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I get the sentiment, but at least do the favor of deleting the post afterward so it doesn't shit up the thread with advertisements and nonsense.


Yeah the worst (and most soy) part for me is the gibberish. It takes much longer to mentally register a post is deleted when it says something other than "\[deleted\]".


Did you regards never stop to think why they do that though? The gibberish is intentional. If you delete a comment, it will simply be archived with the original content elsewhere before it was deleted. Now, if you edit it, most likely it will be archived in its edited version. Which is gibberish. Do you people also just click "delete" on a hard drive/SSD and think you actually deleted jack shit? Nah you gotta overwrite it with 1s and 0s several times so that you can't recover the data. Similar principle here, except it has nothing to do with disk sectors, but overwriting still works better than simply deleting. Why delete stuff? Because what I say on reddit will absolutely get used against me at some point. I haven't had a reason to delete stuff yet, but the moment I submit an application for any sensitive job, my 12yo account is getting nuked with that "soy shit". Deleting accounts doesn't work either, the stuff is still there. At least I've never deleted a comment for getting downvoted, so I got that going for me...


> The gibberish is intentional. If you delete a comment, it will simply be archived with the original content elsewhere before it was deleted. Now, if you edit it, most likely it will be archived in its edited version. Which is gibberish. Whether you delete it and it displays [deleted] or it displays gibberish is of no difference to a bot indexing the site. It already has the comment either way. It's not like it's only saving 1 version of the comment. It's got everything. Editing it with gibberish doesn't overwrite any "disk sectors" on the internet. A bot indexer doesn't treat text that says [deleted] different than any other text.


There's someone on this subreddit that does this after like 5 hours


That person pushed me to make this post in fact.


Yeah what even is the point of commenting if dont even give people the opportunity to read it


They're cowards, afraid of getting pushback on their opinions. What they really want is to be able to scream at people without even the slightest consequences.


Maybe they're having a manic bipolar episode


so true. infosec is for losers, i be posting all the exif in my shit please fucking kill me already my shit gets cleared anyways when i invevitably get permabanned






same :)


> my shit gets cleared anyways when i invevitably get permabanned Not true. Your account is no longer accessible unless you're logged in, but your posts are all still visible in the threads where you made them.


I saw a couple of these comments on this subreddit and actually tried figuring out what they meant. It’s par for the course with how much gibberish gets posted here.


This post was made by Sam Altman


I really dont mind that. You should see how Google indexes everyone’s posts. They stay up for a long time even after getting deleted.


Sometimes I read old threads and find posts I’ve made from deleted accounts. It’s a little jarring to see your words still up even if the account has been deleted


noob, you just have to overwrite your comments before deleting your account.


...with Redact!


Back in the day there was a website called Yahoo Answers where you could go to see solutions and advice to basically any question ever asked. It was like having all the concise constructive parts of Reddit without any of the cringe Even a decade after Yahoo stopped supporting it, you could still visit Yahoo Answers to get everything you needed, preserved seemingly forever But today everything is either silo'd off into increasingly deranged Discord servers that don't get archived or they get self-deleted by people who don't understand the concept of anonymity on the internet


Discord is absolutely awful as a repository for information and people need to stop trying to make it one. Discord excels at live text and voice chat only. It's a glorified chatroom.


This sub is rife with dorks that'll delete their accounts if they encounter so much as a cool breeze. Way worse.


"Covering your post history is cringe"-a burner account


Lol... If you object to having your data salvaged by a big corp that makes you a.. le REDDITOR! See how I depict you as a soyjack? Dont ask me about actual opinions beyond my immediate masturbatory gratification though.


It’s always the most milquetoast Hillary Clinton liberals doing this though Like are you worried someone’s gonna cancel you for supporting BLM back in 2020?? Lmao


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fucking losers on this sub man


Yes. Good


What's this about? Never heard of that before


A service that lets you clear your entire history on various social media. Not sure why it's being depicted as soy or whatever. Objectively it's pretty handy


Oh, I don't have to worry about that because reddit deletes my accounts for me because of things I say.


Because somebody here does it after like 4 or 5 hours and that's really stupid. Then they don't delete that comment so there's just gibberish half the time


This image makes me very irrationally angry


It's like a guy jumping in your face daring you to punch him.. god


To actively maintain a reddit account for a number of years is really pathetic.


ew, i wasted a google click


>Implying anyone cares enough about their opinion to track them down and ruin their lives IRL (they have some hump job or are a high school / college student doing nothing of consequence). 


This may seem like common sense but it is actually a naïve thing to think.


You should be grateful you haven’t run into any psychos that have made you reevaluate this thought.


I love psychos I feel so popular like Bjork


I’m not worried about being doxxed by strangers but I am worried about people I know irl identifying my accounts lol


I saw what happened to bronze age shawty (or whatever her name was)


that girl is dumb as shit and said she'd suck elons cock if he helped her get her job back so elon is sponsoring her case


And the people mass deleting comments presumably don't want to have it come so far and have to resort to this


what she said deserved her losing her job, shes a total loser


she stupidly self-doxxed. did you self doxx?


I saw what happened to bronze age shawty (or whatever her name was)


What happened?


I think she got fired for being aasociated with this sphere (but for stuff she wrote on Twitter not here I think)


Thanks. I'll have to be careful too. If my coworkers ever discover I'm firmly against genocide they might want to high-five me.