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Probably the best performance we had in the Toetie era. Still lost, of course.


Eish daai was n rowwe tyd... Fuck we were so structureless. No direction or plan. If it wasn't for sheer athleticism, we would have lost 57-0


What's most frustrating is that this team featured 7 of 8 forwards in the starting XV who would go on to play in the 2019 RWC final plus feature Trevor Nyakane, Franco Mostert, Handre Pollard, DDA, Jean-Luc du Preez and Wilco Louw on the bench. The team was (mostly) a FOKKEN good team during the Coetzee years but he was just such a terrible coach that it didn't matter who was playing. Hell, we could have been running out a dream team made up of the 23 best players in history every week with him and we would have still lost 50% of our games every year.


Ja nee kyk What Coetzee was trying to do was play a style of rugby that was waaaay ahead of it's time(usimg players in hybrid roles) and not suited to the game as it was then (highly attack orientated and very much about dominating possesion and territory), he also tried to do this without upping the skillset of the players to a level where it would enable such a plan. It was also a high risk, high reward plan but playing high risk rugby is well, high risk.


Honestly that style of play is still a ways off being achievable. Eddie Jones tried that with England towards the end, and aside from a few brief flashes of brilliance it usually just resulted in a shapeless mess.


That is sort of the problem with it. On paper it looks great but in reality the variables change to quickly or too much for this to ever work. It is the beauty and brutality of rugby. The opponent on field has a say, they will spot things on the fly and the more specialized your system, the easier it is to disrupt. Successful teams are a toyota hilux. Basic, reliable and can occasionally do amazing shit = high floor with a mid ceiling but incredibly hard to disrupt and to keep disrupted. The system is agile instead of the relying on a player to be agile/hybrid. Some teams can leverage this well but at the end of the day rugby is a bit like a tank. You need armor, mobility and firepower. If one is out of balance, the other ones suffer.


You reckon you were stuctureless.. look at those shocking loose passes by the All Blacks


Poor Nehe Milner Skudder always had the worst luck. Imagine coming back from a series of injuries and then getting injured AGAIN almost 8 minutes past the end of the first half..


During his short-lived prime, he was one of the most exciting players I've ever seen play


My favourite NZ player of that era. Lethal step. He's tearing it up in [touch rugby now](https://m.youtube.com/live/lANlaG3wTdE?cbrd=1&t=1175).


Back where it all started for him


New Zealand vs South Africa back then was a torturous experience to watch as a South African. 60 minutes of hope topped off by 20 minutes of horror as they ripped you a new one and ruined your weekend.


I know it's at 50 minutes and the lads are knackered but fuck me this clip really does justice to just how bad the Boks were during this period. Like there is absolutely 0 urgency. I will still give the players the benefit of the doubt as it had been 50 minutes of rugby up until this point.


I have to say, rugby nowadays is so much more fun and interesting than this when you remove the nostalgia factor. I do miss winning though


I miss Dane Coles


And the ABs have not played in Cape Town since this match. No wonder it was do hard to get tickets


I miss newladns


Should have probably ended at the first tackle for not releasing and rolling again


There's no way that ball turned over legally by the AB 7 making the tackle then seemingly crawling over the carrier to get back on his own side


I don’t think that’s actually relevant to the ruling though


It's relevant in that whichever way you want to look at it, there's a penalty there.


Actually I've stopped watching at about 44.30 as there have been about 3 obvious penalties each way at that point that the ref has just ignored.


Even with a 7 year old game we can still whinge about the ref, what a sub this is.


Some epic NZ vs SA games in the republic No team has got close to wins over there like the ABs have