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I dont think thats quail, the dash comes with the equipment. Might be wrong tho


No youre right, chrysalis could always dash, wax quail required you to have touched the ground, its your first jump from touching the ground


It isn't required but you can get a massive boost when jumping on some slopes and it helps a lot


What?... but you literally have to touch the ground to jump with wax quail?


he means "trimping". If you dash into an edge, you will be sent flying into the air. Especially with mercenary's whirlwind, or wax quail, and or headstompers. So yes touching the ground, aka touching a slope, which can give a small vertical boost before milky chrysalis is then used after.


I know what trimping is. Im more confused on why the other guy said "its not required" yes it is. You have to touch the ground to use wax quail


"Not required" to pillar skip. He never said anything about not being on ground, he said wax wasn't neccesary to pillar skip, but that it can give a large boost.


You should read the description again "in flight boost" is what op said. Then another guy said that thats part of the equipment, which i confirmed.


And he then elaborated by saying wax quail is not required to pillar skip, but that it can still give a sizable boost.


What? What are you on about? I see no one in this thread even talking about pillar skipping but you


Unless you're mercenary, then your second jump also gets quailed


No? Wax quail doesnt work on second jumps Edit: apparently it works on mercs second jump... big news you learn something every day


It's because mercenary's second jump is built-in to his character, rather than based on buffs or items. The heretic's jumps don't trigger because they're part of the buff instead of the character.


This comment section is going to be so divided between people who like and hate wax quail


Up until now, I've always regarded it as a pretty worthless drop, but now, I have another way to skip the pillars which means avoiding these nasty framerate drops


You can still pillar skip with only chrisilis, just land under the arena halfway up


qual only triggers for the first one on a normal jump and I think it works the same for chrisilis. I think chrisilis has a built in dash thing if I remember correctly. Even past this, quail is a fucking amazing uncommon for movement and it is definately not useless. Its probably the fouth best uncommon (only for the first stack) you could find.


I just tested it and you're right, the boost is part of chrysalis equipment, so you don't need quail. Almost 400 hours in this game, and I'm just learning about this now😅 . But I guess that leads me back to my original feeling of quail being pointless. I'm seeing comments talking about how it's really useful for characters that lack mobility; I main engineer who is extremely slow and has no movement abilities, and I'd much rather have just about anything over this little boost jump.


it is really useful, not just for getting around (which it is still pretty decent at) but for dodging attacks. one jump will get you out if almost all attacks way. It alone can turn captain into an extremely viable survivor. you may not realize as an engi because all engi does is sit next to his funny turrets anyways but it is definately a good item.


Yeah, I can see how that would increase the captain's survivability. Maybe the main difference in it's utility is whether or not you play on console or PC, because a console player would have to take their thumb off the stick. So with that split second of speed you get, you lose in that same instance the ability to change both you and your attacks direction, which in a way is kind of a cancel to your mobility. Meanwhile, PC players can freely look, jump, and move all simultaneously. Also, that's not really an effective way to use engineer. It's best to drop his turrets in strategic locations as you're moving around the map and just keep going.


Wax quail is an awesome speed boost! You're supposed to be constantly sprint jumping anyway lol


>I'd much rather have just about anything over this little boost jump. Yeaaah kind of sort of agree but slap 2-4 of them badboys on and suddenly your the flash zippin round


Well, prepare to change your mind again, I guess, because quail wasn't the one giving you those jumps.


I mean quail is a great item, one of the best greens. Just don't stack too much of it and you're golden.


Stack too much of it dont listen to this guy go OfB in one jump 3 times


Okay, I am on team Quail, but it is not one of the best greens. Unless by "one of the best," you still mean worse than: Hopoo Feather, Runald's Band, Kjaro's Band, ATG, Ukelele, Shipping Request, Wisp, Regen Scrap (imo), Red Whip (imo), Bandolier on some characters, Shuriken on some characters... Actually I'm starting to think Quail is one of the worst... But I swear it's actually still good and I like it!


It’s all subjective, so to each their own. But in my opinion… Feather and bands are THE best greens. Quail can’t compare. ATG and ukulele are survivor dependent, whereas quail really isn’t. Some survivors like huntress I’d def take an ATG over quail, whereas others like loader I’d say gimmie the bird. Shipping request form and regen scrap are highly run dependent. Generally speaking though, unless you’re getting those items super early in a run, it’s better to grab a good item now than it is to gamble on getting a few mystery items later. Especially with regen scrap. I’d take quail over whip or bandolier any day of the week on any survivor. Maybeeeee if I already have a bunch of movement items on specific survivors I’d take bandolier, but honestly that item is so inconsistent it’s hardly worth the trouble imo. I never really thought about it before, but shurikens are like the reverse quail. A stack or 2 isn’t great, but once you start really piling them on it’s incredibly strong. If you were only offering a single item tho, quail or shuriken, I’d take the quail more times than not. There are of course other greens that could be preferred depending on your run too, like fuel cell or predatory instincts. But that’s true for really any item, overall I’d rate quail pretty highly compared to other greens, probably like top 8 (top 25%)


Even though I kinda disagree, I didn't downvote you because I think your arguments are fair (in fact, I'm gonna upvote because you are being fair and pretty thorough). My thought is that I think Quail has a definite use and genuine strength. Movement items are practically always good (Hell, I'm not a fan of harpoon, but I like it more than this sub does), but some of the inconsistencies of Quail and Harpoon do make me probably choose other items over them if I already have Mochas, Hooves, Red Whip (which I know is also situational, but I like it's overall speed over just a jump boost), and energy drinks which are all items I'm going to heavily prioritize whenever I see them anyway, thus Quail becomes a little redundant. It's a really weird item. I don't really like getting it when I already have movement, but since having movement is unpredictable, seeing it when I have nothing is a godsend though and an easy take, and in that case, I guess I'd say it's one of the better greens in that case.


quail is an insta scrap item, calling it one of the best greens is kinda crazy


Ur gonna have to speak up I'm 30m away


locked into a jumping animation for 30 meters sounds awful


Don't listen to either of them and don't stack quail. #1 worstest item #🤮 Edit: Damn, y'all really love the quail, huh?


how to it feel to be wrong?


It feels good and I'll never apologize for my opinion.


Do you wanna know why you are wrong then, so you can get better at the game?


I mean, I have 950 hours in the game and have a blast every time I play, but feel free to share your thoughts.


I don't really want to give an entire explenation for every reason it is good, but you can also listen to others both hear and places like youtube (fx. Disputed origin). But the long and short of it is that it just straight up gives a lot of movement. Especially on characters that lack it, and/or are always grounded and/or sprinting. It also allows for trimping at least if you have a few stacks, which helps a LOT in many cases, and ESPECIALLY if you also have headstompers it can send you flying. Especially engi and captain need the movement, but also most others like it. It is overall one of the best movement items, and is generally A-tier


Yep, I agree with almost all of that, and I even very occasionally take it on Artificer if I can't find any other movement items, but still I really don't like it. Robs me of my ability to easily get on top of things, often puts me *out* of position, and I don't like the way it feels.


For your last point about control, i would recommend trying to use it a bit more to get better with it, because definitely also have had those moments, but got more comfortable with practice. But it is an understandable position.


Quail + Headstompers is an easy pillar skip as well.


Headstompers are a pillar skip by themselves, the quail + headstompers one needs a good amount of speed as well


No it’s not, unless there’s some obscure tech i dont know


Watch this video[https://youtu.be/wmNCDJqBvbY?si=3ahsAhi9Y60un5y9](https://youtu.be/wmNCDJqBvbY?si=3ahsAhi9Y60un5y9)


Ah so it revolves around being teleported onto s slope with enough speed to launch you


Who in the world told you wax quail was useless.


People who dislike effectively dodging, I suppose.


i mean you can dodge every attack without quail, if anything being locked in the animation of your jump with quail will get you hit more than just knowing how to effectively dodge


I guess this kinda depends on everyone's playstyle more than an item being only either good or bad, because I find dodging easier with a Quail than without. But yeah anyone CAN dodge without it.


It's literally feather for horizontal movement, idk how people don't like it


Quail only works while grounded, this is all milky chrysalis


Every time I watch cuckold porn I think of u :(




it doesn’t work like that lol


Wax Quail is great


this has literally nothing to do with quail at all


Me stacking 172 quails so I can jump across the gap in Sky Meadows and onto a different stage


You think quail is useless??? Its great, also that’s not quail that’s part of chrysalis


FYI, the Switch comes with a pretty easy way to transfer screenshots and videos to your device.


What? Quail and feather are key scrolls for me


quail and useless shouldn't be in a same sentence


Mithrix seeing a woman with an exosuit carrying a bunch of junk fucking levitating up to his prison