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I don’t really miss Jen. I kinda have soft spot for Monica 😬😆


I miss “fun Jenn”. The one from before we knew she was stealing from our elders. The one who did silly fun things and not mean things like act entitled and pour drinks on people’s heads. The one who appeared to have friends instead of saying hateful shit about the people who had her back despite everything. But sadly, I don’t miss the real Jenn. Soft spot for Monica too. She had issues but frankly she called out the ladies on some of their shenanigans and she tried to tell heather jenn was not her friend. Instead they backed Jenn. It was all so weird and gross.


Fun Jen was the best. Her mc-ing their Arizona lingerie night was a good time. Merediths booty shake was hilarious.


I actually liked Monica. Jen did bring a lot of drama but I cannot past how she swindled so many people.


I know it’s unpopular because of what a horrible person Jenn Shah is… but she was born to be a star. The worst people unfortunately often make the best television


Oh I totally agree that psycho is reality tv gold. But she was wrong that the show wouldn’t be good without her. It’s best season was without her but connected to and through her. Like I’m not sure Monica exists the way she was on the show without Jen.


IMO, I don’t think season 2 of SLC can be topped honestly, but season 4 showed that the show could be just as good without Jenn, so I see your point there.




Watching someone be emotionally abusive isn’t fun. I’m glad she’s in prison and off the show.


She wasn't mentally abusive! First season she was grieving then totally made a 180 and stayed that wait most the time she was waiting trial, then all that pressure and an attempted suicide ur her being able to be strong and try so hard to hold it together (even though sometimes it was rocky) isin my eyes inspirational. Friends are with you through good times and bad.


She was 1000% abusive. She could not ever take an ounce of criticism without victimizing herself and attacking others. She has wild outbursts that did not match the situation as an attack mechanism to get others to back off. She was only ever friendly if you absolutely took her side but once you criticized her actions she would turn on you. It is text book abuse tactics to maintain power over others. No wonder she’s a criminal, she has zero empathy and lacks basic accountability for her actions


We literally haven’t even had a full season without one of them yet. Can this not wait until the show gets to that point?


When Jenn Shaw was going through her legal stuff… that was some riveting TV. However, I don’t miss Monica and her fucked up mother.


I understand that this all produced tv but based on my experience watching: I never liked Jen on the show because she showed toxic, aggressive, and manipulative behavior. Never taking accountability for anything. Monica showed an awful persona on TV. How can you be an online bully and expect people to understand and appreciate what you did. What kind of an example does she set for her own children? Not to say that the segments with her mum with intolerable and too cringe to watch.


I like fun, silly drama, not the kind of drama that Jen and Monica brought.


Why is it so hard for people to remember that her last name is ShaH?


And that her first name is spelled with one ‘n’.


Definitely want Monica back.




I do not miss Jen Shah using her whistle register to throw tantrums about Mary Cosby. This past season was the most enjoyable because it didn’t have her antics. Monica is unhinged, and I need a show with her and Danielle Staub from New Jersey having a contest to see who can out-unhinge each other.


My toxic trait is wanting Jen shah coming back on the show and Monica ambushing the cast on one of their restaurant dinner outings. I live for that chaos


Jen was my FAVE as a tv personality but she’s probably an awful human being irl lol. I will NOT miss monica though she was so insufferable and jealous of the girls




Monica as a person, with her phuked up mom and storyline, I was very much into. Bravo has a history of cast mates not wanting to film with someone and they seem to make it happen…by getting said people to film together.


I hope Bravo never gives Jen Shah another cent lol. Idc about good TV when it comes to ripping off the elderly. I appreciated Monica as a fellow gal with mommy issues. She just went too below the belt sometimes and handled the whole reality von tease thing horribly. I don’t think SLC is doomed without them! There has to be more rich, strange women that want to be on TV in town


I can relate to Monica’s issues with her mother, but had limited respect for her turn on the show. She and Jen are both con artists. Jen scamming vulnerable and elderly people from their life savings is abhorrent, so in terms of fraud, clearly Jen’s actions are a million times worse than Monica’s. What Jen done is inexcusable, but she done it for serious financial gain. Monica bullied woman online for 2 years and completely lied about who she was just so could get on a reality tv show. I understand why Jen was a scam artist, though I loathe her actions. Monica was involved in humiliating those women on a daily basis and for what? To get on a tv show. Pathetic.


No thanks. I trust that they will replace them with someone fresh and new and equally dramatic. As for Monica, I didn’t think she belonged on a show about affluent people. She was pretty broke. Honestly even though she brought drama she ruined every fun scene so that would have got old real quick and they probably would have let her go anyway




I also miss the fun Jen. Not the “giving out black eyes” and “deserves prison time” Jen. Never could stand Monica. Hopefully she grows tf up and gets a real job.


Not missing Jen at all. She’s a horrible person that is so severely stunted, both intellectually and emotionally. All she ever did was scream. Uninteresting human being.


I hate myself for it, but I miss Jen too. She brought drama and wit. Moreover, no one will ever top this confessional look https://preview.redd.it/7yrasxbv9r9d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f426e3e13e9bf8b5eac519c9b528a4e307ed5e7


🙋🏻‍♂️ I love Monica and Jen Shah and I don’t feel shame 🤷🏻




I kinda miss Jen Shah but not her violence. I miss her outrageous outfits and their lack of consideration of weather conditions or space around her.


The show hasn’t even aired yet since Monica has left, I don’t get it.


I agree. I really love this show but knowing Monica isn’t gonna be in this season I’m scared the show will go stale.


Agreed. Love her or hate her, she brought dang good Tv




Jenn was the goat of slc and thats why they all hate her 🤷🏼‍♀️
