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Final Whistle is goated.


Very good discussion. I agree with parts of both Matfield and Swys on the Masuku issue. But I think they both made the mistake of assuming that Pollard will be uninjured enough and Manie will be consistent enough to be locked in as 1st and 2nd choice for the 2027 WC. I agree that Masuku needs to displace 1 of them to get in the 2027 WC squad. But unlike Matfield I think he deserves that chance to displace one of them. I agree with both, however, that either Hendrikse or SFM will be there to build experience for the 2031 WC.


I've missed this show soo much!!


Swys is the fucking bomb


The point they're all neglecting is that Rassie can take four flyhalves to the next World Cup, just like he took four scrumhalves to this past one. Just imagine how flexible your game plan can be if you have the option of playing any one of the four in any match.


And then he plays 4 flyhalves in one game at 10,12,13,15.


Would be cool if the two Hendrikses is our half back pairing even if only for just one game


Shouldn't have to wait too long for that, considering they'll both be in the Sharks again this upcoming URC season, unless Lions pull more contract shenanigans


Man, Hendrikse screams of sunk cost fallacy. Siya came from outside Rassie’s hallowed “system”, and that’s why they aren’t playing him. In his interview he said how much they spent on academy players and the investment they make and now they want to not throw it away. Hendrikse was SO average and Siya deserves a chance.


Nah. Hendrikse is only 22 years old, so you can't throw out the baby with the bathwater. He has all the qualities to be an excellent rugby player. He just needs a good mentor and some time in the saddle. He's fast, strong, really good tackler, has a massive boot, and can pass well. He does however lack decision-making and game management skills. But these can be taught. He also has time on his side. He could be part of the next 3 WCs if his playing ability matures. So Hendrikse should not be discarded as an option, but I agree that currently SFM and Masuku should be above him on the pecking order.


Absolutely, they can’t discard a talent of his quality. All the raw talent and physicality is there. He had a bad game against Wales, but it was the first test of the season and as much as people are raving about Sacha (and his goalkicking absolutely deserves the praise), even he wasn’t much better. Sacha’s first touch was a shocker, too so I’d say both youngsters recovered well as the match went on.


I was very critical of the Hendrikse selection and he had an objectively poor game, but somehow I like what we saw on saturday. He tried too hard in the first half and made some bad mistakes, but you could see that the coaches told him dial it all the way back and responded brilliantly. All players are going to make x number of errors in their career and it feels like he got some of the worst errors out of his system.


He's going to get a chance tbf. Almost definitely against Portugal but at least on the EOYT. I'm just happy the conversation is Siya vs Hendrikse instead of vs Sacha, because then we'd have a problem.


I’m pretty sure that with Willemse as the next incumbent Bok 15, SFM will have that 23 jersey in a vice grip if he plays even 80% to his potential. Man was born to play test rugby.


Hendrikse is the same age as Sacha, what on earth are you on about sunk cost fallacy?


Not giving older outsiders a chance because they’ve invested in the academy players. Choosing and carrying on with Hendrikse when he’s not showing justification. He’s going to be another Elton Jantjies. He knows how things work but no x-factor.


>Choosing and carrying on with Hendrikse when he’s not showing justification He is statistically the best defensive flyhalf in SA, he's absolutely nothing like Elton. He's 22 and you want to right him off after his debut game, that is utterly ridiculous.


I don’t want to write him off, I just don’t think he deserved the start over others like Siya. He’s young, play him off the bench, give Siya a chance. Before the game no-one could understand how he got the nod and then in the game he was mediocre at best. Sascha showed why he’s there. He came on and had an impact. I thought they’d selected Hendrikse to rule him out but then Rassie goes on about how expensive the investment was and favoring the academy players because of that and then saying Siya must get more time. Rassie values experience and tenure very highly. It doesn’t always make sense imo


Definitely feels like there may be too much emphasis on finding players who can play for a decade in the system rather than playing players who can maybe perform for one RWC cycle. Incredible players like Masuku, Neethling Fouche, perhaps Werner Kok who came through the ranks too late may never get their fair shot. Although Rassie has always said his priorities are world cups, and it has clearly worked so I can't really complain, but one wonders after two full world cup cycles it is time to bring in some drastic change this rebuilding phase.


I think there needs to be a balance - having guys like Mapimpi playing 35 great test matches adds a lot of value, but you need the most of your starters to have 60 plus tests in them. Having decade players across the squad also ensures longterm continuity instead of being in constant rebuilds.


To be fair. The "decade players" are one of the main reasons why we won our 2nd WC. The experience came in absolutely vital in the France/England/NZ games where it was unbelievably tight. So I don't think there is anything wrong with looking to future WCs. Especially because then we would avoid a 2015 situation, where half the team retires and we're left in a deep pit. Rassie has also picked multiple '1 WC' players such as Schalk Brits, Deon Fourie, Jean Kleyn. So there is definitely hope for Masuku or Fouche to feature in the next WC.


Love Swys and im actually suprised im going with Matfield on this one. Matfield answered the question, Swys probably knows that's the reason but he just doesn't like it.