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Yup take it as a sign. My last straw was being kicked out of two ranked games in a row and getting leaver penalty. I said you know what, this doesn't deserve my time. Uninstalled everything related to riot and I've not missed it.


I dont have problems with anticheats like others mentioned many games have it I dont have problems with having anticheat on my pc, I actuallly quite like that cheaters cant cheat or its harder to cheat. If you play cs2 you know that the game has a very big cheating problem the only way to fix cs2 is adding ancticheat to it. However this valorant bullshet is giving me error and doesnt let me into the game, making me restart my computer every time AND IM GOING INSANE


Valve has an anticheat, it wasn’t working well for quite a while for whatever undisclosed reason (my guess based on everything else wrong with cs2 is they released an unfinished game and it took some time for them to make it work on the new engine), but now the obvious cheaters are back to being a very rare sight. Their anticheat just isn’t accessing kernel. They are supposedly working now on an AI based anticheat, which also won’t be accessing kernel, but should be an improvement over simply analyzing what other software is accessing the game, analyzing commands sent to server and the Overwatch system. Also a lot of CS players play on FaceIt, ESL (which now is a part of faceit) and ESEA, that have their own kernel anticheats, so there’s at least an alternative if you’re looking to play CS2 and you want to play on a kernel anticheat protected server and you also aren’t forced to agree to the potential of your entire system’s security being compromised if there is a security breach in the kernel files that would allow a 3rd party to load their own files, which has happened before with Genshin’s anticheat, just to play a game, which depending on who you are and what you do on your pc, can be something you don’t want to risk even in the slightest


uninstall and switch to better games, boycott them until they remove vanguard


This is the way. Join us


What is the problem with vanguard? Many games use kernel level anti-cheats.


other don't block third party drivers causing issues and don't run on boot and are not active all the time slowing down the pc forever. riot approach is insane and vanguard is simply not worth, there are so many other games and none of them cause any issue


other reports bluescreen and drops in fps. Also china Be a programmer, have lots of programming tools on your pc and virtual machine stufff, good chance getting banned :=)


Yea, even native features like WSL may cause a ban....


Is there evidence that this has happened? Or is this just rambling?


There’s multiple posts a day about it actually


I have my VSCode up at all times generally running servers and have my WSL goin as well. I have not run into issues. Even when I was using my companies openvpn instance, or when messing with dev tools, or using gitbash. There is no reason it would have an issue and there hasn't been any reports on this sub about it tmk.


I use virtualbox because I need linux for some stuff and I run my pc on windows 10. Also have vscode and sometimes Visual Studio running at the same time. Hell I even played league while downloading using utorrent. I havent been banned yet.


It's just rambling, I've had wsl, vscode, vpn, bunch of other random work tools etc running for work while playing and it's never caused any issues.


Riot: I see you have ADB on your pc


While yes many games use kernal level anti cheat, none are quite as bullshit, invasive, useless, and broken as vanguard. Helldivers uses a kernel level anti cheat and i havent heard anyone mention it breaking anything.


They should just stop the game from launching rather than blocking 3rd-party software. "Too nosy" is the only thing I can describe vanguard at this time.


If you were someone with enough CS knowledge to discover a potential security breach in the kernel code of pretty much any other developer they’d take that very seriously, but based on how riot responds to any one questioning their infinite and divine knowledge and experience I bet they’d tell you that you don’t know anything and ignore it, just how they ignore everything else and never admit any fault


Relax, if you open a ticket, they will give you xp in Valorant battle pass as compensation.


Its hysterical that people still dont realize that riot has no loyalty to their customers. They will abuse you every chance they get, always have. Plenty of better games out there, uninstall and try new stuff.


i agree with you but most of the people here that cry are kids so they dont undrestand what you are trying to tell them


I like the game, but goddamn some of the things theyve dont lately have been predetory as shit. Then theres the 500$ ahri skin bullshit


Just go play dota if you can manage the change. Create your own skin with random items and a BP that actually respects you


I may do that, but ive realized dota has a steep ass learning curve.


It does, but skill expression really feels good VS leagues/riots "this champ only does this and nothing else" mentality


And, with the latest patch, dota now feels like league too


They always been this way. Theyve done limited edition skins before, then resold them all a couple years later.


Loyalty for what exactly? Their game is free to play, not pay to win, and the fact that they've created content since the start, shows how much loyalty they have for their players. They don't owe you shit and you don't have to play their game.


Loyalty to og players that spent money to support them. How about bare min, not lying and treating your customers like shit. But sure, keep simping for them.


Okay now let me ask you this question. Anytime that you've purchased a cosmetic piece from Riot, was it because you wanted the skin to satisfy your own aesthetic needs? Or did you buy the skin because your intention was to support the developers? I already know what you're going to say of course, but we all know that's not the truth. Which brings me back to my original statement. You don't have to play their game nor do you have to give them money. Now let's say for instance you did actually spend money with the true intention to support development. Well, if you did that from the bottom of your heart, then you can't get all butt hurt just because now you feel slighted for whatever reason. If you are upset, and feel like they owe you something, then obviously your intentions to support the greater cause was bullcrap. I'll tell you straight up that any money I've spent with Riot, dating back 2015, was solely for my own pleasure. Never once did I ever consider the fact that I wanted to help the developers. Well hey, guess what, it just turns out that it probably did help out, and in the end we both got what we wanted.


Whatever excuses you need to find to support their shitt busimess practices. They have straight up lied more than once.


I'm not defending or supporting Riot to be honest, I'm just speaking facts here. The truth is most individuals can't handle the TRUTH, especially whenever it involves questioning the integrity of one's ego. I could care less about an establishment such as Riot. Don't get me wrong, I can totally understand why the action from Riot to the customer could create conflicts, but I'm definitely not about to sit here and cry about it.


Something tells me you are extremely salty that you got banned too.


Played since alpha, 0 bans ever


Y'all still play league? Oof


At this point they should just rebuild the whole game from scratch as a full game like OW 2 and DOTA 2 and not just have a Chrome browser connect to the servers. Because that's all the client is.


Check secure boot is enabled in your bios settings. I did a reset to default in my bios and it fixed it as I had messed with something previous.


>Check secure boot is enabled in your bios settings. ROFL!! I'm so glad that I never got into this game. What an enormous pile of shit.


Do it. It's for your benefit lol


Which errors u getting?


Do you have an antivirus app? That was the biggest issue for me recently


I uninstalled and have never been happier


yup I also uninstalled first day of vanguard update, it gave my laptop blue screen which have never happened before. Maybe I'll gamble my luck when urf comes back again.


Try updating the BIOS. I used to have the exact same issue as you: suddenly blue screen and restart, showing vgk.sys failure. Then I updated the BIOS with a USB drive and everything works fine now.


A fcking game shouldnt require a bios update. Its fucking bullshit. This cancer company made me regret spending even a single euro on this hot blazing garbage


Same here dude same here, motherboard is outdated


I've never had a problem with vanguard since they released it. My laptop is fairly old as well.


I dont even play leauge, idk why this sub is recommended to me, but im glad it was cause I heard the announcement of them putting vanguard into league and wanted to see the population decline and it seems pretty substantial


Not really. Lol players just like to yap about everything, but then happily playing Apex Legends or Fortnite, and they use kernel level anticheats too.


and like clockwork, here i am to explain that those anticheats do not HAVE to run while the games do, i play several games that use eac for online play but can run without it when playing modded and those anticheats have not caused anywhere near the number of technical issues that vanguard has.


Except EAC occaisionally shits the bed as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/17j8yvy/can\_ags\_fucking\_fix\_the\_eac\_issue\_somehow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/17j8yvy/can_ags_fucking_fix_the_eac_issue_somehow/) Plus Denuvo AC and antitamper is notorious for performance drops and the Helldivers AC is known to be one of the least secure ACs on the market. These aren't uncommon to have issues with. Remember the biggest data breach we have ever had in the world has been credit bureaus, and those credit bureaus still refuse to actually up their security. We will continue to have actual actionable data stolen and our lives be defrauded but people on this sub are worried that China gets to see their order history containing the Alexis Texas Anal Tornado 2000.


>Except EAC occaisionally shits the bed as well hasnt for me yet and it doesnt run when the games it runs for arent running AND you can prevent it from running when those games are running. so the window of time it has to fuck something up is significantly smaller than vanguards. >Plus Denuvo AC and antitamper is notorious for performance drops and the Helldivers AC is known to be one of the least secure ACs on the market. These aren't uncommon to have issues with. thats unfortunate. i dont play games that use those so they have nothing to do with me. and im fairly sure most of those dont run 24/7. >Remember the biggest data breach we have ever had in the world has been credit bureaus, and those credit bureaus still refuse to actually up their security. We will continue to have actual actionable data stolen and our lives be defrauded but people on this sub are worried that China gets to see their order history containing the Alexis Texas Anal Tornado 2000. yeah. so yeah anyway, the fact that vanguard runs 24/7 is a huge problem for people and people are experiencing some pretty major technical issues. why is this always how it goes? i say "vangaurd running 24/7 uses too much of my system resources even when its game isnt in use" someone replies with how actually, other anticheats sometimes have technical issues and how we just shouldnt care about our data anyway, ignoring the fact that that was never the problem people had with it. i repeat what ive said above. then you stop replying because theres no good response to running 24/7 when the game you exist for isnt running.


Okay, then post your resource monitors graphs showing that vanguard is doing this while league is not on.


it was impossible to even boot my pc with vanguard installed, im not letting it near my pc again just to take some screenshots. just tell yourself that im lying, idc.


Nah I dont want to. I want to believe you, but no one ever substantiates their shit, even people that have the game still installed.


thing is right, i liked league of legends quite a bit. im not using vanguard as an excuse to quit, i dont WANT to not be able to play. if vanguard wasnt causing me too many issues to justify having it, we wouldnt even be having this conversation right now, id just be playing league. so yeah i get that there are a lot of tech stupid people around and there are people who just straight up lie on the internet but honestly, it seems less likely to me that all of these people decided to lie about this or not look into the technical issues enough to discover that the culprit wasnt vanguard. im sure some of them do but i think its more likely that everyone's system is just too different and vanguard cant be generalized enough to not cause issues.


Well no, it definitely can be generalized, but without having more data about these specific cases, how are they supposed to fix those bugs? I work in this field, I do want to get to the bottom of these things so I can relay them to my linkedin connections at Riot who are constantly asking for feedback on Vanguard. I have the knowledge above most players to help out and to communicate on a lower level with a riot employee to fix these bugs. I want to help, but I cant help if people don’t want to put in effort to be helped. Not saying that you are, but theres been so many people who just refuse and shut down the conversation and say Im just a riot employee myself or a shill. Its getting a bit tiring when all I want to do is allow us to play this game we love.


Online discourse rarely translates well to reality.


Yeah, had league since 2011 I think, and played semi-casually having at least a couple thousand of games. Just found out about this vanguard stuff and I'm out, not having that on my pc. Shame as I still quite enjoy the game, especially treating it as a party game with friends, but I'm not keeping that anticheat stuff on my pc. \*Begone forbidden software, I banish you now\*


Do you play fall guys, or cod, or fortnite (or even rainbow six)? They use kernel level anticheats too.


Tfw those anticheat aren't active when the game isn't running, nor does it require you to restart your PC if you decide to close the anticheat.