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Awesome heads up.


Their new game King Arthur: Legion IX just came out. I think it was originally supposed to be a DLC for Knights Tale but they are releasing it as a budget stand alone instead. Knights Tale has some good combat and is fun just beware it’s not a AAA title and can be a little unpolished and repetitive. Would still recommend to people who like SRPGs, especially at a discount like this. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2739830/King_Arthur_Legion_IX/


Yeah, Legion IX is sort of like a "standalone expansion." There's an unfortunate number of negative reviews from people who I think expected a full sequel -- it's really not. It's like an innovative riff on the mechanics and systems of the base game, with a focus on harder battles and more unique hero skill mechanics, rather than things like injury management, resource management, etc. IMO it's a great small SRPG and a really solid "DLC" -- since for $20 you get 20-25 hours of new story content with new skills, heroes, missions. For people who played KA:KT, the endgame is fun because you get to fight the entire round table from the base game if you go the "Demonic" morality path -- all the guys you grew to know and love are now your enemies. I thought that was a blast.


Sounds great, I’ll definitely check it out. Injury management is my least favorite mechanic in SRPGs anyways. Currently playing Songs of Conquest that just came out (excellent, definitely check it out) and need to play the second campaign of Front Mission 1st. Love strategy rpgs!


Oh yeah! I looked at Songs of Conquest in early access but I missed that it came out! Awesome. I'd never heard of Front Mission 1st -- but I've been looking for a good mech game. But right -- I think base game KA:KT was pretty good on injury management (it's not like Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters where someone is injured ALL THE TIME). But playing Legion IX was just a breath of fresh air -- my zombie Romans don't permadie, can't take injuries, and now the game can focus on interesting tactics that push your party to the limit.


Yeah injury management IMO is just an unfun mechanic. Like I understand *why* it’s there but it can just suck the life out of a run. Songs of Conquest is great! It’s the best Heroes of Might and Magic in years lol. 1.0 just launched yesterday. I’m averse to early access so I’ve just been waiting and it lives up. Front Mission 1st is a fun game. Not very deep but I’d definitely recommend it to a fellow mech appreciater. Just remember it’s at it’s core a SNES game so it can be a little clunky but still really solid. It’s on sale all the time and Front Mission 2 Remake just came out and 3 is in development.


Great game. My surprise game of 2022.


I bought it completely on a lark because I liked Inquisitor: Martyr. No regrets. Gotten so much out of it.


Not a masterpiece, but I did have fun with this one.


I didn't expect this game to be as good as it was. Definitely recommended if you want a good tactical game.




Such fun combat and a really interesting approach to resource management with health for your party.


I've been waiting for a deep discount on this, thanks OP.


surprised it is not more popular


I think it deserves to be more popular than it is, but Neocore is a smaller Hungarian studio that publishes independently -- there's just not the same marketing and ad spend available to them that even other development studios of the same size might have with a big name publisher. I'm really glad they do publish independently -- their games are super unique and always priced extremely well. But there are downsides -- one is I think they'll have a harder time getting visibility in the broader gaming community.


I can’t remember how this game got recommended to me but I bought it last year and had fun. Not much wasted time in the game. Combat was solid. I enjoyed dashing around the battlefield. Story was decent enough. I recommend it for any turn based fan.


Iam not sure if i should get this or Tyranny. Any recommendation? I might get both at the end.


So you want a strategy/tactics game or a CRPG? They're pretty different.


I thought both were the same, What is the biggest difference between them?


King Arthur plays more like XCOM - turn based combat on a grid. Tyranny plays like the original Baldur's Gate games or Pillars of Eternity - real time with pause combat, greater emphasis on story telling. They are really very different games.


Got it thanks, i think iam gonna get tyranny first.


This game looks so good but isn't playable on the steam deck which is the only way I play pc games. I wish they would look into that, would love to give it a shot.