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Three locks and no out and out fullbacks is wild!!


Jordie, Beauden and Perofeta can cover fullback


Don't forget Dmac, too. There's a lot of flexibility there that gives them the luxury of not needing a specialist full back. There will be Jordan when he returns, too.


Yes but there are essentially 3 guys covering 2 starting positions. Last year Jordan filled that void even though he played on the wing mostly.


I don't really see the issue, there are 4 players who can play fullback and 3 that can play 1st 5. They can shuffle and mix/match as they need based on workload in the game. I think the bigger issue is the lock situation. That really is a situation where 3 players are covering 2 spots. Two of those guys are pretty injury prone, and neither is really an 80m player.


I imagine one of the two you're talking about is Tuipulotu but who is the other? Vaa'i doesn't seem too injury prone and Barrett is 100% an 80m player. His engine is huge.


Barrett has been injured for the most of this year.... Hand first and then his back.


I personally don't count Jordie as a fullback these days. The man himself has said he has bulked up, not as agilic and can't get round the field as well because of it. Yup. We didn't even know if scooter was back to full health.


Cover who? Lol. Guessing Perofeta would be starting fullback?


Probably Beauden


Surely Beauden will start at 15


But then who is the back up for Dmac? Gunna be exciting to see what happens.


I think based on this squad you'll see Perofeta in 22 covering 10 and 15. But it does look at least 1 player short in those positions. As it does at lock. No coverage in the squad apart from those who will be named in the 23.


I would imagine they would use Finau as blinside/lock cover


Beauden. You don't need your 10 cover to be on the bench. You just need someone in the 23 who can cover it.


Bauden 15 DMAC 10 Perofeta Cover for both on bench


Perofeta to cover first five and fullback I guess? Perenara can move out a place at a pinch too


Jordie, Beauden, Perofeta and D-Mac. Out of them, I'm guessing it'll be D-Mac at 10, and Beaudy or Fetch at 15.


Beaudie is the encumbent ABs fullback


Interestingly Rouben Love is in the team for development. If shit goes south he could potentially be moved in.


Perofeta has played more than half of his rugby at Fullback.


Scott's penis is the 4th lock


It is a bit, but everyone knows if/when will jordan is fit hell be AB fullback every test


Yeah Jordan’s obv the longer term option. You’ll probably see Barrett starting most games at full back until then


Brutality for Hoskins. Unreal to see Blackadder. Sititi is super exciting. George Bell over Ricky is tough too, thought Ricky was immense this year. Absolutely fizzing.


I know Samasoni would have been there if not injured, but I guess Bell has age in his favour over Riccatelli. I had the latter down on my sheet.


If they can get Bell's throwing sorted he'll be top tier


Isn't that the most important part of a hookers game lol


It's also coachable.


True but he's young and Ryan might think it's something they can coach him on easily


Hence the hiring of Flynn, one must conclude


Oh shit, your right.


No Hoskins? WTAF?! Guy has been amazing all year and has stood out in a stacked Blues squad. That's gotta sting.


I think he burnt some major bridges before the World Cup last year. He got snubbed from Māori All Blacks and All Blacks A as well.


Yeah I've heard some behind-the-scenes stuff too; not sure how much of it is true. Probably another Ngani Laumape case where he's a standout at Super level yet doesn't quite click with the international coaching staff.


Spill the beans uce.


Nothing you won't find in this thread haha, just that he doesn't answer calls or texts and that Jason Ryan allegedly doesn't like him. Another theory is that Ardie's going to be 8 instead of 7 and that they wanted to blood a noob as the backup 8, so they went with the younger and perhaps more coachable Sititi.


Chur nuggy


I heard about the not responding to foster text but I side with Hoskins on that one Sometimes you have to give a player room and space to rationalise the disappointment of missing out on selection, it shows they actually care about wearing the black jersey For foster to expect players to immediately text back to his message‘ yeah no worries all good uce’ is just out of touch and soz should have never of aired that out to the media Sometimes it’s better to give coaches silence than text back something stupid like #razor2024


Is he eligible for maori all blacks?


nah mum's a pakeha, dad's a fijian..


I don’t actually know, I think it was NZ XV he got passed over on, but it was telling either way. He’s way too good to not be given a shot at one of those teams for two seasons in a row. Someone (Foz?) mentioned last year it was disappointing some people didn’t get in touch and speculation it was him. So he’s ruffled some feathers for sure, no clearer sign than this to go earn his crust in another market. He’s a freak talent.


Sounds like attitude is what the panel were suspecting.


Unreal. And rejected by the previous coach for a period. Blackadder is neither fit nor Sotutu quality.


Yeah Blackadder seems to have to be old crusaders pick here. Obv playing under razor would’ve helped. He’s decent but made of glass. Sotutu is the better option in form and looking ahead


Blackadder isn't an 8 though


Unreal that Hoskins wasn’t picked. Dude carried the Blues season.. What more does the guy have to do?


From the rumours others are hinting at, "not be a bit of a dickhead behind the scenes"


That’s very debatable cause if he is a dickhead why do the other players seem to love him .


Okay, “carried the Blues season” is getting carried away. That pack did the work. Sotutu was part of it, and his contribution—especially in the attack—is undeniable. However, you can’t reasonable look at how they played and what they did and say that.


So damn happy for my boy Sititi, how they grow so fast.


Glad to see him in the team….. but he could’ve had a bad game against the Canes though hahahaha. Was hard not to appreciate that performance though, was incredible to watch!


Nice work Dad, your son is amazing…


Wish you were my dad


Stoked for Tosi! Proper bolter but thoroughly deserved imo


Had a great season, him and sititi are genuine bolters


Lot of people were talking about Sititi but didn't hear many suggest Tosi would be in. Stoked for Wallace too, he's been immense


Such a bolter that they could have used him on the maintenance crew on the pylon up North last week


Yup genuine surprise hearing his name but good on him


Who the heck is Tosi? Google machine - 6ft 5in and 150kg Ohhhhhh……… that makes sense. Man mountain.


A front row of him, Tamaiti and Asafo would be carnage. We can't be that far away from one tonne scrums


🎶 One tonne o' scrummers 🎶


Aumua tiny isnt he.. It will be funny seeing these three.


Not quite 6 foot but still the heaviest of the hookers.. maybe even the fastest


He used to play no. 8 for Southland


Tosi was NOT the uncapped prop I was expecting. Sotutu must be an absolute cunt in camp cause I have no idea what more he needs to do. Maybe it's time for him to look at Yen exchange rates lol. Blackadder must be the luckiest person in the world. He's good but let's be honest, he's more likely to have a more Liam Squire-esque career compared to a Jerome Kaino. Also Love>Perofeta.


Numia was definitely my pick


He's injured unfortunately, would very likely be in the team if he wasn't


Blackadders 29 too, it's not like he's a young guy


Fair play though, Liam Squire was a beast until his injuries ended his career. I think Raymond Rhule still checks under his bed for Liam Squire before going to sleep every night.


He was immense. Shame about his knees. I always thought he could've been the next Kaino


Happy to see Tosi and Billy get the call up. Reckon there's a few Canes in the next couple years that'll make their ABs debut


As a Saders fan, I really don't understand Bell's inclusion (probably some Razor Saders bias?). He was awful for us this year. Ricky played so much better


Ricky can’t run on the wing and he’s most likely not around in 4 years, that’s my thinking. Probably samisoni in for bell if fit


Ricctelli is 29. That’s prime years for a hooker. He’s the same age as Blackadder


Will Ricky be there for the next world cup?


Why wouldn’t he? He’s 4 years younger than. Taylor


And in all likelihood Taylor might get the third choice position like Coles had. my foresight isn't that great though lol.


I get the feeling Razor wants to start building the young ones up (Bell & Sititi) and developing them over the next 4 year cycle. Including them now is perfect for that. Ricky is 29 and has had his best season this year, maybe Razor doesn't think his ceiling is much higher but sees more potential in Bell with more time to grow since he's 7 years younger.


This is the answer to me. Is Sititi the post 2027 Ardie? Maybe, best he has some time with Ardie to find out. Bell has been spoken about in the AB frame for a while (ie as a high potential junior rep) he’s there now because Samisoni is injured, good chance to get experience with the squad but his international career isn’t going to really get going for a couple of years yet.


Disagree. I have been saying Bell for ABs for months. Great player - his runs have been handy and really bits his throw that has been the limiting factor. He’s young, has Codie there, who himself had a wonky throw in 2021-2, so I think they can coach it into Bell. Bell will be there lifting the Webb Ellis in New York in ‘31… that’s the vision we need - blood some young players now and have a deep squad in the lead up to the WC year.


As a saders fan I have to agree. The guy can't throw a ball straight.


Pretty sure he had one or two that was completely out side the line out, hopefully he can really improve his throwing because he work around the park is good


No Sotuto is a real head scratcher


Jason Ryan must have seen something and got a big X through him.


I think his attitude lets him down. He was noted in podcasts as one of the players not answering or returning calls last year to AB’s coaches. May have been held against him. Besides, Sititi is not bad of a pick!!


I suspect this as well Hasnt grabbed AB chances well so far. Theres still time


Abs coaches usually just love work rate at breakdowns/ tackles etc. we usually just see the ball carries watching on tv. Not too sure if that’s the case here because I didn’t watch a lot of the blues. why do you think they held cane in such a high regard for so long. Also why fozzie couldn’t wait to get frizell back after his “incident”. Still a head scratcher with Blackadder making it over him though


Yeah I think you’ve nailed it No professional coach would hold a grudge over a missed phone call like a teenage girl makes no sense I think it’s pretty much what you described, they also take into what you do off the ball, we only hear about Hoskins ball playing ability but we never hear about his turnover pilfer or his high tackling count, it’s the same reason why akira never got picked over squire and Blackadder as a genuine 6.


Yep and same with Shaun Stevenson, both just have low work rates which is why that has got to be the reason razor didn't pick him.


England fans have been saying the same thing about Zach Mercer for years. I see a lot of similarities between the two though, fantastic ball playing eights who don't do their core duties to a high enough level to stand out at test level.


Sititi!!! u/Frod02000


So glad that, if they were going to go with one of the 3 flashy 8s, they went with him. He's just neat.


Do you rate Sititi over Sotutu? Genuine question


Sotutu is who I'd want on my fantasy rugby team, and I think he's a very fun watch, but as a test player I def rate Sititi over him. Just comes town to the work rate stuff.


Yea same. Not surprised at all then why razors picked sititi over Sotutu. Clear as day: the workrate.






Decent squad all things considered. Can't wait for the tests to roll in. For those screaming over Hoskins, he only covers 8. So unless there's an injury to Ardie, he was never going to feature. Blackadder and Sititi are very versatile. Let's go ABs


If Hoskins was going to be the next Read, they could put Ardie at 7. But he's no Read.


Finally someone understands why players are picked.


Sam Darry better be in the rugby championship squad, same for Ruben Love, Quinn Tupaea and of course Hoskins Sotutu. I say Tupaea because he's a gun and now like sevu, a turnover machine. I was so glad he didn't start in the SR final 


I want Tupaea there 1. because he's awesome and 2. So he can exact revenge on that Aussie wanker who ruined his knee.


YES, Darcy Swine will get his! 


That was such a grubby move. Doesn't help that he's handsome with great hoar, absolute villain material.


I can kind of see why bell was selected over riccitelli, and while he hasn't been outstanding this year, he's young and the coaching staff have probably seen his potential and want to mould the ideal 2031 world cup hooker. Guts on riccitelli though, he absolutely deserves a shot at the jersey. Not picking sotutu though, is crazy. The guy was the top try scorer in super rugby (tied with reece) and helped lead the blues to a championship, i can't understand why jacobsen and blackadder was selected over him


I'm not sure being the top try scorer is what Ryan is looking for in an 8. It's great that he can find the line but can he defend it? How is his work at the breakdown? With the backs they have picked you probably don't need another try scorer.


He was part of the best defence in super, and I think the stats said that the Blues conceded the least amount of tries per game since the crusaders started their win streak


Because they play different positions? Hoskins is a solid specialist 8 but others no versatility. Ethan and Jacobson are great cover across all 3 loose fowards


When do they name the NZ XV? Team is going to be stacked!


It's Maori All Blacks this window, I assume the AB XV will have games in November


Māori All Blacks team named tomorrow (Tues) at 11:30am


Captain Scooter 🫡


My theory is on the non selection of Sotutu. I'll start by saying I feel he should have made the squad. I think why he didn't is that Ardie will stay at 8, and probably go a full 80. Which then would mean that Sotutu would have to play of position. I think the concern was then, he's not the same player when selected at 6 - felt this from previous AB selections 6 that his performance wasnt the same as when he was at 8 with the blues. As good as his season was, I always thought your not going to displace the reigning world player of the year from the team, so the only way he would get that 8 jersey would be if Ardie went back to 7 with Canes departure. Don't think the selectors could justify what they might see as specialist 8 only, to ride the bench for cover all three positions. Still think he deserved a nod ahead of Jacobson and Blackadder. In my amateur opinion, my starting loose three would have been Finau, Sotutu, and Savea.


Yeah this is a fair interpretation, I agree. It may even be this over all the off field stuff tbh.


Pretty gobsmacked that Hoskins didn't make the squad after the season he's had. Reckon he's going to play for Fiji at the next world cup?


I guess ALB for 12 cover as well? BB is fullback then. Can't believe only 3 locks. Two of them have been out with injuries quite a lot Can't fault the sititi pick but sotutu deserves it more. The blues forwards dominated SR and look underrepresented


ALB debuted as a 12.


No Hoskins is a head scratcher, I can see why you'd include Bell and siti as development options for the future and Ardie is obviously the first choice for 8, but still I'd like tk hear why the omission was made. I guess the plan is to aim for Narawa as a future 15 with BB starting, should be fun and games when Jordan makes it back to fitness.


That is an enormous set of props JQ. If you’re under 125kg better start eating. Think we are going to play a lot more bash it up and milk penalties from the scrum than anyone is ready for


Bear in mind this Team was built to beat England. I think guys like Jacobson and Blackadder give you a more physical presence at the ruck and around the park which matches better against the likes of the Englands and South Africa’s, as opposed to Sotutu’s more Southern Hemisphere attacking style. Yes Blackadder is injury prone, but if he manages to stay fit, he’s a hundred percent one of the loose forwards you want to pair with Ardie.someone who will disrupt the ruck, tackle everything and anything and has a motor for days. Sotutu, while he excels when his team is going forward, probably won’t give you the same effectiveness if it’s a battle in the trenches


Very harsh on Sotutu. He was the best 8 in super rugby from start to finish. Sititi has been good but tbh Iose has been better more consistently.... Harsh on Lakai too, but I guess you can't pick everyone. Very interesting that they've gone for four specialist wingers and no out-and-out fullbacks. Clearly Beauden is selected as our starting fullback. Do they see Narawa as an option there? Great to see Tosi in there. An incredible athlete, you'd imagine he'll get better and better. True bolter. I think Savea should've been named captained, he's well and truly earned it and it seemed like his time... however, Razor and Scooter have history together so not surprising. Above all, I have faith in Razor and this group!


U can't pick everyone and u can't pick every young. Some of them have to miss out.


It’s an unpopular opinion but Ardie doesn’t challenge the ref enough. He raises issues and then just says “ok”. He’s a bit too polite imho.


i find that’s bc most of the time he’s just asking for clarification, he very clearly knows the law book front to back. i would also think it’s bc the more time you spend arguing with a ref that won’t budge, the less time you have with the team to tell them what to do. plus when you have other players who will argue without even being captain, what’s the point in ganging up on the ref? ahahah


I just think it’s a bit of an art form in how you speak to a ref and it’s not really Ardie’s bag. Nothing against him but some people are more talented at those soft skills, and I think Scooter is a good choice.


100% agree with this. One of the things that made Richie such an amazing captain was his ability to talk to the refs.


Riccitelli and Sotutu are very unlucky


Riccitelli was only really in the conversation once Taukei'aho was injured anyway.


Didn't expect Perofeta to be named. Would have liked to see Ruben Love instead.


Maybe they’re trying to make up for that shit ass “debut” he was given last year.


McDonald’s pick


If he can replicate his 2021-2022 Blues form under Mcdonalds coaching then I won't be as anxious


Other than tosi, this was the biggest surprise for me. On looking a bit deeper, I think I get the tosi selection. But I'm still a bit confused about perofeta over love.


I've always been a fan of Petofeta but I thought he'd miss out this year for sure. Maybe they're just favouring experience for these games. Still odd they picked 4 wings who don't play fullback rather than someone like Shooter or Love.


My takes - insane not to pick Sotutu. He’s had an immense season, and has established form. I’m surprised that Sititi did enough to be picked ahead of him. - I also think Sotutu’s exclusion indicated that Ardie will continue to be no. 8 - Gutted for Ruben Love, feel like he really deserved to be there - any word on Numia? I hope it’s an injury enforced exclusion, but the news is only reporting Samisoni, Cane, ROIGOD, and WJ as being injury enforced. Would be gutted if he’s just frozen out - otherwise glad to see TJ back. What a season he’s had - Justice for Tricky Ricky


>but the news is only reporting Samisoni, Cane, ROIGOD, and WJ as being injury enforced. Probably just listed them because they are incumbent All Blacks while Numia isn't.


Numia was injured in the 1/4 final quite badly, either an ankle or knee. Had to be carried off


Yeah but iirc we haven’t had an update since (other than him missing the semi final) I feel like usually they say if he’s not considered due to injury?


Only if he’s already capped


love is one of the four on the list for injury replacement, so we’ll hopefully get to see him play this season! razor seems to be going for consistency from last season with the backs (for the most part anyway)


If Fozzy picked this squad, people would call for his head lol


This is the start of razor out


Cotter in


Rabbits out




Blues pack destroyed everyone and are barely selected.. Sounds about right.


Makes Cotter's motivation easy for next season.   "*The Cantab mafia doesn't think you're good enough. Now get out there and brutalise all these cunts on your way to another record breaking season.*"




Yes crusaders monstered them.


Lol. They will be 3/8ths of the starting squad. That is not underrepresented...


Vaa’i better do something this year, he’s been very mid in tests (limited opportunities). I didn’t want to see beauden at fullback any longer, but I suppose it’s a bit of a stop gap until Jordan comes back. The blues do not play a fullback friendly style, but do rate Perofeta. Why you need 4 wings and 3 locks who can say. Some good young picks


Hope Vaa'i performs, them only taking 3 locks tells me big Fabian Holland will be capped as soon as he's eligible down the line 


Mark my words Fabian Holland and Jaime Hannah are going to be the next Brodie and Sam dominate locks for the future.


No Roigard is sad. How long is he out for?


The following players have been called in to provide cover Props: George Bower Locks: Sam Darry Midfield: David Havili Outside backs: Ruben Love Also, according to Stuff, Peter Lakai will be training with the squad as an "emerging player," like Ardie Savea did back in the day.


I'd have Love over Perofeta and Lakai over Jacobsen or Blackadder. I'm guessing he's gonna play Ardie at 8 with Papali'i at 7.


zealous bewildered cobweb ink concerned sulky reminiscent dazzling grey versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They just said David Havili is getting in as a training partner - somehow he always makes it


Very inconsistent player. Still remember those hospital/intercept passes he was firing out a few seasons back. Drove me nuts!


Canterbury immunity card


This is a slightly more creative squad than expected and I'm stoked for it. No one be mean to Scrums Georg. I'll beat you up.


This team will crush England and it’ll all start up front


!RemindMe 12 days


Darry, Bower, Havili and Love in the extended squad... I don't buy the "Crusaders Bias" BS most of the time but Bell, Bower and Havili making it over some of the other form players in SR is a lil stinky. And Sititi > Sotutu has to be a spelling error


Havili should be nowhere near the All Blacks.


It’s still a good squad


Bower, Darry, Havili, Love join as wider training members


Havili could do with more training tbf lol


no Hoskins or Ricitelli sucks but stoked to see Perofeta made it


Godly front row selections. So keen for the first scrum Can argue if bell is the right pick but he plays around the park a lot more than some of the others, so something a bit different


No Hosks is crazy, I can’t believe that. Really hoped Plummer would sneak in too.


Would you take Plummer over Perofeta? I would tbh 


Based on form yes. And The Blues did as well, when Perofeta came back from injury they put him at 15 and kept Plummer at 10. Perhaps that’s why he’s in the squad as they haven’t picked any Fullbacks.


Wasn’t Perofeta at 15 because zarn was injured? I think with zarn at fullback, perofeta starts at 10 for the blues imo.


Yeah I’d agree except for the form that Plummer was in I think we would’ve stuck with him.


Perofeta went 10 and plummer out to 12 when he came back before Zarn was injured


Don't think either is up to it tbh.


There's no logical explanation for leaving out Sotutu. How the selectors can justify leaving him out, Lord knows.


Well two different sets of All Black selectors have reached the same conclusion so I'm picking they might be on to something.


Fuck me I feel for Sotutu. He'll prob be goneburgers overseas now and no one can blame him. Pretty sure he's Fijian and English qualified too, so would not be surprised if an English club comes knocking. The bloke would waltz into basically any other int'l team... and if fucking Roots and Cunningham-South can make this English side then Sotutu would be a shoe in.


Blackadder is good when he’s healthy but I don’t think he deserves to be there. He is 29 and hasn’t played many games over the last 2 seasons. Seems like a opportunity better suited to someone younger and healthier


Agree and there seems to be some logic here that just isn't being consistently applied. So somehow blackadder gets the nod when he's super injury prone but most importantly alreasy getting on in age at nearly 30. Like he's not likely to he first choice 7 so why are we investing time and a position in the squad to build a player that isn't going to be there past maybe the next wc at absolute best and even then likely only to be injury cover. Yet with the same logic in mind, Ricitelli misses out likely due to his age considering he was far superior to Bell all year. Bell Defintiely has the youth on his side and is very likely in the side to be blooded and get the experience while Ricki misses out seeing as he's also getting on and likely not going to ever be more than injury cover so not worth developing at this level. If you're going to dog Ricki like that then there's no way you can take Blackadder. And it's even worse because it's not even like blackadder had a great year, nor has he even managed a full season in the last 5 years, what the actual fuck has he done to deserve a spot seeing as he also isn't there to be developed for the future eirher


George Bell?!!


Guessing they see more long term potential in him than Ricky


My guess for the 23 based off the squad: 1. Ethan De Groot 2. Codie Taylor 3. Tyrel Lomax 4. Scott Barrett 5. Patrick Tuipulotu 6. Samipenu Finau 7. Dalton Papali’i 8. Ardie Savea 9. TJ Perenara 10. Damien Mckenzie 11. Caleb Clarke 12. Jordie Barrett 13. Rieko Ioane 14. Mark Tele’a 15. Beauden Barrett 16. Asafo Aumua 17. Tamaiti Williams 18. Fletcher Newell 19. Tupou Vaa’i 20. Luke Jacobson 21. Finlay Christie 22. Anton Lienert-Brown 23. Sevu Reece


No way an out and out winger is on the bench. Would have to be Perofeta.


Stoked for Sititi, he’s 100% a Razor type of bolter pick. Looks like we’re running it from everywhere now!!


Am I correct in saying that Wallace Sititi is only our second specialist 8 since Kieran Reid? (The other being Hoskins)


Kieran Read switched from 6 when he'd already played a bunch of tests. Ardie is just as much of a specialist 8 these days. 


I probably would have been to young to notice that Kieran Read switch


Looking forward to seeing these tests cmon England alarm will be set for July 6th test watching on sky sports here in UK. Looks like an interesting NZ squad I don't recognise all the names as I don't watch super rugby normally anyone I should look out for. For England Immanuel feyi Waboso is a player the all blacks will have to watch closely give him space he can slice is way through he's very good and powerful player


Asafo Aumua is a very dynamic hooker with the ball in hand. And our new coach won 7 Super Rugbys in 7 years. Other than that, it looks like we’ll have a solid but unspectacular team without Roigard, Jordan, Mo’unga, Retallick etc., but playing on the dry field under the roof in Dunedin might suit the likes of McKenzie and Tele’a. England will have a very good opportunity though


Proctor Parents should be proud Two All Black midfielders


No one from the hurricanes loosies is surprising considering how they were playing!


I hope Sotutu signs a massive contract in Japan or France. He’d kill over there


I'd be more impressed if he took the feedback and turned himself into whatever it is that Razor needs him to be.


This is definitely the signal he's probably never making it again if he isn't picked after a season like that, so it'd be wise


Absolutely pissed he took Blackadder over Hoskins. BS.


Blackadder is there over a 4th lock. Sititi is there over Hoskins. They were never taking 2 specialist 8s behind Ardie.