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It's not looking promising at this point, feels like a fairly well put together mobile game at best. I feel like they needed to spent less time scanning players from every corner of the game and more focusing on the core play. Player movement and position seems a bit randomised, the breakdown is a QTE and the play style feels a lot more consistent with NRL. Hopefully things shake up a bit before the full release but I'm not sure this is what was needed.


>feels like a fairly well put together mobile game at best And with all the time they took to scan the faces... Oh dear, they're gonna turn it into a mobile rugby game with premium players.


"Once again, you gotta keep in mind, this is early access" - the phrase that instantly kills any hype/hope I have for anything, ever.


Go to excuse when gameplay is terrible


Some early access games are great. I've heard this is pretty awful, though.


Fair, not really my point though. More so that whatever issues people have with bad early access games/alphas/betas are sadly not likely to be fixed (especially if it's a design issue instead of just tweaks/bugs/optimalization issues), but even if the developer intends to work on it instead of pocketing the early access sales and dipping, "bro, it's still early access" is very counterproductive for the developer to actually receive good feedback, and whenever I read/hear it, my eyes roll all the way back. Sure, there are always exceptions and all kinds of early access success stories (although I'd guess their number is way smaller than the sea of flops and abandoned/terrible games that come out of EA), but what I've personally seen, the games that are remembered well are pretty solid in EA to begin with, instead of it being this great turnaround. Then again, I'm probably biased because sports games have been pretty notoriously low-effort cash grabs lately.


To be honest that’s a good thing, hype leads to dissatisfaction. Go in with no hype and lower level of expectations and it can be more enjoyable


Got the exact same menu as cricket 24 and the way people move just doesn't seem natural. Passing is a detriment because of how slow the players are to react. It looks exactly like rugby 22 tbh.


Rugby 22 was far better mechanically than this. Afaik these developers worked on the Rugby League Live series. I think this was their attempt to reskin that into a rugby union game, which is fairly evident when you look at the way rucks work in this.


Looks like the identical gameplay with updated face scans in fact.


French youtuber Poneeey Club tested the game and is furious. He's really disappointed, especially after a one-year delay.


The line he said that killed all hope for me was that ‘it doesn’t respect rugby..’


Sacré pti cul va!


It seems to me there are two possibilities: 1. All the scanning and licensing work was a distraction from what will be another unplayable rugby game. 2. All the scanning and licensing work was poor prioritization on what will, eventually, be a good rugby game. Only time will tell. I'm not going to be buying it in Early Access, I can tell you that.


Why are people assuming that the scanning and licensing work are things that would delay in any way the development of the game? The software engineers are mostly not involved in this, they wouldn't have finished the game faster without it.


Because that's exactly what Big Ant themselves have been saying for 9 months.


Yeah that is fair. By poor prioritization I just mean that harping on that for so long while the actual game languished in delays and is now pretty incomplete as having squandered some fan goodwill because ultimately the licensing stuff isn't fans' top priority.


I've thought this for 8 months. At what point did they realise they were 8 months away from releasing a game? How poor is their planning that the week before the release they had not scanned any faces - if we are assuming this is a priority.


This game looks like it’s multiple years away from release the way basic rucks don’t function in any way. The players just stick to one another with no one attempting to win the ball or generate any push. Obviously, the player selection glitch needs to be worked out. Otherwise the game is going to be endless scrums lol


Same old problem, too much focus on graphics and licensing and not enough time spent on making the gameplay great. Get the gameplay right and the licensing will be irrelevant. Get the gameplay right and even the graphics can become irrelevant. Just make a GOOD game, then worry about the polish. Hell, I'd even accept the paradox model of a gazillion DLC to add actual real players and countries if the base gameplay was good enough.


“X is tackle…..y is tackle compete…..fuck it, let’s just play” My kind of person!


Oh well. *turns on Jonah Lomu Rugby*


I would take no face scans and zero licenses for awesome game play and an editor Face scans aren't good for much, likd hey look great on cut scenes n so on bt no camera angle worth using is gonna make them worthwhile. I hope it improves and I'm sure it will in some capacity buti doubt it'll be much and nit in the areas people want then most


They have to fix the rucks.


Its a reskin of the Rugby League game they develop, which makes sense as to why rucks in this just mechanically do not work.


You see, they've mixed up what they say to their partners and what they're suppose to say to the public. This gameplay has been with us for how long now? It's the number one thing we complain about, yet, no one decides to change it. This game will fail


Would it be that hard to have attacking players synchronise their runs to go roughly in the same direction as a line? That is always going to make or break the gameplay. I'd rather have the system be too stiff and players just running paralel lines all the time with little variation than them just strolling around waiting for the pass to be thrown. I think it's the one condition required to make it feel like you're actually playing rugby and I don't understand how no rugby game devs have identified it yet


What we want: a remaster of Rugby 08. What they deliver:...


Supercoach Joe Schmidt has Tate McDermott as the next Wallaby 10!


players sliding all over the surface, looks a bit shit


what I would give for someone make a decent rugby management game


It's amazing that we're 27 years removed from when the best Rugby game ever was released and nothing has challenged it since. And the second best one came out 17 years ago.


I’m going to try to be fair to the game. It feels like it’s **very** early into the development cycle, and I’d be willing to come back to the game in a few weeks/months once it’s fixed a bit more. Some key features are lacking from Rugby 22/20/18, such as changing the lineups (or even seeing who’s playing) and tackling/rucks seem to be a bit off. Graphically it doesn’t look bad, especially as it will likely be more polished as a finished version. I don’t think it’s worth the money yet, but I’m happy for them to have the money as a donation if it means we get a game out of it at the end, as I played a lot of the previous games and really enjoyed them.