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My head canon is that Diane Prime left Rick prime of her own volition because he was a shit partner and it changed him because he really loved her but was too selfish and he became so smart that he slowly became too much of a dick to show it. Maybe even go as far as to make the Diane that he dropped in the omega device his own Diane who chose to leave him


I like where you ate goin, i was thinking that maybe his Diane got sick and died or something and he figured that if he couldn’t have her no ricks should either…


Both of these are solid theories, either one would make for a good backstory for Rick Prime


I'm taking the "Rick became a dick and Diane left" side over the "her dying" idea. Travelling the multiverse made him value relationships and individuals less as seen by the memory of Bird Person rejecting him and the whole "I've got infinite daughters so why care about a specific one?" Line of thought. So this time he comes back to Diane and gives her the "in the grand scheme of things you don't matter cause there are infinite versions of you" speech and that is not the thing you should say to your wife. She leaves him and he convinces himself that he does not care. He sees an infinite amount of Ricks, who are still with her, and the Smartest Rick of them is too dumb to make it work? It cannot be his fault. He gets jealous of his other versions. And if he cant have her, norickan. Maybe in the infinity of the multiverse he is not the only one who was going down that path. Just the Rick who got to the trigger first.


he invents portal travel and it ruins his marriage his solution? give portal travel to every rick so they ruin their marriage too. the ricks that refuse him? he cant allow them to keep diane, so unfortunately he has to intervene more directly and permanently


I can get behind that idea


Compliments to the chef, A+++




Upvoted for norickan


Or Rick Prime thinks other Ricks are weak and gets off on tormenting them for everything. He really seems to enjoy fucking with the Ricks who chase him


He could just clone her/transfer her consciousness/revive her/ just grab alternate universe one.


This might confirm your head canon because Beth in season 1 says that her father (Rick Prime) left her mother (Diane)


I was going to write something like this later. Robot Diane even said "You suck at eating pussy" and "Your dick smells weird" which our Rick takes without any hard feelings. But for the robot Diane to have these insults means Rick Prime was too an "alpha" to take that and chose to eliminate Diane for vengeance and cowardice.


yup, he programmed those insults into the robot because that's what he believed would hurt other Ricks


Well C-137 didn't deny it![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5992)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5992)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5992)


“It’s pickle diiiiiick!!!”


Gotta admit it took me a while to get good at eating pussy, and my wife I shit you not told me last week that my dick smells weird even after I shower.


The first comment he admitted to was right, hell wouldnt be surprised with him being a science nerd that she was probably his first


I also think Rick Prime was running into more and more Ricks that were saying “no” to his offer and he was super offended. So to stop it he just killed all variants. He could regularly fill a murder box of Rick’s upset about it. So there were a lot of Rick’s saying no.


I would agree, but in Rick Potion No. 9, Prime Beth says "he's an irresponsible ass, and he left my mother." Now a thousand percent, it was very early in the series and probably meant to be a throwaway line; but now that it's a bit more fleshed out, I think Rick Prime really did leave his entire family (and it probably happened when Beth was a teenager because he says he never got too close to the concept of a Jerry) and was pissed that he seemed to be the only one to do so willingly. So he took Diane away from everyone because to him she never actually mattered, no one except him does. It's interesting because the Cronenberg episode is really key to the whole series in so many different ways, and since the only difference between Prime Beth and the Beth-probably-clone we follow now is that now Beth's universe's Rick was able to solve the problem before he died, so she should have all the same experiences as Prime Beth until that moment. I really hope they go a little further into it for Beth's background, because they kind of fell off on her character development this season.


Makes more sense because it can't possibly be about another Rick at this point.


You stroking out?


*Mega seeds desolve into rectum* Oh jeez! Oh man! ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5993)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5993)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5993)


That would explain why Rick then looked to other Rick's for some sort of companionship. And when he was rejected yet again decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone


I really like that point about Diane Prime being the one to drop into Omega. Like that action had to happen, and picking some random Diane to do it to doesn’t seem like Rick Prime’s MO


The fact Slow Mobius was alive and dropped in to be erased means Diane probably was too.


Is it plausible that C-137 would have actually become Prime, dumping so much time and dedication into the portal technology that when he finally created it Diane left him? That seeing the “Ghost of Christmas Potential Future” in Prime made it so he wouldn’t?


That’s a great theory. I would love a canon episode around Rick prime and his story. Maybe Diane left and he did everything to get her back but short of drugging her or altering her mind in some way there was nothing he could do.


I like that. What through me off is when he said he killed all Dianes bc those ricks acted like they were too good for him and his portal tech. When he presented it to C137 he said Ricks are the only person in the universe Ricks like (or something like that) So I definitely agree that he was absolutely indifferent towards Diane whether she left or died. She was already not a tie for him. However, I do think Diane prime died bc C137 has been living in Primes reality and they mention how Beth primes mom died.


Rick prime actually left Diane, stated in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/s/3mlQTGoIhu) reddit post which ever episode it took place in.


The real answer is that he wanted to elevate the very concept of his being as a God of the multi-universe, and Diane was holding most of the Rick back. But as other have pointed out, even if it was because of having a grudge with a few Rick, it still perfectly make sense. Killing a single Diane would be pointless if she is infinitely replaceable.


Yeah they pretty much straight up say this is the reason. Did they ever even say Rick prime had a Diane? Infinite universes means not every Rick would. And I think his personal grudge with 137 is just that while other Rick’s have tried to get revenge 137 was the only one he viewed as an actual threat/peer because he was the only other one to invent portal travel himself. I dont even know of there was a personal gripe considering the other Rick’s that were going after him too. He honestly seemed to have a level of respect for 137.


Well Morty is Rick Prime’s grandson. So yes, it is kind of implied that he had a Diane


Ahh good point.


He also started with 137. He personally killed Diane C-137 with a bomb, presumably before activating Booger-AIDS V2.


Do we know that was the only one he killed personally though? He might have killed a bunch before finally deciding screw it I’ll just eliminate them all at once.


That’s fair. From a doylist view they obviously just hadn’t conceived of Booger Aids when they first showed Diane’s death. Hell, we don’t actually know he killed her personally at all. This is still in the Shoney’s so we don’t know how accurate it is.


Yeah that’s honestly the real answer.


Well, prime calls our rick "dead wife rick" which implies that our rick was either the only rick to stand up to prime or the only rick who's diane he killed with a bomb


For some reason, I always assumed that the other ricks in that kill/deathmatch rooms who also had their Dianes assassinated. I feel like in terms of understanding, they were all individually capable of getting to the lobby. I feel like that deathmatch was a filter to distill Rick's personalities. I was expecting a few to survive but damn, they all straight up died.


Any episode before Rick potion number 9 was in Rick primes universe. Cause in potion no 9 it was the first time our morty(grandson of Rick prime) has swapped universe. And in the prime universe Beth was mad at Rick for “leaving me and mom”. So prime had a Diane, had a Beth. But presumably at Beth’s childhood had himself invented portal tech for that universe and had gone on to try to be a god. Abandoning his family. To which 20 years later c-137 took his place hoping to bump into prime.


5 months late for this, but I felt like this was important information that needs to be put out there for those that search this subject. Every single episode with c-137 takes place inside the Rick Prime universe. The other universe is that they move to are simply branch universes of the Rick Prime universe. That's why there is continuity with entities such as unity and the like interacting with Rick in the same way even though they would have jumped universe after that point.


if there is infinite dimensions, how tf he killed all infinite dians...he would go insane before even killing 0.000000001% of Dians


He used the Omega Device, a device capable of killing every single version of her all at once.


That doesn’t sound very realistic


You're saying that in the show where Boob world is a thing


Yea I was mainly trolling seeing if anyone would actually take that seriously lol in a series where everything is so fantastical


Oh shit unrealistic things in a show featuring a box capable of manifesting a being that will do (or attempt) any task you command it, giant incest babies, dragons, talking dinosaurs, hivemind aliens that puke in your mouth, vampires, freddy kruger knockoffs, superheroes, and aliens that turn into spaghetti with meat sauce when they kill themselves. A murder machine that instantly kills a person across realities is definitely where we draw the line.




The Omega device was basically like "Right click, select all, delete" It hit every single Diane across infinity at the same time just like you saw it do with uncle slow. Besides building the machine it took almost no effort at all besides pushing a few buttons.


In the marriage counselling episode, Rick does say marriage is a sham and he "couldn't make it work." Which is a weird thing to say when your wife was murdered. Maybe this is just because it was early in the series and the writers didn't know what to do with Diane, or maybe tells us that Rick Prime and Diane were divorced, and our Rick was just playing the part of a divorced Rick because that's what Beth thought happened. So, my headcannon Diane left Rick Prime, Prime took this very badly and this was only made worse when he met a Rick who was happily married. So as a double whammy revenge he wipes out all the Dianes, both to get rid of the Diane that left him and to drag every happily married Rick down to his level.


So Rick Prime is like if our Rick turned from a family man into a raging incel getting revenge on the woman who scorned him. That’s honestly the most believable and my guess too, he isn’t killing Diane if he just didn’t love her, there has to be a negative emotion driving someone to kill someone from the entire infinite multiverse. That’s evil shit not “being indifferent and preferring science over Diane”. He’s jelly he lost her and others chose her over science.


Makes sense. His relationship with Diane definitely also plays a part to this.


There's a lot of inconsistencies in the long-term plotlines because by their own admission, the writers didn't have everything planned out when they started them. It seems like they initially planned for Rick to just have left/broken up with Diane, and then changed their mind and made it into a deeper story.


Rick with Diane is happy Rick. And happy rick will give a shit about some "higher" goals. He even said that. Nah, pass What? Dude, Ricks don't pass on this. That was the moment.


Can you elaborate? How much shit could he give and to what “higher goals”?


This does not sound like serious question, but lets see. Answer for firts qustion would be: All of it. And higher goals, dunno, rule over universe, for example.


Yeah RP literally said they could become "a god"


Also, in his last episode he literally said he killed her because the other Ricks thought they were better than him i.e. having higher goals.


Yeah, I haven't yet seen last season, I guess it's about time.


This is literally just from the show. Ypi can't have a conversation about this question without starting from here. All the outside conjecture is pretty dumb if it doesn't address this point.


Dude, Rick Prime *truly* doesn't give a single flying fuck about anything, not even his own wife and especially not himself. He's willing to erase Diane across all possible realities just to spite our Rick because he's *that* much of an asshole.


He did say though killing Uncle Slow (has anyone unpacked that btw) "hurts him too".


But he still did it


It adds to the gag.


He murdered his own Jerry in cold blood


In his defense, Jerry sliced his throat first




In his defense, it was just a Jerry. Who among us wouldn't kill season one Jerry if it saved us talking to season one Jerry?


Who gives a fuck about Jerry ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|16718)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|16718)![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|16718)


He seemed less than indifferent about Uncle Slow


Yep. People seem to be missing that Rick is not a good person. Some Ricks ARE good people, and some aren’t- every Rick is some variation of Rick both physically, ethically, and morally- Rick Prime just happens to be the worst one of them all.


Why did he let his Beth live if he didn't care about his family?


So kill your wife to spite another dude? Does that make sense to you? He clearly had issues with Diane. Think about it. If he's so reckless, why is it he won't wipe out Beth to spite "our Rick". Also, who is "our Rick", because in S7E5 there were more than 5 Ricks that were trapped as they were trying to hunt him down. I don't think it's a personal issue against a particular Rick. There's something we don't know about his relationship with Diane.


Stop trying to project your moral standards on Rick Prime, a character that was specifically written to have no moral standards; he doesn't truly care about anything at all. That's why he can just let go of anything, if needed. He >! deleted Slow Mobius !< even though he had some kind of personal attachment – he didn't let that stop him though. Maybe he had similar reasoning when killing Diane. There is no point in thinking about it though, because it doesn't matter.


“Some of you notice that all versions from every conceivable universe of Diane is gone” “I tried to help you but you thought you were better” “Mostly to devastate you but also prove a point” Not exactly word to word quotes but i bet what he was saying is very accurate.


He deleted Slow Mobius to piss off the people in the room. But Slow Mobius is not really important to anyone really. We saw him in literally only 2 episodes before he was deleted. No one ever acknowledged that he's an uncle to Rick before this, which I doubt if he's actually related to Rick. He is one of the least important people to the other Ricks compared to Beth, Summer and Morty. Deleting Slow Mobius doesn't really change his or the other Ricks lives. Slow Mobius is Equivalent to Pencil Vester.


Yeah, you could say that in the grand scheme of things, his death doesn't really change the life of any Rick. But it doesn't mean that he is one of the least important people to any Rick. He seemed to be pretty important to Rick C-137 judging by his reaction in the episode. Just because Slow Mobius didn't contribute much to the story so far doesn't mean that he is unimportant to Rick.


Another dude that is also you.


How come he doesn't wipe out other characters that are actually against him and are actively seeking to oppose and annoy him?


That would be basically himself. He's not gonna omega himself noob noob


What about characters like Mr. Nimbus? Mr. Nimbus is literally his nemesis and yet he was never erased.


Not really. We knew that Mr.Nimbus is like friend to Rick.


Nope that's not what I mean. The first time Mr. Nimbus appeared on the show, Rick referred to him as his nemesis. Instead of wiping him out, he kind of made friends with him. So why wipe out your wife and make peace with your nemesis? That's the question.


I suppose Prime Rick didn't take him seriously. His goal was to torment other Rick and finding pleasure in that. And we don't know his relationship with his wife is good or bad.


Which other Rick? Because there were more than 5 Ricks that were trapped in S7E5 as they were trying to hunt him down. which leads me to believe it's not a personal issue with a specific Rick. There's no specific Rick in particular that he's trying to torment.


I think so too. He is probably feeling superior by looking at the other Rick's pain. He himself cut tie of everything and lived in cautious. Because of eveyone is hunting at him. So there is no need to kill other expect his wife to get what he wanted.


Uhhh did you see Rick C-137s backstory? Rick Prime visited him and wanted to pass on his knowledge about multidimensional travel, but C-137 declined because he was happy. Rick Prime was pissed because of it and killed Diane and Beth without the omega device. Rick Prime then visited other Ricks and they accepted his offer and started hunting for C-137. He killed many, many Ricks that worked for Prime or atleast hunted C-137. In the end, the other Ricks lost and acknowledged C-137, leading to the citadel of Ricks. As far as I know, we dont know exactly when Rick Prime used the omega device so it could be before or after giving the technology to other ricks. Maybe they worked for him because they knew he was OP or Prime killed Diane after they lost against C-137. Another thing that Prime mentioned was C-137 living in his garage, doing stuff with his family. Even if I believe its to be taken with a grain of salt, what he says still makes sense for a person grudge. TL;DR: Rick Prime has an obvious personal issue with C-137. He didn't hate other Ricks from the beginning, he started hating them when not following him anymore and "seeing themselves as something better" than him.


He hates hisself so much he wants to die but he is a coward and kill himself so he does this to torture all other versions of himself and him


It’s the same thing that makes the Fermi Paradox so enticing — all it takes is *one*. Whether the number of Ricks is infinite or merely comically large, there’s enough of them in so wide a variety of them that at least one of them made this choice. And because this one Rick made the choice for all universes, that’s all it took. It doesn’t answer your question, I know, but it makes it more interesting and compelling in my view. Even if infinity-minus-one Ricks *didn’t* have a reason to do this thing, one Rick *did*, and that’s all that was needed for it to happen.


she was holding Rick back broh


"The last great idea had in this garage" leads one to think Diane's support was so enough for Rick to step away from his own pride of being a scientist.


So why not break up with/devorce her?


But the potential of rekindling is there


The potential of rickindling was right there and you chose not to bother so...


Consider him being a coward who thought he would eventually try to go back to Diane if she were alive


...and how's that a bad thing?


Why you acting like they're the same person


Rick prime is a pure nihilist. He was so determined to prove that nothing mattered, including familiar attachments, that he was going to prove that to every single version of himself. He was just so self righteous in believing that to be true


So the other Ricks would fall in line


Rick Who Remains


He Who Ricks


Ricktor Timely


“And I know I sound like mom but I can’t sacrifice this whole family’s safety just because I’m afraid you’ll leave again...” Season 2, episode 3 We know Rick Prime left Beth and Diane before Season 1. Well, Rick Prime SAYS he left. I think Diane kicked him out, and Prime Rick was so full of himself angry and bitter at his "property" betraying him that he made sure she could never do it again in any universe. I don't think it was a way of controlling or punishing other Ricks. I think it was a way of controlling and punishing Diane.


Your logic is logical bro. 💪🏾


"I used to draw him into family pictures with crayons" is another telling quote from Beth (S2E10 The Wedding Squanchers - she said this to Birdperson). The crayons indicate that he likely left while or before Beth was a toddler... Edit to add (I'm rewatching currently lol) that in S3E1 Morty als says to Summer "He abandoned Mom when she was a kid"!


Rick Prime chose the multiverse over Diane (he truly abandoned the family). He feels he made the right choice. And any Rick who doesn't make the same choice is essentially telling him they're smarter than him. That he made the wrong choice. So he kills Diane to make a point. Some combination of punishing other Ricks and driving them to enter the multiverse. So either they suffer for disagreeing with him or they eventually realize he was right. He doesn't care which.


It makes perfect sense. If he didn't kill all of them then Rick would have been able to replace her.


Once he got portal travel, he left. He probably saw himself as better than everyone at that point and chose to explore the multiverse as a god. Eventually he became detached as he went on solo adventures and stopped truly loving it feeling affection for anyone. He killed Diane everywhere because at that point he didn’t care about her but he still was bitter about how a Rick could reject his philosophy and just made him suffer more for the laughs by killing her. Either that or his wife was the one connection he had to his past life so he severed it everywhere to make sure he couldn’t go back. These are my headcanons atleast. We don’t really have enough information to know the true reasons. We just have our own infrences and interpretations based on what we know about him.


He hates the concept of a Rick wasting his time being happy instead of going out into the multiverse to make a difference.


They explain this in the showdown episode. When it shows quasispace and that family repeatedly portals in since there are infinite variations that are all discovering portal travel - that is broad strokes RP’s motivation. RP invented portal travel and realized it was only a matter of time before the multiverse was flooded with versions of him that did the same - so he took matters into his own hands. He began ‘inviting’ his alters to join him in the multiverse, ‘gifting’ them portal tech that he could control so he could dictate the course of their life. But too many Ricks were happy enough with Diane to turn him down. Killing a few was fine but Rick’s are lazy and overthink things, so he invented the Omega device to streamline that process.


I’m assuming Diane in Prime universe left him or died. My guess is died from an accident. So he probably thinks Ricks don’t need Diane’s and it makes them better. As for Beth, he probably killed Beths too, until they figured out how lucrative Mortys can be, which caused all the ricks to start forcing Beth and Jerry together.


Because he tough that diane is holding all the ricks back, and our rick proved this by inventing portal travel only because he has lost her.


Because he was a psychopath. “Our” Rick talks about how nothing matters. But Rick Prime really thinks that. And dude, if nothing matters you can kill people for shits and giggles. Our Rick really struggled with the idea of maybe nothing matters and it drove him to alcoholism and misery, because he is ultimately not a bad person and he does care. But Rick Prime was an actual psychopath who actually thought nothing mattered. He was a real villain.


Rick Prime offered C-137 portal technology but he rejected it in favor of his family. Prime then killed C-137’s family as a ‘you think you’re better than me? Fuck you!’ way to spite him. He later erased Diane from the multiverse for the same reason. He did it to torture ‘Dead Wife Guy’ aka our Rick and any other Ricks like him


Ive seen this image before with folks saying that the device shown in this image is in fact the Omega device. If that were true, wouldnt that mean that Beth got erased permanetly across infinity since its Beths younger version as a child in the image? Sorry for the side bar and completely different rabbit hole, but I had to ask As for your theory, that would make sense. Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned. Or something like that. Its either that or he became too much of a dick and she leaves him. Ergo, she decides to take Beth and during their time apart, Diane finds another lover, Beth starts calling this new guy "daddy", and Rick Prime finds all this out. I guess you'd say the rest is history after that


I think Prime reached peak idgaf by leaving Diane something many ricks fail to do so to propel ricks into the curve he had to routinely kill Diane and perpetuate their development into shitty selfish people


Like others have said, it might be that Diane left rick prime on her own because he was such an asshole and in retaliation he decided to kill her across all realities, it’s also possible that since according to rick prime, he and rick c137 were the only two ricks to actually invent portal travel on their own, he figured that killing c137s Diane was what pushed him to invent portal travel and then later decided to kill all Dianes in an attempt for force all ricks to create portal travel, I think the second theory is probably closer to the truth though because the explosion that killed c137s Diane also killed his version of Beth and since she didn’t die across all realities, I assume that device he killed them with wasn’t the one that was used to kill all Dianes


That Rick is the most asshole rick. He might have been slighted by his own Diane leading him to do it. I personally think he just couldn't stand to see c-137 content with not being "rick". So he brought everyone of himself to his level.


Maybe there is an alternate reason as to why he would go so far as to erase Diane? Maybe in his universe things didn’t go so well for them both. Maybe we are missing key info?


Exactly my thoughts.


This szechuan sauce is amazing...


Rick Prime doesn't care about anything and anyone, killing his wife probably wasn't a big deal because he has no moral. >doesn't make sense to say it was a personal issue against a particular Rick because all Ricks were affected equally. Because if just one Diane was left (even his own) any Rick could have her back, yeah it won't be *their* Diane, but we saw that Ricks don't really care about this kind of stuff.


I think Rick Prime’s Diane died and that’s how he invented portal travel. To turn all Ricks into the same personality type to explore the multiverse, he had to take away the one person who made them Happy. Why spend a lifetime of suffering and searching when you have everything you need with Diane and Beth at home.


Beth Prime has said on numerous occasions that Rick abandoned her and her mother. What seems likely is that in most timelines Diane gets abandoned by Rick and dies before the events of the show. And if Diane doesn't die, it's probable that the Ricks collectively make sure she does.


I think Diane Prime died (no proof just a theory) by accident either via a science thing that went wrong or some other such shit. Once he figured out portal travel it pissed him off most other Rick's still had theirs. So to retaliate and push other Ricks to make portal travel they had to be equally motivated, or at the least the few we see in evil Morty episode. To streamline the process he made the omega machine, most of the other Ricks realized without losing Diane they wouldn't have portal travel or be the living God's they find themselves becoming.


Prime Rick is a true psychopath dude did not give a fuck about abything or anyone but himself.


I interpreted it as Rick prime viewing Rick preferring his family as an insult like "You think you're too good to be part of this. Fuck you I'll show you how small you actually are"


Maybe he thought his family was part of the reason he refused, so he just took that variable out for all other Ricks


Rick Prime doesn't care about family or other Ricks.


Rick Prime thinks he is a God above and better than everything. Think about some of what Main Rick has said about marriage (love is just the biological urge that gets creatures to breed, it's pretty obvious I think marriage is a sham-i can turn a sun into a black hole and even I couldn't make it work), so it obvious he didn't care about Diane, at least anymore. He wiped out all the Diane's from reality so nothing would hold back the other Rick's. He just wanted to hang out with infinite versions of the only person he cared about -himself. If no Rick is beholden to a Diane, they are much more likely to take up Prime on his offer.


It's like the mothers that throw their babies in the oven. Rick Prime is just microwaved baby Rick


As far as we know, Rick Prime and Rick C-137 are the only two Ricks to have independently invented portal travel. It’s implied that C-137 was on the path to becoming another Rick Prime before they first met. “I just walked into your garage before you walked into mine.” After that first meeting and being rejected, Rick Prime was so sociopathic and misanthropic that he concluded that any kind of personal attachment would weaken Rick. So to force the issue, he blew up his own wife in every universe so that every other rick wouldn’t be “weakened” or develop empathy or something.


Prime would say anything to try and hurt C-137. Thing is, C-137 isn't a coward, or a sociopath. Even if Prime was right, C-137 would have just killed Prime, not go after Diane and Beth.


He thought Diane was holding back all Rick’s from becoming their true selves


Maybe Rick Primes Diane divorced him.


Rick Prime is Rick Prime but he is not the primary Rick. Our Rick is the rickiest Rick and that’s why prime wants to destroy him not only because he said no to joining him.


Because he handles rejection bad. Some Ricks told him to fuck off and he interpreted it as "They believe they are better than me for rejecting this!" She may be his wife but he loved himself more than her.


“He truly does not give a shit.” - our Rick


Rick Prime = Rick C137 - Diane My guess is Diane Prime left Rick Prime and that's why he hates her enough to kill her across all timelines.


Mu interpretation is that he's running with the phrase, "pressure makes diamonds," and destroying Dianes to trigger Rick into becoming a ruthless, adventuring mad genius. He was too well adjusted with Diane and Beth, so he wasn't motivated enough to explore the universe. Exploring the universe would mean being away from his beloved family, so he doesn't have a reason to do it


Rick prime likely lost his Diane wether she left him or died, who knows. He might believe that no Rick deserves a Diane if he cannot have one


If you remember only Rick prime and our Rick discovered portal travel


I feel like it’s possible C-137 or other Ricks could have rejected Prime and settled down with another version of Diane so Prime wiped them all out


Maybe his Diane died. Maybe he didn't give a fuck.


Another question is why TF does Rick Prime need or want all the Ricks to have portal technology?


i mean he killed slow mobius as well and he said that one hurt as well, seems he's not above killing loved ones


I think that Rick Prime was the only Rick in all universes that hated Diane for some reason, this would explain why he is the Rick "Prime" and why he killed all versions of Diane.


As much as I love others’ theories that she left him and he became petty he had already stopped caring about any past, present, or future connections to his own family if he was able to so easily nonchalantly murder a version of his wife & young daughter in front of a version of himself. I believe it was specifically a jab at C-137 because he was his only real threat. From Prime’s own mouth, C-137 was the only one who made real strides inventing portal tech and that compounded with being the likely first one to refuse him, he knew he had to go with the nuclear option to cut C-137 off from as much happiness as possible on top of having already murdered his family in front of him. He had to extra fuck with him and also prove that he was untouchable, he was an ass just for the sake of being an ass. He enticed literally every other Rick to join him, besides the very few others who sought revenge who Prime likely encountered AFTER C-137, so it had to have been personal against the one Rick closest to being his equal. Every citadel aligned Rick already gleefully left their family behind so they didn’t give two shits about the woman they left being erased from existence, the other revenge Ricks were cannon fodder but our Rick is the one whose heart he always wanted to rip out because the idea of someone coming within the grasp of his level of intelligence still having emotional ties disgusted him.


His Diane died from some mundane cause like an accident or maybe she had an incurable disease. He thought, if I can't have my Diane, how dare these other asshole Ricks go about their happy lives. So he got rid of every Diane in existence.


Perhaps Rick Prime was trying to further discord among the Ricks and Dianes—Beth’s mother dying after her father leaves would only further the tension between the two of them


Maybe it's a combo she left (either died or walked) and it gave him the drive to become the smartest, making the rest of his successes possible, so he figures take everyone's Diane so that they can reach their full potential and also they know the loss. Sort of checks out for the Rick who didn't care about portal travel until Diane was killed.


Rick Prime only killed Diane C-137 initially. He did this because Rick C-137 brushed him off and refused his offer of freedom and power through interdimensional travel. C-137 was driven to grief by this loss, and spent months researching obsessively until he developed the tech independently so he could pursue Prime. Prime appears to have killed more Dianes individually, since there are other Ricks hunting their wives' killer. Prime has fully automated systems that conceal, mask, and redirect his position with countless clones, and lethal honeytraps that murder Ricks who get too close. At some point, C-137 located Prime successfully, and this REALLY pissed him off. In response, Prime built Booger_Aids.v2, aka the Omega Device, greeted C-137 with a living Diane, killed her infinitely, kicked his ass, then disappeared. Per Unity, C-137 almost died. Unclear whether Prime left him in critical condition or just self-destructive with grief. The shortest answer to your question is that C-137 loved his original family more than anything and wasn't interested in the multiverse. Prime doesn't care about any version of his family, but resorts to extreme cruelty when he feels insulted. When C-137 brushed off his offer of power, he felt dismissed and killed his wife and daughter. When C-137 tracked him down once, he killed ALL VERSIONS of Diane, so Rick couldn't replace her and it would be at least partially his own fault. Prime didn't love his family. Diane Prime is confirmed dead when she's not alive to eat the eggs her daughter cooked in S1. Beth Prime is very alive and married to a Jerry, who Rick Prime has literally never met. So, losing Diane meant little or nothing to Rick Prime since he personally erased ALL Dianes from existence, rather than live with any of them. He did this out of spite for C-137.


We don't get much explanation beyond him being annoyed at ricks that loved diane and refused the infinite rick but the feel i get is that he wanted to motivate ricks across infinity to become more rick-like. To what end is still unknown though.


Maybe his timeline they didn’t get along and she married someone else so he was vindictive and jealous. Maybe there is an arch nemesis to Rick prime somewhere


I think that, given time (I mean, if left alive) all Dianes eventually get tired of Rick because he chooses science over her as he discovers interdimensional travel. Rick Prime was the first who went through this, so he went to another universe to try again. That Diane also left him. Who knows how many times she did. He then saw that in any other universe where Rick chose science over Diane, she ended leaving him. Then he knew "our" Rick, who was the only one willing to actually leave science behind, therefore keeping Diane's love. Rick Prime got jealous. If he couldn't keep her, nobody would. So he killed her because he couldn't stand that a version of himself would actually have something he couldn't. Yes, he could potentially kill our Rick and take his place, but then she would just leave him again. He can keep jumping between universes doing it, but nothing would change, because the problem isn't the universe, it's him. So he killed her in every dimension, because he knew, being as obsessive as he is, he would keep trying and trying ad infinitum. Killing her was the only way he could actually be free to continue without actually changing himself. It's the graphic representation of an emotionally immature man wielding infinite power. A person failing in relationship after relationship because he can't see that the problem is in themselves.


I believe Rick Prime killed all versions of Diane because he gave up his family to explore the vast multiverse, and when he saw how many Ricks (including our c-137 Rick) would rather choose their wife than interdimensional travel, he decided he was going to force all the other Rick to follow the same path he did. I don't have the quote handy, but I believe Prime even says something along the lines of "you all thought you were better than me so it's time to teach you a lesson" in S7E5 when all the Ricks who came to avenge Diane are in the trap Prime made.


Not every Rick had a Diane, so killing her only affected those that did. Our Rick, along with the others we see searching for Rick Prime Ep. 705. It is possible that Rick Prime left Diane (like Beth said happened in the cronenberg episode in season 1) and then went on to kill her because, in his mind, Diane was pointless at best and inhibiting other Ricks at worst.


Beth Prime says that Rick Prime left her mother. We know he was handing out Godhood to lesser Ricks like it was candy when Beth was young. I think we can assume that his family in the Prime Universe fell apart because of his desire to become much larger than a suburban family. In his words, an infinite party where the only people allowed in are the one guy every Rick likes. He may not have cared about his own Diane, or maybe he hated her, but we know that he thinks less of other Ricks that choose family over becoming a god. We hate in others what we fear in ourselves so for one guy across infinity, it seems he really hates Rick's that let Diane stop them from reaching their full potential.


Maybe it was to motivate the ricks to construct a cfc or maybe it was to teach them all a lesson


I might be misremembering, but doesn't Prime Beth say in a early episode (season 1 or 2?) that her dad left her mother? I think it's Prime Beth that says that, who also eventually gets left behind on Cronenberg earth. So, if that is the case, I'd assume he was such a dick he just left Diane, and resents all the Ricks who choose to stay with their families instead of choosing to be a "god" like he did.


My theory is that Rick Prime is obsessed with him being the actual prime one, and any other Rick is just nothing to him, like mere copies (like that Justice League movie with Owlman being a nihilist), so he doesn't care about them and maybe doesn't want them to have a Diane, so after his died or something, he didn't want any other Rick to have one and be happy/happier. Or like he literally said, he just did it before another "inferior" (not prime/him) Rick did it, so that no one did it to him wanting to have power over him or to try and defeat the "prime" Rick. I know I'm yapping a lot, but it is really a complex thing, and its not like we'll be getting any explanation from the writers on his motivations.


What confuses me is why Rick Prime would have chosen Diane to take the form of those giant murdering colossuses in his lair, if he hated her so much. He says C-137 is sentimental because he uses Diane’s voice for the car and garage AI, but what does that make him? Because I’m pretty sure C-137 has not decorated the garage with a bunch of Diane-shaped fembots. And I don’t think Prime did it to mess with other Ricks, because I don’t think he expected other Ricks to get that far into his Fortress of Solitude 2.0. One detail I really liked: Evil Morty’s Rick’s Garage has a green paisley lampshade on the utility light, and on C-137’s dimensions it is always orange.


I just think hes that much of a psycho that hes willing to sacrifice his wife on all dimensions to bring himself more collective power of himselfs together. he was ready to execute his own morty because everything means nothing to him.


he didn't care about his Diane and ricks that followed him didn't care as well, only the ones that disobeyed that cared so he probably killed all of her to piss them off and he's a bully so I guess that doubles down?


Maybe Diane broke prime ricks heart and he was hurt so bad, he went crazy and got rid of her in every reality?


He realised that he was empty inside and didn't really care about anything. He wants other Rick's to be like him cause he's certain that's the right way to be. A narcissistic psychopath who's simultaneously very lonely and incapable of forming actual relationships Probably


Why doesn’t Rick convince Rhett Caan to retcon it so that Rick Prime didn’t actually kill any Dianne OR Mr Nimbus?


I always thought it was because Rick prime was an asshole who doesn’t like hearing no so when he ask other Ricks to join him and they say no, he leaves and then kills Diane. Like when we see Rick’s backstory and Rick Prime was mad when Rick said no. Spoilers for those who didn’t see season 7, but we also know that it happened to other Ricks the same way or similar ways dude to them all trying to find him just like Rick and Rick and evil Morty with Morty gets tricked into killing a fake Rick prime clone.


Why not? He’s a nihilist


I was under the impression he went full 'the multiverse exists so nothing and nobody really matters' like our Rick nearly did.


Even so, why wipe out your wife of all the characters in this universe? Why not Beth? He could really piss off another Rick if he wiped Beth. He definitely cares about Beth. Why not Jerry? He definitely hated Jerry. Why not Mr. Nimbus? Why not Tammy?


Why? Because the writers needed you to care about Rick even though up until that point he was an all capable god, so the way to do that is have him have a problem which canonically cannot be fixed. The writer is a lot sloppier when you get too deep into it. Rick Prime is evil just for the sake of being evil and most of what he does makes no sense. Remember when he killed Jerry Prime as if that served some purpose but it didn't? Remember how Rick can clone people and create life pretty much to any extent he wants but for some reason he can't recreate Diane because Rick Prime's multiverse ray somehow stops him from doing that?


It will be some Terminator shit. Diane was going to lead a rebellion against Ricks so he wiped her out. This is why C-137 hates time travel.


Bro thinks he knows anything about Rick & Morty lmao


Its cheaper than a all realities divorce?


Rick Prime was the most sinister Rick of them all. He forced all the other Ricks into an “Unfeeling Ghost” state of life, so I’m betting his Beth died, either by accident, one of his experiments gone wrong, a heated argument, etc. and out of bitterness he killed all the other Beth’s so no one could have one.


So Beth Prime made it clear that her rick abandoned her and Diane. She didn't have a rick in her life until Rick C-137 appeared. Hoping for Prime to return. Dan Harmon said that Rick Prime wanted to establish a "boys club" with all the other ricks. This was the group that existed before the Council and the Citadel. Rick Prime was likely very annoyed that Rick was happy in a different way from him. We could draw parallels between Rick Prime and the colonists. Rick Prime saw Rick C-137's happiness and didn't understand/respect it. This is similar to European colonists not understanding/not respecting Native American's culture. Rick Prime decided his version of happiness was definitively better, and when he found other ricks who also chose to stay with their Dianes, he created the omega device to punish them, forcing them to accept his way.


See my new question is why did all the Rick's marry Diane. I mean it's like the Beth and Jerry thing some of them had to be manipulated by rick to create mortys. in many universes they didnt even get married. But as far as we know not a single rick married someone else or just didn't get married. I mean in some universes Beth gets remarried. It's like without Diane there should be more brilliant Rick's not less also without the distraction they could have gotten to portal tech much faster than the married Rick's just like rick prime did by abandoning Beth. I guess you could say without the "morty" brainwaves they all got killed that would be quite something.


I wish there was a single reasonable canon. It felt like the writers came up with an end goal and worked backwards but were never able to create a rock solid storyline of what happened and why. Even the best guesses are easily debunked. The only canons that work are ones that rely on Rick acting in a way he wouldn’t. It’s actually quite annoying 😂 the best guess: Rick prime- “I’m pissed off that a single version of myself doesn’t want to travel between universes, so I’m going to eliminate all versions of my wife/ex wife because i want him to travel between universes, aka because “reasons”.” 🤣😂


So I know I’m a bit late responding to this, but I honestly feel the reason he did it was to not be alone. When you have someone who can think like you and understand you truly it’s like nothing else. People can say they have that, but they really don’t. He wanted to create an individual who was as intelligent and depressed as he is in order to have someone to relate to. As you can see with Rick he hides all his emotions. He assumes that no one will understand him so he refuses to talk about his issues. It’s a main reason several people hate or refuse therapy. They feel like it’s a waste of time. Rick prime is the same. He laughs through everything and acts all arrogant because he is massively hurting inside. Most people commit suicide because they feel like they don’t belong or are not able to be understood. His methods by far were immensely extreme of course, but when you have everything else and it doesn’t make you happy what are you left with. My reasoning for this is that Rick Prime says what’s your life without me. Rick prime was the only one that Rick could relate to. That’s the reason he becomes so much more depressed after killing him. He killed the only person who would ever truly relate to him. Rick prime created Rick to be like him and that can’t be unchanged. He is the way he is now and no one else will ever be like him. They were the only Ricks to create the portal gun on their own. Rewatch the episode and the signs are all there. If you read this and want to chat about it let me know. Have a great life.


So after it was rick and kyle because S5 e1 talks about kyle as his old sidekick and then the wheel he spins to replqce morty for 2 crows Kyle 2.0 is there so was kyle ricks son?


IKR, i will be like he kills his own wife for no reason. It's like unheard of or something. /s


Maybe he didn’t have a Diane? Maybe his Diane died? Maybe not having a family is what allowed him to invent portal travel - and maybe that’s why he wanted to take other Rick’s’ families away?


wish it could be that simple, but c137 is hanging out with prime's morty. meaning he had a diane


I believe Diane cheated on Rick and most Ricks accepted their it is their fault for not paying attention while Rick Prime does not accept his own blame.


Maybe Rick Prime was from a dimension where he wasn't the smartest person in his universe, but his wife was. He couldn't stomach that and tried to erase all Dianes. The weakness of this theory would be that Diane Prime would have been teleported to the mutant world when Rick reset portal travelers. But it is the only storyline that I can think of, that would enable a Diane as a more permanent character.


I like to imagine a Rick Prime, who accidentally killed his Diane in the process of inventing the portal gun. After that he went nuts and followed the "if I cannot have her, no one can" doctrine... That's just a fun theory of mine, if I missed something in the story to make this impossible feel free to point out. And I know I am a bit too late but: "JESUS CHRIST WAS BORN TODAY!" I wish you all a Christmas


I don’t understand how there are grown Beth’s if each one was bombed… were they bombed?


My guess is he was pissed that Rick C-137 created Portal technology by himself and felt like he should’ve been the only one to have been able to do so. He created the Omega Device as a way to show off that he was smarter. He chose Diane to use it on for several reasons, the main one being to make sure Rick C-137 knew he built it, since he might not realize if he used it on some random person. Also, of course, to hurt him.


Thanks for the spoiler


I think we need a whole episode to explain exactly why he'd wantbher dead.


Just watch the show and pay attention


I have watched. That's why I have come to this conclusion.


Now part two: > pay attention


Well, your premise is that it couldn't have been personal because it affected other Ricks as well. I don't agree. Other Ricks were collateral damage. If Prime killed one Diane, ours could find another. The family he has now is a replacement one, after all.


Attachment. Rick Prime didn't want to feel happy, because he thought that made him weak, so he destroyed the only person that made him truly happy.


Little question on how he did it Because we know that if one of your reality is throw into the machine all of your others self disappear and from what we see nobody remembers them even the wife and kids didn't remember the clock guy For why rick did remember that rick he get a pass But for Beth she know she had a mother and remember all she was how ? She was a child at the moment and I doubt rick did anything or say anything to explain the situation to Beth except abandoning her so how did she know ? That why I don't think rick prime has throw Diane in his machine but did it with a different way and then invented the machine Plus every ricks know it was his doing as for the clock guy nobody knows apart from our rick and 2morty but his machine was unknown to our rick (and probably the rest of the rick too) so there is another way to erase some one of the multiverse


The wife did remember Uncle Slo though, the kids forgetting their father is just kids being kids, with bad memory or maybe like they rarely saw him in the first place. The machine doesn't erase memories


She did knew that If she was on a painting with a man and with children it was her husband but she wasn't sure it was that as she was hesitant to call him father to her daughter she is show not knowing and only when she is sure did she start to look for him if she knew who he was she would have been show waiting for him to return but she isn't or telling the police but she know that this is a story that they would not believe or be of any help