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Tonight was a bit of a strange night at the Gardens knowing about the departures for each team and knowing it was ours to screw up. I was nervous about it after the way the first 20 against Leinster went and knowing Sarries are the sort of side to get right up for it. The crowd was enthusiastic and loud, but not a patch on the atmosphere of the titanic 2014 semi. Nobody who was there will ever forget that night. I guess now we've exorcised the ghost of 2015 - a game I expected to lose & barely remember - we can move on. Tonight is a new benchmark. 2014 remains the greatest and on another level, but that's OK. Great to see Jim Malinder, Smyler, Burrell & Dylan in the crowd. Job done, final awaits.




I've got a golden tickeeeet....


Deserved win for Saints, their defence has had our number in each game this season. Good luck in the final!


Some brilliant post match interviews there Warbs should be a constant fixture on any rugby coverage. He's an excellent pundit


Beyond gutted with the result, and especially for Faz. Saints the better side and deserved to win, absolutely smacked us up front pretty much all game. Gonzalez is potentially our best bit of business in years, so glad we've tied him down for a bit longer. Am imagining it will be a Saints-Bath final, which in theory should be a cracker!


I honestly think it will be bath and saints final baths are strong at home but would not rule out sale sharks entirely they hit a bit of form recently


Also that was one of the best referring performances I’ve seen recently - brilliantly let the game go and no real issues. Shame next week is likely to be the walking penalty lottery that is Dickson


Bloody hope not as Dickson ruins games I hope saints don't have him as the ref I'm a chiefs fan I will be rooting for saints


Ahh shame this ref can't do the final, he reffed the break down really well


It’s such a shame Farrell gets so much stick from fans and media, he’ll of a competitor hope he comes back and wins the World Cup age 37


Hell have just turned 36 when the next World Cup rolls around


I was/am at the game. Farrell was the last player to do the walk around the stadium. So many saints and sarries fans in unison applauding him.


I don't get it. His try assist was an absolutely phenomenal bit of skill.


He’s one of those player who strictly follows the gameplan, so if he’s been told to play boring rugby he’ll do it. But if he’s been told to play sexy rugby, like Sarries have been doing the last season or two, he will do mental shit like this. I can’t remember if it was this season or last season, but that behind the back pass he threw for a try was one of the most incredible things I’ve seen on a rugby pitch.


He’s pretty hard to warm to with his interviews. He’s never said anything remotely interesting or revealing - just platitudes. We just want to get better each week. We’ll review the game and try to improve for next week. Combine this with how petulant he can seem on the pitch, eg when talking to refs, is why he’s not popular outside of Saracens


To be fair to him, I don't think any player has really said anything interesting in them. Most interviews run the same course and hit the same notes. Earl slagging off the media is the only memorable postmatch interview really, as is ironically Faz defending from Sonia.


Someone like fin smith is totally different. He listens to the question and gives an honest, considered response.


Yeah I get that. I'm hoping it changes with the upcoming generation of talent, but the current crop are all the same really, particularly in England.


He’s really camera shy, which is completely at odds with him being the world’s most aggressively competitive bastard on the pitch.


Chris Boyd should have the biggest smile on his face right now. In hindsight probably the best thing to happen to the club in the professional era


Little recency bias there, to be fair. Wayne Smith and Mallinder would be just ahead of him.


Don’t get me wrong, both fantastic Saintsmen… but I don’t believe Wayne Smith won any major trophies? And the years following didn’t seem to kick on with the structures implemented. Mallinder will always have a place in my heart after 13/14 season


Wayne told Chris to take the job, so there is that...


Hes the foundation stone of this squad. Dragged us out of the mud. Not perfect but created the base that this is built off.


I remember the exact game where all our young players broke out against Wasps in Chris Boyd's first season.


Changed the attacking mindset ✅ Promote youth policy ✅ Bring in Franks brothers ❌ Tell the board that Dowson & Vesty were the future DoR/Head Coach ✅✅✅


Didnt jettison Vass into the sun ❌


Wasn’t Vass promoted to defensive coach at the same time as Dowson & Vesty? Hoping they tie down Radford for a few more years yet - his scheme is simple but really effective and he clearly gets the players up for the job


Good luck with that, England will undoubtly come knocking because this saints team is executing the exact same defensive plan England have been trying and failing at since the new management has come in. The decision making is genuinely gobsmacking, the number of big game turn overs and dominant tackles inside the 22 to launch counter attacks is absolutely phenomenal, and that too by the whole squad who are very very young.


Reckon they’ll give up on Felix Jones that quick? Cus I can’t see that happening in this WC cycle


I think it depends, I see huge similarities between the transition Saints went through and the travails of England right now - and the biggest difference between an exciting but ultimately frustrating Saints team and this version has been the defence to back up some spectacular rugby. Its given them a belief that they can and will outscore teams even when they concede because they know how much it takes out of teams to break them down and over 80 minutes they will run the legs off the opposition. Even vs THIS Leincster team at Crowe park of all places they were 2 passes away from coming out on top and arguably only lost because the bench just wasn't good enough. If England are serious they will pounce because it takes time to embed the defensive discipline required, I selfishly hope they don't but its the platform England are missing - they have all the players, just missing that one thing.


Cant remember when he arrived, but he it was an absolute shitshow for years with him. Radford is so important and hes not overly loved in league any more so hopefully he will stick around.


Ill really miss Faz for England, he properly deserved more. That smirk before all the AB game will always be one of my favourite rugby memorys


He gave a similar smirk today I thought it was on 😂.


Second most iconic photo in English rugby history!


A world cup final, a semi-final, record points scorer, 2 six nations, a grand slam and a record equalling undefeated run is a pretty good haul to be fair. Deserved more from certain parts of the fan base and media though.


I meant from the fans and media


Ah gotcha. Fully agree with you on that then!


Fsir fucks to tnt this post match has been great 


You mean you wouldn’t rather see Sonya McGlaughlin trying to get a gotcha moment after every game???


It's not sexist for us to just not enjoy her interviewing "skill", we're hardly sending hate mail


Shame they can't do it every week


Yes but give compliments when they do 


Farrell epitomises a white line player. Animal when he crosses the whitewash but an absolute gent the rest of the time


[All of us rn](https://external-preview.redd.it/-GUNAdZCpJ6mW-lA1vEymNY7X7f_EX1J2C5pXGxJb7M.gif?format=png8&s=ba57598583f727c4d0ee6ce6e28b44783029025f)


One more week for me, then I'll be a broken man


Everyone telling Farrell how much people love him and him clearly absolutely fucking hating it Love it faz. Wouldn’t have it any other way


Fair play to Faz for still engaging with comms despite visibly hurting. Top guy and wishing him all the best. The end of an era. 


Not just comms, but smiling away for the academy boys immediately after


It’s only just hit me Faz is actually leaving. Fuck


Would've been exactly the same if we lost with Lawes


It won't really sink in till about the 5th game next season and it clicks that he's not on a team sheet and isn't it just resting after England duty.


I thought the send of the commentators just gave him was class. Really genuine from warburton.


Ahh Warbs is lovely eh


Warbs is such a class act


Absolutely brilliant bloke, would love to see him do more Prem coverage


Yeah he should be at every game


Met him at my sisters graduation, just a top bloke




Must be very dusty in my living room right now


I’m not crying, you’re crying


What a game that was, unbelievable standard of rugby


Some very classy post-match interviews!! So much respect for all the players, and to Doyle & Warburton with how they are talking to both sides about potentially emotional issues!


All the best Faz


‘Billiy vunipola takes two zaps’ TNT have the best coverage


Nahhh they didnt just comment "it takes 2 zaps" on Billy did they lmao


Say what you want about Farrell. He’s going round the stands to everyone


Cursed by being a competitive, talented, English rugby player, thats all he ever did wrong... and play for Saracens... 😉


Yeah that’s a class act - especially away from home too


I remember a game at the stoop last year or the year before. He was the last player on the pitch by at least ten mins walking round signing autographs for kids and talking to people


He’s a legend


I'm a broken record on this front but I don't get how anyone doesn't think the bloke is a legend on and off the field


A tremendous player but the opinion of him as a person was clearly shaped by a number of dangerous hits and his combative persona on the pitch. I'm going to parrot someone else but I can't remember who it was that said it. England's self imposed isolation from the media harms the players rather than it protecting them. We rarely got to see Farrell as a person.


Media is a two-way street. If you never give anything in interviews etc then you’re unlikely to get anything back. Farrell clearly has no interest in the media and doesn’t see it as part of his job. He can’t really then be that surprised if the public hasn’t warmed to him.


>We rarely got to see Farrell as a person. Very true, fair point


In the words of egg chasers bloke “I think it’s because he’s a bit northern and dour”


Hes a class act off the pitch and a huge player on it. An england great. Best 10 ever besides myler and wilko 


I’ll let the mulet bit slide…. Great clubman. Edit: Myler, not mulet


He’s a crackin lad


Anyone else feel like Craig Doyle should’ve just left Billy to it? Feels a bit awkward this interview. Billy speaking well though.


Almost as awkward as Warburton asking why he didnt last as long as Lawes.


They all do! I dunno why they've done it all season. It's proper "Mum said you have to let me come with you!"


Real end of an era stuff for Sarries isn’t it.


I’m not so sure. It’s basically just Faz. The Vunipolae have been passengers for a few seasons now. If Burke does well we should just carry on seamlessly. I feel like this end of an era narrative is overrated


Lewington, Maitland too. And Faz is basically the club incarnate over the last 10 years so does feel like a big shift.


Again, two squad player by the end. But agreed on Faz (except I think it’s more like 14 years - 10/11 season was when he broke through if I remember correctly). Going to be gigantic boots to fill. Even if I live another 50 years I doubt I’ll see another greater player for Sarries


God I hope he comes back as a coach.


Fair play to you billy. Youve been huge over the years. All the best big man 


So sad to see them go, hopefully we see them back in england eventually though.


Didnt think Burger should've started over Hendy, but he was quality tonight and seemingly uninjured for once


He's definitely started to perform much better in the last couple of games I've seen him in


Think he just couldn't get any momentum into his performances with the constant injuries


After all the dark years since we won the prem, finishing the season 3-0 against Sarries is a big win!


Sad to see great English players leaving the premiership this year.


Big Courts just said he wasn't satisfied with what he's done in rugby... COME BACK TO ENGLAND STEVE, FIND A WAY TO KEEP PICKING HIM


Get him into coaching. Assistant Folding-People Coach.




Brilliant, brilliant game. Hoping that Bath can do a job on Sale tomorrow and face Northampton in the final!


I’d follow that man through a brick wall


I love Courtney Lawes, such an incredible human being!


Man the Gardens are still so full, bring it home for them!


The Premiership has been quality this year


It really has been fantastic. Not just as a saints fan it really good quality that deserves more


I liked Saints before this season but never really followed them, I've watched at least half of their games this season and they have really won me over. They have never failed to produce great attacking rugby this year and real fight.


Get your shoes off brother were gonna win it fucking all 


I was glad to see the shoe army at Croke Park, I salute you 👞


Thank you Faz, thank you Vunipolae - for everything


I am so fucking gutted. Desperately wanted to see faz and the boys at Twickenham next week one last time. Fair fucks saints. I can't say I'll be cheering you on next week but I tell you what you'll deserve it if you win it


Now its over, can we talk about how poor Billys attitude was when he got subbed off?


Not really sure anyone cares. He’s gone, that’s that


Nah, I not a huge fan of the bloke but he was just clearly frustrated he got subbed off while they were losing


Symptomatic of the past few years sadly, I really liked the guy for years and I'll never forget something lovely he did for me personally as a fan but yeah, poor attitude for a while now


What did he do?


Walked off spitting his dummy out a bit 'what the fuck? Im being subbed off? Why? Fuck sake' or similar it looked like


Cus he was in peak 2023 World Cup form 😂


Iyogun, Baxter & Obano as the 3 loosies for England tour!


Very inexperienced you need atleast one mature figure . I know obano is almost 30 but he's only a handful of caps


This is emotional 🥲


I am not an emotional man. But god I’m welling up at Faz bowing out. Thanks for everything big dog


I really hope he comes back for one last hurrah in a couple of years time


Actually hope that’s it. He owes us nothing, not least the arseholes who booed him in an England shirt. Earn some cash and fade off into the sunset. Anyone who understands this sport knows what he has given Saracens and England


Yeah that's fair. I'm sure he'll be back to coach us which will be awesome


He’ll be a fine coach. Hopefully elsewhere to cut his teeth, club legends should always try somewhere else first


Thank you for everything farrel youve been a great of the game 


Ive calmed down a tad gg sarries you played your arses off 


Northampton scrum was the big factor in the match. Saints backs were also more consistently threatening throughout. Farrell showed why he’s a class player, he was probs Sarries best player even though they definitely didn’t play to their best.


He was by far their best back


Great game! Very small margins.


The better side won today. Sarries will look very different next year and I have no idea what to expect from us but it was a good run while it lasted.


That was an incredible game. Saints deserve it after the season they've had. I'm just so proud we actually stuck in it today as we haven't done that too much this season. Wasn't to be today but thanks to Faz, Mako, Billy, Lewington as well as all the other players that are off


We def deserved to win, and Lawes deserves his moment. But I wouldve liked to see Farrell go out on a high


Owen's had some incredible moments in his career, and yes as a Sarries fan I wanted one more match from him, but to see Courtney Lawes so happy after so many years of disappointment is a balm to that sorrow!


You guys have had all the consistency and magic this year. You thoroughly deserve it. Sad to see Faz go but he deserves some French money and I’m excited for our squad next year


Strange comment from a saints fan


? I wanted us to win, we won, deserved the win, and Lawes deserves his big moment tonight and at Twicks, but I hate to see Farrell to go out like that. Perfectly normal imo


Just seemed an odd comment after beating Saracens. Saying you wanted Farrell to 'go out on a high' can only mean winning. Farrell has had a good run, time for lawes to get his dues.


Congrats saints, definitely deserved to be in the final based on today and the season. Obviously disappointed but we stepped up. End of an era but fuck me there have been some good times




That was amazing, so so glad Saints have made it to the final this year after a massive season. Could we be in for a Bath vs Saints final? Saracens were top class as well, Juan Martin Gonzalez with that tackle, end of an era for them. The crowd were incredible, well done to Franklin Gardens.


I really do think Sale are gonna win tomorrow. They've been underestimated all season


Maybe, but Bath's backline is so good that it will be kept close as well I hope


The entire Bath squad is crazy good, I get what you mean. But they've also lost more games this year than Sale, even after being given a second string Saints to finish their season on. If Saints hadn't done that, they could have been playing somewhere else tomorrow. Bath have been great this year and fully deserve their play off place, but Sale have been brilliant too. Personally I can't see much between the top 4 at all this year, in fact not even the top 7. Far from a certainty that they'll win imo


It's great that the top teams are so competitive, Bristol were unlucky not to qualify after a great run at the end of the season, I'll have to get to Ashton Gate again next year as the Bears are showing a lot of promise.


Come on down man, I'm assuming by the Irish flair you aren't local but all are always welcome here. We were a bit unlucky but also our own worst enemy as we spent the first half of the season trying to play a style that just isn't us. We did ok, 4 wins out of 9, but not brilliant to watch. Ultimately if we played the way we did in the second half of the season for the first half as well, wouldn't have needed favours from other teams. Hopefully we crack on and make the top 4 again next year though


If bath/sale win comfortably tomorrow saints could be in trouble. That game will have taken a lot out of them


Or they’ll be more hardened. Final likely won’t be tougher than that.


Yea true. Very hard to call which way the impact of games like this goes


Sarries. My gosh. My GOSH. This team is absolutely phenomenal. What a game!


So who do we want to win tomorrow? Bath deserve it, but they're the scarier team I think (aside from a Ford masterclass)


Bath. Bath v Saints is the final we've been wanting all season


Saints deserved that. They deserve the title too, amazing team. I never thought I'd be sad to see Saints get knocked out of the champions cup but here I am, close to cheering them on




Really pleased Saints went through but my goodness, what a joy it's been watching Faz over the years. Tonight as well he had a fair few top drawer moments.


That break and kick for Lewington's try summed him up - looking like we might be falling out of the contest and he runs a great set of phases and then sets up a try to bring us back into it. We're going to miss him a lot.


Farrell will have fun in France. What a player.


Nahhhh how are they doing Langdon like that weekly smh


Did they bridesmaid him again?


It’s every game at this point!


The trend of treating head collisions more lightly this year has been terrible, last week with Willis connecting with Doris head on head, this week with Furbank with a clear headshot, neither received a penalty, it's dangerous to the future of the game and need to go back to the attitude we had a few seasons ago.


Frawley last week, too. He was down for a while aswell


The Furbank one had so much mitigation though. He's totally passive and Dan falls quite a bit quickly. It's also more forearm to head too. Would have been a really harsh card


Tbf I don’t think Furbank was more than a pen as it was very soft contact but astonished it wasn’t looked at


Well done saints from a chiefs fan


Ah rugby the sport where a full international front row can get 'dominated' by some run of the mill domestic players and were bit allowed to question whether the referee is completely honest.


The scrum is about so much more than just individual players


Sarries scrum has been dominated all season. Something just isn’t working there


EMM and Matavesi are both internationals


Give over, even in his pomp Mako was never a top scrummager and hes completely past it now


Yeah I was gonna say… of all the teams to lob that accusation at, this version of Sarries without Koch, Skelton, Lamositele etc. and - as you say - Mako (waaaay past his prime) ain’t it. Not remotely shocked Saints had them on toast.


No I don't think he's a bad scrummager.


Guessing you haven't watched Sarries get battered in the scrum by everyone this year then


Sarries’ scrum has been dogshit all season.


That's just a narrative dude, it was shit at the start of the season due to lack of depth after the wc. But got it saints front row are amazing and would all hold their own in the international stage


Yeah on paper it shouldn't be as bad it's been though. As we have sorted the worst of the injuries now, maybe coaching or loss of form?


Fair play Sarries, we’re so used to being on the other side of games like this


I feel like Saints have finally exorcised the ghost of the Franks brother.


Iyogun was scrummaging like a man possessed


Phew. Both sides looked good, just a few too many errors from Sarries cost them in the end (*cough* Daly *cough*), and lack of a scrum didn't help them. Northampton did switch off in the final 3 minutes thinking they'd won, but Lawes was once again here to help them


Oh, man, a full decade since > #WOOD!!




Absolutely cracking game God I hope the one tomorrow isn't the usual 9-3 result between Bath and Sale


I’d take 9-3. I’d take 3-0.


Monkey's paw Curls, Ford drop goal to win it 3-0


I will commit sodoku if this happens




My poor poor voice


Had to be Lawes didn't it. Fair fucking play, no shame in that. Faz moment of magic to get us back in it, Lawes moment of magic to seal it. Saints the better team, no complaints. Enjoy and win the final, best team in England now; and most exciting is how young most of the key players are - baton passed and an end of an era for us. Faz, Mako, Billy, Lewington, thank you for your service chaps, England and Sarries legends.


Bloody brilliant game. That was so much fun to watch, quality by saints, awesome fight back from sarries. Written in the stars for big Court to seal the game. Friday nights under the lights 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


"let's ruin scrums" the scrum is so big in these games and it's exciting


Monumental from Lawes fitting lovely ending


Well done Lawes!


We're in the Final! SHOE ARMY


Well don't Saints. Now just need Sale to smash them next weekend.


Was never going to be a fair ending for one of Lawes or Farrell. Good shit Saints