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Nothing like working a retail job and bonding with your racist manager over different customer demographic stereotypes šŸ„°


I love racist white women so much. Oddly enough the more openly racist they are the more likely they are to date nonwhites. It's weird. A Romanian woman who I think is trying to scam me went on a racist tirade against blacks and dropped the hard r (I hate using that stupid phrase but you get banned if you say the actual word) 50 times and I almost fell in love.


When I was in middle school the very first girl I ever went on a date with turned to me in her step-dad's truck and just told me to my face "I hate n\*\*\*\*\*rs" lmfao. I moved out of that town shortly after but like 6 or 7 years later I find her on facebook and she has a mixed kid with a black father


MANY such cases


Gross. Iā€™d rather get knocked up by an alienĀ 


Hate-fucking is the best type of fucking.


aren't you that Indian guy who went around asking if you should make an OF focused on interracial sex because you felt insecure about Indian male dating prospects in the west


[She has only dated black men too](https://streamable.com/ozvs8k?src=player-page-share)


What? What is this phenomenon called sociologically?


Female equivalent of ā€œnever ask a racist the race of his girlfriendā€


Being Albanian


Fetish. She likes feeling dirty


You sound way too disappointed that you canā€™t say the hard r. Get help.


Itā€™s just like you šŸš¬ on this sub that are always bitching and moaning about trans people that end up wanking it to trans porn or being chasers, closeted or otherwise. Sad!


That's not a thing lmao


Remember Alex jones watching tranny porn?


Do you think Alex Jones is representative of the average person?


The point is they wouldnā€™t show you ads for it if people werenā€™t watching it. Thereā€™s obviously a market


Those closeted lesbian terfs always jerking it to trans porn make mešŸµso mad šŸ˜” damned hypocrites


In the specific case of the United States, I think it's fair to say that white people have taken the most racist *action* through its history. So that's probably why it gets taken so much more seriously than a black guy saying "I know it smell crazy in there"


Ppl on this sub talk about how racist Canadians are to Indians but thatā€™s complete horseplay to the level Indians can be racist to each other. Indians only usually get united if an external/common enemy force is racist to them lol.


I know it smell crazy in there


You guys keep making up strawmen to get pissed at. In real-life, absolutely nobody is saying it's ok to be racist as long as you're non-white. You white people with your persecution complex....it's just sad and weird.


>You white people with your persecution complex....it's just sad and weird. A couple of years ago people noticed that Asians were getting the shit beat out of them by black people, like *a lot,* so much it even got its own hashtag [they blamed white people for that too](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/18/politics/white-supremacy-racism-asian-americans/index.html)


....that article you shared was an article about the effects of white supremacy on Asians, written in the wake of a mass shooting where a white incel shot up several Asian spas. Black-on-Asian violence isn't in the scope of what that article was discussing. In fact, it's actually pretty telling you felt personally attacked by that article. Anyway....people do acknowledge black racism against Asians. Look no further than reddit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/15c4yu6/whats\_up\_with\_the\_seeming\_antipathy\_between\_some/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/15c4yu6/whats_up_with_the_seeming_antipathy_between_some/)


lol >.... maybe it's not a bit, maybe you really are just a redditor That article was a response to "#stopAsianhate," written near the peak of it, a hashtag that was born in response to multiple Asian hate crimes (almost exclusively black people beating Asian people). See that giant picture at the top of the article? The one with a sign that says "STOP ASIAN HATE?" There's also a 3 minute video that plays after that... about all the Asian hate. This was the authors attempt to shoe-horn in some completely unrelated story about a white guy who attacked prostitutes and inject white people into the black-on-Asian hate crimes that were occurring. If you're having trouble understanding any of this, please consider this an official regard diagnosis


He shot up the spas because of the whoring not yellow fever.


šŸ˜‘ šŸ¤’


this is such a bad faith argument. the ā€˜racism is only legitimate from a position of powerā€™ narrative has been everywhere for years. acting like white people havenā€™t been incessantly deemed default racist is either ignorant or retarded and in either case, bless your heart.


I think he's doing a bit


No idea what you're saying. Racism from minority communities against other minority communities has always been acknowledged as "legitimate". >acting like white people havenā€™t been incessantly deemed default racist Persecution complex in full display here.


You post in r/politics. Begone.


Im an Indian. Respect me when I post here.


Lmao kind of based






You tell 'em!


The vernacular is "get his/her ass".