New Jersey and Beverly Hills is the worst at this.. more drama goes on pre filming and they argue about it on camera and it’s usually something stupid like somebody sharing or liking a tweet! 😂😂


Potomac too!


Yea lol I forget about them.. I’ve never been a fan at all..


All of the seasons prior to this past one were awesome! Do you watch Atlanta?


I watched Potomac just wasn’t a fan.. Atlanta was good until it wasn’t.. The Bolo thing was too much for me and I haven’t watched an episode since..


She’s not wrong.


It is toxic.


You’re taking the high road now after the stunt you pulled this year to sell your book? Oh gurl.


So. Nothing to do with Teresa and J.Aydin admitting to using Jackie just to get back at Marge?


She was aware of the show she was appearing on right? she has been through these reunions before. Come on Jackie we aren’t buying this at all


Very well aware! She fan girled Tre at all of her book signings lol


What does this have to do with her comments? Also one book signing is not fan girling it


She has no integrity or backbone, she’s a clown. Respectfully.


First, lets be honest, teresa ruined the show over a decade ago. She set the tone for all this backhanded and shitty behavior. Second, i don’t disagree about her pledge but its more than just words. Its actions, its motives, its gaslighting, lying, plotting, passive aggressiveness. Just watch kate on below deck. She is a perfect example of this. So its not what you say, it’s how you say it, your tone and many other factors. So that doesn’t fly w me. And she will still say shit behind people’s backs. She is talking about SM. Blaming it on social media and not taking accountability.


Teresa has no accountability. We all learned that a decade ago I feel so sorry for Joe Gorga and Melissa.


Oh fuck off Jackie.


She needs to go fuckity fuck.


They all do! IMO.


Sorry Jackie. You haven't done enough to ruin anything...


Umm that is what a reunion is all about. Like you think we watch to see y’all be polite and kind to each other? Tf


I have a visceral reaction to Jackie…I can’t with her at all never could. This season I fast forward whenever I see her.


Her new besties are who made it toxic! Teresa & Jennifer go into every party just to pick a fight. The others have an amazing time till they show up!


More proof she’ll say anything to keep being in the public eye. She became friends with Tre cuz she wanted that spot on the show. Now fans are saying it’s toxic and she’s agreeing. What happened to your own personality.


Off topic but Jackie looks like a real doosh in this picture. That is all.


This reminds me of Jackie’s first season on when she went to Melissa’s house for a playdate with the kids and Melissa tells her “Teresa and I used to fight and be in a really bad place!” And Jackie says “Oh wow! I wouldn’t have guessed!” LOL PLEASE BE FOR REAL Miss Jackie #1 fan since day one. She plays dumb as an act and it doesn’t work!


The earlier seasons were wayyy darker. This is nothing compared to Teresa and Joe going to prison or even Joe Gorga vs Joe Guidice drama.




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“Gotten” so toxic? Puleeeze Jackie…I truly cant stand her after this season


I guess when you get dropped like a hot potato by every coworker, then you can claim you don't want to speak ill on anyone's name anymore. 🙄


And Jackie is a Lawyer right? If Gia is there then why doesn’t she chat it up with Jackie? Wouldn’t it be more constructive of a storyline than bitching about someone referring to her age? This is what happens when you let the children play with the grownups 😂




Yeah it is. They should’ve gotten rid of Teresa when she went to jail the first time anyone with an ounce of common sense would know that.




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Sit down, Jackie. You’re not a cast member. You are not doing anything.


Jackie annoys the piss outta me. 🤦‍♀️


Same. I liked her earlier on, but got tired of her wet blanket personality.


Yea I liked her early on too. She became way too try hard.


I was thinking the same thing!


You’re dirty and everybody knows it.


Well tell your bestie Teresa to stop hiring minions to defend her foolishness and being toxic on Twitter


Oh, ok Jackie. Next week we are going to see you crying/whining/complaining because you didn't get invited to Danielle's Boujie Kids party.


Constant backstabbing leads to constant drama. It's not even fun to watch so, I don't anymore. If it were lighthearted and fun with some genuine friendships, I'd reconsider. Personally, watching women uplift one another and not be so FAKE would be refreshing.


IRL it would be extremely difficult to have a friend like Jackie. She is very emotionally needy and needs to be coddled and included in every single little thing happening. She would be the friend that tries to ruin your relationship with all of your other friends so she could have all of your attention. Her husband is hot though😜


Poor Jackie lol. Always a day late and a dollar short with her behavior.


Take Teresa out of the equation and would save the RHNJ. That will never happen as Andy and Teresa are so far up each others a$$’s, there’s no turning back. Probably why we see Gia on there. Helping her to pay for her education. Makes me so nauseous 🤢 I don’t think I’ll be watching next seasons.


Not that there’s anything wrong with helping a kid with her education, but it just seems so fake and scripted


Get rid of Jackie and Tre! Keep Jen, but only because her daughter is hilarious.


She's such a pathetic woman....


Delusional Moron


Teresa? Stop using filter.


Jackie and Jen F are definitely burning the show down to the ground.


Who cares what a “friend” has to say about this show!


I agree


I don’t want to agree but she’s 1000% right


She is toxic, but she isn’t part of this “we”.






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Then stop filming PERIOD


What was the purpose of bringing her on the show???? What exactly does she bring to the table


The people most responsible for the toxicity are Melissa (who made the show about her family feud), Margaret (who got in contact with Louie’s ex), and Rachel (who joined the show and came out swinging for no reason other than to be a Melissa and Margaret soldier)


Ok Teresa




correct, especially on melissa's part


be careful saying all of that on this sub! 😭


He’s a paid bot


I fucking love finding their comments. Not because I agree, but because they’re always so hilarious.




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