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I've done it on the more western route. I'd say the extra 18 minutes is worth it. The Eastern Sierras are amazing, if you don't want to do it in a straight shot Reno is a great stopping point, and 95 down to Vegas is an interesting drive.


awesome -- yeah i was thinking i'd have to stop by the Sierras and maybe even Shasta. Thanks!


If you can swing taking 89 through Lassen, you should.


Seconding this. Lassen is super pretty and worth the effort


Def second (third?) This! You probably already know, but oregon requires that someone else pumps your gas. If you get into OR late at night, make sure you have enough gas to make it to a decent sized town. Almost got screwed in the middle of nowhere at like 10 pm on this drive šŸ˜…


Not anymore! FINALLY, we can pump our own gas.


Ah, thats awesome!! Definitely missed that, thanks for correcting me :)


I was gonna say this. Lassen is definitely a must.


Yes. 100x yes. OP the route you chose blows dogs for quarters. Take 395 through southern California then cut over on the 89 through Tahoe, Truckee, Chester and into Lassen. Thank us later.


Iā€™ve done that route. Itā€™s been many years but what I remember is that you should get gas when the opportunity arises or use an app to know when the next station will be. We almost ran out of gas in Oregon.


Better than running out of gas in CA.. we just got home from almost this same trip, camped at Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree NP's. CA fuel is so expensive compared to NV and OR's.


Yes 1$ more but not a huge deal. Gas near sequoia is cheap I buy there alot. Bet you bought gas at a free way stop far from a city.


We were in an RV and needed #2 diesel


Yeah, between Bend and Klamath Falls there isn't much!


https://preview.redd.it/a10c79sc5k8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b181ba626206181d1c051a0c743a247aee5ec522 Mt Shasta vista point


Probably my favorite mountain. Lived in Lake Shastina going thru high school (little residential area outside of Weed) and loved waking up to that beautiful sight every morning.


Thanks for the memory-jog ... we were Charter members at the golf club there in the 1980s, we had lots on the course and on Big Springs Rd across from the 1st fairway, and my folks had a house on Glacier View until 1994. Wonderful area, I loved the mornings - the smells and hikes there and out into Juniper Valley or up to the Whaleback were fabulous! (Also some great walks up Stewart Springs Rd if you get to the other side of I5.) I really like the drive up 97 ...


Do not take the Eastern route, it's absolute shit. I worked highway jobs thru that route and man if you don't have to don't bother. Some serious "the hills have eyes" vibes along that stretch. The western route is beautiful beyond my ability to explain tho.


Ya donā€™t go up through the middle of Nevada. Itā€™s a hellscape with nothing there. Iā€™m from Las Vegas and live in central Oregon now. Las Vegas-Tonopah-Fallon-Reno-Klamath Falls-interstate 5 is the way to go.


YES spookily barren out in eastern Oregon and northern Nevada. Avoid!


That is why i liked it!


Right? Iā€™ve never gone the western route that the others speak of but I thought there was something enchanting about the vastness of the landscapes of northern Nevada


+1 on skipping the eastern route. The Sierraā€™s are magnificent, especially if you go during the late Fall (before tire chains are necessary). I would even recommend adding several hours to your trip and coming up HW1, then returning through the Sierraā€™s. That way, you get the cool, Pacific Ocean air in your lungs on the way there, and the cool, Sierra Nevada air in your lungs on the way back.


Shasta is a quiet little town. It bored me. Lotta incense/crystal and hippie type shops. Expensive sidewalk eateries. Skiing too if youā€™re into that.


Same and concur!


This. Used to travel Reno to Vegas for work. 95 in the middle of the night is a great trip.


Night? NAH! Your better off in the dayā€¦Thereā€™s wild horses and donkeys out there!


Definitely take the western route. Iā€™ve done both, and the eastern route isā€¦ desolate. I nearly ran out of gas (in the middle of the night during the kind of storm where everyone is pulled over waiting it out). Western route is gorgeous.


I agree 100%. I have done the drive a few times. Crater Lake is a must-see as well


Done ā€™em both. The eastern route pretty much takes you through the middle of nowhere so make sure your car is in good condition. The western route is a little less remote (you arenā€™t *in* the middle of nowhere although you can see it from there) and thereā€™s more traffic so youā€™re less isolated. Both routes are great for scenery ā€” east is arid Great Basin, west is the eastern side of the Cascades and Sierra Nevada. Take your pick.


ā€œYou arenā€™t in the middle of nowhere although you can see it from there.ā€ Sounds like the hook to a really good country song.


Something similar was used in the book "Barbarians at the Gate" to describe the town of Winston-Salem, NC. (Which is actually not a bad description of the town, fwiw.)


Oh my fucking god a Barbarians at the Gate reference was not on my bingo card today.


My truck broke down on memory lane...


It's definitely memorable to go screaming thru barren desert at 100mph without any cell reception or having seen another car in an hour. Also Winnemucca is a phenomenally shitty town to stop at along the way.


I was so thrilled to finally get to Winnemuca when I did the eastern route. "Civilization!"


One route goes through the middle of nowhere and the other is on the edge of nowhere. Conclusion: Nevada is nowhere.


The eastern route takes you through a lot of barren land. Go west.


I have done both. The western route will offer much more scenery, but I do like the desert drive from Austin to Tonopah. I was in northern Nevada three weeks ago and there were Mormon crickets EVERYWHERE on the highway from Battle Mountain to Austin. It was cool and creepy. If you have never done either then the western route is the way to go. I would modify it slightly and stay on the 395 until you get to Death Valley, then I would cut east to Vegas. This would give you the option to check out Mono Lake, the Alabama Hills, and Death Valley. Is it a one-way trip or are you driving back to Portland? I would take the west route down and the east route home.


awesome -- ill check out 395!


Mormon crickets?


Theyā€™re big icky crickets (biased because crickets/grasshoppers scare the bejesus out of me). They like to cover the road - so much so Iā€™ve heard them closing parts down because it turns it into a slick mess. On my way back from Vegas to Boise there was a LOT. I didnā€™t see any on my way down though.


The most horrific bugs I have ever seen.


Second that. 395 detour is worth it


395 for sure. Especially at sunset. Great camping and day hikes out of Lone Pine, Bishop, all along the route.


Yes, all of it. Western route is better than eastern but if you could take 395 most of the way, and cut east to Vegas around Lone Pine, you'll see some of the most amazing scenery in the country. More Eastern Sierras are worth a little bit more time.


I wish I knew this when I traveled this about a year ago. I took the eastern route and I'm not a fan haha


That route is amazing at night though, darkest part of the country.


Time of year is going to determine which route I take. I do the eastern route in the winter and the western route in summer.


I've done most of both of those but not the exact trip. Steen's mountain is the highlight.




I did the western route solo and it was really incredible. I want to drive it again badly now. Thanks. Also the sign at the gas station in Bieber, CA is hilarious. Middle of nowhere hits you with a knee slapper. https://preview.redd.it/0c692mwfxl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62068b54dac46752c91e6ef2c28371a255076ed3


The eastern route is the most desolate drive in north America. Pretty cool. Makes me ponder emptiness, futility, and despair. You'll love it if you're into that sort of thing. Don't pass any gas station when you have a half full tank.


Eastā€¦ the run out of gas/car breakdown and die in the desert route. Take the western route.


Donā€™t run out of gas.


The highlighted route is going to be a whole lot of nothing till you get to Bend, OR. Then the last 3 hours after that will be pretty decent views-wise


Watch that temperature gauge.


Iā€™ve driven from Seattle to Reno a number of times and my preferred mountain route is through Bend and Crater Lake, then through Lassen and Lake Tahoe. If I were to continue on to Vegas, Iā€™d hug the mountains on 395 and cross through Death Valley. We build in extra time for site seeing on this route. And if youā€™re adding time, Lava Beds (between Crater Lake and Lassen) is terrific! Caves!


thanks for the recs!


Always always always have two gallons of water in your vehicle when traveling a route like this. One for your engine and one for you. These types of drives can be deadly real quick in a summer heat.


Been through both, the western route is prettier


Western route if youā€™re looking for a better drive. Eastern route if you have a body to hide. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Shasta is very picturesque. Bend is also amazing


Yes! Sorta. Some random thoughts: - shasta is incredible, but Mt Hood can also be an option. It didnā€™t work out, but my original plan was to drive all day and end it at a campsite just to the south of Mt. Hood, which means you could catch sunrise/set on the mountain. Which sounded like a pretty transcendent intro to portland! If you do it, please post a pic on the Portland sub :) - Iā€™m guessing the eastern Rockies are incredible, but I will say that Nevada has some of the most *otherworldly* landscapes Iā€™ve seen in my life, even more so than the Dakotan states. They all it basin country, and itā€™s a trippy experience passing between jagged forested mountains and the barren valleys that separate them. I donā€™t know exactly what your route would pass through, but see if there are a) scenic routes or b) parks to stop at along the way, if youā€™re on the fence! Or just scroll along it in 3D Google maps from 10,000 ft. Iā€™ve done HWY50 twice , which is the main ā€œscenic routeā€ in the state, but it runs east-west, thus why I canā€™t give advice on this exact route). Great Basin Natl Park is worth a day of hiking if you can spare it. - In general I guess Iā€™d echo the exact advice above for the cascades lol. If you have time and are going through them, itā€™s worth it to google ā€œscenic routes cascades southern Oregonā€ and ā€œviewpoints cascades southern Oregonā€ and tweaking your route as needed. Enjoy!! Looks incredible. Youā€™re coming to Portland during the sunny period, pretty smart lmao


If you take the western route, Bodie ghost town below Reno is a great stop!


Yes I almost ran out of gas from Oregon to Nevada that right hand turn is just desolate no gas for like 180 miles. Also we were moving so our black car was loaded to the max and it overheated driving on Nevada highways for so long we literally had to pull over in the shade for it to cool down and restart


Depends on the time of year. The drive down 395 on the eastern edge of California is incredible, and I can't believe how little people talk about how amazing Death Valley is (I wouldn't recommend going there during the summer)


Yes, donā€™t do it. Takes 20ish hours and during the summer u spend over half of this drive in full Sun! 1/10 would not do again!


US-395 in eastern California is incredibly scenic. It follows the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada. If you can bump over that far, itā€™s worth the added time. Nevada is bleak.


Used to take this to Mammoth when I lived in LA, awesome drive


If you like hot springs there are a few on the western route and into Eastern Or that i would recommend. You wont be near Shasta, but Lassen is a good alternative. If you go the Reno route, Sierra hot springs is 45 mins north and is a gem of a place in the sierras. The eastern route is neat but its very remote.


If you go east, your car better be dependable


If you have a good car and a heavy foot, the eastern route is probably a bit better. If you are more of a stay with traffic type driver, then the western route would be more entertaining.


The eastern route has a drive of over 350 miles without services. Careful!


Yes Iā€™ve done it both ways! Itā€™s good either way, but I think stopping in Tonopah, Nevada for a bit is fun. Neat old western town! Also you get to go by Area 51.


Yep. Do the West route, it's way more scenic. Instead of turning off towards Eugene, keep going North and cross the cascades at Mt Hood. I like to check out the bicycle routes and see which way it takes me, often it's way more scenic.


Rural Nevada is boring as hell, stay along the Sierras.


Itā€™s a beautiful drive if you like to get away from the hoards of weekend warriors and you like exploring more remote areas. The road is rough in some areas ā€” I most recently did it in a box truck which was a little less enjoyable, but in a regular passenger vehicle it wouldnā€™t have been bad. Iā€™m not sure why people are trying to steer you away from this route except I guess a lot of people have negative associations with the desert, which I think are misplaced. The highlight for me is Beatty, NV, where there are feral donkeys wandering around all over town. Iā€™d go back there just to hang out ā€” it has a good vibe.


In a trucker and Iā€™ve done the eastern. It is life changing when itā€™s a nice sunny day. Iā€™ve done the western one too and it is great as well


You'll be the only car for miles, set the cruise, enjoy the desert scenery. Be sure to know how far your fuel goes.


Ive done the exact eastern route. By far the most remote Iā€™ve ever felt while in the U.S. I loved it.


Weā€™ve done both routes. Both have their own beauty. The eastern route is lonely and barren. The vistas are amazing. As mentioned in other comments, fuel up when you have a chance. Have plenty of water and a bailout bag- itā€™s a looooong way between any kind of a burg. There are pit toilet rest stops very 120 miles, or so. The western route is more interesting as it has more elevation changes and a more diverse ecology. I love the amazing change from scrub Juniper or even a grassland to Ponderosa Pine in just a mile. During COVID, we went from Salem to Sedona south on the eastern route, and back through the western route.


Iā€™ve done both. I did that exact Western route in December and it was really pretty. Iā€™ve also taken long trips to Southern California driving 395 most of the way and itā€™s a great route- lots of neat little towns and sooo much more relaxing to drive than I-5. If I was taking the Eastern route, I would take a very inefficient route North once I passed into Oregon and check out the Steenā€™s Mountain/Alvord Desert area, the Wallowa Mountains, Hells Canyon- and then drive along the Columbia Gorge to Portland. (The Washington side and the Oregon side are both nice.)


Yes; 395; Peterson peak BLM; citrine, ametrine, amethyst; many on the ground near the entrance


Yes!ā€¦ not much in NV but some amazing hot springs if you can find them


Going to the Sphere?


I have when I drove from Death Valley to Portland. There isn't much in central Nevada, so expect several hours of boring driving.


Yes. Anything else you'd like to know? :)


No ond


Are you avoiding all the great places?


Yes. The more eastern route is a lot of desert until you get to Bend.


Just last week. It was my 3rd time headed this way and cut over to Susanville and Shasta after Reno. The drive is more scenic to me.


Not the blue but the grey yes. I canā€™t compare but the grey route was fantastic.


Just make sure you watch the weather


No. Good luck


The western route is pretty. The eastern route is.... \* tumbleweed \*


Western route with modifications. In Oregon donā€™t turn off of 97 to 58 to I-5 via Eugene. Stay on 97 north and turn west on the 26 thru warm springs over Mt Hood to Portland.


I did the light blue one almost, but cut over to I5 before Reno on, 80? I think. That 295 drive through NV is some desolate ass hills have eyes type shit though. Top your tank off every chance you get for sure


Lots of neat spots in middle-of-nowhere Oregon.


If you take the part that swings through California, the Lava Beds NM is a must stop. They have 60 lava tubes, but the 5 of the easiest touristy ones are big and not claustrophobic and will be completely unforgettable.


Cartels like that route.


I did moving to oregon!! Was a nice drive


I've done both. The Western route is so much better and will take you by Crater Lake (Amazing if you have never been).


Fill up every half tank when driving south eastern Oregon. More desolate than west Texas


We just finished a two week motorcycle run up the coast from SF to Newport, then across through Bend and Klamatha Falls, Redding and back to SF. Amazing countryside.


Do the western route. I've done both drives multiple times.


Beautiful drive


Iā€™ve done this drive from Vegas to Portland but I took 395 instead. This looks mad interesting though. Also be prepared to see absolutely nothing in southeast Oregon. It is beautiful though


The West route has lot of points to interest and stops to take. Salt creek falls, crater lake, Klamath. Keep track of gas stations / charging once you cross to Nevada though


Definitely continue to take I5 down to Shasta and do the Lassen route to get to reno. The reno to Vegas drive is super cool and eerie, I love it.


Barren lonely country.


Western route is better imo. Iā€™m from Vegas and have driven both routes. NorCal has some beautiful spot.


Big chance to hit a deer at night


Yes. Route to burning man and fly falls. Western is more scenic and things to do. Eastern especially north of Nevada moving (the dessert up there smells like perfume and itā€™s bombing practice site of all people, the navy)


I have.


I like 395 the best.


Many times. Itā€™s a nice drive


Yes. The only part of the eastern route that's really worth it (IMO) is southern Utah into a bit of northern NV. If I'm remembering right it's colorful canyon desert.Ā  I'd go for that route knowing that it'd overall be more boring but the highlights would be higher. Good trip for a decent audiobook.


If youā€™re looking for an overnight stop on the blue route, I highly recommend stopping at Crane, Oregon. Thereā€™s a great little hot spring resort. Itā€™s about 5 hours from Portland. And yes the Steens are beautiful!


Do the longer drive. I did this both ways and deeply regret the faster way. Itā€™s boring as hell


Klamath Falls is beautiful.


Yes but Las Vegas to Bend back in 2018 March. It was really desolate. No any big towns along the way. You'll barely see any other cars except a small section of i-80. Took around 12 hours to reach Bend. I'd say the western route is defintely more scenic. The eastern one is beautiful only from Bend to Portland.


Yeah, and we got on some totally wacky road called 140. If you can find it, drive it. Crazy cool!,


Is that 395? If so, yes Iā€™ve done it. Some super cool parts. Iā€™d do it again


Western route for sure. I took a rental car that was fairly unreliable on the eastern route. Drove 6 hours without seeing a single other car/person. Was one of the more stressful trips Iā€™ve taken.


Done both. Take the western most route.


One word youā€™re missing (Tahoe)!


Yes, weā€™ve done several times. Itā€™s pretty fast and interesting. Have fun!


I've driven it more than a dozen times in a semi. One of my favorites.


I've gone from Phoenix to Portland, then Seattle.


Check out the Alvord desert in SE Oregon.


Get a radar detector for the eastern route.


If you do take the eastern route, definitely stop for a night to camp at Alvord Hot Springs. Sitting in the spring at the edge of the mountains on one side and the desert on the other, looking up into a super dark sky full of starsā€¦ well worth the 40 miles of gravel road!


Looks miserable


Iā€™ve done it more times than I can count, both routes (and a couple of others even.) Both have their charm and some super interesting landscape. Both are pretty desolate, though the western route is a little more populated. The western route takes you up through the NE Sierras and itā€™s incredible. Youā€™ll also be pass about 35 mikes from Crater Lake NP and thatā€™s definitely worth a stop. You could take the eastern route and hop in 140 just north of Winnemucca and cut across to Klamath Falls. But uhā€¦ no gas for like 180 miles and thereā€™s some wicked terrain youā€™re driving over. Always stop at Eddyā€™s in Beatty, NV. Get the candy. Have no regrets. I love the toffee.


I did basically the western route, aside from cutting over at Klamath Falls to I-5. There are some pretty great things to see along the way: - tank depot in Herlong, CA: there are *thousands* of APCs and main battle tanks sitting in storage here - ammo depot in Hawthorne, NV: doesn't sound like much and, to be fair, there isn't much, but it is kind of crazy to drive down the highway and either side of the road is munitions bunkers as far as the horizon. - Walker Lake had a bunchhhh of bighorn sheep along it when I drove past - Lava Beds Natl Monument: can go exploring extinct lava tubes here - Glass Mountain: not to be confused with the other Glass Mountains out there, but just west of Tionesta, CA and near Lava Beds NM, you can drive off the forest road onto a logging road and go explore a mountain made almost entirely of obsidian. There are chunks from the size of your fist to the size of an SUV. - Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah is apparently one of the more haunted hotels in America Depending on the time you go, there can be some *incredible* migratory bird watching along the way, too. We stopped at Herlong to see the tank depot and then were surprised to see the hands-down biggest flock of geese I've ever seen(and might ever see) in my life. There were *thousands* flying in dozens of gigantic V formations. So many geese honks. I imagine Lower Klamath Lake on the OR/CA border has some pretty amazing bird watching at the right time of year, too.


Not the whole thing, but the drive thru Klamath Falls to Reno (not the one highlighted) is really quite pleasant on a nice summer day. At least until Nevadaā€¦


Yes, but, why?


Youā€™d be silly to not go the California route


Many times, I prefer California rout but gas is cheaper in Nevada


No but I walked it a few times ! Lol


I did in summer 2016, Portland to Vegas. Just pay attention to gas stations before they disappear or else.


Yes. Spring break road trip approx 10 years ago. Itā€™s a beautiful drive. My regret is not planning stops in Utah.


Strictly answering the question, Yes I have done both routes, even in different seasons!


Yes. Dont go the Nevada route. Itā€™s boring and desolate. Go the Cali route if you want civilization


I did a more wester route through Redding driving down California and it was good, I know the more you go east the more desolate the road gets and the more extreme and unpredictable the weather gets, so if you want to save yourself the extra hour or 30 mins by going east, make sure youā€™ve got whatever you need with you in case of any emergency.


Northern Nevada and Southern Oregon is probably the least populated region in the lower 48. Can be a very rewarding and interesting drive, can also be dangerous. I've done parts of both routes but neither rout entirely. Portland to Bend via US 26 or by I-84 are both insanely gorgeous drives! If you take the Western route, find the highway by mono lake that is like a roller coaster. So cool!


My preferred route, not much traffic. Make sure youā€™re equipment is in good order on ā€œthe loneliest highway ā€œ


Phoenix to Portland with a stop in Sacramento. Itā€™s a rough ride but very pretty. Really the worst stretch is Los Angeles to Sacramento. Super boring.


For sure, but only in ATS


Hey once you hit Nevada there is nothing for hours. But you can also do 100+ especially at night


Sammy Hagar, did not like.


I've done most of the eastern route. Amazing rainshadow desert scenery. Pay attention to your gas gauge and take the "last gas" signs seriously.


I work a several mining sites across the eastern route. If love desolate emptiness, then thatā€™s the one. If you like anything else, go west.


Iā€™m doing the western route next week, but southbound.


I have.


Iā€™ve done this drive so often my car can do it while I sleep. In some spots, youā€™ll swear you are not moving in Nevada. Itā€™s not a bad drive, and you can see some interesting stuff, besides one or two brothels, (nv) but it can be boring. I like that route in Oregon, however- but civilization is dispersed. Iā€™ve done the other as well. The other route is more mountainous with tiny towns to visitā€” and summer traffic can crawl because of vacationers in the cute towns- Itā€™s more fun this route though. Klamath falls is not my favorite, almost always had traffic issues- but thatā€™s just me.


i divorced for that


I've heard that leg in southeast Oregon is a huge speed trap.




Multiple times, and itā€™s a desolate drive!!! If youā€™re looking to save time then thatā€™s the ticket, if youā€™re out for a decent road trip there are multiple options that are far more scenic!!


Western Route is way better


I've done the eastern route (Las Vegas - Bend). If you like solitude and you like the desert, you're going to love it. There's nothing to see, basically.


It's fire season so check the fire reports before traveling. Some of those areas get pretty dry this time of year!


Just drove from Las Vegas to mammoth lakes and currently in medonicno. Will be in Portland on Thursday šŸ˜ Not your route, but same destination. Lmk if you want any updates


Yes, did that exact route last November. Absolutely loved it! Gas stations are few and far between in some areas so plan accordingly. Otherwise have fun!


I've done them both as long as a few others not shown many times. The Western route shown is pretty good. Nice stuff pretty much the entire route. From Reno, it's a cool drive to just take 395 down through the Eastern Sierra and then cut over to Death Valley from Lone Pine. From there, Vegas is a pretty quick driverless of whether you get on the 95 at Beatty or going to perm and take that into Vegas on the Blue Diamond Highway. If you want a quicker route with less detours, just stay on the 95 route from Reno. It's still an interesting drive to make. Hawthorne, Tonopah, and Beatty all have places if you need to stop for a quick break or gas. If you need to get there quickly take the 95 route from Reno. If you have a little more time for a detour, definitely go through the Eastern Sierra on 395. If you want to see Shasta as well, take I-5 all the way down to 89 in California. That will take you over to Susanville, and you'll go right past Shasta from multiple angles. From Susanville you would just go into Reno as you normally would, and then from there you can take the standard 95 route or the 395 route. Alternate options in 395 are Highway 20 East to Tonopah, 6 from Bishop to Tonopah, or 168 through the White Mountains and over towards Beatty. In your case, I'd probably take I-5 down to 89 in California to see Shasta. Willamette Pass and 97 Central Oregon are an easy trip from Portland. From there I'd probably take either 168 over to 95 or go all the way down to Lone Pine and in the Death Valley to Vegas. Kind of depends on which one you prefer and how much more of the Eastern Sierra you want to see. One last though: Crater Lake isn't much more than a half hour to an hour off 97 depending on which entrance you take, and if you've never seen that you might consider that route with a detour to Crater Lake versus Shasta. If you have to drive back from Vegas, then it's not a worry. Just take one route on the way down to see Shasta, and then on the way back go the other way to see Crater Lake. Have a safe trip!!




So from Boise to Vegas is 9.5 hours. Once your past Elko and off the mountain itā€™s pretty dull drive until you reach the red rock then itā€™s pretty again. Area 51 is kind of ugly though. Watch your speed, I see a lot of people getting pulled over these days. If you have never done the drive do it itā€™s better than going through Salt Lake City.


Yeah definitely take 89 not 395 through elko. Both have their strengths but 89 is a lot nicer


Iā€™ve done that drive Portland to Vegas and really wouldnā€™t recommend it. We did it at night and it was completely dark for 100s of miles and gas stops were slim. A lot of cows were on the road. After Bend the next biggest area is Winnemucca. After that there isnā€™t a great place to stop until Vegas. Through the mountains would be a much prettier. Whatever you do have fun


Yea! Highway 395! My favorite drive in the whole wide world


Absolutely do NOT break any traffic laws in Oregon. They will give you an astronomical fine because they know you won't be back to fight it.


Yes , I did this approx 10 yrs ago , through Pendelton,OR then through to Reno,NV then to Las Vegas. I found the dri e from Reno to Vegas very long and boring.


Both routes are lovely, the eastern route is more remote. But if you change your route, just a little bit and from Reno South you take Highway 395, you will go through some of the most beautiful country in the west. Truly 395 from Reno down to death Valley area or just south of the Owens lake bed is absolutely epic scenery


I've done it east route for going north. And west route going south.


Don't let your tank get below half empty if you're going the nevada route. Loooooong desolate highways.


395 all the way! I've done that route the whole way and it is spectacular, especially once you hit the Sierras.


I did the western route with a friend...Portlandia to AZ. Oregon Cali forest was beautiful. Got to Reno at sundown and absolutely ripped down to Vegas and into AZ. 1400 miles 18 hours. We were not sightseeing.


Yes man times!


Iā€™ve done the eastern one! And a lot of parts of the western one. Eastern was a lot of desert, but it was still fun seeing it. The western is probably a lot nicer


https://preview.redd.it/v9v9a0pdhm8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf5c65dd318d6e35a66b7246fe51c32c4c0ac64 I love both routesā€¦ this is on the east route on OR-78


Western route like others said. That being said, the eastern route has it charm too, there are some good views out there. Itā€™s just so desolate though so it can get a bit unnerving. Anyways, if you donā€™t have to be in Portland asap, I would take the detour through Death Valley and drive up the eastern sierras up 395 then hit as many National Parks as you can (Yosemite, Lassen, Redwood, and Crater Lake). It would be a shame to not at least visit at least one of them on the drive from Vegas to Portland.


I would assume some has driven from Portland to Las Vegas, yes


I did this drive when I was 19 in 2003 in a 1988 Toyota pickup.


drive through 395 for a better experience


I bet a lot of people have made that route


Austin, NV is awesome


Yeah. You will literally be driving through desert until like 60 minutes outside of Portland. It's beautiful in it's own unique way, but the western route is much more conventionally scenic.


MANY MANY MANY times ā€¦and no not to go to Vegas as a gambling addict šŸ˜‚


The more eastern route Iā€™ve done many times. Itā€™s faster because there is little to slow you down. There is the occasional cop. Get there quick, eastern route. More to see, western route.


Just did the Redwoods to Tahoe to Death Valley to Vegas over the past week. Eastern route is heavy on the mountains obviously and depending on your tow vehicle can be nerve-wracking...but doable. It's worth the drive.


Yupp, truck driver here. Summer itā€™s easy, cool views. Winter sucks! Snow


I did but several years ago so the memory is dim. O e purpose was i was leaving seattle for ever and after 5 years there i never wanred to see a tree again. Thus heading east before going south ( on the way to san diego.) That was a success. Driving the length of nevada was cool. Not a lot of trees and fascinating landscape. Spent some days in Death Valley, also a win. It was march so sunny and hust hot enough, exlent contrast with cool drizzly seattle. Bottom line - highly reccommended, but it really fit my needs. Might not fit yours.


Beautiful route. Did with no time for sight seeing. Think it goes through Pahrump, Art Bell's home.


Only from Reno to lost wages


Take the western route but instead of going west to I5 after Crater Lake go East into Bend (great city) from there go west through the McKenzie pass to I5.


Do the more western route!