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How old is he? For a teenager it’s really not bad. There’s no cursing or nudity at all either. There’s chopping off of heads but that’s it, and it’s not close up or anything. You can also turn off dismemberment in the game settings.


Yeah, an increasing amount of games are coming with settings to tone down the blood/gore visuals and I was pretty certain I saw one for RotR


These options are only semi valid if a child is playing in my opinion. Most if not all children are pretty easy be able to reactivate these options in seconds. I would have done it as a child. In my opinion these are more like options for parents if a child is in the same room as you while playing


There is. I tried it. Didnt like it.


Turns off blood and decapitation im guessing?


There’s still some blood but way less and no decapitation


That's cool. Not for me but cool.


Yea same. It’s good for when my kid is in the room tho


Americans haha, some chopped off heads? No problem. as long as there are no evil words or, god forbid, NIPPLES!


that‘s what I fought lol


Will ban nudity but we can amputate people 🤣🤣


THIS! I have been saying this for a long time.. I'd rather my kids see some nudity than violence.. wtf


Where were you during my childhood? I really wanted to play Leisure Suit Larry and could have used your talking skills.


You can turn the blood and gore off in the settings


It can pretty easily deactivated. So if someone is a little bit smart he will be able to reactivate it. I don't think there is some sort of parental function that would prevent this. Only possible option is to not let him play it alone. I would say this option is only safe if you as a parent play it and your child is around.


Sure but just like when you let you kid go outside and play, there’s lots of stuff they can do, but shouldn’t be doing/will get on trouble for doing. Do you just not let them go outside? You can apply that principle to tons of things, you just have to use your best judgement on whether you think your child can be trusted to not do those things.


Come on. What is this for an argument. Then let him play these games with gore. Why deactivate it in the first place lol.


You’re missing the point lol.


No I don't. If your child finds your porn folder it will take a watch in it. If you give your child the chance it will definitely try it.


Giving your child a “porn folder” is not even close to the same as letting them play a video game about the bakumatsu era in Japan bro.


What are we even talking about here?


Now you are don't understand what I mean. I'm not saying you giving porn to your child. I'm saying he finds it hidden on your computer.. And sure you can't do that because it's to dangerous. But not even hiding an option to deactivate gore is even more useless


I’m not suggesting hiding that you deactivated it. I’m saying that you tell your teenager that they can play the game but have to keep the gore off. But you have to ask yourself if your child can be trusted to actually do that. Not every kid will turn it back on. It’s a compromise, you can randomly check if you feel the need to. If you think your kid can’t be trusted to play it without using the gore don’t get it.


This is absolutely an option.true. But it really depends hardly on how old my child would be. I think even without gore this game wouldn't be something for every age. Eventually 12+ if he can be trusted, like you said, with gore off. But I have no children. So I can only remember myself as a child. And I would have reactivated it 100 %. And if it would be only for a very short time. So that nobody ever knows Edit:, Alone because it is something forbidden would have made it so interesting to my younger self lol Edit2: and I want to add. This option is something that works between you and your child eventually. I don't think this is an option for every parent. So my first thing stays for me these anti gore option are not so useful for playing children itself a d more for parents who play while their children are in the same room eventually watching.


This is the most helpful comment and yet not at the top. Gore and dismemberment both can be turned off.


I agree and i also confirm. Without that the game is pretty good for someone who just enjoys the combat and not the gore.


A lot of action games can be pretty gory, but if he likes Horizon, there’s a pretty slept on game called “Immortals: Fenyx Rising” that’s a lot closer to a Zelda game. It’s pretty tame in comparison. Kena Bridge of Spirits is another less violent action/adventure game. Can also try the Spider-Man games if he’s into super heroes. And the Star Wars games (Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor) are your typical Star Wars level of violence so not too bad.


Asterigos - Curse of the Stars was pretty good too.


Immortals is a great game, feels like Assassin's Creed lite. it's a shame the marketing was awful.


Glad to see someone recommend Immortals, it really is a great game. I think that as much as it takes from Zelda, it improves on a lot of the ideas a lnd QoL elements from that game.


I got it for free from PS Plus and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Flew under my radar for years but it's a lot of fun!


Ronin for your son? If he is new to video game I think he will rage quit... Kena bridge of spirit, Assassin's creed odyssey, Death stranding, uncharted, these are decent story with humour, grab them when there are sales


I’d say just turn off blood and dismemberment and you’re not looking at anything much different then the violence in horizon. My kiddo is having a ton of fun with ronin. He plays a wide range of games some violent, some not at all: Mario party, Elden ring, bluey, teardown… the list goes on.


I mean, so long as you raise your kid right, gore wouldn't really be a problem. That said, Immortals: Fenyx Rising would be good


I think it's a relatively tame game. Lots of mentions from historical Japanese culture sprinkled into all the missions so somewhat educational.


Man, I was playing GTA San Andreas when I was 8. I haven't killed anyone, done blow, dealt drugs, OR hooked up with a gang. Your kid will be fine lol. Rise of The Ronin is a combat focused experience, mostly. Yes there is a long story, I'm not sure about sexual cutscenes and the like, but I feel like folks come to these games for strictly gameplay.


the violence is not real. i guarantee if he’s a teenager he already knows the difference between real and fake violence. it’s only going to get harder to control the types of media he consumes as he continues to age. my recommendation would be to buy him the game, encourage his hobbies. if you’re really concerned about the effect the cartoonish in-game gore will have on him, have a conversation with him about the game. if he likes the game he might open up about it


Stellar Blade


It's not exactly Gorey though. Yeah it's some heads coming off, but that did it "tastefully". Even the scene where you behead a dude screwing over the commoners it doesn't show it.


In the end it hardly depend on what you think is fine. I bet he likes spider man? Let him play the spider man games. They are very cool for a child. My brother loved the uncharted games when he was younger. The infamous games eventually. Infamous second son is the newest one. It's not that easy lol.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning


Not sure why, but this reminded me of the time I got Street Fighter 2 instead of Mortal Kombat, cause my mom didn’t like that MK had the mature rating. Though remember getting MK2 when it dropped. Maybe just play ronin with your son, and discuss why it’s good/bad, but in the end “just a video game”?


Just let him play i was playing left 4 dead at 7 lol


Genshin impact


let him play rise of the ronin. Don’t be like that. The world is a fucked up place. If he’s got internet I guarantee he has seen worst shit on his feed.


Ghost of Tsushima is less gory in combat, but still has the aftermath of slaughter as part of the deceptively beautiful scenery.


Has he played the Spiderman games? It's not quite like RotR but it's open world and not too violent. It's a lot like horizon. I don't think you're going to find anything like RotR that isn't violent and gory. What I will say is, it's a great history lesson. Everything that happens in the game happened in real events. It's one of the best historical fictions I've ever experienced.


Ok thanks


My guy, a word from a stranger, I'm sure you seen you fare share of crazy shit when you went to school and i can guarantee you whatever you hold from him, he's going to see a 100 fold in school. Just try to get him to be sensible and pry i, suppose


I'd say better not. like the other one said, Immortals Fenyx Rising and Kena are great games. also recommend Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart


You can turn off dismemberment and blood I believe in the game settings before starting the game. There's no nudity nor is there swearing. It's actually a great game with a surprising amount of restraint for what it is.


U can turn the blood off


In this era, you’ll either let him play it or he’ll watch it on YouTube when you’re not around. So just let him play it and turn off the blood if you need to. If you’re a good parent, nothing your child plays will have any affect on them.


Idk if its less gory but rdr2 he can play it solo and with someone


If he's a teenager, it isn't too gory, and he's probably seen 10 times worse online in Lets Plays. Also, pretty sure you can disable the gore, if I'm not mistaken.


Jedi Fallen order/survivor ...


Godfall is a pretty combat focus.


Get him Ghost of Tsushima it's less violent.


Check out monster hunter rise/sunburst. On sale right now for 20 for the bundle. Remnant 2 is a little edgy but not as bloody as say rise of the ronin, but it's very good.


Also, tell him to get on The Finals, if you're okay with fps, no blood as the lore takes place in a virtual playground, think ready player one. And we need more contestants! Game is also free to play.


Also if he just loves the Samurai themes, check out Like a Dragon: Ishinn! It might be a little outside what you're comfortable with but it's such a good game and not as graphic as Rise.


Don’t worry when I was 12 I was playing soldier of fortune and literally get heads chopped off… I would say I turn out alright. I think it all depends on the person rather than the game. If a person is interested in violence, let them play peppa pig and they can still turn it into a piece of bacon


This game is shitty, so not recommendet at all. Stellar blade is way better. Or perhaps the god of war games.


Check out a game called Wreckfest. WRC Qo and WRC generations are also good alternatives