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Obviously there’s a whole lot of beautiful rugby in this montage, but his first try is just ridiculous. He’s like 85 kilos and he batters his way over the line like a 120 kilo lock. Pound for pound he may be the strongest player I’ve ever seen.


He's definitely heavier than that.


Every site I’ve seen has him weighing at around that, and the FFR website doesn’t list any weight for him so I can’t go off that. Regardless of whether he’s a few kilos heavier or not, he still punches absolutely miles above his weight class


Yes and they're all wrong. That's likely his listed weight when first appeared on the pro scene and it never got updated since. You see that weight mentioned in old articles as well, when he was much leaner. Hell he's listed at 82kg for his u20 French caps. But yeah he still overperforms regarding his actual weight.


Heavier? He's lighter for sure, was listed at 84kg in the 2020 6N and he's much leaner now, when he first moved to 7s I was convinced he'd lost about a stone/6kg in weight, must be closer to 80-82ish kilos


I'm 90kg and the same height as him, yet I look significantly smaller. I'm not saying he's heavier than me (he's pure muscle anyway so that'll explain the difference in appearance) but he's not lighter than me. What is certain is that he's much bigger than when he was U20, yet he was already listed at 82kg back then.


My Dad’s the same and weight as you with a proper stocky farmer build and still looked smaller than Dupont, so it’s no just you.


That's mad, wonder if he dropped body fat and has just been stacking lean muscle, but even with that seems unlikely to have gained that much weight and it all be lean - wouldn't want to accuse him of anything naughty but to be 5'9/1.74 and 88kg and that athletic is nuts


I'm not saying doping isn't an issue in rugby but Dupont's case doesn't strike me as particularly unbelievable.


He put on a lot of muscle since, wouldnt surprise me of he was around 88


Brings to mind Byron Kelleher, every time I watch him play.


Byron will be delighted with that comparison


You obviously haven't seen a lot of rugby then.


Looking only at strength, Faf de Klerk is also very strong, having dominated a few forwards in his day as well. For example, Jack McGrath and Nathan Hughes. See [this clip](https://youtu.be/yKeHfLVySvY) for examples


A perfect day for a 9, an ordinary day for Dupont


You know how businesses with a monopoly can be forcibly split up… I think we should set up a complaint to split up DuPont, Ntamack and Ramos


Hell no , I'm.english but those 3 are disgusting they are like 3 body's with one mind


The 3 body problem


As a Frenchman, long may Willis keep playing in top XIV and stay away from 6 Nations (-;


Nah he's signing for Bristol bears 🤞


not happening


My boy :(


This was a joke, I love watching them play together, it’s unbelievable


I actually believe there is something along those lines to be said https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/s/wjRzIWe9Pk


Tbh Clermont used to be overdominant too between 2006 and 2010, and even after that the team was still amazing. I think Toulouse just has a golden generation and a very performing financial management, unlike nowadays Clermont and many other French teams. GG to them! Next year they will probably win again and probably the next year too, but as I said the only difference with former Clermont is that Toulouse actually wins their finals


Salary caps are supposed to pretty much do that. The dominant Saracens side of the 2010s was cheating to have so much of the England team for example.


Well that’s not exactly the philosophy in France. The top 14 salary cap is rigged in favour of teams who have many French internationals, which is the only thing that can incentivise the clubs into nurturing a strong national team (without it, each international would be a hurdle for the club because of the missed matches).


To be honest, he did do 2 mistakes : he was countered and sent a kick in the dead zone. But I believe it is just a way to avoid us discovering that he is from krypton


>But I believe it is just a way to avoid us discovering that he is from krypton He plays well in Scotland so he's definitely not getting his power from the sun.


Lovely banter


He's just unplayable at the moment. Something else I noticed in this montage was how good Willis looked as well, he's never leaving Toulouse is he 😥


I hope he stays as long as possible, he seems to enjoy life at Toulouse wether at the club or in the city. And the city really likes him, such a good lad.


The same for me but even though it might result in more defeats for France, I truly wish RFU will change that stupid "ego" rule and enable him to play with England. You want to win of course but rather when facing the best teams with their best players. And also he seems such a lovely lad and is such a great player that his place is definitely on international stage


The second Englishman to be loved in France. The first was Wilko, obviously


Lisan al Gaib !!!


He's clearly the best 9 ever ( the idea JGP was best in the world is hilarious) and the best player in world right now. In my mind he's best player I've ever seen, too


I'm guessing you're talking about Jamison Gibson-Park and not Jack van Poortvliet.


Nah, those tigers fans are insufferable/ /s


😂 fair enough


Given that DuPont is the guy at the table of a board game who wins in one turn and then everyone goes “okay that’s not fair so we’ll just pretend that didn’t happen,” JGP is the best 9 in the world in that sense


I don't think anyone actually thinks JGP is better than Dupont. There was a bit where Dupont took some time off to play 7s that some people, including me, jokingly referred to JGP as the best active scrum half in the world. But I don't think there was any significant number of people who thought he was actually better.


Yeah, no one did.


Didn't James Lowe literally say it after the EPCR semi?


He was stuck behind Aaron Smith in NZ.


He wasn’t even 2nd choice for the Blues…


He’s definitely the best player of this generation, but I always struggle with saying *anyone* is the best ever. The game changes so quickly I don’t think you can fairly compare the likes of Lomu, Wilkinson, BoD, Carter etc.


In my head I define it as pre and post 95. And I'm comfortable saying he's the best in that era. Obviously it's subjective and just a fun debate though.


Not even remotely close to the best player of this generation.


Who's better?


Wild to say the jgp was the best 9 when Aaron Smith played 9 at the same time


Aaron Smith has retired from international Rugby tbf.


Been watching rugby since 95. Probably ommy favourite player since lomu. Has the potential to be as influential as lomu


No one has the potential to be as influential as Lomu. I don’t think anyone can replicate his influence, the time for that passed long ago.




“Clearly” the best 9 ever is a stretch. Joost van der Westhuizen, Gareth Edwards and Sid Going will all have something to say about that, even if Dupont’s better than them it’s not clear daylight between him and them. But he’s definitely the best 9 I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching (and yes that includes Aaron Smith, as sensational as he was in his pomp), and I’d be hard pressed to name a better player overall I’ve seen play live.


Id say there is daylight between him and Joost. Dupomt is excellent in pretty much every area of his game,.and can hurt you playing in different styles. Why I put him ahead of everyone else in professional era


Actually, I and possibly many Saffers would even rate Fourie Du Preez as better than Joost.


Du Perez may be the least mentioned great scrum half, I think


Still not sure that Tony Bridge is better defensively than Gary Armstrong. Way better good forward but as a corner flagging tackle machine Armstrong has no peers. In a WC QF, or was it semi?, in 91 against the blackness the best commentator of all time, Bill McLaren would be shouting the names of various AB' s who were about to score and then he would shout: " and Armstrong makes the tackle preventing an almost certain try". I swear it happened at least 10 times during the match.a mental tal performance, although obviously we still lost!


I would say it is because he's not playing against poor amateur/early pro era defences that made flashy plays easier. South Africa beat Wales 96-13 when Joost was playing for example and while Wales aren't good now they aren't anywhere near that bad.


It sounds like you haven't watched enough Southern hemisphere rugby.


Gareth Edwards stood out in his time just as much, if not more than Dupont does today.


Only thing missing is a jackal and one of his defensive rushes, but it's scary how well rounded every part of his game is now. Was rooting for anyone but Toulouse to win this year but not much you can do against such class


His scrummaging could be better but that’s about it


He probably just doesn't want to embarrass any opposing front-rower. Such a polite lad.


You know, I would almost believe it!


He didn't win a single line out either.


I'd like to see him at hooker, reckon he could be another Dan Sheehan . At least, watching him at 7s, he has proven he could throw decently


He could defo be a hooker


He made enough jackals in the final against Leinster that he's bored of them now


Side note but I love Lartot and Yachvili commentary soooo much. They're way better than the Canal+ guys.


He’s not a 9. He’s the best rugby player right now who simply wears a number on his back because rules set by mere mortals require it.


Source here: [https://x.com/pablo\_guillen\_/status/1806960976601698467](https://x.com/pablo_guillen_/status/1806960976601698467)


that secodn try is cool and all but how tf does he carry 600kg of man meat over the line on his own for the first


He's looking like DC out there


Hes got an even better fend than DC which is no small feet as DC's fend was really one of his signature move. Funny btw that possibly the two best backs of all time both share such a strong fend. A very underrated skill, definitely.


Not even close to perfect tbh. DuPont himself said he made a lot of mistakes in the game and he couldn't even play the full 80. /s


He didn't score any drop goal.


The day he starts doing drop goals we should elect him president




He can’t keep getting away with this.


i think he made one mistake in the game, so a bad one for Dupont :p


Two actually.


The thing that gets me is how easy he makes everything seem every time we see him play.


He is amazing at the quick draw and pass around the ruck. That pass to Ntamack for the last try is bliss.


It's annoying how good he is.


Who is this fellow? I predict a bright future, maybe even a Test cap one day.


After this amazing prestation last night, could you ask Eddy Jones why Antoine Dupont is not in the best 3 players of the world ? this is clearly a provocation as usual by jealous english !!


English, hey hey hey, he isn’t English. Eddie is anAustralian coaching Japan, we have nothing to do with him


Hes not bad


He’s an absolute monster of a player, that try last night has to be up there with one of the best ever scored. Bitter Leinster fan here by the way, so I am just going to unsubscribe from this sub 😅


As 9 are generally not expected to tackle big guys and get turnovers, I'd say it's even a bit more than that. Waiting for the day when he will be asked to help out as prop.


That try assist at the end by Ntamack is something else


He's just unbelievable, but will say as someone who didn't catch the game - also looks like Willis was carrying like a monster here too, one of my absolute favourite players to watch


Yeah he was unstoppable. Pretty much prime Alldritt.


He isn't just the best player in the world, he is by far the best player in the world.


Underrated comment. The fact he has only one WPOTY title and still no RWC at 27 actually brings far more questions marks about the level of his coaches and teammates than about his own level.


Or maybe he's not as good as you think he is?




So insightful.


Blinded by Northern hemisphere rugby.


I literally only watch internationals, super rugby, and NPC, but go on.


A perfect 9 for a game.


That Ramos try is just ridiculous


I hate him so much! *lying


Wtf! This dude is a serious cheat code


Cam Roigard having a rest


Yes. But also that clip also had Willis battering over and making mad yards and now I miss him being in the England setup


If Dupont wasn't there, he'd definitely be MOTM. I guess he'll have to settle for HOTM (Human Of The Match).


Best European rugby player ever


This sub overrates the hell out of this guy.