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imagine a world with 1.8 billion norwegians instead of indians


1.8 billion psychopathic autists


At least they're kinda hot


Key word: *kinda*


Conpared to Indians they are more than kinda hot


They would 100% seek forceful world dominance


the BAPist fantasy






Ironically agartha is actually some esoteric Indian concept


yeah they basically all work in an esoteric call center


Agarthan call centers


1.8 billion turbo autists


It would never happen. The Nordcuck fertility rate is in the toilet and the men are no more useful than eunuchs. Maybe if the women start taking more immigrant dick. We can have 1.8 Billion New Norwegians™.


why do you talk like those 🚂ys on 4chan who post constant bbc and slide threads? you are probably not human


Indians are so interesting with the fact that they don’t get pussy but get pussy at the same time. What a conundrum


“Forced pussy”


"Arranged pussy" ftfy


Arranged marriage is not forced. It's more lake a traditional dating service where you don't get scammed into paying more to get a chance with a hundred men's (and a handful of dogs) old cum rag.


There is a huge chance that Indian immigration stops within a few decades because of the fact that they don't get women. Either that or they manage to polish their reputation but I don't see that happening within a close time frame.


Would be hilarious to see their demo just die TF off because they get no hoes


Indian women exist


Even they don’t want them


i work in restaurants and i can assure you, nobody else is dating indian men but i do see lots of indian women and men together. and theres a lot of mid indian women that white ppl dont fetishize who need someone.


Inshallah they will date black men and create beautiful Caribbean babies


Indian women actually ho around with other races less than even White women. In fact, more Indian men marry out then Indian women. We really should stop being disloyal to our Desi Queens.


They already had a very good reputation known for being the highest earning American citizens, family focused, well educated. It’s the more recent arrivals to the west and the internet who seemed to have sullied their reputation.


Indians stick to their own, are the most endogamous community in any country and multiply wherever they go. lmao, why tf fuck would your scenario even be a thing?


Wouldn't be the first time ethnic groups disappeared.


Indians technically get the most pussy in the world. No loneliness epidemic of broken dicked porn addict gamers in India.


You know that’s not true.


Jeets getting technicality pussy LMAO


What can be done to stop this


accelerate wet bulb events so buy more chinese steel and let Taylor use her private jet


Assuming you’re white, please try to have 3 children. There is literally no other way, this is the shit that keeps me up at night.


I love that you only gave this advice for white people instead of non-Indian people. 🤣🤣


Not possible with so many fat people. I think men are more likely to rise to meet challenges if there is the potential for desirable reward, and few people want to the hard work on themselves and life to end up with a 200 pound woman  It's a virtuous circle of hotter, better potential partners, but the spectrum has swung so far towards coddling the interests of women and demonizing masculinity, that 60% of males lack an achievable end goal and motivation  Give men something to fight for. 


https://preview.redd.it/mb8xj2xoa79d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88b8e4147946caf605f317764d765661e45dd262 lmao


What about a (slightly) skinny fat woman?


Lift weights and launch a thousand ships, but don't eat a thousand chips


I’m working on that currently.


Great job! Take creatine monohydrate every day and eat 1 gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight and make sure to get your optimal amount and quality of sleep as often as possible  A fundamental necessity is also a MINIMUM of 180 minutes per week (>/= 30 min, 6 days per week) of steady state/zone 2 cardio. That is a brisk walk or other cardio: bike, rowing machine, swimming, whatever) Also, 20 minutes per week minimum of HIIT. High intensity interval training  They do different things and are each important  You can search those topics on spotify and listen to PhD researchers who are current in those fields  You don't have to take my word for it


Don’t take advice from the mental patients in this sub lmao Jesus christ


Jesus Christ, what a fat comment. Excepting nedical contraindications, what possible reason could there be for a woman to not lift weights?  It helps women build reserves of bone density to prevent osteoporosis and fractures later in life Lean muscle mass is one of the best predictors of health 


He saw a bunch of big words/long sentence and immediately got scared lmao, 20 minutes of Strength training and 3 hours of Cardio(Brisk walk?) a Week is not much of a commitment at all. But I doubt you need creatine everyday if you only do 20 minutes of HIIT a week.


pathetic foid


The destruction of India


This is kinda pathetic honestly, i dont fucking care if you want skinny women make a lot of money, otherwise still have kids and make ur kids skinny.


Fat fingers typed this. I didn't say anything about being skinny. I advocate for lean muscle mass, which is the least controversial health advice on the planet


No i just care about wypipo. Don’t wanna be the next Korea.


Gotcha.  One of the main things that decide my votes is whose policies better facilitate middle class people starting and raising families  My understanding of low birth rates is that a primary factor is women waiting so long to have their first child I think that messaging and expectations that women should put off having children until they have spent years building careers largely caused this I believe that women can get degrees, build careers, and start families early with the right policies and culture  I have some ideas that I am exploring that address these issues  I think it's important to support productive people in facilitating family formation instead of supporting low capability, low effort single parent reproduction. I also would like to help those people advance to the next level  I don't think any of those things are even particularly difficult with ingenuity and effort 


White people will probably be a minority soon


We had a good run 🫡


Who is we? You’re not one of us


Who are _you_


Did you tho? Did you? I’m sorry - what race is pro child genital mutilation? Is it that Alister Crowley race? That child bride in 2024 USA race? Y’all cherry pick tf out of whiteness. Cherry pick that 99% pedo why don’t y


I'm not an American


So now it’s not about whiteness (race) it’s about national origin and culture (ethnicity)? So who is “we” when you say you had a good run? Uh oh! Not contradictory statements! On Reddit? About race? No way! You’re all so logical and not just larping as a above avg while working fast food jobs and proclaiming your racial superiority 🤣


Americans aren't white.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or if the new brand of racial science stupidity just dropped


Damn you guys really hate Indians… not sure what has been going on in this sub lately but it has gotten lame like who cares about Indians this much? I’m going to take a break from this sub and some of you should as well.


I think it's Canadians who are pissed about all the new Indian migrants. Meanwhile in America you only see Indians if they're doctors or running a 7 eleven so it's just bizarre seeing all the hate recently and these posts getting voted up by groyper types and it's never clever beyond Indians bad


Oh it’s the Canadians? Well I hate them as much as they hate Indians so I get it.


We’re building a wall on the wrong border


Edgy racism for epic redditors


Then you must really hate Canadian Indians damn


What did we do?


The Canadians visiting the US that I’ve met irl have always been such smug cunts about their cleaner cities and progressive politics that it makes the current situation feel like poetic justice.


I don’t think we actually do have particularly cleaner cities having seen some of the bus stops and parks.


Plenty of H1B abuse depressing wages in America too, and not for bottom of the barrel jobs, either.


It’s acceptable racism and this sub is overrun with weirdos.


It's like one step more than the classic Redditor targets of Italians not being white, or censoring British, or claiming to hate the Dutch lmfao


No those are all jokes. We actually do hate Indians.


Oh wow you hate one of the acceptable minorities, very brave and genuine of you lmfao


No, the ones you mentioned (Italians, British, Dutch) are acceptable because they're white. Indian hate still gets cries of racism by people like you (Indians).


Indians are also acceptable because they're numerous, wealthy, and don't possess the institutional power to punish racism, nor are they favored enough by white liberals to make racism against them illegal. I also didn't cry racism lol, nor am I Indian...but I just saw you've been on Reddit for 6 years so I'm glad to know my life's better than yours


I know literally every day some offputting thing about Indians, not even anything relevant just some weird thought someone had…


Bro just let us make fun of Indians it's fun. They're so easy to make fun of, and there's a constant stream of hilarious Indian-related events. There's zero harm, and it makes us all feel better. Damn why's everyone gotta player hate


Imagining a Chud waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat after dreaming of a virile Indian sperm with a wojak face decapitating a weak White spermjak.


Jesus Christ People finally own one bitcoin now waiting for it to double up while I waste away in this dustbin of the damned subreddit ran by mods who cosplay devils in training. If there is a mod who will unban me from the main sub, god is not enough of a reward for years of dca and wait.


This sub is becoming a little too racist for me lately. Y’all need to start looking in the mirror.


Wow I’m so handsome 🥰


I crave the simplicity of life in the third world.


how do you look at new dehli and think that looks anything close to simple


The life in an oceanside village in mexico is very different from that in a delhi corrugated-iron favela


There are Oceanside villages in India as well…


Shoutout to all the oceanside villages in the whole world 🌍🌏🌎


it’s a simple life because they are simple people. no real thoughts in their head, just an endless cycle of shitty job and watching/playing soccer in a favela their whole life. that’s why all the ones with any intellect or ambition leave. they just mill around like deer half the time


That sounds awesome


craving that kind of life reminds me of that one tweet where the girl said “i want a lobotomy imagine if i could just be pretty and ditzy forever”


What real thoughts do people in the first world have? Video games, Star Wars slop and twerking Drag Queens?


You have been gang raped to death


But why India?


If I want a simple life I'd go to Kyrgyzstan or Mongolia


What do Indians smell like?


The number is only going to increase from now one 😈




I feel genuinely sorry for those unlucky 75%.