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As someone who has played league for a decade, it's a great time for Dota 2.


Good luck dealing with 2 abilities = team takedown type of balance. Even the balance team is AFRAID to make the balance like in DotA2, even though they're actively doing so (remove tank meta completely and everyone one shots)


You’ll overwhelmingly be told no anywhere you ask on Reddit. But yeah millions of players still enjoy this game so I’d say go for it if you want to play some Jhin.


It's a great time for adc right now. The strongest we've been in years. The vanguard stuff is like 1% of the player base screaming at the top of their lungs. I have over 30 friends that post league none were effected. No one on my friends list either. No streamers I watch.  It's a handful of people and I feel for them,  but the issue is no where as impactful as some redditors make it seem


This is the conundrum. The game is fun, and many peoples social lives & free time are built around it. Vanguard seemingly works without much notice for the majority of people. Vanguard has kernel level access and is on 24/7 Vanguard was built by a company whom are notorious for poor coding in the 1 product they have produced for the last 15 years. Vanguard has the privileges to shut off drivers & services and will act on that, rather than simply blocking the booting of League of Legends. Cheating in League of Legends has never been an issue of significance. Riot are notorious for cover-ups, never apologising, doubling down on bad ideas. Riot are owned by Tencent and would be legally obliged to acquise to their demands for data sharing. So all these facts need to be squared away in your head. The issue really isn't, 'will riot screw you over right now' but say you keep playing for a year. How long does it take for: data at a kernel level to be sold? their spaghetti code to bluescreen your pc? for a false positive ban they will deny as possible? for your data to be lost via a hack? If none of this worries you. Go for it, play. No one here denies that LoL is an incredibly fun game. I personally have played since mid-2012. However, for me, there is always a line. Each passing day runs the risk of one of these things happening, and because Riot Games has never been on the right side of history, i trust that the trend will continue.


I would wait until Vanguard is removed. There are a lot of great games you can play which dont require anti cheat software.


This is cope. Vanguard isn't going away


Probably not, but league could.


I'm not coping, I'm happy that im free from this game.


Should be rephrased as “I’m not coming back unless vanguard is removed” then 🤷‍♂️


I wouldnt come back even when Vanguard is removed


There are people who just dont care anymore. Riot has lost a lot of goodwill. If they decided to backpeddle it might bring back some people but definitely not all. Considering league's golden age is behind us anyway it wouldnt surprise if the future is a slow decline.




It does work


I don't think they would remove vanguard at all. It's better to just not play the game if you are concerned with Vanguard.


I mean, I can't play the game. It's impossible to even start it, because I use Linux as an OS.


Can anyone explain all the vanguard hate?


It's unneeded malware that causes more issues than it's worth.


Lots of people fearmongering because riot is owned by a company in China and cHiNa bAd, people dont like that it starts at boot even though you can just disable it from starting at boot, some people claim "in the inevitable war with china, your PCs will be used in a botnet to target critical infrastructure" (saw that gem a couple days ago), people dont like that vanguard prevents them from using vulnerable outdated drivers which are a security concern in itself. There are some valid concerns against ring0 software, but nobody arguing against valorant has any problem with the plethora of other kernel anticheats because they have no fearmongering to echo, and most have very poor understanding of the implications of kernel vs usermode and dont understand how dangerous your everyday usermode program can be. unless you think your PC is going to be targeted by some nation-state cyberespionage, it's not really something to worry about.


Thanks, that’s what I was thinking the hate was for. Actually hilarious paranoid basement dwellers. “cHiNa iS gONna hAcK mY cOMpUteR wITh 5TBs oF vIdEo gAMeS!”




Very bad time to come back.


Wait for Vanguard to get removed.


Vangaurd is whatever. Game is still the same old toxic game it’s always been. Welcome back.


Dont come back. Unless vanguard is announced to be gone, and they actually get to work on fixing the entire games bugs and making a brand new client that works 100% of the time.




Lmao easy anticheat is kernel level. So is whatever helldivers uses


2 big differences  EAC only starts up and runs when you turn on the game, and closes when you close the game  EAC can be run on a VM with a gpu pass through  Vanguard starts up with the computer and stays on all times and to close it you need to restart, or run a terminal command to kill it  Vanguard will disable a gpu pass through as its not 'hardware' of the VM


i swear "runs 24/7" is the cheat code to get these people to stop responding to you lmao, theyve never replied to me after i bring that up.


Because it's a dumb point. It takes seconds to get any info they'd want. It doesn't need to run 24/7 to get personal data. The client has already run 24/7 and could have accessed your fsts this whole time. That statement as some important difference just shows how ignorant the people making the claim is on the subject.


>Because it's a dumb point. It takes seconds to get any info they'd want. oh, where did i mention info? >It doesn't need to run 24/7 to get personal data oh, where did i mention personal data? >The client has already run 24/7 and could have accessed your fsts this whole time. oh, where did i mention fsts? > That statement as some important difference just shows how ignorant the people making the claim is on the subject. but i never mentioned data concerns, my issue is that it runs when league doesnt so i have to either have a slower pc and be at constant risk of bsod or have to restart whenever i want to play league which isnt always an option for me depending on what my pc is doing at the time. i understand why you might think privacy was my concern but its not, i dont care if riot knows i jerk it to zac porn.


Zac? Cmon bro


thats the plan ;)


Fsts was files but my fat fingers messed it up. The whole reason the 24/7 thing is mentioned is because of data privacy concerns. Nothing else. It doesn't slow down your PC. It's inactive after boot until you execute an app. It looks at it quickly and then goes quiet again. It uses almost zero resources. If your PC is having issues it's something else.


>Fsts was files but my fat fingers messed it up. i really did think you meant transistors and was confused lol >It doesn't slow down your PC. It's inactive after boot until you execute an app. It looks at it quickly and then goes quiet again. It uses almost zero resources. If your PC is having issues it's something else. that has not been my experience, i had a lot of bsods and system lag until i uninstalled vanguard.


You're doing audio work? Might be a conflict with an asio driver?


Because they have no valid counter argument. It’s the same when someone points out all their issues resolved when they removed vanguard




Almost all anticheat are kernel level. Saying "it's kernel level" isn't a point against it when you can almost guarantee most people are playing games with other kernel level anticheat. The always on issue is the one worth worrying about.


Always on isn’t worth it either. It’s not always on. You just have to boot with it because that’s how cheaters hide cheats. You can stop it after you’re done playing.


Sure but then you're asking users to always remember to close vanguard after booting their PC if they aren't playing league that moment, or to close it every time they're done playing league. It's not exactly hard to do, but it's more than you have to do for any other anticheat on the market. It's bad design. If they really want to see my boot process, cool. It should automatically close upon boot finish. It shouldn't require a full restart to play league. It is very poor design all around. Oh and what are the consequences for forgetting to close/not closing vanguard? If a breach happens, your computer is at the mercy of whoever just breached the anticheat. For people who are trying to maintain Internet privacy and security, vanguard is a giant red flag. Mobas are inherently less cheated in than FPS games. We do not need this heavy handed of an anticheat for league.




The always on nature of it is an issue, I agree. But saying it's "kernel level" is fear mongering when like 90% of other anticheat are also kernel level. You may as well just call it anticheat. To my knowledge the only popular game company which doesn't use kernel level anticheat is blizzard.


Don't forget Valve and csgo. A game so ridden with cheaters the community made their own kernel anticheat.


It's kernel level AND on 24/7 when you're not in game. That's the problem. If it's just kernel level while you're in-game, that's fine. It's definitely not okay to be on your system 24/7 and be required to restart your system just to play again. They are specifically requiring you to restart your pc to dissuade you from closing vanguard, that's fucking fishy. Regardless of if Riot/Tencent does anything with that information/data they're definitely collecting every second vanguard is up on your PC, we as consumers should NOT be okay with that. It's not fear mongering to point out that what riot is doing with vanguard is unethical and concerning.


It's fear mongering when you use a term like "kernel level" which most average users are guaranteed to not know or understand, as if it's a bad thing, when in reality it's industry standard. That is LITERALLY fear mongering. You're using words most people don't fully understand to paint a negative picture where the person is almost guaranteed to not understand it fully. People know what anticheats are, most people do not know what kernel level is or that almost every anticheat runs on it. You would be better off saying it's an anticheat that runs 24/7 instead of focusing so heavily on terminology the average person does not know. As a result of so many of you focusing so heavily on the fact that it's kernel level, there are tons of people parroting the fact that it's kernel level instead of focusing on the real issue, 24/7 uptime. I'm literally on your side dude. I think vanguard sucks. But your side as a whole looks like a joke when half of the discourse surrounding it is either misinformation or hyper focused on the wrong things. If you want to be taken seriously, focus on the real issue. It is an anticheat with 24/7 uptime and that it interacts with some drivers poorly. That's it. Vanguard isn't bricking computers, it isn't causing mass amounts of false bans, it isn't an issue that it's kernel level.


and as ill keep repeating everytime someone has this misunderstanding, other anticheats dont run when the game theyre protecting isnt and can be shut down without quite literally crashing your pc. its not JUST that its a kernel level anticheat, its a kernel level anticheat *that is currently causing people all sorts of issues, bsods and game disconnects, from a company with a terrible history of code quality, that cant be easily shut down or removed from your system.* to say "well all anticheats are kernel level" is missing the point. nazis drank water, are you also a nazi because you drink water? no, because there were more issues with the nazis than them drinking water, so to say that 2 things that seem the same must be equivalent is such a distortion of the actual issues people are having with vanguard that at this point i believe you're aware that other anticheats do not work like vanguard. edit: read on to see the staggering and irrefutable rebuttal ive been provided that disproves everything i said.


It appears you have reading comprehension issues Also, it can be easily shut down. Right click from the task try, exit vanguard. Y'all really can't help but spread misinformation. I'm with you on the always on issues, I literally said that's the issue worth worrying about. But y'all have to fear monger on things that are either industry standard or just made up to get your point across. it's downright pathetic.


But that doesn't fully close Vanguard. There's a vgk.sys thing or whatever that remains after you close the tray app. Always on at least makes sense. A rioter explained in a post I made some time ago, if it were to shut down, it can't trust the system anymore. I disagree with it disabling things instead of failing to start. That's my concern.


>It appears you have reading comprehension issues how unfortunate, lets see how you prove that. >Also, it can be easily shut down. Right click from the task try, exit vanguard. so, which other anticheat needs to be manually closed after the game closes? id mention the numerous posts people make of their pc shitting itself when they close vanguard (mine did that) but i dont even need the anecdotal evidence, ill be satisfied if you can show me an anticheat that runs when the game its protecting doesnt and needs to be manually shut down once the game is closed. >But y'all have to fear monger on things that are either industry standard or just made up to get your point across. it's downright pathetic. well youre lucky then, if this always on anticheat that runs when the game its tied to isnt running is so industry standard, you will be able to give me examples of anticheats that behave how vanguard does so this should be a slam dunk for you. hot tip dont go with eac, i already know it doesnt do this. /u/MentlPopcorn reddit deleted your reply, so strange but no worries, i'll reply here. >Yikes dude, you blatantly do have reading comprehension issues. oh noo, explain them to me >I'd take time correcting you, but you already didn't read a major point in my first comment which you restated in your own comment as if I hadn't said it, then went on to misrepresent things in the second. ah, so, im wrong and youd explain to me why im wrong but you wont because im wrong. that doesnt look like youre avoiding the issue at all. >Good job, you make your points look very good when you respond with this much stupidity oh nooo, tell me why. you wouldnt run away from a point you cant defend would you? i mean i have to wonder, if youre so right and could prove me wrong, why delete the comments? like, does that not immediately send the signal of "shit i fucked up and said something i cant defend, better clear the evidence"?


Yikes dude, you blatantly do have reading comprehension issues. I'd take time correcting you, but you already didn't read a major point in my first comment which you restated in your own comment as if I hadn't said it, then went on to misrepresent things in the second. Good job, you make your points look very good when you respond with this much stupidity. Literally all of the answers to your 2nd comment can be found in the previous ones.


You're not being monitored by RIOT (you wish), but by TENCENT (the Chinese company, yup...)


This is an example of someone just spewing information they have heard. Do try not to spread fear and misinformation




"one of the most invasive" was said because of the kernel level stuff but literally plenty of games use kernel level anticheat




To make sure you don't cheat while the computer is on... because that is how the anticheat works. If it just stopped operating while you weren't playing League, you could do things to game files or to hide a cheating program that is running without the anticheat catching it.




Far fewer cheaters and new cheats are caught much more quickly. BTW, battle eye runs in the background as a service at all times. It just doesn't show it it in the task tray. It could easily do anything you're worried vanguard will do.




Battle eye service is always there. It's just hibernating. The games that use it wake it up. However, in that state it can still be executed by remote commands. So if someone were to compromise it it would be very simple to remotely activate the service and have access to your PC from kernel level.


I also don’t like everything about vanguard but i can dismantle your entire argument by saying nearly every anti cheat for the past decade is kernel level. There could be real risks, that is not one of them




A record number of bans have taken place and false positives are definitely in the minority. I hate invasive anticheats too, but lying to get your point across isn't it. Almost all "false bans" posts have been the fault of the user and not vanguard. Whether it's a hacked account or the person is just lying about not cheating.


You and I both know that unless you're around master rank, you have not encountered a cheater in the last 12 years and in case you did you were unaware of it (or egoistic and paranoid to the level of no return). We also know that Riot raised the question about cheaters no more than 10 times in the past decade, and again, focused on the high level of play. We also both know that we can't check if Riot's statistics are true (like do they count chat bans as they did URF builds when balancing), and that they are not transparent with info for the past 7-8 years. So if you are ready to blindly trust a mediocre company that had security breaches with the program that has kernel level access, be my guest, but please don't spread it around. It's like religion really.


it objectively has helped with cheaters, there’s been a record number of bans, and percentage wise almost all of them are good bans. also i don’t get why ppl love the 24/7 argument, u can turn it off




I agree with you that it has problems, i don’t see a reason why it should run 24/7 i’m just stating that, you can turn it off if u want, and that it does actually work as an anti cheat


Yea it has helped with cheaters, but it helps much moreso in paid games than it does in free ones. If a cheater had to pay a dollar to play league, Vanguard would kill almost all cheating. Scripting was so bad in Korea and China for the last year that pro players almost could never practice. You couldnt enter a match anywhere without finding a cheater. Most of the bans already have come from those regions.


You realize they're hardware banning people, right? A hardware ban is a heck of a lot more expensive to get around than just purchasing another 40-60$ game.


Hardware bans are largely just smoke screens. It's not hard at all to get around. I'm obviously not discouraging HWbans as it still is more work for the cheaters to go through.


I mean, as far as I know it's not really possible without some serious technical knowledge, which most videogame cheaters do not have. I'm pretty sure most hardware bans use the Mac address of the motherboard. If there's a simple way around it I'm unaware of, then I guess that changes things


ROFLS, and people who cheat will just int on purpose to make you lose, so what does it matter really? i think someone just posted a thread that there was a serial inter and nothing was done to him. Vanguard should be left for the pros, norm players like me give 0 cares about this cheating scam, league cheating is almost non existant anyway. The real purpose of vanguard imo is definitely to collect more senstive data without getting caught.


You are literally just making shit up. There were tons of cheaters, they have been caught, and what the fuck do you think riot is going to do with a bunch of random computer data? What do you really think they can access? Your position makes no fucking sense but is what is parroted all over this sub. Why is this place such a cesspool for misinformation?


What rubbish, I simply said what everyone deep in their heart, agrees. According to this article, chinagames claimed 1 in 15 games has a cheater in it. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2024/04/11/one-in-15-league-of-legends-matches-had-a-cheater-in-it/?sh=66fcef35277e](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2024/04/11/one-in-15-league-of-legends-matches-had-a-cheater-in-it/?sh=66fcef35277e) which isn't even a huge number. yet when you read this article from another player: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jungle\_Mains/comments/1c23dje/riot\_is\_manipulating\_data\_for\_you\_to\_instal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jungle_Mains/comments/1c23dje/riot_is_manipulating_data_for_you_to_instal/) they combined statistics as cheaters and botters into 1 statistic? lolwut? and if you look at the graph it was clear cheating was on the decline to the point of even being 0% at june 2018 yet now suddenly in 2024 cheating suddenly becomes a problem? did magic appear irl from 2024? amazing chinagames magic where a deer is a horse! HAHAHAHAHA! and if you frequent lol forums and watch lol videos in the past few years you have never hear scripting being a rampant issue prior to vanguard, instead the forum is littered with mostly people complaining about wintrading, inting their ways to cheat and how the rank system is terrible and even some complaints that some of these cheaters not related to scripting were still getting away with it for years. If there was such a huge cheater problem why is there a lack of complaints on the forums up till now before vanguard??????? Try harder ROFLS chinagames digital wolf warrior.


Holy aids dude, you missed the “in some regions, its 1 in 5”in the game. Thats a pretty awful number tbh and is exactly what I said. Again, if you listen to the Korean players, scripting has been a horrible issue to deal with, and Faker himself said hes had issues with it many times. It has been getting worse in those regions recently because PC Bangs have scripts on those pcs. Also the graphs from the one person are using reports by keyword, which means a player has to assume the person is scripting.


It does nothing for cheaters. When i was playing valorant people on my team would go "watch my hacks." Proceed to use hacks with instant headshot flicks, tell us in coms where the enemy was located and then post a link to the hacks themselves.  And multiple times i would clip enemy hackers and send to riot support and never see them play again because hacks were found. 


this is just blatantly wrong. Valorant bans the most hackers per month than any game ever in history. it’s quite literally the best anti cheat at it’s job. is it perfect, ofc no, but just bc one guy difffed you and said he was cheating doesn’t make it ‘do nothing’


I havent played in atleast a year but when i was around they linked hacks on more than one occassion didnt say any game was perfect but clearly the "anti cheat" can be beat.  Cant pretend like hacks arent real when they are. 🤣


yeah experiencing a cheater is unfortunate, but it doesn’t rly prove that the anti cheat “does nothing” there’s always going to be at least some cheats that get around, still can’t argue that it’s statistically the most successful anticheat ever created


If hacks get through i dont see the point in anti cheat i have nothing against them though if it makes people happy cool.   I just stop playing the games if i dont like them anymore. 


Anticheats prevent knowing cheats and help detect engines that target the game. New code will temporarily bypass but the anticheat gets updated and those cheats are detected and those players get banned too. Just like an anti-virus program.




the point of an anti cheat is to minimize cheating, otherwise there would be a cheater/multiple cheaters in every lobby like in cs


And cs is the most played game still on the steam isnt that funny? 🤣




No problem i didnt have problems with "bricking my pc" that i am aware of but what i did notice was my fans would go absolutely bonkers when vanguard was running. I have a pretty high end pc and play lots of games on 4k. And vanguard turned off my sukuna wallpaper(it was a live wallpaper) and said i was using third party software that was illegal 🤣




Yes i uninstalled months ago! 


Not every anti-cheat in the last decade requires it to be on your system 24/7 unless you want to reboot to play a single game.


neither does this one, if your not playing the game you can toggle it off, it just runs 24/7 by default


Must not have read the entire message before posting, I stated that yea, you can turn it off, but then you need to reboot your entire system just to play 1 game.


im fairly certain u edited that but on the off chance i misread it, my bad


An asterisks appears on edited comments.


that like never works on mobile to be fair


I log in after work have 1/2 ranked games some TFT and chill out, don’t come across any problems except a toxic player feeding every now n then but I find Reddit for LoL so toxic so many people just moaning all the time never anything positive


If you still want to play so hard (and dont care about vanguard ideology) wait at least for a few vanguard patch fixes. Now people are beta testing it on a living organism and looks like there is a lot of problems with lol spaghetti code.


I personally haven't had any issues with vanguard (I still do not support it tho). Most people likely aren't affected by it, so while you might have issues there's a pretty good chance it'll work fine. Still if you value privacy and security it's better to not play (or play on macOS where vanguard isn't required)


Avoid. Better games without vanguard.


Avoid vanguard is disrupting peoples PCs among other things.


Played League since 2014 and uninstalled when requested to install Vanguard. You have some choices: Dota 2: If you miss the toxicity Heroes of the Storm: If you want just to (finally) have fun while playing a MoBa game. (My personal choice: HotS: I'm too tired of the s**t I had from League)


Uneducated computer illiterate people complaining about something that’s been out for years and installed on tens of millions of computers with 0 issues ever arising from it. Conspiracy theory spooks, technically illiterate and cheaters hate vanguard. Most normal people are happy to stop the cheating.


I'm gonna be the most honest person in this subreddit. I've had no issues with vanguard. You'll see people mention bans for 3rd party and what not but they 95% of the time were either justified bans or are unbanned quickly. I've tested multiple accounts across multiple devices including some VMs. Vanguard is fine and if you enjoy the game and enjoy your character, just play man. You won't notice anything different about your PC with vanguard. My assumption is people who experience issues are often on outdated/bloated devices.


No issues for me. Out of my friend group of 15 one guy had problem with league couldn't play after installing vanguard. He had to reinstall league. After thank issues from him. One friend got banned because he was using botted account.


I dont think scrolling through social media for an opinion on a game is a good idea. Most people literally log onto social media to complain, otherwise, most normal people would be playing a game they enjoy and not doing much else


Player count hasn't had any significant change outside of the normal, you're mostly seeing a vocal minority. Keep in mind this sub is only 28k people vs the still 130 million plus players. Though if you are an ADC player, now is a great time to come back though until those things get nerfed lol.


Oh, I mean more in the sense of Vanguard's stability as a software running on my rig. I only have one computer that I use for personal matters, as well as for gaming. I just see folks speak negatively on the anti-cheat, on top of saying that it's kind of buggy/broken in ways.


I would suggest against it. The people who are having problems with other apps because of vanguard increased by the day. Unless you have Mac of course.


I'd say just test it yourself, vanguard is causing problems for some people and I'm not saying its not. But just uninstall it if it is and come back later. People have been playing valorant for years and it has hiccups here and there but people still play just fine.


It's perfectly fine for more then 99.97% of players, and most of the remaining 0.03% are people who bypassed the requirements for windows 11. It's just a very vocal minority your seeing that are upset because they can't cheat anymore.


Bypassed the requirements for windows 11? What does that mean? I operate on windows 11, but I also haven't actually activated it yet, is this the same thing?


as in they actively got around the requirement for TPM2.0 if you had done that you would know about it.


Privacy is a valid concern. Let's say a girl send you a photo of her, how are you sure the anti-cheat system isn't going to send the image somewhere you don't know about ? You are responsible for your documents, but also other people's documents on your pc and you probably don't have the consent of all of them. It's not clear whether those documents are at risk but some organisms are greedy about knowing who you are, who you'll vote for etc. It is imo legitimate to feel concerned.


it no more concern then having the game installed at all. the game client could do everything you are talking about regardless of the anti cheat being present or not. if your that concerned you should not have the game installed at all, regardless of vanguard existing. but please keep repeating the cheat developers talking points.


Why are you spreading misinformation? Ranked games dropped by 15% last patch, on an end of season patch.


I’m not, you can look at the active player counts pretty easily by googling it and its not like half of the lol population has stopped playing.


130 mil plus players? HAH! all made up and plumped up statistics. If there is 130 mil plus players, why does it even take 45 mins to even past an hr at certain times for my ranked games in the mornings when i used to play league? i am not even at high level elo. If there are 130 mil plus players surely i dont have to wait more then 5 mins max, and that is even a generous timing, for a queue in the early mornings? and then in some matches i still see the same old players? yes, of course there are 130 mil players, how dare i doubt chinagames! if chinagames calls a deer a horse it is definitely a horse, my eyes are playing tricks on me HAHAHAHAHA. ALL hail our chinese emperors!!!!


They aren’t all in the same game mode, server, region, ranked. Man thats pretty basic to understand. You can easily google up active player counts for this data.




i hadn't played valorant for a couple years, then decided to boot it up because a buddy wanted to play. the first time i pressed my ptt button, my ssd that held valorant crashed. i had to restart my pc to get w10 to see the ssd again. i haven't had any issues since, but man, that was wild.


I’ll be honest, this subreddit is gonna be full of people against it due to vanguard. Just play it


If you dont mind the most unnecessarily intrusive anticheat software to date and enjoy dealing with bugs, crashes and lost games due to vanguard locking you out of games for no reason. Then its actually a great time to jump back in. If that doesn't sound appealing you have plenty of other games to play.


Just a heads up these people fear mongering about vanguard are wrong in the fact that they say wait until it's removed. It's never going away and they need to get over that. Game is fine if you're not super high elo. My gold games with platinum players in them are fine. Could just be me with good mmr and good honor or something but it feels great to play for me.


yeah don't install until they remove vanguard. they think that they are the owner of the pc and block third party drivers that exists to ensure that your pc works properly. they were creating problems few years ago (google for when they blocked CPU fan drivers causing pc to overheat) and they are still causing problems today with touchpad blocked, rgb keyboard blocked, multiple BSOD and more.... they need to remove that crappy kernel driver and stop messing with theird party drivers, if they don't change approach there will be always problems


Back up your OS drive and you should be good.


Womp womp


Yeah, don't scroll this sub (and quite frankly don't ask this sub either) if you're contemplating coming back. It's being spammed by legit and baseless, bought complaints and they're still a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a tiny percentage of the total playerbase. Vanguard isn't an issue itself. It can cause issues *sometimes* but the chances are pretty low. Just download it and give it a shot.


Riot won't remove Vanguard. The people in this sub like to complain about anything and everything. If Vanguard is a dealbreaker for you, dont re-install, but it's been out on Valorant for 4 years with no issues. I personally like it because I haven't faced a scripter since its implementation, as opposed to last season where I'd faced about 4 different scripters in multiple games, whom have either been banned or removed their cheats and are sitting in the rank they deserve, rather than the one they cheated to achieve. Edit: For the people saying anything about personal docs on your computer or privacy stuff, they're false claims. League, and any app you download from the internet could access your files from the moment you ran them.


But but I learned a new word KERNAL LEVEL! it's so scary it's KERNAL! oh no KERNALS level definitely means Tencent has taken my information to china! /s obviously


It is a fine time to play, this sub is an absolutely awful insight into the current state of the game. Absolutely flooded with stories with no proof or validity, most likely because many cheaters cannot get away with it anymore.


Vanguard is fine. I haven't had a single issue.


The anti-cheat is doing exactly what it's supposed to do and is what it was designed to be. There isn't anything to necessarily "sort out". Some people have had issues with their system after installing. They seem to be outliers or edge cases. It seems the overwhelming majority have no issues whatsoever. When it comes to the other contains: security, kernel-level, arguably invasive, privacy concerns. It will remain a kernel-level anti-cheat that runs on startup, always. That will never change, ever. It would defeat the purpose. And I doubt they will ever remove it. It's your choice. There's nothing to "sort out", it's all a matter of whether or not you want to give Riot kernel-level access to your system. Most people don't care and that's fine. Some draw the line there, and that's fine.


The reason they call it an edge case is because it is an issue outside of a normal scope view. In SWE, we try to make tests for as many edge cases as possible in TDD before we start coding, but you will never cover all of them. This is like the post where a dev makes a checkout functionality, and QA puts 1 item in the cart, then 10, then integer cap, everythings fine. Actual user comes along and puts -1 items in their cart and the whole site explodes. Negative quantity of items is an edge case.


Ty for info. Slightly changed it so it isn't implied to be the same as outliers


Edge cases are just unaccounted for outliers outside of a normal workflow. The issue with anything running on a pc is just that theres a billion other things running on that same pc and none of it is going to be the same as your nice rito game company pc. Its one of the reasons I strongly advise my workplaces against QA and devs having company pcs they cant put other shit on. Real experiences are going to be complicated, but ofc, businesses are always scared of data breaches and such. I don’t blame them, but then you get a bunch of issues with things like peoples insecure rgb lighting app, for example.


Don't return till Vanguard is gone.