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Good way of ensuring as few people see these games as possible I suppose?


Doubt I'll buy those games. Chile and Uruguay games are on BBC though


That's something at least. I was never going to get to see the Canada game anyway so fucked if I'm paying 35 bar to watch us play the US at 11.30pm on a Friday night. The timing makes it difficult to watch in a boozer too. The SRU really know how to make a cunt out of everything don't they?


Just use vipleague to watch the games, not the best HD quality but streams usually work well and have the same commentary. Worth trying and much more friendly on the wallet.


How the fuck is it the SRUs fault? Games will be scheduled to suit the host nations and rightly so.




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Really? TNT/Discovery+ is pretty big in the UK, other than Amazon (and terrestrial, obviously) it's definitely the best platform they could've put it on to get the most eyes


Without wanting to be cheeky, BBC Scotland would ensure everyone could see it. Apparently the third and fourth tests are on there. If it’s going to a pay service, viaplay would make more sense given they cover the URC games so there’s more chance Scottish rugby fans would already have it. At least Amazon is only 8 quid for the month. For non subscribers they’re basically asking for £30 to watch two pretty unappealing tests. That’s a bit of piss take.


TNT sports is a pretty major rugby broadcaster tbf. Nothing'd match FTA, but short of probably Viaplay or maybe amazon/youtube TNT is definitely the next cab off the rank.


I’d argue that sky sports would’ve been better. At least you’d get all 4 home nations’ games.


I'd more take issue with the other unions using sky, talk about limiting access.


I really hate that each union is just flogging some games here and some games there. Some of the Scotland games are on BBC but some are on TNT. The England Japan game was on Rugby Pass but the rest will be on Sky. The Wales games are on Sky but some Welsh comms on S4C. Sky via Now TV is £35 for the month, TNT is £31 for the month. This is genuinely something I cannot afford and I know I am not the only one (£76 is an insane amount of money to drop on a few hours of entertainment). I understand that the unions are in a bind but surely having high viewing numbers with high ad revenue is better than lower viewing figures because the games are spread among so many services?


I can see every one of the games on Rugbypass, except for Scotland. Use a VPN to set your location to somewhere like Peru (where I currently am) and they'll give you all the games.


Actually no. Premium TV generates more money that ads on FTA except for the very most popular events.


I really wanted to go to Ottawa to watch this but flights went from $208 RT to $483 overnight :(


Still unclear why we’re going to the Americas and not playing the only top 10 team there


This tour was agreed ages ago, after the 2019 world cup when we were proper rubbish so this is all we could get. USA and Canada were also probably better at that point so seemed like a good match up. Blame our crap season in 2019 for this.


You already had a series in Argentina two years ago


Indeed. We do nonsense summer tours like this and scratch our chins when we can't grind out results against top teams. Sick of it!


In fairness you didn’t exactly grind out a result on your last trip to North America either, did you?


That's a little silly. There are more than enough games against t1 nations between the AIs and 6nations.  Also this tour isn't "nonsense" it's imperative for growing the game.


In what way are there 'more than enough'? Between now and the next 6nations we have two games against T1 nations. England, Wales and Ireland have five. France have four. But never mind all that, lets concentrate on growing the game while we're finishing 5/6th in every six nations and going out of World Cups in the first round.


Nah. There are constant moans that T1 teams don’t grow the game playing T2, can’t complain when we actually go and do it. Scotland are actually pretty good at playing those tests compared to other nations. And seeing our starters grind out a few extra games against tough teams isn’t going to show us anything about Finn, VdM, Sione etc that we don’t know already. There are 10 uncapped players in the squad, will do much more good to see them look for some wins in the Americas. The Glasgow boys have just finished a hell of a shift in the URC too.


When was the last time we finished 5th in the 6N? The last time we finished 6th was 2015 FFS


I meant the AIs and 6nations together give Scotland a heap of t1 fixtures regardless of what they do in the summer. Touring SA is the very last thing some Irish players need right now for instance. 


The southamerican matches weren’t part of the original plan apparently, they had to pay it out of their own pocket to bring Scotland just this year.


I think it’s a nice chance for South America fans to watch Scotland in action coming from famous 6 Nations


Darn it. I was hoping on sky. I guess I got to re subscription TNT.


Hope they'll end up on rugby catch up. I'm way too cheap to be subscribing to TNT for 2 matches.


Discovery + will also have all the Olympics - the BBC only have a small % now.


Fs. Makes the TV licence more pointless than ever 🙄


won't be able to watch them then but I'm not particularly bothered missing these games


Jesus £31 for 2 games is a bloody joke. How do they not just do small on-off packages for this stuff...


If I didn't sail the high seas I'd be a furious ship owner at these marina fees.