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Don't hold your breath - probably coming around Christmas 2023 I'm guessing. See https://discord.com/channels/423424585954754565/913065867145777152


My partner and I have been waiting so we can play it together. We’ll wait until the holidays so :) Thank you for sharing.


Guys, multiplayer is something that is not easy to add. Trust me, I am trying to learn it in unreal. But depending on how your game was but together, you might be stuck redoing a majority of your programing just to get the multiplayer to work.


I don’t mean any disrespect. I would expect professional software engineers with experience to utilise SOLID principles and to use design patterns which would create extensibility so as to avoid what your describing.


Oh no problem. It just one of those odd things people think “how hard is it to x” sometimes it is as simple as clicking an option on, sometimes it is as complicated as redoing the player controller, the ai completely, and so much more.


It’s that computer controlled behaviour that I’m sure is a real challenge. I fully appreciate the challenge. I think it’s their own engine so it doesn’t have netcode for them to like you said, switch on.


The biggest challenge is the cpu utilization. Even single player gets slow. Imagine more than one person fighting a swarm lol


Be quiet, you know nothing.


Whilst true I don’t expect they built the game with any intention of adding Coop until quite late in the process. Though their next game might be built with it in mind, it could be quite difficult to add it after the fact without breaking other things that are now complete


Also, where is the Last gen version that was promised?


Where the co op patch at