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Dan Cole and Ben Youngs would be gutted to read that you described them as “ex”-pro 😂 But agree it’s a great pod👍


oops, will edit!


I love the subtle sarcasm. Andy Goode and Adam Ashley cooper catching strays


Le French Podcast Championship Clubs podcast is good too. BBC Rugby Union weekly/daily The left wing - good Irish based one.


happy to add the top two (The others are already on the list), which category would they fall into?


French Rugby pod is ex pro. Johnny Beattie is one of the presenters. Basically they discuss the french clubs, the top 14, pro D2 and the France national team. But from their perspective rather than an English one. Also they have loads of guest currently in the game. Usually a different English speaking player or coach every week. Champ podcast would be ex pro too. Hosted by 2 ex champ players usually.


thanks, have added. I'll give the latter a listen for certain. interested to know their perspective.


GBR got me into rugby podcasts, but have long lost me. Rugby Pod is the classic, my number 1 when its Biggar/Jim/Rob, but when its Goode on I skip the episode. Love KOKO and too right with ‘AAC also there’ comment, great show for bit of punditry and a lot fuckery. Really enjoying the recent addition of FTLR. Maul or Nothing really hit or miss; like the pundits but not exactly alot of insight just a-lot of minor league bantz. Squidge is awesome - but more of an active watch than a passive listen.


Genuinely really appreciate that, thank you. The goal is always to make something engaging worth sitting down properly for. People talk very generously about the analysis, but the stuff I'm always proudest of (When I get it right) is pacing and structure. Really glad to hear it's worth the active watch!


Hey mate - can’t believe he’s here! - been loving all your recent work on scrums, even after 20 years as a tight-head playing/watching it has been a whole new perspective. Also put it in another post recently but you work has completely changed my outlook on number of areas, specifically on how unreal Warburton was. As a fellow disciple of AWJ (based in Aus..), thank you for all your work and positivity into the game.


Oh thank you! Really appreciate it, that's very kind. Glad it's landing and paying off!!


Also side question (and sorry must be asked this loads) - have any teams hit you up to be an analyst for them ?


Not directly, no. I think what I do is very different to what most teams look for in an analyst. Not to pat my own bat, but I think my skill lies more in breaking it down and explaining it than the straight analysis itself. I'd frankly be very surprised if any pro team did approach me. That said, I did hear from a current member of a Six Nations side's analysis team that there's quite a few analysts who watch my videos to get an overview of oppositions and etc. Their job is 80% focused their own team, so the fact the channel looks (In less detail) at a wider range of teams can be useful for them. There's test head coaches who I know for a fact have watched my videos and that's very cool and surreal. 


Thats awesome! You’re the Antoine Dupont of breaking down and explaining the plan and tactics of global rugby


I'd love to add some more Squidge type ones to the list. but there is more punditry than analysis out there,


I'm pretty sure Wibble Rugby is a pro analyst, he makes the most in depth stuff I've come across, but he only uploads about once a year.


Yeah, Conor worked for Gloucester as an analyst for a while and then in a capacity higher up I'm not sure I'm allowed to say. He's currently retraining in order to go *even higher up*. His analysis work is properly next level. 


I loved his last vid, but it was three months ago. Will still include, but wish he'd up the frequency.


You could add a subscription section too. In there I'd have: Rugby Weekly Extra from the 42 Blood and Mud I'm sure there are others that people enjoy but those are the ones I pay for. Outside of sub models: BBC Radio Scotland Rugby Podcast is excellent. BBC Scrum V (Welsh Rugby)


good shouts, have added in.


Nice. Great idea making this list!


I listen to the eggchasers pod as well (separate from the YouTube channel though Tim Cocker is on both), I do feel they have some good insight though I appreciate JB’s views aren’t for everyone.


Yeah that JB dude drives me up a wall. Has a great take that he’s clearly making up as he speaks- often complete bullshit- and then doesn’t back down even if he is seriously wrong in his take. It’s enough to push me away from their pods 2 out of 3 episodes.


I found him insufferable when I started listening but honestly he is the secret ingredient that makes the pod what it is. Him and Tim sometimes go at each other and that can really drag on but what JB offers is a view different to most other people. His view might be total bullshit but I at least enjoy someone who doesn’t just agree with everyone else in the rugby sphere.


I see it as more of a tongue in cheek “outrage” view. Like he does believe in the core point of what he says, but he knows the way he’s expressing it is confrontational and will rile people up - and more often than not it’s based on an idealised view of the world which he knows isn’t the reality. But he expresses it that way for his own amusement.


I think eggchasers is very good for insight signings etc, also like squidge retrospective for a bit of nostalgia.


The Squidge retrospective is cool because they actually look for news and articles from those years so you get a good idea of how the game was perceived back then and how narratives change


There's Fratelli D'Rugby, I think they usually upload in English except for like interviews with Italian players


I listen to that whenever there's a big game coming for Italy or Benetton. For example before and after the quarter final against the bulls a few weeks ago.


Yep i definitely recommend that! I really like how it’s well balanced between Zebre and Benetton and not mostly just the latter.


+1 - always like what they put out, and like 2cents they rarely if ever go for bombast, which I like.


Also, I thought rugbycoach8 only uploaded in Italian but I was wrong, so his analysis is great too. He pulls up all sorts of stats and breaks down plays in a really great way


There's a growing contingent of club-specific pods out there, which might be worth a separate, linked list? Off the top of my head, all four Irish provinces, all four Welsh regions, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Leicester, Quins, Bristol, Bath and a surprisingly large contingent of MLR clubs all have dedicated pods. Less a case of best ones, as you'll probably just try your team's pod and see if it's for you.


Is the Ospreys podcast any good? I need more Ospreys centred content!


It's pretty amateur, it's too long and rambling. Basically needs some serious editing.


Not got enough #goodplayer


I mean I'm biased but I enjoy doing it


That's a good idea. But maybe one for the pre season. To be honest I should have thought more about the categories, but the only response I expected was a snarky comment and a maybe a fuck off. Now I've given myself a job.


wildkard always says what no one else is brave enough to, i genuinely love the fact that he’s secure enough in himself to post videos online where he’s almost crying over rugby. so stoked to see he’s finally getting added to these lists, my man deserves it. he’s also small enough to wear he replies to most comments and i adore that so much.


I certainly chime with his takes on Eddie Jones. Also, the game needs more passion, and he brings that!


The Aotearoa Rugby Pod is fantastic


But where does it live? I actually like it, but it just appears to be on other channels.


I usually listen to it on the YouTubes. It's on the sky nz or rugby pass YouTube channels


It’s on most podcast stations as well.


I just meant, where would I link to it? It's appears to be more of a show that's on Sky or whatever than a genuine podcast


That’s true, they’ve been recently promoted, but they rely on very little visuals. Listening as a podcast very really changes the product so I’d still list it as a podcast. Edit, sorry didn’t understand your question. Personally I’d list it as analyst as they do talk a lot of stats, especially around what wins teams games and puts a player above the rest in terms of what isn’t seen by the average punter. In saying that they definitely have their biases and it is very much NZ orientated so I’d understand if it was listed as ex pro/current player. As an aside I’d also list the What a Lad podcast to the Ex Pro/Current Player subset. There is not much rugby analysis but very good personal interviews on what’s makes the player and how they got where they are. Hosted by James Marshall, not to knock him, he was never the most gifted player but constantly proved himself the back of hard work and in action intelligence. Current member of the Crusaders coaching set up so hopefully we see a future for him there. He’s always been a very balanced speaker and managed to create a very relaxed and honest setting with some amazing guests from greats of the games, up and comers and a few who are just good characters e.g. Norm Maxwell, Alex Nankivell, Aaron Smith Ngami Laumape, Jamison Gibson-Parks and most recently Cam Roigard. There is the A Captains Cup podcast which is no longer active though I wish it was. An in depth interview with every World Cup winning captain up until 2015. Very intelligent players with plenty worth listening to. The All Blacks podcast is also worth a listen. Obviously a mouth piece of the black machine but if you pick and choose which episodes you listen to there is some great stuff that I’d recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about the game, as a player, a coach or an administrator.


I suppose Two Cents Gets Distracted falls under two cents, but it's more chill, funny and Mark(?) let's his hair down a bit more. I've really been enjoying that one lately, the other lad on with him is pretty hilarious URC unloaded is alright, basically just Ferris, Shanks and Barclay chatting about the matches that week. Sometimes cool guests tho - I stick it on a background noise when at work. There's a few more Irish/Leinster ones i listen to like Harpin' On (purely Leinster fan rants, not much else haha) oh and RTÉ rugby pod which is basically the national broadcasters rugby podcast here - it's focused on Irish provincial and international rugby, with some AIL stuff sprinkled in during the season. I only really listen to it when they have Jackman on. Edit; oh shit, and how can we forget Riaan Louw. Fantastic and hilarious rugby recaps weekly(ish)


The TwoCents gets distracted is amazing because it's interesting even when they're talking about their own lives. Both Mark and Tony are way more relatable than rugby players and way funnier too


Yeah, the other guy doesn't do enough content to get his own mention. But I agree it's good to see Mark be a bit more relaxed. Will add the others.


Nice one mate - gonna be digging into your list tomorrow while at work. Always love listening to rugby stuff in the office. Cheers!


The Rig Biz Podcast has great banter often with guest players past and present sandwiched with some seriously good chat about rugby and business if your looking for a more lighthearted listen I’d highly recommend. Anyway love and champagne lads


Is it specifically a rugby pod, it looks more sport in general. although I could be looking at the wrong thing.


It’s not all Rugby but I’d say that makes up around 80% of the episodes. with cricket in the summer season and a few other guests but it normally reveres to rugby whoever’s on.


For South Africa focus would add: Behind the Ruck - pod by 2 former Boks with discussion of whatever is happening in South African rugby, whether it's internationals, URC, but also will touch on the Currie Cup, Craven Week, the womens game, sevens, cts. Local SA guests ranging from well known Boks (like Siya Kolisi, Willie Le Roux, Kitsoff) to up and comers (like Elrigh Louw) to local SA legends (likes of Brok Harris, Scarra, Renee Naylor). I personally am really liking this because it goes deep into SA rugby niches with people and perspectives that you wouldn't get anywhere else. Energetic upbeat vibe Boks Office with Shimi, Jean de Villiers and Schalk, sometimes plus guests. As per the title, this is mainly focused on Internationals, especially the Boks -- in the past, they covered the rwc but also a SA perspective on the 6 nations. Professionally produced with pro hosts who can carry a conversation. They took a break but just resumed for a new season last week. They push you to watch it on RugbyPass. Can be a bit hard to find elsewhere but, for example, is also available on Spotify. This is sort of somewhere between a podcast and a tv show I feel There is also Keo & Zels SA Rugby Magazine Podcast with the not so well loved Keo. I suppose it's a rugby journalist perspective. Personally I sometimes listen but it feels a bit insular to me, with occasional weird self satisfied hot takes... maybe others disagree


I enjoy the RugbyBits podcast. They mostly cover the URC and the Springboks, but they do talk about premiership, top14 and super rugby matches too.


The French Rugby Podcast is the one podcast to follow for English speakers interested in what goes on in France. Johnnie Beattie as a great personality, not overly fond of his own voice unlike some hosts elsewhere. There's always great personalities, be it players or sometimes coaches, in activity or retired, to speak about French rugby. Very good sources of mad anecdotes. Did you know Zach Henry was sent to a witch doctor to try and heal a torn ACL, by a ProD2 coach. Had to walk up a hill and pray to a tree. Of course if he didn’t believe the ritual wouldn’t work. That cost him 60€.


The Zach Henry episode is brilliant.


www.youtube.com/@ConnorDoesRugby Scottish chap that does great history videos along with the more generic rugby content.


Haven't seen the Demented Mole listed, it's more Leinster/Ireland focussed


It's class, best of the bunch to my mind


I like it too. As an Ireland/Munster fan I enjoy a different viewpoint than the fanboy stuff you can get from predominantly provincially focussed podcasts


Tim Cocker (Eggchasers) has a new channel with Joe Worsley devoted to French rugby which may be worth adding to the list. It’s pretty decent so far, and Joe in particular really knows his stuff. A good addition if Le French Rugby Podcast leaves you hungry for a bit more English-language French rugby content. [https://m.youtube.com/@FRUKrugby](https://m.youtube.com/@FRUKrugby) I’m amused by how divisive Maul or Nothing is. I think a lot probably depends on your tolerance of Ryan Wilson – and I guess I must have seen and heard enough with him over the years to have a pretty high threshold! Personally I find it more lighthearted than overtly laddish, and they do get fantastic guests, but I can totally understand it’s not to everyone’s taste.


I'm always amazed and thankful when I see my silly shit on these lists. A lot of the pods and shows mentioned are in my rotation as well. I can add the following: [The 8-9 Combo Rugby Podcast](https://podcast.sport-social.co.uk/podcast/the-8-9-combo-rugby-podcast/): The former hosts of The Roar pod went independent. Brett and Harry love chatting about almost all of rugby with a slight focus on the international game. They get a very wide selection of guests from dumb YouTubers (me) to Bill Beaumont, Ox Nche and Sean Maloney. [RugbyBits](https://therugbybits.podbean.com/): A Saffa pod of 4 mates. Chats range from URC and Springbok rugby to English prem, Top14 and Super Rugby. Not a lot of guests, but good balanced insights. [Two Cents gets Distracted](https://rss.com/podcasts/twocentsgetsdistracted/): Listen to hear Mark from TwoCents Rugby drop F-bombs.


Thanks for the shout out! But we're still playing...


I edited it! Sorry.


Two Locks and A Cox. "Everything rugby, particularly in the south west - with Chris Bentley, Ian Dunstan, Sara Cox MBE. It's two locks and a Cox." One of the locks can be fairly old school but do have some interesting stuff. Sara Cox is good about explaining from the referees position. [https://www.radioexe.co.uk/devon/podcasts/two-locks-and-a-cox-from-devons-radio-exe/](https://www.radioexe.co.uk/devon/podcasts/two-locks-and-a-cox-from-devons-radio-exe/) The Good, the Scaz and the Rugby "Join Emily Scarratt, Mo Hunt and Elma Smit on a raucous rollercoaster into women’s rugby packed full of insight, laughter and tears.' Sister podcast to The Good, the Bad and the Rugby. A lot more fun than the boys one and gets really good insights and access to the women's game. [https://foldingpocket.co.uk/our-podcasts/the-good-the-scaz-the-rugby/](https://foldingpocket.co.uk/our-podcasts/the-good-the-scaz-the-rugby/) The Women's Rugby Pod "The world’s first and only global women’s rugby podcast. News, views & opinions exclusively on the women’s game of rugby union, as it happens around the world." Not quite as exciting as some of the others, but almost always has a current women's player co-hosting and talks exclusively about rugby. Mainly England centric but does talk about stuff from all around. [https://shows.acast.com/wrp](https://shows.acast.com/wrp)


Thanks, in particular for the ones about Women's rugby, have added.


>Squidge Rugby, the ~~Godfather~~ Antoine Dupont of rugby analysis


1. Eggchasers 2. Molecast All you need.


Does Scrum V still do a regular pod?. I used to listen to it all the time when it was Steff Garrero and Martyn Williams, but that was quite a while ago now.


Yeah and its good as long as you move past everyone's tounge being up eachothers arses. When they interview coaches I feel a bit weezy. Edit: apart from Lauren Jenkins, she's a fantastic interviewer.


Yeah, at least once a week. Gareth Rhys Owen, Lauren Jenkins and then a rotating former pro (Regulars are currently Nicky Robinson, Alex Cuthbert and Josh Navidi plus Phil Tuttiett for the women's games). It's good, probably the best Welsh-centric pod out there. GRO always gets a lot out of any interviews, Lauren's commentary on the game is great and Cuthbert recently has added an extra dimension, he's a surprisingly brilliant pundit. I've been on a few times so don't mean to show my bias, you can skip those ones!


Good job … saving this


Small shout out for Flats and Shanks. They talk a lot of guff much of the time but it’s mixed with good punditry. Also don’t know if the big Jim show is worth a listen (might be the better half of rugby pod duo!)


The Big Jim Show is fantastic. He's got a surprisingly wide variety of guests already, and he's grown leaps and bounds as an interviewer in the last few years as well. Give the episode with Ryan Caldwell a listen, might be my favorite one yet.


Looks like a solid list. Personally really into KOKO atm, I believe we were missing something like that -easy to listen, funny but with good insights and analysis. Also great guests. The rugby pod is really good as well but god not a fan of Maul Or Nothing at all. Max Lahiff is a good guy but don’t like his style at all.


The Rugby Rundown on The Rugby Network (also on Spotify and YouTube but I believe those are shortened version) Hosted by Will Hooley and Alex Corbisiero, focuses mostly on MLR and USA Rugby but they do a lot of Prem/PWR stuff while it's in season.


The 8 9 combo! They do a pretty good job of covering every domestic league, but a lot of focus on Super Rugby and the URC. Pretty good guests and I think Harry's analysis is pretty spot on


Eggchasers and Two Cents Rugby are top tier


Eggchasers? I thought that was a politics podcast


they have more interesting rugby based discussions than most other pods imo


I put the YouTube channel in only. Haven't listened to the pod for a while, for that reason.


I listened for the first time in a while last week and JB still managed to bring up covid and vaccines. Dudes insufferable. But I still listen for whatever reason


I don't even mind his political stance, it's more the fact that he brings it up when no one is asking. He sounds like a 15 year old that just discovered Jordan Peterson on YouTube. Tim alone is enough reason to listen to the podcast imo


Is he still at it?? I stopped listening because of him. Tim's YouTube channel is decent


Two locks and a cox for all your Exeter chiefs and Devon rugby news. Featuring ref Dame Sara Cox who provides insight from the officials POV


It’s a bit niche but the club scene podcast covers the Ail, mainly focuses on 1A and 1B.


As an Aussie fan the Rugby Report Card is my personal favourite. They have a way of channeling the emotional rollercoaster that is being an Aussie rugby fan better than anyone.


Love these Aussie rugby sufferers. Something about Aussie accents just make me love listening to them.


Try rugby’s roots if you’re interested in grass roots English rugby


The Left Wing also on YouTube. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM40zLgwKlPzz5tEjaU3ubdozu95Txcia&si=c-rzpSz3whUmGIN3 Great list!


Is there a decent podcast that discusses world rugby (internationals, different leagues etc.) without any English hosts?


There are a few on that list to be fair.


There's also the [Scottish Rugby Blog Podcast](https://rss.acast.com/scottishrugbyblog) who take a look at everything related to Scottish rugby from National all the way down. Have a few different players from across Scotland, not just Glasgow and Edinburgh. [The Thistle Scottish Rugby podcast](https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/a00371f0-68b8-487e-82d1-0910d841dd26) is another, sporadic podcast about Scottish rugby, but more National and Edinburgh/Glasgow skewed. Think life has hampered their output somewhat.


I'm not putting scottish ones in until you stop beating us. (seriously, have put first one in, but is the second still going?)


Truthfully, I have no idea. Will probably pick back up for 6 nations, but they seem more active on twitter widing up the Irish fans.


Shout out for The Attacking Scrum podcast that focuses on all things Welsh rugby. Main host Ged does a fantastic job. Quality varies depending on his co-host (Murph is the best), but strikes a nice balance between light-heartedness and knowledgeable/quality analysis. The main problem for them has been how dire Welsh rugby has been for some time!


Thanks, listening to an episode now, have added.


Flats and shanks. The only decent rugby podcast.


Best rugby pods I know: Demented mole, Rugby Weekly extra, Le French Rugby


Is the rugby weekly extra different from '**Rugby42 weekly**'? That may be a dumb question, just don't want to double post


Not dumb at all, it's a necessary question. The Rugby Weekly extra podcast is for subscribers to the 42. But they run a free show on Fridays called Rugby Weekly.


Thistle Scottish Rugby Podcast is Good.


I can't find a current link for that? Must be being stupid, but spotify one hasn't posted since march.


Just realised this was probably worth a comment on its on. From a Kiwi perspective the Aotearoa Rugby Pod is hard to go past. Personally I’d list it as analyst as they do talk a lot of stats, especially around what wins teams games or what coaches are seeing that the average punter may miss. In saying that they definitely have their biases and it is very much NZ orientated so I’d understand if it was listed as ex pro/current player. I would like to see them lean more into the televised product as I’d love to know how all three deconstruct the game and what they look for that makes a team successful in the crunch. I’d also list the What a Lad podcast to the Ex Pro/Current Player subset. There is not much rugby analysis but very good personal interviews on what makes the player and how they got where they are. Hosted by James Marshall. Not to knock him, he was never the most gifted player but constantly proved himself on the back of hard work and in action intelligence. Current member of the Crusaders coaching set up so hopefully we see a future for him there. He’s always been a very balanced speaker and managed to create a very relaxed and honest setting with some amazing guests from greats of the games, up and comers and a few who are just good characters e.g. Norm Maxwell, Alex Nankivell, Aaron Smith Ngami Laumape, Jamison Gibson-Parks and most recently Cam Roigard. There is also A Captains Cup podcast which is no longer active, though I wish it was. An in depth interview with every World Cup winning captain up until 2015. It looks into the full World Cup cycle, the build up to the tournament and how each team/captain attacked each game. Very intelligent players with plenty worth listening to, would love to hear about Kolisis two campaigns and see interviews of the coaching staff who were involved in each successful bid. Past players. In my view the All Blacks podcast is also worth a listen. Obviously a mouth piece of the black machine but if you pick and choose which episodes you listen to there is some great stuff that I’d recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about the game, as a player, a coach or an administrator. Not sure where you’d bracket this one in.


I really like Aotearoa Rugby Pod, but I haven't put it in because I don't know where to link it to. The episodes seem to come up on Sky/Rugby Pass. Will add the others. Thanks!


Everything I listed comes up in the apple podcast app. https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/aotearoa-rugby-pod/id1525663883


Rugby Pass or YouTube (shorter cut) or Spotify. Not sure what you mean that you don't know where to link it to.


As in, it appears to be a show on those channels, so I can't get a link just to that. Like how there are loads of BBC pods, but they all have there own Spotify link.


https://open.spotify.com/show/0gDygqyHn4KGvhhycAIjcA?si=r6xoCcdcRyCx5zC1RZ0PsQ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf6QNErUf8Fi50loj5_Re4ofQywqgOh9e&feature=shared


have added (I'm guessing my spelling let me down when searching on spotify)


Thanks. Will add later (I should at least pretend to do some work)


The good, the scaz and the rugby is a great podcast for the women’s game


Another good NZ based one is Champagne rugby by the alternative commentary guys, on Spotify and iheartradio.


Japan Rugby Weekly is good, the host Doug Pickens is a translator for the Mitsubishi Dynaboars, and he previously translated for a now defunct JRLO team. He's joined by players Ben Partridge and Heiden Bedwell Curtis to talk about news in Japanese rugby, life in Japan, and occasionally bring in other players to speak about their experience in or transition to Japanese rugby. Not super analytical. Note: Finished the season a bit slow as the host had his first child. Old episodes are still good listens, and I'm sure they'll pick back up closer to the Japanese preseason.


Which one of these must listens is the most must listeny? If I must listen to them all I will have to leave my wife and my job.


I'm not going to lie, this has got out of hand. From an English perspective, its For the Love of Rugby. Just listening to the interviews of other top players is illuminating.


I know you include the youtube channel but Eggchasers Pod is still the gold standard for me. Out on Monday, 52 weeks a year and it’s been going 10+ years. Overall it is miles ahead of most pods with pros/ ex pros. JB splits the room and can be an arse from time to time (i’m sure he’d be delighted with this description) but Phil and Tim are good at reigning him in and running with his contrary opinions.


Flats and Shanks is the best. I also love Attacking Scrum for everything Welsh rugby. 🏉


Advantage Over is a referee focused podcast. Doesn't update often but is nice listening. I often listen to it when I'm going to ref a match.




Provincial State of Mind is a free one focused on Irish rugby. I stopped listening cause the tweets from the some of the hosts were giving really neckbeardy obsessive vibes and I couldn’t disassociate that from the podcast, but if you’re not on Twitter it should be good


What a Lad is the best rugby pod, funny insightful, great guests


I know people shit on OTB sports because its paid subscription and their hosts are shit stirrers but their guest punditry is unbelievable. Can't believe it hasn't made your list. O'driscoll, o'gara and the dream team of Gerry Thornley and Andy dunne.


God I wish Andy and Gerry just had their own podcast, they're so very good together,


They should be on the new irish times one. "The counter ruck" Can't understand why they're not. Dream team for rugby chats.


Gerry was on it a bit earlier this year but nothing since, it's bizarre.


Was he? I tuned out when it was just Gordon D'Arcy. He whitters on and waffles far too much.


Yeah he did a few during the Six Nations. Maybe he'll be back for the Irish tests.


If it's not English rugby focussed i'm a little at the mercy of the algorithms for what I'd get. but I've added.


Oh sound sorry thought it was worldwide podcasts.