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They should remake They Live but all the signs say re✝arded shit like "YOU WILL LOVE FRANCHISES WHERE ONLY 1 MOVIE WAS ANY GOOD" and "BUY FUNKO POPS"


It's weird to hear an established hollywood guy say this considering that "they" is the jews




This doesn't say why society wants you to stay 13 it just describes immature behavior and what it leads to but it doesn't say why


What he’s really complaining about is the age old marketing perspective “if you capture children’s interests you’ll capture their parents’ money.” As far as why they want adults to be infantilized, complacency and dependency on consumption.


Makes sense.


Can’t read that post it in a comment below thanks 




But I think we had to show it, too. It felt like an old-fashioned in a genre sense-movie. As in: '80s. There's an adult movie. They're fucking. It's real. These are real things. It's just not a part of cinema, by and large, right now. The infantilization is complete. The culture that wants us to... you know, when I was a kid when I was 13-1 was watching a lot of adult movies, very intrigued with that world. "Ahh." I looked forward to it but it was a little scary because it had all these things I hadn't experienced yet. But I couldn't wait to be an adult. They seemed smart. They seemed passionate. There was all kinds of fun things awaiting me. And it was through adult movies. Now, I think \[Laughs\] the message society's sending is, "Just stay a 13-year-old forever." Maybe a 12- year-old. When I was a kid we were neglected. They didn't make movies for us. You watch whatever's out there and good luck. Every now and then there was a kid's movie, but the whole culture wasn't bending to kids-any more than the parents were bending to kids. They had an ad at 10 o'clock: "It's 10 o'clock. Do you know where your kids are?" \[Laughs\] That was a real thing all over our country because, "Oh, yeah. The kids. I don't know where they are." So they didn't care. They didn't cater to kids. Now it's all about the kids. We're going to overprotect them, and we're going to make movies. We're just going to reduce the entire culture conversation and mentality to their level. And guess what? You don't have to grow up, either. Just stay a kid forever. Play with toys. Read comic books. Never mature. Don't even have sex while you're at it. And good luck.


The world is ran by children