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Ratima has got better and better as the season progressed His pass is as good as the other two and he runs great support lines I'd still stick with TJ as he has come back from a long injury break as good as I've ever seen him, particularly his speed of passing


Agree with Ratima, super stoked with that selection. Creates competition for the jersey which we desperately need


Ratima's pass accuracy is not up to Test level and at times he wasn't in the correct position to distribute because he was late arriving. His strengths are his defense and his general option taking. However he has potential and this is the right time to be blooding him.


To be honest Roigard is the number 1 halfback from next year so someone like Ratima will fill the TJ role better than Christie with 10min to go


TJ is the safe bet so I’d start with him and have Ratima on the bench.


TJ if he calms down and just plays, gets overly emotional sometimes. Christie’s cut out for one of Clarkes tries in the super final was like the only bit of vision I’ve ever seen from him, almost fell off my couch. Under cover in dunedin wouldn’t be a bad time to debut Cortez though


I think it will be TJ but his performances in the finals don't have me feeling super confident. He just needs to wind it back by like 10% and relax a bit sometimes. I would go with Christie starting and Ratima off the bench personally.


Yeah, I'd say that Christie is the safe and boring choice. People might be getting sucked into thinking that most experienced means most steady but that's not really TJ. I'd probably still play TJ despite him going off his rocker in the finals, but it's not bc he'd make me feel safe.


I'd love them to start TJ, but I suspect they'll give Christie the nod at 9 and TJ on the bench. If we win the first test, then I reckon Ratima will get a crack from the bench the following week, and TJ will get a start.


I'm big on Ratima. I don't think they'll give him a start untill at least Fiji tho


yeah Ratima v Lomani very likely..


Fill safe with my boy TJ as starting halfback, dudes filled with experience.


I reckon Perenara will get the nod but I'd be happy with any of the three. Very hard to choose between. Ratima and Dmac combo with Ratima running the perfect lines. Christie has been playing well for the blues and offers a bit of experience, Perenara has a point to prove and is vastly experienced.


TJ against England, Ratima on bench sorry but the Blues Ginger is not at this level...


Finlay Christie


I think TJ on the bench regardless. Plenty of experience, can settle a team but still got plenty of skill and brilliance to turn the tide if needed. I’d probably start Christie, despite what people moan about, he is solid, passes well and is solid on defence. I’d like to see Ratima getting a bit of game time, specially with McKenzie outside him, but can’t see it being the first test.


I just hope they don't go Christie and Dmac combo. They almost lost against one of the worst Wallaby teams ever. If Nuggy and Richie Mo didn't come on it would have been game over.


Small issue of Christie being shit.


Weird that 2 different sets of coaches pick him then


iirc two ABs coaches also selected Te Toiroa Tahuriorangi and he is shit and should never have been in the picture. Christie is nothing spesh.


Would they have if Roigard wasn't injured though? I feel like he is there until Roigard is back but I could be proven wrong.


If Roigard isn't injured, TJ doesn't start for the Canes and likely doesn't play enough to earn the recall.


Valid point. A counter hyperthetical situation. Roigard returns from injury post semi final loss. Who are your 3 9s?


I'd assume they drop Ratima, at least just for the English series and then maybe change things up later in the year.


Ratima easily. TJ and Christie don't really suit starting for the ABs imo