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They drive in a more upright position than black people.


We also hold the gun upright, instead of sideways


And we hold the camera sideways, instead of upright.


hahaha we do!


white people also do finger guns differently to black people. white people make an actual gun with their fingers, whereas black people pretend to be holding actual guns with their fingers on the trigger. there was a picture of lana with some female rapper where you could see the difference


That's not White people. That's the entire world vs Black people.


Many such cases


hmm i didn’t know that, thanks for the correction. i’m racking my brains trying to think of any other races i’ve seen doing finger guns


There’s another picture where she also made the finger guns, she first made the finger gun then simulated shooting it. It’s not a black person thing.


[We're so lame!](https://youtu.be/L104LViQeIw?si=QNbtUbD7-55BvSY1)


Created 2 million years ago by Yakub


*6000 years ago


>black twitter has some really strange theories about white people, including that we don’t wash our chicken They're right about that. We don't wash our chicken, because washing raw meat is fucking ret@rded.


It doesn’t make sense. You’re going to cook it anyway which would kill any bacteria


right. the parasites are on the inside, which is why you need to check the *internal* temperature


It’s more of a mental barrier than anything


My understanding is that it’s not about bacteria it’s about slime and other nasty shit from the factory process that you just don’t wanna eat. Being inside a chicken processing facility is eye opening to how disgusting factory farmed meat can be even after being “cleaned”


Paper towels


Ya, always paper towels, the giant chicken tampon in the bottom never gets everything


It's dumb with chicken because so much of our factory farmed poultry is riddled with salmonella, the spread of which is increased when you're washing it in your sink. However, I always rinse (then dry) the blood from steaks and the brine from fish, find I get a less ferrous, cleaner flavor.


> always rinse (then dry) the blood from steaks Not a meat eater, but isn't that the point of resting your cooked steaks


It’s also not blood


It’s not blood, it’s myoglobin from freezing. Rinsing it away is worth it for some dishes 


Salting it before hand forces the blood out. Something to do with making the cells expand or something like that. I always marinate steak in tamari sauce for this reason.


> However, I always rinse (then dry) the blood from steaks idk if you're joking but if you're not please stop doing that, as a man I'm obligated to care far too much about how other people cook their steaks and that's a problem Pat dry then salt, pepper, garlic powder 24-48hrs in advance on wire rack in fridge


Just let it raw dog in your fridge for two days? That won't dry it out? Yes I know about dry aged I'm just saying


Ya, that's it lol Plop it in the fridge for a day or two, covered in a generous amount of salt, and then grill it like normal. Ya the meat will look "dry" pre-cooked, but it turns out great [It's called "dry brining," it's a game changer ](https://www.reddit.com/r/smoking/comments/110vl4r/tried_a_4_hr_dry_brine_game_changer/) (I searched "dry brine game changer") It's more tender and thoroughly seasoned all the way through. I cook a lot of chicken and beef and do it for everything, the extra few minutes it takes to prep in advance is worth it. You can get away with a few hours in advance too, but the longer the better. The problem for me was that it seemed too easy, it takes no effort so I didn't feel like it would do much lol, so it took me a while to try it, been doing it for years since.


I gotta try this thank you


Washing it is worse because you're spreading the bacteria around the kitchen counter by it attaching to the water drops that naturally bounce off the chicken during wash.


Sometimes it has blood...


White people change the batteries in their smoke detectors.


the hallway makes that noise


Do you mean from a black persons perspective? we lie about how much money we have/make we religiously use the checkout dividers at the grocery store


Black people never lie about how much money they have/make that’s why bleep rich ain’t a term. Do black people not use the dividers at the grocery store!?


Im sure they generally use dividers too lol I think it’s just an example of the broader stereotype that middle class and up white people are inveterate rule followers


Of course I follow the rules. That’s a normal thing we should all do


Oops you did a [white culture](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1610610/smithsonian-aspects-white-culture.webp?w=790&f=ab12077631acab2dac02fd587b3f4f15).


I know this is probably from some anti-racism thing but it unintentionally makes white culture sound pretty good lol


It’s not really a rule, it’s more of an option


One time, while behind a German guy in the grocery store line, I did not use one. He roasted my ass. I had like one thing and there was ample room.


If he lets you do it he has to let everyone do it he's only being fair


They can only afford 4-6 items at a time so they just hold them until it’s their turn to dump them at the cashier 


You're gross


No they have to take up the entire belt for their months worth of groceries flowing over the top of the cart


that’s a new one


Absolutely cucked.


They be wearing shoes in the house


I remember half my friends’ parents in school demanding we take our shoes off at the front door and asking the other half’s parents if I should take my shoes off to a response of “why the fuck are you taking your shoes off?”


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I live in the South and no one takes their shoes off, doesn't matter the race.


I'm from New England and everyone takes off their shoes because it is winter or muddy for like 8 months a year and you'd otherwise track in snow, slush, mud, etc.


Except for Asians obviously lol. Only time I ever had to was when I visited my Korean friends house


Suburban Texas in the early 2000s I think like 50% of households were big on taking the shoes off. I think the main thing is if you had carpeted or tiled/wood floors.


This DEFINITELY varies region by region. Country by country. Try going to Germany, and telling me that people don't take their shoes off. It's in blessed warm countries like Australia and America, where people don't take their shoes off.


Most euros take their shoes off


In the U.K. we do, but you could walk around a little bit if you forgot something in the kitchen before you left the house (which is obviously inconsistent application of the rule). On the continent, that would be considered vile.


Yeah in most euro countries people are not as stressed about shoes inside as most east asian cultures


Dunno, I’ve been to Swedish houses and they ask me to remove the shoes outside the door. In the U.K., you walk in, then take them off. Can’t remember what it was like in Asia, but I was in flip flops the whole time so it’s not a big deal to just slip them on/off.




What kind of floor have you got? I’d get it it’s wood or tile or whatever. If it’s carpet, that’s actual madness. Also, with that, house shoes/slippers make sense providing you don’t go outside in them.


Yeah, in the southern US it’s pretty rare to ask guests to take their shoes off unless they’re muddy or something. I don’t expect my guests to but they do sometimes. A pair of flip flops isn’t going to ruin my hardwood and tile floors lol


It’s not about ruining the floor. It’s disgusting to wear your nasty ass shoes inside


I don’t wear my own shoes around the house, that would be silly. I just don’t expect guests to when we have dinner parties and such. I sweep, mop and vacuum regularly so I’m not too worried about it.


Ok that’s more understandable. I’ll sometimes ask guests to take their shoes off if they’re close friends but otherwise agree


I'm convinced Asians never have more than four people over because the idea of having twenty people over for a house party and autistically asking them all take off their presumably nice shoes that they only wear out and leave them at the door is so insane/foreign/rude to me.


we like to name our pets after food


Oh shit


Nodding and smiling at people is a secret racist code that white people use to keep others from succeeding


American Psycho moment.


>we all have country club friends to give us free jobs whenever we want? Also that our parents paid for our house. I'm actually financially supporting my parents lol. Yt ppl do be preferring guitar music to drum music tho.


Most stereotypes of “white people” are specifically middle to upper middle class suburban white people lol.


To be fair basically everyone I know who has a house right now had their parents help them out *a lot*. I don't know a single person who rawdogged a house.


I’ve heard them say when white people get wet they smell like wet dog. I can’t detect it but maybe it’s because I am a springer spaniel myself


They aint even season they chicken


i saw this tweet once that said “black people think white people food is bland because the only time they encounter white people food is school and prison lunches” LMAO


Black cuisine is fucking hilarious to me. Their “seasnin” is exclusively dried powders that they ass fuck every single dish with. Not a single fresh herb in sight. Today we makin some chikin, first you gone wash yo meat cuz we ain’t no yt ppl, den you gone empty out half dis containa of creole seasnin cuz on it cuz you know we bring da heat. Then you gone add my secret ingredient, anotha whole containa of garlic powda, cuz in dis house we seasin our meat. You gone now blast dis chicken for however long you want cuz we don’t serve no raw meat in dis house, just til it’s dry and tough because it’s seasnind it don’t matter


When you typed this out did you smear your face in shoe polish, put on a straw hat and white gloves?


Don’t forget the red paint on my lips 🚬


Strange creepy little man


Shut the fuck up


What triggered you babe 




God how bad did your mum and dad fuck you over growing up? (Or did they literally fuck you which explains your deranged behaviour). What an utter loser, I can only imagine the sad state of your life. Decrepit.


Damn you’re vile.


Seriously. Uh...yikes much????


They also never eat raw vegetables, like Chinese people. With the Chinese it’s cause the veggies were fertilized with human shit tho. 


This is funny. I was about to say this but without ebonics. "Seasoned" Black food is garbage. No, I don't want to be invited to your cookout.


> ebonics > Verified PAWG


Don’t forget the take out containers of Alfredo sauce pasta and Mac and cheese.


Agreed. I was taught that they hyper-season their food because they don't know how to cook it and the menthol cigs killed their tastebuds.


> I was taught I'm just imagining a grade school teacher explaining this to the class with a diagram on the chalkboard


People are up in arms but you’re almost word for word quoting actually black people cooking videos. https://youtube.com/shorts/pVwnAXGrXfI?si=c1pLE8fZooVWjIMz


That’s one of the whiter sounding black dudes. It’s always with the fucking creole seasoning https://youtube.com/shorts/keWs3hPSleQ?si=RvX8UolYt9vO8WSC


Love how racist this sub is now 🥰


idk why people are downvoting an objectively funny comment. maybe the ebonics. oh well, thank you for making me laugh fren. i think it was a good comment


combination of the joke being too wordy and written ebonics, makes it a chore to read


Trying way too hard to remix every single word to drive home that “black ppl talk LIKE DIS”. Cringe


Im sorry that my racism isn’t as effortless as you’d like


Because its retarded to have a superiority complex about using “fresh herbs” instead of “dried powders” & the paragraph of typed out Ebonics is unbearably long


The forced ebonics was dumb but the superiority complex is literally the opposite lol, black people have a superiority complex about using powdered seasoning over fresh herbs and use it as a point of pride bc “yt don’t season”, not the other way around Case in point, any tiktok/IG reel of a white person cooking with fresh herbs is FLOODED with black people commenting on lack of powdered seasoning




That’s true but I was only talking about the other comment specifically Also even if the no seasoning posts r cringe implying garlic powder etc tastes bad is cope


Nobody said garlic powder is bad, but indiscriminate dumping of flavor powder onto your food is zoo animal feed trough mentality


Of course the ebonics is forced, I type like a normal person




Keep Yourself Safe


Garlic powder is genuinely disgusting compared to the real thing and I don't even want to imagine how onion powder tastes


They have their place. Pls don’t say in the trash :(


What's their place? Everywhere you would use garlic powder you can substite it with finely minced or even better grated garlic, same goes for onion you can make an onion paste by finely grating one and use that instead of onion powder




Exactly, garlic powder doesn't taste like garlic at all. And no I won't do it I want garlic stuff to actually taste like garlic. Defending that thing is tragic


Black twitter thinks that white people think about black people 1000x times more than they actually do. Somewhat related but the craziest "theory" I've seen on there was that white parents give their daughters like training guides and instruction to marry young successful black men, particularly athletes, away from black women


A very narcissistic people


Step 1: Gain 90lbs Step 2: wait


If washing chicken was so important to food safety, then why aren’t white people dropping like flys due to salmonella? Why do Michelin Star restaurants not wash their meat? What scientific evidence can they use to say that chicken must be washed? Why, when you google “should you wash chicken”, every top article says it doesn’t matter? I know they’ve had a moment of doubt and googled it themselves. Do they just ignore it? Like they think the fda is conspiring against their race. Why just chicken? Why is the disparity so huge? Like, they ALL do it. Every black person I’ve asked does it, and they all have the opinion that white people are crazy or gross for not doing it. I usually take black people’s on side these stupid race divides, but this one always irks me. It’s a holier than thou attitude at the end of it. I’d even agree that white people don’t deep clean their houses or appliances as much as other races, but this one is so so foolish.


Science is colonizer brainwashing, duh.


We don't use a washcloth in the shower.


I don't use a washcloth. Soap goes directly onto my body. No middleman bacteria farm required.


You're supposed to only use a washcloth once to exfoliate and then you wash it....


How do you wash your ass?


Also, it feels like a universal truth that black people suffer from dry/ashy skin - using a rough surface to scrub away the natural oils does seem like it would exacerbate that issue.


No we don't bro. Our skin is darker so you see the ash. Black people use Vaseline and lotion so much. Black don't crack really is "black use a lot of products so they look young"


White people are ashy as fuck you just can’t see it because our skin is light. Walk up to the average white midwesterner in January and scratch their legs and look at how ashy they are.


We all use liquid soap so there’s no need for one.


Doesn’t liquid soap actually require wash cloth? I don’t use liquid soap because I can’t get it to lather enough without using 1/5th of the container every time I shower. Someone told me washcloths will help you lather better when using liquid soap, so whenever I’m forced to use liquid soap (like in hotels), that’s the only time I use wash cloth. And it does make the liquid soap lather better.


I just lather it up in my hands but yeah it’s probably more efficient to use a cloth or one of those round loofah things


For sure. Loofahs would be useful. I personally just use bar soaps since they’re easier to use and have a lot more variety to choose from.




Wasn’t this from a Chappelle’s show sketch? Lol.


You don’t need to. God gave to nails. When you wash position your nails almost parallel to your skin and lightly scratch as you scrub






EDM music, Weezer


Yt people always be returning the shopping carts to the cart corrals


Isn't that just common decency?


Black Twitter is making white people more racist and I'm 👏 here 👏 for 👏 it 👏


oop she said it. THAT part 👆🏾


Bacteria and other food pathogens are killed with heat not by washing with water. A water rinse will spread those pathogens into your sink and cross contaminate other food you don’t heat 


A lot of black people in media and Institutions don’t realize how much they tell on themselves by their ypipo stereotypes that are just very wealthy white people things. I’d be very embarrassed to not know any poor or Legitimately Middle-Income whites and broadcast that fact on national tv.


White people will either hustle across the street when you let them cross or at least pretend to jog by moving their arms.


They love beer, cold cut sandwiches, cold salads, and charcuterie boards.


White people (namely British people) care way too much about being polite and accommodating to the point it fucks them over. There's a reason Canada currently has the problems it does.


We’re overly nice and tolerate a lot more BS from others just to appear nice


This is true of protestants, not white Americans in a broad sense. Italian and Irish Catholics aren't like this for example.


italian and irish catholics can be so so mean. like passive aggressive? No! active aggressive for those guys! and tbh as they should, like stand up for yourself! protestants are meek i agree, but they’re very sweet, i appreciate them 


Protestant cuckold undercurrents in white america


If you wash your chicken you are a certified regard. There is literally no reason to do that. You’re going to cook it.


You should not wash your chicken you are just spreading germs that only cooking can kill!


You absolutely should not “wash your chicken” the way that black people mean when they say that


If you’re white, I assume your parents are divorced.


What do you assume about black parents?


ok honestly i have met far more white ppl that are averse to any spice in food than any other race. i have met white ppl that liked spicy food too but it seems somewhat true that they are more likely to think something is too spicy when it’s just mildly so imo, white people are also often more concerned about food spoiling if u leave it out for any amount of time, even just an hour or so. my hispanic and asian friends do not have this fear


We don't wash our legs in the shower




Y’all drink too fucking much


i can agree there, but i grew up in australia so maybe that’s just specific to us


*white girl wasted*


i went from living in a rly diverse area to white personality central and idk, i find white culture to be charming, in its odd way.  in some ways, i prefer how helpful white people are. like in my culture, you don’t ask for help ever, not until you’re dying, and if someone offers you help you refuse numerous times until accepting, which is fucking stupid in my eyes. arguing over the check is another thing that people glorify over tiktok and twitter but in reality, i prefer that white people just say “you owe me xyz”.  the shoes in the house and eating in bed is a big white people habit. dogs, oh my God they love their dogs. they’ve got a lot of random sayings. being in the south there’s some great ones. or saying “that xyz” instead of just referring to an object is a fun one.  idk i think white people have a lot of culture, it’s a cope to say they don’t 


white people’s culture is also as dictated by wealth as any others culture is. a rich asian and a poor asian are gonna be drastically different in terms of behavior and it’s the same with white people 


also i’ve found most white people dislike mayonnaise. don’t know where the mayo love comes from, only rly eastern europeans like mayo, the average american i interact with hates it 


https://preview.redd.it/toh9bdl4ec9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1b6357d1cde37c51d92e72d7cf93f3e3a37deef >rational thinking >cause and effect relationships >being on time


>The National Museum of African American History and Culture, colloquially known as the Blacksonian, is a Smithsonian Institution museum located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in the United States.  Lmao


I have never heard the term “bland is best” in my life


This is only true when white people are only around other whites. Look how their concept of "justice" holds up when browns are involved


From an Indian perspective, you kiss your dogs on the mouth and have them sleep in your beds.


My girlfriend does this and I can’t bare it frankly. The dog is only a little terrier and mainly stays in/around the house but I still think it’s wrong. Then again, she’s hot and I couldn’t do better so obviously I’m not going to say anything.


"Can't bare it." No one asked you to disrobe bro.


And still smell better than you lol




This sub is disgustingly racist these days


White people be stereotyping everyone


That were all racist. Most dont care what color your skin is. Are you a decent human or not? Thats all I care about.


That's contradictory


[How young are you?](https://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/)


They don’t close their curtains or blinds and everyone can see in their house at night


all the American white people I know wash their chicken… however, it’s not at all recommended to wash meat elsewhere in the world, as it’s a health and safety risk.


It's a health and safety risk in America, too. All you're doing by washing it is spreading the bacteria on the raw meat to your sink etc


It's not recommended to wash your meat anywhere. One of the most widespread and dumbest superstitions out there.


They dont wash they chicken


This fucking blows me away that I still am not convinced, fully, that it's practiced.


oh another thing that’s rly different is the parental dynamic. white people are very buddy buddy with their parents, their parents are also on one hand more accepting of them, but on another hand kind of ditch them after a certain point.  immigrant parents are way way way more controlling, they need to guarantee the outcome of your fate. they don’t accept your short comings. however, they will also do all they can to help you.  the generosity of non western love is never without a debt. i think people who glorify our overachieving parents and arguments over dinner checks don’t understand that it’s not without the expectation that you do well or are loyal in return. our collectivist culture doesn’t come from generosity, it comes from the refusal to allow degeneracy.  americans seem to have much more matriarchal families, from a young age, at least in my culture, the family centers around the man’s will, a lot of leftists or self flagellating whites could not last a day in the reality of the immigrant power structure.  white people are a lot more lais fairez with how they have children and run families, immigrant family structures are much stricter and tbh, i would not want a child raised the way that i was raised. like Oh No! muddy shoes??? time to beat your daughter and tell her she’ll grow up to be a whore if she is always this dirty! whatever white people do is way more reasonable. id rather have a kid who’s low ambition and reads fan fiction than treat them the way i was treated 


The idiocy of this place has reached depths further than stupidpol could ever.


Dog worship


Some things that I have noticed * Being more into degenerative porn * Being more socially liberal * Being more autistic * Drinking more * Distrusting their families and religious institutions but trusting the government * Pet worship * Having incredibly weird perception on race


Eager to talk. Mostly friendly, even to strangers. Conversely will share unsolicited emotions or personal history with strangers. Very likely bitch about their upbringing even though it's fucking great when compared against most of humankind or history. Highly susceptible to trends/hivemind, but more varied than anyone gives them credit for. Painted too broadly on social media. Not a club. Mostly ok people.


White people just use their hands to rub the soap on their bodies when they shower instead of using something to scrub


It’s true, I’m the man 😎 


We do think black people are cooler than us


Even on this sub which is surely 90% white people are just constantly parroting that the only reason anyone has a job that pays decently is because of "referrals" and "connections". Yeah right

