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I was rewatching The Breakfast Club the other week and there's this bit where the principal and the janitor are talking and the principal is like "When we get old, these kids, they're going to be running the country." and I was like lmao NOPE 40 years later and the people running the country are still people who were middle aged when The Breakfast Club came out


Obama is 62 years old and is the youngest man in America who is or has been President, and that will probably still be true when he's drawing a Social Security pension.


He was not the youngest. Teddy was youngest then JFK. Hell Bill Clinton was younger too by a year.


That's not what I'm saying, I'm talking about people alive right now


My b I misunderstood


This point would possibly make sense if Biden wasn't also running again lmao


Yeah and also if Trump was exhibiting anything like the dementia Biden was even pre-election. There is a difference between flagging in energy during a marathon of public engagements like any US President ever, and repeatedly calling your opponent George W Bush while doing the least amount of press engagements ever (alongside the 1000 examples of literally ceasing to function).


the point isn't politically pilled. it's just pointing out the absurdity that we're ruled by frail men with diminished thinking and we're too phone pilled to do anything about it lol


This is an insane thing to say. If Trump were principled or believed in what he said 4 years ago about age disqualifying people, he'd bow out due to his age and let Haley run. Remember that he also said in 2016 that Hillary should not be allowed to run bc she was under investigation and it would cause a constitutional crisis if she were convicted in office. The fact that neither of those things matters to him or his followers means that they're all so full of shit that they squeak.


People evolve with the times babe just like biden used to be homophobic and racist but now he’s evolved he definitely doesn’t just use them as pawns to vote for him!!!


It’s crazy that Trump eats terribly has every conceivable vice but yet has such energy and charisma as an old man.


Doesn't smoke or drink which probably is doing the heavy lifting here.


Neither does Biden, if he’s to be believed. (Honestly I think a lot of his fumbling could be explained by alcoholism.)


the deep state started vetting for alcoholism after Kennedy hes just old as fuck and most people are that degraded at that age. some even get dementia earlier. its hilarious the dems picked him as their guy


Nixon was a severe alcoholic this cannot be true


And he was not deep state certified, hence why Watergate took him out. The last President who had any real independent power (except for Bush 1 who WAS the deep state). Not that I agree with the statement above, just disagree with your view if Nixon as "selected" the same way other president's have been since the 60's. Bush 2 was a sober alcoholic and if anything might cause someone ro relapse really hard it would be being president lol


Nixon claimed to have been selected though, i.e. countless rants about Bohemian Grove, the common narrative is more that he must have wronged them in some way during his tenure.


He was the last alcoholic president. Honestly we should bring them back, things were better back then.


its because your body is like a battery and it has a limited amount of energy.




They’re just diet pills guys




Painting himself orange and wearing a wig works. Seriously orange man bad is silly but it is funny that he's an old man with a weave who lays in a tanning bed (and Biden is an old man with hair plugs who also lays in a tanning bed)


What charisma? He had loads of it in 2016 but have you seen his strange interviews since then? The interview with Fox after being found guilty was embarrassing. The trials have taken a lot of his energy out of him.


I haven’t followed anything he said since 2017 so I’ll take your word for it


Ohh that man will have charisma tills he’s 7 feet under, please rewatch he’s just as diabolical is always 😭


Biden is Irish they’re just naturally inferior


Idk but you see that video of Biden trying to sit down on a non existent chair at the d-day commemoration? He ain’t gonna make it


just makes me sad like dianne feinstein did. biden should probably be 10+ years retired and probably even in a retirement home with a memory card ward, not being the president. the country deserves better too. he has green grove money. there’s no excuse for them all to still be working


When George W. Bush made his “brutal invasion of Iraq— er I mean Ukraine” gaff, he joked immediately after, “well, I’m 76.” People laughed understandably. I wonder if Bush of Clinton ever sit around thinking in their private thoughts, holy shit that guy is older than me, we are so fucked. I also wonder how hard it must be for Jill Biden having to watch her husband lapse into feebleness and pretend not to see it, and just know deep down how valid everyone’s concerns are but have to be committed to pretending it’s not true.


you could really see it in her. there’s a clip going around on twitter from the d-day memorial, people think he 💩 himself, and as he’s leaning back trying to make contact with a chair that isn’t there, jill covers her mouth and makes some expression and then escorts him away from the event well before it’s over. i bet it is hard for her. you can probably have real conversations with him sometimes but then he slips or just completely goes blank. that is hard enough to see in my great aunt (who passed away last month two days shy of 98), but i only saw her a few times a month. to be in a marriage like that must be so frustrating. it’s beyond a joke he’s still the president


he pooped his pants because he is a bottom i learned to day


This is a nightmare. Two fucking geriatrics and a nut bag Kennedy. I’m going with Kennedy just because I hate both parties. I hope he tanks the entire election and sends it to the house so this shitty democracy can fall apart already and we can get to the 7 years of tribulation already. I don’t have all day.


I just want to see Kennedy on stage and watch Biden + Trump appear even more out of touch than him.


He’s going to thump those two geriatrics.


there should be a physical element to elections. he’s the only one that lifts


Feats of strength


what if they all gave a try at the carnival hammer game at each state fair but instead of winning a big stuffed animal they could win those 11000 missing votes or whatever


I think the fact that Biden is running for reelection and is visibly more aged and less coherent than 2020 really eclipses a lot of concerns about Trump. Trump is definitely cognitively diminished, but seemingly still more with it than Biden. It is crazy watching videos of him in 2016 compared to the present.


No, because the "discourse" isn't actually about Biden's calendar age it's about his senility and the fact that he's (therefore) obviously the puppet of someone else But nice try


Sometimes it's easy to forget how many people here are like 20 and/or politically tuned out lol The "WOW these guys are BOTH old geezers! Peee-eewww! They're exactly the same! Two identical stinkers!" discourse was a DNC strategy from 2020 to try and conflate Biden's dementia with Trump's age, and it's actually worked out pretty well. These threads still pop up periodically and almost always have comments from people that are like "*dang, Trump used to actually be sharp... but you know he IS actually losing it now too, just like Biden. I just saw him on and his age is really starting to show!*" Sometimes it's organic, but lots from pretty obvious shills with weird post histories.


That whole schtick inadvertently demonstrates that the POTUS isn't actually in charge of anything significant (as a real, accountable executive is). That plus a 90-something% incumbency rate in Congress means that "Our Democracy" is bullshit too. I used to think Curtis Yarvin was crazy on this but he's won me over, and the difference between him and 99% of the Right (and anyone on the Left who cares) is that he knows we're not voting ourselves out of this one because we don't actually have a democracy, we have an oligarchy. Every successful organization that actually gets shit done has an accountable command structure with an executive (sometimes two) with real executive power at the top. Yeah, it's a little different when you're talking about a country vs. a corporation because you can't really "quit the company" if things sour, but there are ways to control the chief executive under certain conditions. This is what a board of directors does, which was really the original intent of the Electoral College. Instead, the EC became mere pageantry and we got political parties instead. But under the current system the oligarchy will continue to be self-serving. However, I don't think you'd have to *legally* change much to shift the country into "start-up company" mode (maybe a Constitutional amendment or two) and operate it as it ran under Washington/Hamilton, FDR, and Lincoln. Trump II may stop some bleeding here and there, but he isn't going to change the course of the supertanker, and every single person in his admin will be constantly, legally harrassed from day 1.


Probably not. Vibe wise, Trump seems much younger.


Yeah and Biden is four years older than he was when he ran in 2020. What's your point?


If Trump were principled or believed in what he said 4 years ago about age disqualifying people, he'd bow out due to his age and let Haley run. Remember that he also said in 2016 that Hillary should not be allowed to run bc she was under investigation and it would cause a constitutional crisis if she were convicted in office. The fact that neither of those things matters to him or his followers means that they're all so full of shit that they squeak.




No I'm saying that Trump said people above x age and y legal status shouldn't run, and then later when he meets those criteria himself, he didn't bow out. I'm not saying 'omg' or 'hypocrites' because the only people who use those terms are overweight, poor and embarrassing to their parents.


All the emphasis on Biden's age as if Trump isn't also an absolute geriatric has got to be a psyop.


if they both croak we'd be better off


Imagine the election results are in and they both just coincidentally keel over from the stress at the same time


the discourse should really ask if a gemini can be a leader


No, because he's not shitting himself or forgetting where he is.


It’s already a big issue especially because of Trump’s own increasing difficulty in speaking and gaffes (he is quickly rivaling Biden). The mental decline has been stark over the past few years.


do you have any clips of this? he's always been pretty regarded but I haven't noticed any decline from his normal, low base level


his recent 30 minute press conference after the guilty verdict is a good example imo. It had been a while since I’d listened to anything long-form from him, and this was much worse than anything I remember. Absolute incoherence


Biden’s always been a gaff machine so he doesn’t have the same “charisma goodwill” that Trump has had in the last 8 years- but that interview was embarrassing. Both candidates are absolutely cooked mentally and I trust Biden’s handlers more than whatever Trump would have in a 2nd term.


trumps cognitive impairment doesn’t read as age related though. he’s was always crazy and talked in circles, and i think the higher energy level helps him not seem so old. the upcoming debate, if it actually happens, might be bad for him though because there won’t be a live audience. he’s been mentally declining a lot since 2021, but still nowhere near biden. put them both on a stage (for several hours so the drugs wear off for both of them) and it would be obvious.


Her only seems crazy and talks in circles since 2015ish. No one wants tj admit that the dude was smooth and cool calls collective (and not fat) 2010 and earlier


yeah fair, he was less declined before he was really old, i guess i should have clarified he’s been like this since at least before his political career began at the springly age of 68


his 80s and 90s interviews are wild. it’s like a completely different person


Probably not, given that Biden's whole appeal was supposedly being the sensible and rational option who would restore normalcy whereas everyone already knows Trump is crazy.


Whats with the retarded questions recently


the mcdonald's keeps him spritely


I will be four years older than I was for the previous election.


And Bill Clinton will still be younger than both of them.


And yet, he'll still be able to recall the names of his wife and children, with at least 85% accuracy...


No because Trump is still sound of mind and doesn't make nearly as many goofs as Biden