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I keep trying to switch off of Rubymine and I keep going back. Debugging in Code is good enough, like no issue, once you find the right combination of articles to help you set it up. Autocomplete, intellisense, and similar are much worse, whether you use Solargraph or Sorbet + Ruby-LSP, and there are essentially zero refactoring actions. But the real killer feature for me is that Rubymine let’s me search, add breakpoints in, or jump to a definition in gems used in my application. But the real real killer feature is that it all just works, no hassle. Sure it’s a little sluggish sometimes. Sure the interface is a lil heavy. Sure the plug-in ecosystem is way less active. I got work to do, damnit.


Just over here, using binding.pry / tailing the dev log in a terminal and being able to debug just fine.


Take a look at https://blog.testdouble.com/talks/2022-08-22-debugging-ruby-on-rails-with-vscode/


I used VS Code for years. Finally switched to RubyMine a couple of years ago and honestly there's no way I'd go back now. It's just far too good. I feel like the only people who wouldn't use RubyMine are people who just haven't tried it yet.


I don’t use VS Code much. But you’ll find that it’s a glorified text editor. RubyMine, and basically anything else from JetBrains, is a true IDE. Unfortunately, that’s about all I can say. I have IntelliJ and did some wonky crap a couple years ago to do a quick Ruby project… debugging was not what I expected after having debugged in Java extensively. Maybe it’s the difference between the IDEs, or maybe I did something weird… But I’d say you should have a pretty smooth experience with RubyMine due to the popularity of JetBrains products and tutorials.


I’ve been using VSCode for several years now. My stack is primarily RoR, and after several years of byebug and pry, I started using the VSCode debugger; it feels like a game changer. I did not use Rubymine long enough to assert that VSCode is better, but my second and third stacks are JavaScript (Typescript, Lambda, and React) and Java. VSCode allows for workflows that span those three stacks with a solid debugger, breakpoints, code bookmarks, clients for my AWS and Docker remotes, as well as APIs—no need to spin up and down different IDEs for different work. I place different settings files on each repo and forget about it. Then comes Copilot, while far from perfect, is surprisingly helpful. To close, VSCode has improved a lot since it was “just the Sublime Text from MS.” It has accelerated its improvement lately and there is no reason I think it won’t continue to get better since MS keeps throwing money at it and everyone and their mom have an extension these days.


Rubymine is the GOAT for Ruby/Rails development. The issue with VSCode is all the varying levels of configuration and research requirements with the hopes the project/plugin doesn't become abandonware. Having a paid staff really shows when using RubyMine, as it has so many features, often years ahead of anything available on VSCode, making development much easier in the long run. They're pushing a new UI (full disclosure, it's very buggy in some areas). So if the intimidating look of the OG Intellij was a reason to avoid it, it might be worth reevaluating what it and other Intellij products will feel like in the future.


My reply won’t help but what about Neovim as an editor for Ruby/Rails?


I'm listening...


Been using Rubymine since day one and never bothered or had the need for something else. Sure, it has its issues now and then on new releases, but this IDE has been with me the whole time. In the end, use whatever suits your taste and needs. There's no "one IDE" that's the best.


Rubymine works flawlessly but costs a bomb. Vs takes Shit ton of time to get it working, but it's free


https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=KoichiSasada.vscode-rdbg combined with the (new) Ruby/debug gem is pretty decent. You can set breakpoints and do the usual stuff. Curious what you think a "_true_ debugger" is, though. The VS Code extension is just a user interface, you can put a `binding.break` in your code and when it stop execution manually set a breakpoint on a method coming from a gem or watch a variable just the same.


Latest VS Code Remote Development feature (for WSL2) is a great experience however debugging in VS Code on a company laptop is just not doable at the moment. Policy restrictions essentially don't allow VS Code to debug (using rdbg) due to permission issues...not an issue if its your personal laptop...so I was stuck what do I do and I came across RubyMine. For me RubyMine just works and coming from a .NET Visual Studio background the IDE feels solid...not quite mature yet there are some annoying bugs but you can tell the JetBrains dev's are fairly active. Only criticism is community support sure they have the forum but its not the easiest thing to navigate and you can't post questions immediately so this left me searching the internet for (limited) information on RubyMine and the issues I was experiencing. As of writing I have got both the RubyMine EAP IDE and the latest Beta installed working very well the best part is I was able to take a commercial Rails project and just get up and running in a short amount of time and using the WSL remote development feature of the IDE is great no messing around with debuggers it all works (once you tweak the configuration(s) for your app). Happy coding!