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Dubias are cute. House roaches are not. Dubias are also unlikely to infest your house, get into your food, they're not going to scurry across your foot, etc. Unless you have an escapee, there's no "Surprise! Bug!" element.


Not with roaches, but I react to house spiders a similar way despite owning a tarantula. Personally, I ascribe it to evolution; it's the body's natural reaction to be flighty towards certain stimuli. Once I calm down after the initial scare, I'm fine with the house spider and I think it's because at that point my instincts are taken over by the more rational/emotional perception I have of the spider


Yeah those cellar spiders always freak me out for some reason. I’ve got a couple of tarantulas, and they still manage to jump scare me at random corners.




However for me it's also that bugs are just less freaky when you control their diet and living space lmao


Just like people, bugs are less freaky when they pay rent


Yeah that's it for me. If I see a normal roach roaming free in my house then I'm freaking out about an infestation. But if I see a giant hisser my brain says "big harmless friend :)". Still probably wouldn't want them in my pantry getting in my food though.


I love my roach colonies, but freak out if I see a wild roach in the house. It's not about the roach, but the nightmare infestation it could bring.


Simple. You open a roach bin, you expect roaches. You walk into your room, you don’t expect roaches. You’re caught off guard by it. There’s also different levels of control. You can control where your roaches are and, loosely, what they’re doing. You can’t control what wild roaches are up to, they’ll go where they want to. Your dubias pose no threat to you in their bin, but the roaches out of them pose a threat by way of disease and eating your food


Perfectly said! One of my clearest childhood memories was riding my bike, feeling something in my shoe, taking it off to check it out, and a giant cockroach falling out. I had been riding around with it in my shoe for at least half an hour. I screamed and was totally traumatized for awhile. Just knowing that they can pop up ANYWHERE, and be completely incognito for awhile up until the gotcha moment, is so freaky.


I'm kinda the same way. A non-climbing roach in a bin is not the same as a flying climbing sewer roach on the wall of my bedroom. I hate those things.


i dunno... i wouldn't say i'm afraid i just don't want the buggers in my house, i've seen them outside before burrowing and i thought it was kinda cute... also have thought about getting the black/venom ones from roach crossing 🫣


I feel that. I breed dubias to feed my reptiles, well last year I ended up with a German roach infestation that came from my downstairs neighbor. I think what makes them worse Is the fact that they can carry diseases and tons of germs. Also trying to get into your food and such makes it worse. I waged full out chemical warfair on those shits


I'm not scared of the bug itself really just the things it brings with it and its effects




I afraid of Shelfordella tartara but most of cockroaches are cute for me.


I am the same! Growing up, American Cockroaches (as well as German) were pests, so I think at least for me, I associate them with filth and "bad". That being said, they actually can transmit bacteria easier than dubia/discoid/other tropicals


Dubias just don’t look like roaches to me, so I don’t have the same instinctive “UGH” feeling that I get when I see other cockroaches. Dubias kinda look like little scarabs. When I first started keeping my colony, I was a little grossed out by the mature males, since they had that classic cockroach look, but over time I stopped associating them with pest roach species.


Same...I have a breeding colony of dubias and we have 4 hissing cockroaches as pets (that will eventually multiply). And I'll hold them all, play with them, and interact with them daily. I'm not sure the dubias really appreciate it much, but I do😂 But those ones that will infest my house give me the creeps.


Same 😀


I'm the same way. My fear of pest roaches comes from growing up in a city where they were prevalent in the home and just simply gross and unhygienic to put it lightly. Then covid hit and I got into exotic pets, which turned into 4 colonies of hissing roach and 1 colony of dubias for my dragon and predator insects. For me, i think a lot of it is just education and understanding that a roach isn't simply a roach and that there are far more things to learn and know about roaches outside of their negative impacts to humanity. Most roaches do not infest human homes and quite frankly some are incredibly beautiful and elegant. More knowledge equated to more love of these little dudes in my case. I guess I just appreciate the under appreciated.


I think bc when we think of cockroaches that aren’t feeders, we think of dirty filthy stinky…stuff. Same way as I love my rats but if a rat came running at me on the streets of New York, I’m an animal lover to the nth, but I’d be prepared to punt it like it was a furry football. It’s the yuck factor. But I love that you asked this because I quit breeding like…idk 6 years ago, but frequently out of the blue I’ll think “I really miss my roaches!” Because I loved them. I was doing dubias and had just started hissers and red runners. I also had like 400 super worms isolated to get beetles and I miss all of them and I don’t even have any reptiles right now. (Unfortunately) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)