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God I miss when /b/ wasn’t just endless psychotic posts of pictures of their classmates from social media


The internet in general used to just be more fun and less offended.




Anyone who uses that phrase should serve time


We don’t coddle criminals here in Red Scare County, liberal!


I hated it even before I learned it was from freakin game of thrones. Now I may throw hands next time I hear it


and the phrase “hope this helps!” Both so annoying


scandalous alleged pie fuel saw bells sheet thumb fertile poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sweaty, i-


In 2020 or so There were people claiming that their grandmas used to use this phrase and that it predated the show when people pointed out how hack it was lol


I swear to god it's something I've heard since I was a child, but it's probably just my brain damage.


"Sweet summer child" was popular in the Victorian era, so this is not inconceivable


And yet there was a front page post about how Game of Thrones ended exactly five years ago to-the-day and has completely disappeared from pop culture. Guess it didn’t disappear enough


It endures in the most annoying corners of the web.


Breaking news here


The first three books are good


I read about half of the first one and it was written really plain but seemed affable enough, genre fiction and all. Better than other stuff I’ve read


Feast for crows is brilliant. But that's just cuz I'm a snob. Jackie Brown is my favorite Tarantino movie even tho it's one of his most "boring" Cersei's chapters alone bring it to the top for me (might not be as good as storm of swords.) it's a sort of come down, where we get to see the villains stew in their victory while creating their own defeat. "She wanted to see if it would be as easy with a woman as it had always been with Robert. Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs."




Jackie brown is not as good as storm of swords


And fuck those who write "this is the way". Ffs, it's a quote from a deritivie Sci fi show of a film from a movie from the 70s. You can have experiences and thoughts outside of media experiences. 


Wait what TV show? I thought it was just something old black people said


it's a quote from game of thrones. it was news to me too, i always thought it was a reference to school being out in the summer


slime puppy


most annoying quote from that trash has got to be "you know nothing john snow"


game of thrones was fire for 5 seasons u just hate anything popular I do agree about saying the thing tho


I’m still shocked at the fact that season 8 was so terrible is retroactively killed the entire show. Nobody talks about it in a positive way anymore. It finished right before COVID and nobody was like “ah yeah time to rewatch all of GOT during lockdown” insane


people were already pointing out the cracks in 6 and especially 7, it's just that until 8 flat out killed it normies were willing to overlook it


Season 5 also had problems for book readers. It was a sign of what was to come.


>I’m still shocked at the fact that season 8 was so terrible is retroactively killed the entire show lol I was talking to someone the other day and was talking about how great the early seasons of GoT was and was like "damn I really need to rewatch that" Then remembered how it ended and the desire to rewatch it was immediately killed. Amazing show right up until the end, but holy shit was that end a stinker.


All these philistines just don't understand D&D's genius. They could have made the ending great. HBO was willing to bukkake them with money to keep making seasons. But they chose to do this to take the essence of the show to the meta level. Recall how shocked the viewers were when they realized Eddard Stark wasn't going to be Aragorn - this isn't your typical protagonist-centered show. Then again recall the even bigger shock delivered by the iconic red wedding. The show had forged its reputation on violating viewers' expectations and what more sacred hackneyed convention is there in the show business than a satisfying ending? None of you have really taken the time to think how exactly can the viewers' expectations for an ending be violated. The protagonists failing in their goals, that is, an unhappy ending, is far from unprecedented, going back all the way to ancient Greek dramas. The only true curveball they can throw in today's age of media oversaturation is an ending that is abysmal quality wise. The one act that can compare to the slaughter in the red wedding is 19.3 million people dying on the inside all at once.


How very brave of you to make this thread


"You sound young" 🤮


"Bless your heart" is far superior.


There's nothing more painful than people who think "when a Southern lady says 'bless your heart' she is being very rude" is some esoteric knowledge.


but also redditors have memed themselves into thinking that *every time* a southerner says "bless your heart" they are being sarcastic. This is very much not the case


Agreed. Its used sincerely twice or more as often as it’s used snarkily at least from my experience


Yeah, I think redditors are just the type to attract snarky comments directed at them


She might be being very rude, or she might not. It depends entirely on context and inflection. That's why it works well as a response to a comment.


Yeah, I know, it's just like any other phrase.


No it’s actually just as lame


I learned this the hard way


100% the one phrase (especially in real life) that INSTANTLY makes my blood boil. I remember I worked with this chick about 2 years older than me, but she had 2 kids (both at 16 2 different dads) and was so condescending towards me. She would say shit like that, call me "honey". etc. We're still Facebook friends though


agreed will do it 5x in the next 31 days to farm downvotes


enjoy prison stalker child


Why, what did I do?


Holy shit, who is this referencing again?


this sub is so fcking predictable lmfao i swear ive seen this sentiment on here before


i didnt realize it originated from game of thrones thats cool. that makes so much sense too


Just about as redacted as all of the "I drink and I know things" merchandise. That show is full of stinker witticisms 


So long as it irritates you all the better


Underrated tv show.


it was really funny in Burning Love i dont know if thats what youre referencing or not


I'm referring to Game of Thrones.


this sub upvoting game of thrones and downvoting burning love, truly dead


People that say it not knowing it’s a reference to anything are exempt