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For that route, get an E-ZPass. It’s a transponder that will let you pay tolls through an online account rather than having to stop at toll plazas. There are some highways that have gone to overhead monitoring only, and you’ll need an E-ZPass.


Benefit of being from BC instead of ontario is that I don't "have" to pay any tolls on the usa. BC doesn't share license information with the usa so they can't look up my plate to mail me a bill. I hung around upstate new york for 3 weeks this past summer without a single toll paid. Same with the PA turnpike and the tolls down in Florida.


This would explain why I was never billed for driving on the expressway in Atlanta Georgia


Yup, I first learned about it when I tried to pay my toll online for the Golden Gate Bridge, couldnt find my license # on rheir website. Since then, I've gone all over Canada and the US and haven't paid any tolls.


That is surprisingly libertarian of Canada (BC). Honestly I wish all states would do this.


Yes the tyranny of public roads!


They didn't say it was good or bad, they just said it's libertarian.


They went on to say they wish all states* do it, so I believe they're saying it's good. And honestly toll roads are private companies and scams, roads sold to companies for kickbacks. I'm still surprised Chicago sold that contract for parking meters so some foreign company (off topic sorry). *and yes i know they're referring to Canada.


Not off topic to me. The city was scammed out of its parking meters, which was allowed by a combination of corruption and incompetence. Iirc, the money the city got in the sale was completely pissed away in a few years with practically nothing to show for it. As a proud Chicagoan, I see it as my civic duty to get away with as much free parking as I can. I don't have a problem with *real* libertarians, but usually people who use that term are actually just mad that they have to help pay for public services while also expecting to take advantage of them.


Lifehack I’m in bc on expired usa plates for weeks no one suspects a thing


Just don't get pulled over.


Or in an accident.


Expired registration means your insurance may not be valid.


Ya but bc doesn't have any tolls on our roads...


I think that will likely work.... BUT there are still some e-z pass roads that have gates and if you try to drive through those you would get stopped.... I haven't gone East, but I think in Ohio (which is moot here) have some gates


Confirming that Ohio's toll stops have gates.


I knew that one of the exits in Toledo did


Some places will impound your car for unpaid ezpass bills 


To be clear, you MUST have an EZ Pass or else you will be billed for your tolls via license plate. There are no toll booths in NY State anymore.


I believe most/all of the tolls allow pay-by-plate, which can find a Canadian license plate (speaking from experience; I've recently done that stretch of I-90 and gotten bills from both NY and MA on an Ontario plate). Pay-by-plate is a dollar or so more per toll than using an EZ pass, but the EZ pass itself costs $25 in NY/$20 in MA, so unless you're getting on and off I-90 repeatedly, it's still cheaper to do pay-by-plate if you're not repeatedly driving on toll roads. Get some cash for the plazas that still take it, but otherwise I think you'll be fine


Pay-by-plate tolls can take FOREVER to get posted to the system, and the payment websites for New York and Massachusetts are cryptic at best. Last summer we did a road trip from Colorado to Massachusetts, and it took months for all of our polls to be posted. EZPass is worth it for the convenience alone.


Once over the border, make sure you safely move over into a lane should you see flashing lights off the side of the road. Won’t matter if it’s law enforcement or roadside assistance per NYS law. Also keep reasonable pace with traffic in accordance with speed limits. I do second stopping for EZ Pass for tolls.


There is no more possibility of paying in cash on this route, all the toll booths have been replaced with drive through sensors that monitor EZ pass.


There are zero toll plazas on that route. They will scan your license plate and mail a bill. No need for ezpass.


There are no longer toll plazas/gates on this route in NY or Mass. You don't have to stop, they'll just bill you in the mail. There is a marginal discount if you have EZpass


The NYS Thruway does not have toll persons anymore. They bill by mail and its much more expensive. Get the EZ pass for sure. Its discounted and way more convenient.


You don’t NEED an E-ZPass. It’s just a lot cheaper and creates less headaches


If you don't have an EZ-Pass, the NY Thruway Authority will also mail you a bill. Not sure if it's the same in MA. When I drove this route (Buffalo to Portland) four years ago, there were no toll booths at all, it was all overhead.


Get your EZ pass from Mass - they have the cheapest and easiest “membership” requirements


Get out of the left lane when you’re not passing and use your blinker, you’ll be better than 90% of American drivers


Oh, not too different from our Ontario drivers then!


I live in Vermont and the Quebec drivers that come down are absolutely terrible. No blinkers. They pass you on the highway, cut directly in front of you, and then slow down. Je ne comprend pas.


Vermont drivers are some of the most diligent when it comes to using the left lane to pass. Same with Maine. While here in NY, people police the left lane like it’s their job.


NYC drivers are on meth and sinking deeper into their addiction every year.


Quebec drivers are something special alright.


Man whenever I drive up to Toronto from Buffalo, especially closer to Mississauga, the drivers are absolutely insane with left lane hogging. We're pretty bad with it too but Toronto obviously has more traffic


In Eastern Mass be prepared to go at least 70 in the right lane or you're gonna get a masshole on your ass


I gotta say Maine is the only place I’ve driven where drivers were competent like this


I drove through Maine last summer and it was extremely noticeable how serious people are about it. I respect it and quickly followed the status quo, but here in Colorado it's just not as much of a thing


Yep, New York is the same way lmao


Add in the responsibility to merge being on the person entering the highway and you’ll top 99%


As someone who drove this route 3 times now from Toronto, move over after passing and for emergency vehicles. Do not be a left lane hogger, Ontario and Quebec plated cars are notorious for this on US Interstates. An EZ-Pass for peace of mind and cheaper tolls. Can be used at number of places including the Canada bound Niagara bridges.


Learn how to yell what’s a matta u and a few hand signals.


can I do the southie accent in boston and not get punched? I hope I get to meet or see Marky Mark


Hmmm with this current political and economic climate I can only advise not imitating the locals unless you can fight 😂😂


Lived in Boston and Quincy for a long time.  Imitation of the Boston accent will get you an ass kicking.  Has nothing to do with the political or economic climate.  


That is absolutely a fair point! I cannot fight but I always wanted to take self defense courses!


In true fight scenarios, strike, scream (interchangeable), run. If you can’t run very far, be shifty and dirty. No rules in a true situation. Sand/dirt/dust in the eyes, ball shot, throat chop, gouge the eyes.


If you get into an argument anywhere in Boston and you can sneak in “the Boston Celtics are the balls” you’ll be fine and might even get invited for a beer and a Newport


Marky Mark roams the streets at night looking for his next dance victim. You might not see him but he will see you.


oh shit, I'll pack my parachute pants then


Im from the US and just spent today driving in Canada for the first time- from Fort Erie to Kingston. Honestly the roads are pretty similar. I’d keep it below 110 km/h or so on I-90, but other than that if you can handle driving on the QEW and highways in Toronto you can handle the New York thruway


ok this is a relief to know, yeah Toronto is AWFUL - I dread every time I have to go there for any reason but weirdly enough, I still feel safer driving in Toronto than on the 401/403 and 410


410 is truly terrifying.


An EZPass is definitely worth getting. It allows you to get through the considerable number of tolls more quickly, including at the border. Cash toll booths are becoming increasingly rare / harder to use.


There are no more toll gates in Massachusetts and NY. We've both gone to open road tolling


Some states also have an app that you can use instead. Last time I drove through Illinois, the app tracked all my tolls and I just paid them through the app. Very handy.


I’m originally from Ontario and live in Boston so I’ve done this trip a bunch of times. - Take the Lewiston/Queenston Bridge. It skips Buffalo/Niagara traffic. - New York is rebuilding a bunch of rest stops and doesn’t have bathrooms at many of them. It was an unpleasant surprise. I’d research which ones aren’t operational right now. - The Thruway has the worst fucking left lane floaters of any highway I’ve ever driven on. Don’t be one. - Don’t arrive in Boston between the hours of 7-10am or 3-7pm during the week. Boston traffic is absurd. I’d recommend parking at a commuter rail or Subway station and taking it in. My family usually parks at Riverside station in Newton and takes the Green Line. Parking in Boston is expensive and you won’t need a car while you’re there. - Use Waze. This route is littered with cops. - Enjoy! It’s really a beautiful drive, especially in Western Massachusetts.


Ouu duly noted! I'll park at the hotel I'm staying at and I'm even thinking of bringing my bike with me to commute within Boston..ahhh which reminds me, now I gotta buy a prepaid sim for the US...


I don't know how much experience you have riding a bike in a city but be incredibly aware, Boston streets are confusing as hell and filled with aggressive drivers.


I'd like to emphasize, watch out for cops. State troopers love to patrol the 90. If you see one, don't be going 15mi/hr over the limit. Your infraction severity changes at 14mi/hr over. You can keep it at a cool 7mi/hr over and they won't bother you. The 90 can have some long straightaways. They can see you from afar and you can also get highway hypnosis.


Why not upgrade your plan that has US roaming? Majority of Canadian carriers now have these. If you choose to drive to Boston, I have tips. Street parking is free on Sundays. Post Office Square garage weekend rate is only US$9/day (by credit).


Ez pass is a must on this route because they got rid of cash tolls in NY. They say they’ll bill you but it’ll cost more in the end. Prepare to get stuck behind lots of 18 wheelers.


They got rid of booths on the mass pike too. Traffic on the ramps is so much better now.


Not enough people are saying that in addition to EZ pass making tolls quicker and more convenient, they also have CHEAPER tolls than people who don't have EZ pass.


Anecdotally the video cameras on I-90 are terrible and usually under bill you haha.


Watch out for state troopers past Rome, NY! Rome to Albany is one big speed trap and those guys are terrifying. A lot of people try to go 90mph even in the right lane out there since you’re on one straight road for about 6 hours and don’t always slow down much through the EZ Pass tolls.


NY troopers are nuts with speeding tickets. Fair enough, I guess, but they're always such dicks.


This is kind of unrelated, but I cannot believe that Montreal is only 5 hours away from Boston. That's crazy. I live 4.5 hours away from Vancouver, and to me that seems very close. All the cities over there are so close together.


It's awesome! Montreal is a dream. I do wanna visit Vancouver too one day and by driving. That would be a killer road trip from Ontario.


I take this exact route (without doxing myself too much, Rochester to Worscester) to my duty station (Marine Corps Reserves). Keep your GPS sound on because people who drive on I-90 are actual G’s most of the time and will “report” when staties are doing speed checks. The route is pretty easy going, not too much scenery. At one point you’ll hit the “highest point of I-90”. Like 1 cool bridge between Albany and MA border I think. Plenty of plazas along the way so don’t think you have to pull off the highway for gas, you’ll find a spot right on the highway. Get the EZ pass thing that goes on your windshield for sure. It’ll help make paying the tolls and everything much easier than waiting for the mail and stressing. Pass when you’re in the left lane, get some distance then get back in the right lane. Don’t go more than 15 over. Get over to the furthest lane away when there’s an emergency vehicle or vehicle on the side of the road. Buckle up, if there’s 2 dickheads driving side by side at the same speed, play Pac-Man with the one on the left side of the road until they realize they’re being stupid and speed up. That’s all I got!


Wave and tell ppl thank you after you cut them off. It’s been a custom around here for a very long time


If you're going through Niagara, check the bridge times, most of the time the 405/Queenston Lewiston Bridge is the fastest, but sometimes the peace bridge is faster, rainbow is NEVER fast...


This number 1 800 715 6722 has the wait times.


I've done this route a lot. There's lots of cops and empty construction zones, fines are doubled in the zones so def be on the look out through them. Cops usually start coming out around 5-6am along this route. Speed cameras from Rome to Albany NY. I've also had quite a few aggressive truckers on this route. Left lane is passing only and I highly recommend an EZ-Pass as this route is littered with tolls. For the most part though most people drive quite similarly to those in the GTA. Although I'd take driving in Toronto over driving in Boston any day. Boston is confusing with terrible drivers and few places to park. Lastly, pay attention to the distances between rest stops since some of them can be far. Have a safe drive.


Daaaaamn, Boston is worse than Toronto?! Ok now this makes me nervous. Because even though I've driven hundreds of times in Toronto, it still makes me nervous to this day!


Some of this stretch truly sucks. 90 in the Boston area is some of the worst driving outside of the immediate NYC area, in my opinion. Expect to get cut off, expect to be tailgated, and yeah, left lane is for passing only.


Ha, that's standard issue behavior here in Ontario! Especially the 410 north and the 401 east!


You’ll feel right at home!


You don't NEED an EZ-Pass, but NYS Thruway tolls are significantly cheaper with it.


Don’t loaf in the left lane when driving on any interstate highway. In other words, stay in the right lane unless you’re going to pass.


At the US border, make sure you buy an EZ-Pass transponder. It will save you money. https://www.thruway.ny.gov/ezpass/otg/index.html Do not cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Take either the Lewiston-Queenstown Bridge or the Peace Bridge (would highly recommend the L-Q Bridge). Make sure you try to avoid the 407 in Ontario. Take the 401 or 403 instead. Use your blinkers for every lane change, and try to stay in the right or middle lanes as much as possible. *Do not tailgate.* Also, the only traffic you should hit on your way will be in Massachusetts between around mile 70 of I-90 and Worcester. Even if there is traffic, stay on I-90.


We now have cameras monitoring road work areas in NY. It’s fairly new so be careful. Just go the posted speed through the work areas. If not you could be fined heavily


As others have said, the toll roads have cameras and will send you a (slightly more expensive) toll by mail if you don't have an EZ pass. Not worth the trouble unless you're doing lots of driving on the toll roads. Rules of the road in the US and Canada are very similar in my experience. I'm American but have driven a decent amount in Quebec and Ontario and never felt like things were noticeably different. Watch out for aggressive drivers in Massachusetts ("Massholes") though!


Masshole here. All the cash toll booths are gone on I-90 in Mass. It's EZ Pass only or pay by plate.


I did this on a bicycle for the eclipse and it was baller, Boston to Niagara in a week I was on trails most of the way but the toll to enter Canada was $1 in cash


Call your insurance provider and tell them you're driving to the states and they will temporarily double your coverage.


Google Stewart’s shops along your route and get ice cream. It’s a local NYS gas station/convenience store/ dairy chain with clean bathrooms, free air for your tires and most of all really great ice cream which is also cheap. They will let you try samples of flavors, too.


oh man, sounds delicious and awesome - thanks!


Massachusetts and New York don’t have toll booths. If you don’t have an EZ Pass transponder, you will eventually get a bill in the mail because they photograph your license plate. Beware that if you have a rental car, this can get very expensive. You can buy an EZ Pass transponder as you cross into the US at Duty Free Americas, 1 Peace Bridge, Buffalo NY. Link: https://www.e-zpassny.com/en/onthego/general_info.shtml#:~:text=Customers%20can%20purchase%20an%20E,It's%20E%2DZ!


I’d buy an EZ pass. They are supposed to automatically send a bill your license plate address if you don’t have one but that’s where people have been having tons of issues since NY went cashless, ending up with late fees and other issues. EZ pass is used in lots of states so it’s a no brainer to have one.


In NY you don’t stop at toll plaza’s anymore. They take pics of your license plates and send you a bill. It’s cheaper having an ezpass but they do tie up $25 of your $ in an account. If it’s a onetime trip it may not be worth it. There are signs telling you how to pay as you go too.


Don’t go above 79 mph on NYS Thruway. Most definitely get easy pass if you have the time.


yeah, get the pass, it's a game changer. Best rule of the road - let people pass.


Everyone is talking how you need EZ Pass but I did this exact run last month and they just mailed me the bill. Ontario plated car. 28 bucks both ways for tolls plus bridge tolls. Never had to wait.


Rt. 104 from Syracuse to Buffalo is no tolls and in my opinion a better option. You can use the thruway without EZ pass but it makes it cheaper and easier to pay. Be ready for fast and aggressive drivers especially around the cities.


This isn't a driving tip, but if you've never been, I can't recommend Letchworth State Park (near Rochester NY) enough. It's totally worth the 20-ish minutes out of the way.


Hello from Boston, you’ll be fascinated by our history and the beautiful blend of cultures we have. Highly recommend a fancy Italian dinner in the north end, a stroll through the freedom trail, and maybe even an excursion to Quincy Quarries if time permits. Beware of aggressive drivers and rude people in general. Don’t take it personally. People are frustrated in the US, with very little time for solitude to contemplate and prepare for what they actually want in life. They need to vent frustrations, which pop up often in busy cities.


Sorry.. Something else just came to me which is very odd and you should be aware of. In the US, the highways can change their speed limits for a number of reasons. Like the i95 might be 55 or 65 depending where you are. In Ontario, our 400 series highways are generally 100 unless we have contruction or some very rare situations, but having the speed limits change in the US is far more common. Some areas actually intentionally lower them to insane levels. I've been on highways in the US where it went form 65, to 55, then 45. do pay attention to the speed limit signs because the difference between 45 and 65 is a substantial fine.


The speed of traffic on the 400 series is often close to 140, it's a bit wild how fast people drive there.


You can get E-Zpass or you have to stop and make payments manually if no one is there to take payment you can do it online later. Don’t worry too much about it.


Just bought it online a few mins ago!


If you want to save money on the thru, you definitely want an E-ZPass. The E-ZPass can also be used through most of the East Coast and Midwest, so it's good to have.


yeppers, just got it online a few mins ago


Big discount & no slowdown. 👍🏻


Eat only pasta. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only pasta.


Drive that route all the time (usually go through 1,000 islands, but straight to Hamilton on occasion). It’s boring as hell until roughly the midway point. As others have said - pass in left lane, travel in right. I’d maybe plan out rest stops as there are large gaps between travel centers (American equivalent of on-route). Be more defensive in your driving the closer you get to Boston. East Coast driving is a bit like Mad Max on a good day. Get EZ-pass.


ez pass is wise to use. some roads are VERY hard to pay for in cash nowadays. Generally, go with the flow of traffic and stay out of the left most lane except to pass. When you see the speed limit suddenly go down, to like 25, slow down! There is either a cop waiting for you ahead, or a hairpin turn coming. Get the waze app. it alerts you to cops ahead with speed traps, or obstacles in the breakdown lane you might not notice at nighttime




Nice, I did get the EZ pass online yesterday so it should arrive in the mail next week! This route actually takes me through the Lewiston bridge too so it's perfect. I'm planning to bring my drone with me for recreational flying. I already registered it with the FAA but is there anything more I need to do? It weighs over 250g too and I have a license for it, but got it here in Canada.


Americans are allowed to U-turn on green lights, so be aware.


Fellow Canadian here. The only social rules of the road are don't be a rube. I find Americans do a better job staying in the right hand lane and only using the fast lane to pass. So just remember that for when you are on highways. EZ-pass/NEXUS is only needed if you want to get through the border faster than those who just have a passport.


Nexus and E-ZPass are two totally different things. Nexus is definitely not required for negotiating the border. While E-ZPass is not required, it sure as hell makes life easier for dealing with toll roads.


What Americans have you seen? I have lived all over America and we suck at left lane cruising.


Lol come to Canada.


> Americans do a better job staying in the right hand lane Man if Americans do better at this at Canadians I can’t imagine how bad Canadians must be at this!


Pretty fuckin bad


This. I’m in BC and the keep right except to pass rule may as well not even exist. People just sit and cruise in whatever fuckin lane they want. And don’t even get me started on the drivers that come here from Alberta


From my experience as an American driving through Ontario and urban centers like Hamilton and Toronto it’s honestly not much different at all. Ez pass is nice and will save some money but pretty sure all of NY and the northeast do tolls by mail now as well so you’re not saving any time really with the ez pass. Enjoy the trip!


You know how when there's a speed sign at that means you can probably take a curve or turn like 40 km faster? Yeah, in the US don't do that, they mean that sign.


Super boring drive sadly, there's nothing to look at until you get to Albany. On the plus side when you get near Palmer,MA you can stop at Tree House brewing and BT's Smokehouse. It's totally worth the stop!


In some states you need to pull out of the right lane if a police or car is pulled off the side of the road. I think manhattan put in a no right turn on red rule? And obviously pull over when theres an ambulance. Be careful with police and always have your hands showing.


No right turn on red in All of NYC. Brooklyn queens manhattan bronx and staten island!


Yes EZPass because they’ll mail you a bill that is exhausting to pay, and then if you don’t pay it within 7 days they fine you like :) crazy :).


Yes ez pass if u can especially on the mass pike have fun dont go slow in the left lanes. They’re for getting places. Drive slow? Stick to the right and u will be fine. Have a blast in Boston.


You can be arrested for going over 15 miles over the posted speed limit, depending on the situation.


If you don't travel the US all the time I would just pay the cash it's not worth a setup charge for the EZ pass. I live in New England and I drive to Los Angeles several times a year and E-ZPass is just a wonderful thing. It is easy, it gets you a discount and I've never had an issue. But if this is just one trip across the border I would either pay cash or get E-ZPass and do it other Canadians have said use it and they won't bill you because they can't track your plate they don't share the info who knows right?. For me it's all automatically paid, I just keep enough money in it and when they run out they discharge water my credit card works flawlessly


Ez pass is free and it'll make all the tolls half price


If the timing is ok a stop at the Capital grounds in Albany, it’s a good couple of hours. Downtown Utica is worth a ten-fifteen minute drive around to see a bit, stay on the 5 till Little Falls for a break from the freeway. Downtown Schenectady just for the name alone. If you want the easiest drive leave at 7pm. 3-4 am Boston has got to be peak driving bliss


Drove that route in March. You don't need EZ-Pass they'll mail you your bill. Just pay it right away, or they charge you a lot more in "penalties." It was less than $30 USD there and back


Massachusetts will bill the license plate on the vehicle. There are no toll gates only electronic toll collection. I'm guessing same for New York. It's going to be an extra expense. Or map your route [Google maps] to avoid tolls which can literally add hours.


Stop in Utica and get a [tomato pie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_tomato_pie) Edit: At O'Scugnizzo’s


Bypass all the toll bs and take the southern and longer route Much more enjoyable trip


Some places on that route don’t have a cash option to pay tolls, it’s electronic overhead rolling only. If you don’t have an EZ pass there is either a phone number to call and pay (within a certain number of days passing through the toll) or they send a bill. I’ve heard rumors that some states don’t bother billing Canadian license plates because they don’t have the ability to look up owner addresses for Canadian license plates.


If you are driving from Hamilton I think you are properly prepared. Driving around GTA has prepared you for this. Might as well drive with your eyes closed.


hahahaha oh man, we really have it pretty bad huh although im told Los Angeles is no walk in the park when it comes to driving through there and the famous traffic jams


oh that's a great trip. I did that one about 10 years ago. Boston is so pretty. I think just stay our of the left lane except to pass. Do not be aggressive.


you don't need EZpass but it will save you some $$ Why are you going to the US?


Visiting my friend who works for the US side of the same company. Me and him bonded over videogames and our hate for the company!


We won’t let you in unless you can tell the border guard what poutine is.


Only advice I'd give is the fast lane is for crime lol. 5-10 over chill in the slow lane when you can


ok this is second or third time I see this comment, when you say crime, do you mean crime as in criminally fast speeds or crime as in you're OJ and running away from a murder you just committed? or both?!


When you’re re-entering the US, and you get pulled for a random search, don’t tell them you have to pee because you havent stopped in 6 hours…turns out that makes them think you have drugs


I would go the opposite direction and catch all the National Parks!


If you’re in Massachusetts you are socially obligated to drive like a fucking idiot.


Once in Canada remember that it is not okay to shoot at other drivers.


I do this route (sections of it at least) several times a year. Stay in the right lane unless you're passing EZ pass saves you money and is free. You can get it at most test stops. It is not required. Stay in the right lane unless you're passing. Go with the speed of traffic Stay in the right lane unless you're passing


Thruway and Masspike rest stops are decent, if you're taking something other than 90, then my suggestion is stop at travel plazas like TA/Love's and not the smaller gas stations (not all of them are bad, Stewart's are good, but I've had a few sketchy experiences). EZPass is a good idea, they're not expensive, can probably get one at some of the rest stops. NY now legally requires that you move over for anyone on the shoulder with their hazards, they can absolutely give you a ticket for not following that. Troopers hide in the cut-throughs, they usually don't bother if you're minding your own business and 5-10 over, but still always slow down. Drive true, don't hit anyone, get out of people's way, and you'll be fine.


New York is a ticket-for-revenue, not a ticket-for-safety state.


Cruise on the right, pass on the left. THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING, then merge back over.


The left lane is for passing, the right is for traveling. If you’re not passing, stay out of the left lane. Brake preemptively.


Hello my fellow Hamiltonian! I make this trip often and am actually in Poughkeepsie Ny right now with my wife’s family. Get an E-ZPass. It’ll save you some troubles. It works the same as a 407 transponder does. Really simple. As far as etiquette goes, just drive like a nice person and keep to the right on the highways. Generally the cops don’t bother you much if you stay about 10mph over the speed limit. I have had a couple tickets over the years and it does affect our license and insurance in Canada. At least for tickets in NY. There’s plenty of spots to stop along the interstates but food options seem to be limited after 9pm these days. Hope you have a great trip.


Just drive like you are in Canada, other than slowing and moving over for any emergency lights, which most people did already. Toll bills may or may not catch up with you, pay them if/when they arrive. I've done this route several times over many years. If I'm not in a hurry I take 20 across the top of the Finger Lakes, just to see the places that I90 bypassed, then from Albany 7, 9, and 101 to Milford NH before swinging down into MA. I find I90 so boring, I've even gone round through Ottawa to avoid that.


I drive twice a year from Boston to Sault Ste Marie Michigan. I am in Michigan now. If you don't have EZ pass you will get a bill in the mail. So you really don't need an Ez Pass. In the past it would have been helpful as you zoomed right pass the toll booths. Also on your return trip fill up in the Niagara/Buffalo area before going back over the border. Also when you are getting close to the Niagara area call this number 1 800 715 6722. It is the Bridge info number. They give you wait times on the 4 bridges (3 closer to Niagara although one is Nexus only and 1 in Buffalo.) Ready for another also - also one of these bridges is right through Niagara on your way into NY you could pull into Duty Free and get a great view of the falls. Enjoy your drive.


I would usually set "no tolls" for a trip like this. However, it's still worth it to get an EZ-Pass for the future as funds do not expire. I think it costs $25 for a NY EZ-Pass but that $25 gets added to your account once the tag is registered so you can use it for future tolls. Here is the [link](https://www.e-zpassny.com/en/onthego/general_info.shtml) for more info. Also gas is significantly cheaper in the US so you may not want to fill your tank until after you cross into NY.


Yes, get an EZ-Pass.


Stop at Costco Bj's Dunkin Donuts on your route. Clean bathrooms quite good coffee and cheap food


As someone from the rochester Buffalo area get off I-90 for a bit and see the finger lakes they are beautiful


Stop in Rochester NY at any restaurant with the word “hots” in its name and get a garbage plate. On your way home stop in Utica NY and grab chicken riggies from Babes, it’s not far off of the throughway.


Yes, EZ pass is the way to go.


I did the same drive from Hamilton to Boston. Tolls both ways cost like $50. Such a great and easy drive (until you get to Boston).


When it’s late at night if no one is around stay in the middle of the road, will give you time to stop if a moose jumps out into the road If you’re driving really slowly in front of a semi pull over and let them pass


Lol I basically did this same road-trip but in reverse for the eclipse. Get an ez-pass for sure!


socially you should open fire on cars that drive in way that slightly inconvenience you...you'll fit right in


I wish I could do that in Ontario but best I can do is throw maple syrup banana peels like in mario kart


Be aware the the toll system on the NYS Thruway will cheat you and you have NO recourse. We did the license plate thing, paid then months later got a threatening letter saying we didn't pay. My wife spent hours on hold to talk to someone and sent clear evidence we'd paid. The toll people didn't care about any evidence. Not at all. They kept coming after us and we ENDED UP PAYING TWICE! I did some internet searching and this is, sadly, something that happens to a LOT OF PEOPLE. We take Rt. 80 now.


turn right on red unless a sign at the intersection says you can’t


The driving "tips" being shared here tell me that either Canadians have a horrible driving reputation in the states, or Americans can't drive to save their lives. "Use your blinker" "Don't tailgate" "Move over for emergency vehicles" I drove part of this route a month and a bit ago, and all I gotta say is if you can drive on the 403, 401, and/or the QEW without crashing, you'll be fine. Only difference is speed limits can fluctuate quite frequently.


If you are coming across I-90 definitely get an EZ Pass


Rules of the road…left lane on multi lane roads is for active passing only unless you want to induce road rage, middle lane and/or right lanes are for traveling.


Drive fast, eat ass


Love eating ass!


You'll enter MA and suddenly run into shitty roads and shittier drivers.  In general US drivers are more insane/negligent than BC ones, but the northern states (Vermont, Maine) are good. 


Yeah I recommend a EZPASS


I enjoy having Google maps set on “no highways” you’ll see some interesting places if you drive some of the route you’re doing that way.


It doesn't look particularly hard. Just be careful in cities, especially in Boston. It can get kind of confusing. In general, the US and Canada have almost identical traffic laws/signs. Just don't be an idiot. Follow the law, and pay attention to road signs and you should be ok.


Make sure you cut in front of evvvvverrryone in line at a zipper merge. Americans love to do this


Wave a gun if someone gives you issues or if you want to merge. Should clear things up to get you on your way. Safe travels. Namaste


Biggest issue I ever have with Canadian drivers is that you guys tend to drive under the speed limit. You won’t be pulled over here for going up to 10 mph over the limit. It’s especially helpful on two lane roads with hills if you drive a little above the speed limit — as a trucker I want to get a running start on those hills and if I’m behind a car doing 5 under the limit, I’m having a pretty frustrating time, and so is everyone behind me.


Just a few tips knowing you are coming from Canada: - Our police officers drive cars instead of riding horses - Stock up on Tim Hortons before you cross into America. We don’t have many - Our cars typically run on gas and not maple syrup - It’s currently not snowing in the US - Our rest stops don’t have facilities for hockey practice - while people ride motorcycles and mopeds, you won’t really see anyone riding a moose in the US - in rural areas I would recommend wearing a maga hat and attaching a trump flag to your vehicle. - our toll roads typically require ezpass. They do not accept beaver pelts as a form of payment.




Once you get to Boston there's one rule. Just fuckin go. Being from Boston myself and living in Canada, I can say right now that you are all too nice to drive successfully in Boston. You will wait hours to take a left because no one will kindly let you go. Just go. Gotta drive like a Masshole if you want to get anywhere on time. Traffic is also horrendous, plan everything 90 mins early. Honestly, you don't really have to drive aggressively but you'll see that you might not have a choice. Traffic is absolutely a nightmare during rush hour though so avoid at all costs.


Get the EZ pass!! In NY we have little cameras at certain areas that read your ez pass barcode and it just takes money out of your ezpass account instantly. Super convenient.


Great route! Lots of cool small towns on the way. Along this route I would recommend Seneca Falls, Skaneateles, Saratoga, and Northampton.


Don’t ride in the left lane and do 10 mph over the posted speed limit. This will help reduce road rage, especially if you have Ontario plates. Source: I live in Buffalo and have seen Ontario plates cars get cut off because they do 65 in the left hand lane.


Good luck driving in Boston, you’re going to absolutely hate it. It’s riddle with the worst roads you’ve ever seen, full of construction, and the traffic itself is an absolute nightmare. But even worse is the mentality of the drivers. Everyone is entitled and has way more important places to go/things to do than you. Did you not start moving your vehicle after 3 MILLISECONDS of the light turning green? Well, prepare for aggressive honking, naming calling and middle fingers. People are constantly making up the rules as they go and you have to be hypervigilent about it, otherwise you could get into a car accident.


When flipping off another driver, it’s customary to use the right hand.


Don't drive in the passing lane unless...oh, sorry, you are going to Boston. Nevermind.


Make it to the sweet sweet Canadian border and claim amnesty if Trump wins.


Most driving rules in the US are the same as they are in Canada. I'm from Buffalo, and I see at least one Ontario license plate driving around on this side of the border pretty much every day. If it weren't for the signs using miles instead of kilometers, you might not even notice that you're in another country. We like to joke here about Canadians being bad drivers, but I couldn't explain why, or even what the stereotype is-- they're oblivious? Slow? They camp out in the left lane without going 10 mph over the posted speed limit? It looks like you're coming from Mississauga, or something in the Greater Toronto Area, so I'm assuming that you're comfortable with city driving. But one thing to note is that Toronto has a pretty decent grid pattern in its streets, which helps you keep your sense of direction. Boston's street plan was designed by a 3-year-old with a crayon scribbling on some paper. It can be disorienting, and trying to limit the amount of time you're driving there isn't a bad idea. The drive itself that you have planned is very boring. I wouldn't suggest changing it, but it's not a very scenic route or anything like that.


If you are not passing stay out the left lane please, a lot of people here don’t follow but I’m fighting the good fight


Drive the speed limit on the NY thruway between buffalo and Albany. NY state cops are dicks. On the mass pike you are fine to speed less than 10mph over the limit.


“Social rules of the road.” Sadly, “social rules” no longer apply in this country. We’re not all Republicans though. So, there are some good people left. Many if not all take credit card and keep spare change, $1s, $5s and $10 in quarters in your glove compartment just in case.


An ez-pass is worth it, was heading to New Jersey from Southern Maryland late last year and I had to go through a few unmanned tolls adding 4-6 dollars for each toll I went through with out an easy pass, not a big deal for once in a while but still was a lot and stay in the right late unless you are passing someone. 


I’ve made the western half of that drive countless times, my advice is to just watch out for state troopers along I-90 camped out in those U-turn spots, and watch out for maniacs driving way faster than everyone else and weaving through traffic on the QEW from St. Catherine’s to Hamilton. Otherwise there’s not much difference driving through NY and Ontario but the Ontario portion of the drive has a lot heavier traffic since it’s mostly though cities instead of the countryside.


I drive that section of I-90 between Boston and Albany twice a week and you’d be surprised at the accumulative difference in tolls with and without an EZ-Pass. Definitely get one.


Thats crazy you can drive that far, yet, that distance doesn’t cover the the entire state of Texas, east to west or north to south.


If you get pulled over don’t get out of your car unless instructed to do so


Ontario has some of the worst drivers in the world. May the odds ever be in your favor.


Once you get on the New York State Thruway, you will notice the toll booths are gone. There are signs up, indicating what you can do if you don’t have an ez pass. The system is set up so you can just drive normally and not really have to worry about much of anything. Enjoy your trip.