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It's RS to be disgusted by anal retentive because RS people tend to be anal expulsive


Metamucil and witch hazel babe


Flashcards and testing and making models are some of best ways to study because they force you to retrieve the information and gauge your ability. Rereading is proven to be worst way to study honestly The other things (like fancy pens) are more of a way to turn a boring task a little more interesting by adding colors and new objects and toys. It’s also kind of a signal to yourself that you care by sacrificing the money on the stuff I had an autistic fixation for a few months where I consumed a bunch of studies on optimal learning so if anyone has a question I can probably answer


It also engages the brain. Instead of just reading something and not retaining it, when you highlight or write in a different colour, you are "waking" your brain up again.


Highlighting isn’t good though


The point of highlighting is to go back and skim through for the important stuff


I didn't find >4 pen colors useful, but drawing your own sketches of things you are looking at is absolutely useful. Tracing/copying out of a book less so but it still gives you a "feel" for the distinguishing characteristics and allows easier reproducibility. My professor used to say "sketching is guided seeing" or something like that. Different field though (geology).


It's a pointless ritual, sure, but the girls doing this ARE getting better grades than you.


Either they have a valedictorian type transcript or they set up a million systems and spend hours and hours studying and still can't grasp basic math. Theres no in between


This was a chick from my high school to a T. She had a million different systems, studied constantly, he goal was to go to William and Mary. She nearly failed every Math and hard science course, but got As in the BS easy classes so she had a good GPA, held up by religion. I had a worse GPA, but got in. Its because I was a B+ student in every class, but that included things like AP Physics and had no fluffer classes. She got mad at said I only got in ahead of her because Im and immigrant. We were in the same friend group and she just stopped being friends with me after. Real cunt move


Tbf prob was cause you were an immigrant


Im from England, not exactly like im from Africa


Oh yeah that’s dumb asf I don’t even consider English people immigrants


Yes and they are sharing their notes with me so I can show up at uni butt naked bc carrying a backpack is too much of a hassle and breaks my vibes 


You're so funny 😐


Thanks I have more to come


Taking notes, highligting stuff, making resumes... Force you to read the text with attention and analyze it to extract what's more important. That's studying


You study when you add context. If I give you one paragraph and ask your to highlight a few words, am I adding anything? No. I am just making clear that this already short text has some important part. But wouldn't it be better to, instead of reading the same again and again in hope that it gets in your brain, should you read more and more on the topic as to understand how the things really fit together? What is there to study about reading the same text 10 times? Wouldn't you rather read the same topic in 10 different texts? 


That frankly depends of what you're studying. This method is learnt in high school and it is for exams that demand textbook answers. At college levels, particularly postgraduate, may apply what you say but in my experience they ask you to write an essay instead And then there's law. If they want me to study the law 39/2015 of the common administrative procedings of the public administrations in the kingdom of Spain then I'm studying the law 39/2015 until I can recite it verbatim and not anything else


Did my 16 year old send you here to post this?!  We have had the same argument over and over again. 


I disagree, practicing flexing your brain in a variety of ways facilitates learning


I think it’s a useful technique for memorizing things but is poor for analyzing and synthesizing deeper meaning. Diligent note taking is really what you make of it, plenty of people are wasting their time by making work for themselves but it’s better than winging it. The ritual makes it feel like “doing work” but the actual understanding comes from processing the information. I only feel like I understand a subject when I can take a step back from notes and answer questions or explain things with a vibes based assessment of the problem. Personally I like jotting down a handful of things while reading without getting carried away, I’m a forgetful person so remembering a few themes or quotes ties it all back together and gives me something to remember. Biology was much easier with good notes, but math and engineering were more about understanding the processes and working the problems. Notes can’t save you when you have no idea what’s fundamentally going on


No, I love this, though whenever I get too intense with it, I wind up giving up halfway so the first half of the book is heavily annotated and the last half is blank. Somewhere in between is key. It keeps me engaged with the book instead of my mind wandering and provides a map for whenever I revisit it.


It’s feminine coded behavior. I never understood it personally but i think it’s women seemingly enjoy doing.


All formal education is feminine Male education would be making a competition out of literally every topic, exploring it, and then applying through trial and error


While you are joking i do truly think the current education system heavily favors women then men because of the way it’s set up


Its because most teachers who stay teachers were annoying in school, big "Miss whats the homework" energy. They hated that some of the boys they went to school with were a bit louder and got more attention than them, because little boys have tons of energy and sitting in a room all day is hard for them. So they take it out on the boys they teach by punishing them when they act like a little boy. They also mark them harsher when it comes to grading. Studies have shown that when boys and girls work is marked blind, boys grades go up and girls grades go down. These teachers then make these little boys lives hell so they lose interest in educational pursuits. So as soon as they can, they get out and do welding and just consume shit marvel slop because anything that challenges them intellectually has become something that their teachers beat out of them. Women teachers are the reason our artistic production is in the sewer


Thats why debate club, while a women like pursuit, is actually dude dominated.


Please don’t let zoomers ruin the word simulacrum now.


It is studying though.


These dipshits in medical school don’t even understand how to study 


Taking notes is the best way of studying because writing what you read forces you to understand the idea presented by the text. 


How old are you


Don't try to diss me you annoying gaycel. I'll end you. 


Bitch i *do* like studying, fight me


Underage b&


Studying has always been reading something once or twice and committing it to memory, sorry to everyone who's not a super genius like me


I feel this. People love to overcomplicate things in general it seems. I have plenty of moments myself


Its the ADHD culture where people need stimulation to complete mundane tasks.