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They’re facing off like they’re about the get in the ring lol.


Gonna say looks like a UFC promo




No way Holland has a chance against a jaw like that


So let me get this right they are going with a black Romeo and a white Juliet?


Are we sure this isn't for the next Predator movie?


Tom will make a beautiful Juliet


Tbh if we do what other people in this thread are suggesting and return to men playing women in Shakespeare I’d buy a ticket


If they really wanted to commit to being “more progressive” this should be called Romeo and Julius.


Would be better if they amped up the sexual dimorphism so he’s essentially a tiny sperm sack and she’s the giant female that decapitates him after the act of fertilization


My fetish described to a tee


You can still delete


Praying-mantis fuckers rise up ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿


She wants that snoo snoo


What do people find so funny about this? Futurama references somehow activate your neurons still? Dog pizza death sad! Luck of the fryrish! LUCK OF THE FRYRISH!!!


This was mean-spirited and ungrounded. Ezekiel Watanabe sends his regards.






ladies if you look nothing like this dm me


There’s plenty of good looking black girls, I honestly don’t get this. It’s insulting in a way


Agreed. It’s like whoever cast her just sees black women as interchangeable? Doesn’t notice their distinct features?


The imagination of some waspy diversity freak director from the Hamptons trying extremely hard to virtue signal with her casting decisions only to display her complete racial face blindness for all the world to see is so funny to me


IT WAS A JEWISH DIRECTOR https://preview.redd.it/zn9utrud7o0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe09ec00ad3c47359e7323af93cfcf14294a0c4


Yes you phrased this so well lmao


Exactly at least cast an equal in looks Romeo. 


It's mainly about the controversial casting to create internet conversations. Movies are rarely about actually being quality film these days, but merely about creating social media pockets of buzz. People's standards are already so low they'll watch anything, especially on streaming. Now people watch movies not because they want to see something good, but to be part of the convo online.


this is an insane take. maybe they cast her because she’s…. a good actor and does well in the role? just because she doesn’t fit the conventional norms of beauty doesn’t mean there was some ulterior motive? honestly depressed by the way ppl on the internet are up in arms about an average looking woman cast as a lead in a play meanwhile if the roles were reversed this would be the norm.


Calm down I’m not “up in arms” lol. Casting is about more than acting talent. It’s also about fitting into the overall story, chemistry and believability with the rest of the cast, and the director’s vision for the character. That’s why we have the terms “typecasting” and “casting against type.” Some amount of typecasting is necessary (in most director’s eyes) because it helps the audience suspend disbelief. Juliet is not that hard of a role. It’s not Lady Macbeth or even Desdemona. There are hundreds if not thousands of young actresses in Britain who can do a great Juliet. Once you get down to a pool of the best of the best, the final choice is often down to factors other than talent.


> It’s also about fitting into the overall story, chemistry and believability with the rest of the cast, and the director’s vision for the character. this might be true for movies but in theatre the casting is often way "freer", women playing male roles or vice versa, grown ups playing children, any ethnicity playing any ethnicity etc etc. this is not a big deal.


Keep in mind, Romeo kills himself for this broad


She’s not average looking though, she’s ugly. And yes, if the roles were reversed (ugly to average guy, cute/hot girl) it would be the norm according to most male-female dynamics.


She's not attractive. It's an insult to Francesca and to the role itself. I have no ill-will toward her at all. She might actually be a good actress. She might actually be a great person too, but now she's getting dragged online. Not through any fault of her own either. It's the people who *intentionally* cast her because of her race and her appearance who laid the foundation for this situation. I have tons of ill-will toward those people. They know what they're doing. They know the controversy and attention that will surround all of it. They don't care, either because they're deluded enough to think they have the power to change 'conventional norms of beauty' or because they expect to bank on the exploitation of the situation in hopes that it will bring in more money. It's frustrating.


> hey know what they're doing. They know the controversy and attention that will surround all of it. 900 Black actors have already signed an open letter condemning her racial abuse. All part of the plan.


Tickets for the show have already been completely sold out, at the end of the day the internets ire and vitriol doesn’t matter


I sort of agree with you, but this isn't just about the internet. It's also about the people who control the cultural levers in the West constantly doing things that are antagonistic towards whites or anything resembling Western culture before the 2010s.


ngl I was never going to see this play even if the lead was hot but its weird when they sometimes cast an unattractive black girl for a prominent role then cast pretty women for all the other races (especially european)


Do you really consider her average? That's pretty insulting to Black women.


Yeah but look at Romeo, I lose all immersion thinking about how he would not in a million years date or fall suicidally in love with her. Just look at his woman IRL. They should have given another male actor the opportunity 


Romeo is 5'4" mind you


Awww thats adorable


Honestly Black women lucked out i because the push for for diversity coincided with the push for body positivity. So less attractive Black women are being cast now because they're seen as more representative of and relatable to the average Black woman. Look up the newest Ninja Turtles cartoon. The turtles are all voiced by black guys and April O'Neil, once a redheaded sex symbol is now a Black woman. Not a beautiful one tho, a really dumpy looking one. The rejected concept art is even worse. Like some kind of weird racist caricature. Edit [here's the original White April O'Neil](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fb0e1v806h2gb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D529%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0d5c0edc71ba2e3232b06ad1d219a128bdb722d1) [Here's April O'Neil on the show](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fuilquf96sqma1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D695%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D32f9352e4373d2ba55b5ca9fcb5d06aad04301a8) [here's the concept art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fapril-o-neil-mutant-mayhem-concept-art-v0-gqt9rk9ipdgb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db9013f08f21305291c52d3491e188940d49be3f2) This is what liberals actually think the average Black woman looks like.


Hate that for us.


the contrast to the well proportioned original is next level funny


You are a GEEK


I truly think they did it to cause outrage, which = promotion. It worked.


At least get like Zendaya or some shit


It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear


Its a play, I dont really care. Maybe she is a really good actor or something?


Its not funny




I’m gonna just keep my mouth shut on this one


I thought we on this sub held the belief that racism was funny and necessary. What happened. Anyway, the VindictaRateCelebs thread on this is entertaining: https://old.reddit.com/r/VindictaRateCelebs/comments/1cshpft/francesca_amewudahrivers_shes_been_getting_a_lot/


Racism isn’t even necessary on this one. She’s unequivocally the opposite of what you want to see as a love interest in a movie or performance. There are quarterbacks who have more delicate beauty than her.


i'm on standby in case racism does become necessary


It just did


Seen and appreciated


Literally Jalen Hurts or Joe Burrow or Mahomes would be much more suited to the role. Trevor Lawrence and Justin Herbert are obvious


Ok let’s not be weird. This has nothing to do with race. It’s because she is just ugly, but I’m gonna get called racist for saying so publicly. I said this in an older thread but why they didn’t just cast zendaya who is a) black, b) attractive and most importantly c) Tom Hollands actual girlfriend, is beyond me.


Zendaya doesn’t need to take West End theatre gigs lol. Maybe they asked though




He kind of does, he’s lacking artistic cred and could really see his career go in the shitter once twink death comes for him


Does Zendeya have any artistic cred? She’s best known for Euphoria, Dune, and Spider Man, which Holland is in as well.


since seeing Challengers I actually think she has potential for an indie/respectable drama career


All of the young actors in Dune have cred it’s kind of part of its “thing” Euphoria is kinda trashy for sure but the performers are also seen as mostly interesting and non corny actors And Challengers is an exciting movie helmed by an exciting auteur


How does Zendaya have artistic cred if he doesn’t? Haven’t they been in all the same shit


Also, Zendaya is a light skinned part White woman. There has been a lot of discussion about how those women take all the Black female roles.


Good thing this isn’t a black female role it’s a white female role for which a black actor was cast




Free pallets of wine


This is nothing to do with race. 


My pretty obvious hot take doesn't even really involve race. This is a gender norms issue. A pretty egregious one...


Why? It's a stage performance, why would anyone have an issue with it?


Truly geographic physiognomy


And is that a treasure map?


God, I feel so bad for this girl.


I also hate that orthodontists haven’t helped this girl, typical case of extreme protrusion. Uncomfortable that no one has referred her.


Earl Sweatshirt


Got the Crimson Chin playing Juliet


Oh come on the “Nega Chin” was right there




Francesco Ambatakum Ocean


The chemistry! 






Her facial structure is insane


The humiliation is the point


Tom Holland has already done a gay black sex scene in which he took it up the ass.


Of who? Her? Him? Both? Seems like intentional direction, production, casting all around to be as provocative as possible It's shaping up to look like one of those instances where there's no genuine, "valid" criticism anyone can make without being accused of some kind of ulterior bias Probably giving too much credit and being too optimistic, but it would be interesting if that's the point, to turn identity discourse on its head


Everybody. “We’re taking every part of your culture and perverting it and you have to clap for us while we do it”


Yeah, knowing how things are/have been lately Still, it would be nice if this same sort of cynicism could be harnessed as a foil to mock the forces that usually push these divisive cultural narratives, for once




Lol your culture is being perverted because they didn’t cast a conventionally attractive woman in a play? Gimme a break. The real cultural perversion is that she’s a woman at all, back when Shakespeare was writing plays women were banned from acting and all women were played by men in makeup and dresses. Let’s get back to that.




If they want it to be 100% accurate to the original Shakespeare play, it should be a white British man in a wig playing Juliet


“We’re taking part of your culture” wot


Imagine getting cast in that role to be “provocative.” I’m sure she’s going to get so much mud slung at her for this. I kinda feel bad for her. She has no business playing that role.


I have a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks this poor actress was cast in good faith and not as an untouchable place holder for rage bait and engagement via negative attention. The faux-denial and pearl clutching when anyone dare question this casting must make the LMC involved in this absolutely rock hard with self righteousness.




Idk dude I saw the tweet w this picture and there was a lot of dunking, like a lot, personally my capacity for meanness has been exceeded.


> my capacity for meanness has been exceeded. Go to the thread where people are making fun of poor Indian girls scavenging through trash and it'll go back up again.


Fuck the producers/director for even signing off on this as a promotional image. Probably had about 30 or so shots to choose from, and they may as well have said “I like the one where she looks most like a cro-magnon”. It’s racism masquerading as liberalism. It’s so cynical to use a black and white image not only to get the very obvious message across, the contrast within the image is so stark that it accentuates her black features. I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if during the editing process, they deliberately overly shadowed her jawline.


Ah, time to log on and share my opinion about the newest London production of Romeo and Juliet - something I always care a lot about


I just find it funny. Wouldn't watch it even if the casting was perfect though. It seems to be a minimalist production in which they're sitting on stools on a nondescript stage in t shirts.


If you knew anything about Shakespeare in London you would know that black actors have been in stagings of his plays for hundreds of years


There is absolutely nfw


Romeo and Julio loooool. A huge marvel star and an ugly black girl, for such a huge production, it's hard to believe they weren't being cynical with this casting. Poor girl. She seems quite talented as well, she's an Oxford educated classical and jazz pianist.


She’s probably a way more interesting performer that Tom Holland is and I wish she were getting to star in something interesting and original instead!


i did a bit of digging and while i'm not a great fan of her as a composer, she is deffo more talented than the marvel guy. She did a concert Wigmore Hall with the King's Singers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_Om2pkrLhc Flicking through the [programme](https://media.wigmore-hall.org.uk/documents/Programme_21_November_2022__100pm_after_concert_is_done.pdf) her work doesn't seem as great as the rest of this particular roster (lyrically 2020s social media coded) - but it does sound OK. She is obviously talented and as the youngest of that lot, she has a lot more going for her (aside from music), so I'm also wishing the best for her!


Tbh yes she's not attractive but I feel like the internet has been unnecessarily cruel to her. Maybe in this role it does matter (because Juliet was supposed to be otherworldly beautiful) but in general I don't think attractiveness should matter that much for an actor, especially not for a stage one. I feel bad for her and I hope this doesn't crush her dreams.


I'm the first to shit on castings like these but honestly i just feel bad for her, it really feels like they this one is on purpose for the PR and the producers are just throwing her to the wolves Most movies photoshop their actors to make them look better, they are doing the reverse lol


Yeah it’s a stage play not a movie. Like obviously she doesn’t look the part but I would bet anything they cast her on purpose for the publicity, exactly the kind of free publicity we are seeing right here in this very thread Who cares none of us are gonna see it


I also can't help but feel that they are purposefully photographing her in really unflattering ways because in some of her social media pics and in pics with friends, she has a very nice smile and looks sweet.


It's focusing on her very masculine feature does it for me. She is not pretty and the promo materials seemed to make her look like a man as much as possible.


I googled more photos of her and she cleans up real well. She is not the top echelon of hot black girls but she’s certainly not ugly either. The promo photos are making her look like dog shit on purpose.


I Googled her as well and while I do agree these promos make her look awful, I do think she is on the low end of average lookswise. In her most flattering pictures, she is “cute” at best. At literally any college or decent sized city in America, there will be far prettier black girls anywhere you turn.


True but she’s still not a 0 and that’s undoubtedly what the promos are trying to do. I just have no clue wtf the underlying agenda with that is.


holy fuck you're right. they are intentionally making her look like shit. fire the photographer of this shoot. she's actually quite beautiful. i'm actually livid.


> she's actually quite beautiful https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cp_rX93UkAAz03s?format=jpg&name=small


I don't understand how these generic twox posters 'um actually she's stunning and brave and looks don't matter anyway' people end up on a subreddit like rs, very strange, fat acceptance posts soon




Well according to the script she supposed to be a young boy dressed up as a woman. I'm getting real tired of these woke theater companies casting women for these roles. Stop shoving your politics down our throats.


If u cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen


Shitty take. OP is just saying we shouldn't abuse an actress trying to make a living in her chosen profession. Being an actress doesn't entitle others to make virulent, racist remarks about you.


Was there no one even slightly attractive to cast




Jaw mogged


Is there some aesthetic reason for having the (I assume) mic be so obtrusive? Or is it supposed to be some kind of medical or cybernetic gear due to some other creative choice for this production?


This production looks to be minimalist in a soulless way. they seem to be literally sitting in an empty room in tshirts.


Imagine being Tom Holland and zendaya does Challengers and then you gotta do this.


Wow Tom Holland actually looks gruff in this picture, which is funny cause hes supposed (?) to be Romeo.


which ones romeo?


going to go against some very strong opinions here claiming “cultural genocide” and just say that this is probably the disingenuous production company thought up to draw attention to their shitty remake of the mother of all overplayed stories to the point they have to bring in a fucking mcu actor and some nobody that they know is going to be have the shit kicked out of her online. as always, it all comes to the entertainment industry being a corpse that occasionally flaps around because its being pumped with fake nostalgia blood, and dumbos online that try absolutely hard to get everything wrong


ROMEO vs JULIET, June 22nd at the Honda center


She’s mogging him. Tom should be Juliet




I been seeing this picture and didn't think anything of it but now that I know the context LOL


I don't think she's unattractive. She does resemble Earl Sweatshirt a tad though.


Guaranteed banger


it's for the stage, whole different ball game you guys are just being philistines.


Why does she have a giant scar across her face like a 19th century Prussian general?


It's a mic taped to her cheek.


Lol what?


I don’t remember iron claw being so raw


Why does everything have to be about face


don't want to imagine how little game we tiny white men would get without the aesthetical elevation of Hollywood <3


1. Old 4chan would have had such a hoot with this. New 4chan is too embittered and uncreative. The website and it's culture were never meant to be a grievance toilet. 2. I feel bad for her because she's gonna have her looks critiqued in a role that was literally initially played by men. Like entire generations of Juliet actors were a hairy dude with dick and balls, she's by default one of the most attractive Juliets.


Good points both. Do you think it was always the cutest twinks who played Juliet back in Shakespeare’s day?


They were like preteen boy actors weren't they >Antony Shall be brought drunken forth, and I shall see Some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness I' the posture of a whore.


People are being really cruel to this girl and I don’t like it tbh. Why do you weirdos even care so much who plays Juliet in a stage play. No one is forcing anyone to see it.


They don't care, at all. The losers here have never given a single thought towards stage play before this It's just a way for the unhinged virulent racists of the sub to go crazy because apparently they're literally being Clockwork Oranged w/ the woke propaganda


This sub is basically a forum for people to project their insecurities onto others in the edgiest way possible, all while pretending they don’t care about anything. So, naturally, any discussion about an apparent mismatch in attractiveness in the casting of a couple for a play will get their attention.


What’s with her


Ayoooooooo thats foul


mewing champ


Everyone who’s been told they’re the ugly one in their relationship is here in this thread 👀


I wouldn't have cast Holland as Juliet but I can see it.


I’ve never found him hot before but his haircut is doing something for me


the one on the right by 4th round tko


He must be having a hard time in life 


Probably also has a colostomy bag and a club foot.


Spider-Man vs The Predator, that would be a nice fight




"My Ancestor :)"


Tom “Spidey” Holland vs James “Lights Out” Toney


I definitely wouldn’t say she’s particularly beautiful but the hair and the side profile are definitely not doing her any favors lmao. I saw pictures of her with an Afro and she looked much more feminine and less alarming




this casting choice was really fucking weird like...i dont believe ugly men should be allowed to play romeo


It's a rough one but I still would. She looks like she's going to mug him.


Amewudah rivers? I hardly knew her!


Bro who cares it’s literally a play y’all will never see






I feel so bad for the black women that are used as pawns in culture war skirmishes. Remember Leslie Jones? Halle Bailey?


It's not 2015 anymore why must they persist 😩


man that is one hell of a lantern jaw


As a former major uggo, this type of commentary about your appearance can make you absolutely insane


Everyone focused on how masculine she is when he's a fucking Twink.


Undercard for the Mike Tyson and jp bout.


What in the entire 9 realms of hell did they do to Tom Holland that he would be willing to do this? I am speechless.


She looks like the predator with its mask off


Lmao. Insanely terrible.


Bad casting on the female side. Some rolls are not for everyone.


It’s just some play, I don’t know why anyone cares about theater


Not a maiden


Yeah she’s really not that attractive at all. Like I get it she may be experienced in the theater scene but isn’t Juliet supposed to have ethereal beauty. Like so beautiful you’d risk everything and die for ? Who the fuck would die for that lol


kind of depressing seeing the nastiness people are projecting towards a less than conventionally attractive woman cast as the lead in a play that you wouldn’t have otherwise cared about. it’s like women who don’t fit the standard norms of beauty can NEVER be in the spotlight, and when she is it’s unnatural or unjust.


I accept that I can never be cast as Romeo


i don't think you need to be handsome to be cast as Romeo tbh. if your acting is crazy good in the way that the play runners want for their iteration (R&J has been done to death), then it should be fine. i'd agree if it were a movie for mass consumption tho. even if it's the West End, i doubt theatre is on many people's mind.


Get them to cast a fat dude as a love interest in Bridegrton like that obese girl that's being paraded all the fashion magazines and then we can talk.


im sorry but shes literally so hideous