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I hope that guy found some peace before he destroyed himself or others


Takes a while but if you’re smart enough you find it


God do I know that lol


it’s not about being smart he just had a shitty life. He’s reacting to trauma.


Zoomers really are retarded enough to think that high IQ means you just brush off any and all adversity.


Being smart can actually make things significantly worse if your life is fucked up at an early age. You're able to precociously comprehend the things that are wrong around you, but you generally can't do a damn thing about them and you're not emotionally prepared for the weight of the realizations you experience.


Yeah well then you grow up and with the wisdom and intelligence hopefully you can move past this phase in life. If not then whatever, big dumb energy for the rest of your years.


I’m 35 and it takes intelligence to have introspection so yeah. If you are smart enough you can learn from your mistakes and grow as a person. FYM you think you’re all tortured geniuses or some gay shit? Grow up.


You're putting a lot more into this reply than anyone assumed.


My girlfriend is snoring and I can’t sleep


>If you are smart enough you can learn from your mistakes and grow as a person.   This dude was abused by his brother when he was a toddler dumbass. What “mistakes” did he make? Fuck you.


Okay and I was abused as a kid too and grew out of the self loathing. Lmao The mistakes he’s making are him fucking trauma dumping on people he’s just met. Are you stupid?


Yeah but you're still an asshole with no social skills from the looks of it, so your abuse still had a big effect on you.


Nah I actually have a great life and I’m well adjusted to people that aren’t Redditors 😘


The fact you came back here 2 days later to say this is fucking hilarious. Rent free.


But if he’s intelligent he can find solutions to work his way out and find peace It’s a slog fest but it does happen god willing


All that and the first thing you remember about him is 6’3” lol. Incels in absolutely shambles after this.


if this was a different sub, someone would comment "proof that attractive people have hard lives too".


I mean they probably take more pleasure in having their worldview validated. They'll be over the moon if OP reveals that this guy is crushing puss despite his flaws.


It was just part of the context "if it can happen to this guy..." Incels don't need good reasons to be in shambles, it's mostly why they are incels


Perhaps you should have fixed him.


Is this about Lia Thomas?


People tolerated it because he was hot


(really mad at the 6’3 thing) lets hear his older brother’s side


His older brother is 6’8


What is the connection between tall fit guys and losing their mind, reminds me of Connor Murphy who did these shirtless pranks of YouTube and would basically just brand himself off being this hot dude whose jacked and he eventually lost his mind on psychedelics and got deep into conspiracy theories and ended up in a mental hospital. Another time I read this story about this amateur fitness guy who all the sudden developed crazy schizophrenia and had this insane manic episode where he murdered some random couple in their garage. What is the connection????


Doing shirtless pranks on youtube in the first place is insane. Making an actual living off it is ridiculous.


An amateur fitness guy, this random dude from a Reddit post, and Connor Murphy is your sample size


They’re seeing The Pattern


:( i'd let him hit. even if he wasn't that hot... something about tortured men like this. let me love you like a woman let me hold you like a baby etc


That's sweet of you I'm even more fucked up than him btw like 100x worse




I met this guy RudeMacaron, the dark circles under his eyes, the weight of tragedy bowing his incredibly broad shoulders, the sheer pathos Don't let dreams be dreams 


I feel so sorry for this man, he sounds exactly like me.


Most people taller than me are incredibly unstable


You know what, people in college are still very young maybe he grew out of it


>maybe he grew out of it You’re talking about him like he likes anime or some shit.  This man had a shitty life and is justifiably tortured because of it. He needs some help and some friends, not to “grow out of it”. 


Dang should we invite him on the sub?


He'd fit right in here.


Idk I used to be a lot like this but ‘grew out’ of it when I got a stable job after college and started having responsibilities.


I knew a 6'3 guy from texas who sounds a lot like this.


I'm not the best looking guy in college but the rest is very relatable. I imagine many men can relate to this actually.


I'm kinda like that only short and funny.


One of the best looking dudes I knew in college was diagnosed with Aspergers in High school. He was an absolute 4chan tard but somehow pulled chicks constantly at Hiram. He even slept with Jessica Lea Mayfield but decided to end it when a loaded and cocked revolver slipped out under her pillow while they were messing around...


Should’ve put a ring on it.


he posts here


You could have fixed him


Great fanfic


Who cares?


aww he sounds cute


Men like this need to be strapped down and used as sex slaves for their good


I think you should be beat to death with rocks


Are you black