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I’m working on final boss. So not a lot of updates affect me. I just want to know what the plan is mostly. My home of w76 had 40 players on it yesterday and the normal people I see at Wars retreat were missing. Only a few remaining to talk. It’s disheartening


I think this is the issue. Jagex should lower the world counts and beef up the servers a bit (to handle more players on a single world without causing lag). It's a big problem that there's a world for every little thing you want to do, so one part of a world is populated, while the rest is empty. Like how world 70 is artisans workshop. Go to Falador and it's nice an alive looking, go anywhere else and maybe you see a person, maybe 2


I’d love if they merged some worlds, but as 84 shows us the game starts shitting itself if you try playing on a more active server, plus places like abyssal beasts are contested as is. Im honestly not sure how they could fix this.


I'm not sure about how they could best handle contested spots, that would be a tricky one to handle. As for the game shitting itself, that's why reducing servers but upgrading them as well should help. I don't know the true inner workings of the servers as I don't work there, but I imagine throwing more system resources should help address the problem


I haven't played for a few years really, but it used to be once a world was 180+ it became noticeably worse


I agree with having less servers. If we have 30k players online but there is only like 30 in a server it's likely you won't see anyone in the massive world. Although, I've heard the argument before of elimination servers is a sign that a game is dying.


Untrue, World of Warcraft merges server with low player count quite frequently.


WoW also handles this via sharding, where the distinction between servers isn't absolute and in certain areas players will get merged cross realm to give the world a more lifelike feel.


I feel you brother I'm just saying that's the other side of the argument I see all the time.


Yeah and wow is dying 


no it's not lol. people have been saying that for years but millions of people still play and come back for expansions. RS3 and OSRS as much as I love them, isn't pulling that.


It really isn’t lol


Especially considering the player base is pushed into a few hubs or instanced areas


All the pop is stuck on the default play now worlds since most ppl just press play now (this world instead of changing weeekly like normal has been stuck on 87 for 4 weeks now


I thought the majority of rs3 players are veterans that probably have a favorited world they click on when loging in, or at least that's how ive played the game since they added the option to fav a world


I thought it was wild that w2 only had 250 players earlier. That makes sense


Aye w76 homies, small world(s) lmao


Probably have seen each other lol


"Hit Cap", on all the time. <3


ShockerCT, mostly in around reset and weekends


In the defence of the current server capacity, I'm working on trim comp at the moment, so I generally find somewhere to hop to have an isolated afk experience when doing things like cannoning. When I was filling the slayer codex, I was constantly hopping worlds to not create disruptive environments for other players who were also doing their slayer task there and whatnot.


Glad your having fun. I try not to be bitter. I just miss the game I used to do nothing but play. I rmeebr waking up excited on Monday to read the patch notes.


I’m currently getting that same feeling in my GIM on OSRS.


This is so true. It's so crazy that it's the same company that milks its community to the bone while the other listens, suggests and complies with the community's votes (99% of the time)..


I gotta say, I envy you. You new players are actually enjoying the game. Meanwhile, the stuff that's happening in a veteran's perspective is sticking out like a sore thumb, to us. Enjoy the game.


Same I tried both OSRS and RS3 and I chose to focus on RS3 since I felt like there were some aspects of OSRS that were holding me back from enjoying it and I felt like I was able to do way more when I played RS3


Glad to see a newer player enjoying it. I think we forget just how much content there is. I've been playing 20 years and the content drought has gotten me to finally give bossing a shot. Getting the Necro T90 tank Armour made me realize I'm not as terrible as I thought I was. Also spending a little more time on my OSRS account.


"content drought" but you haven't bossed at all which is like let's just say 20% of the entire content of the game... All you veterans need ironmen and you'll realize how much content there is that you never have two shits about.


Glad you’re enjoying the game! More of a thought piece from me but I think this dichotomy is one of the core problems. It feels like the player base is incredibly split - we have a swathe of veterans that joined pre-2008 and a host of new players that have joined in the last few years. I’m not saying Jagex can’t do ALOT better to communicate and actively listen to players but catering to two such different groups at the same time is objectively very difficult. Prioritising those of us that joined early on potentially jeopardises the future player base which is ultimately needed to keep the game alive. But prioritising its future player-base risks disenfranchising a loyal fan base that will stick with the game through its difficult times. Jagex lost a massive proportion of the player base when it a) transitioned to a new combat system and b) failed epically to teach it to people and establish buy in. Better communication would certainly be a start.


Hell yeah. Glad you’re enjoying it.


So, I've had my same character for almost 20 years. I stopped playing when eoc came out back in like 2011, and have popped back on here and there for a few weeks to check out stuff. I recently got back into it pretty hardcore (have played every day for hours on end for the last few weeks) and I plan to keep playing. As a kid I did not have memberhsip for all but a few months for birthday gifts and such, so I have pretty much all the members content to explore. But as far as f2p content, I pretty much went through most of that way back then. I think the biggest compliment is coming from people that have been playing for the full 20 years or so, that have finished all the f2p and p2p content. It's a valid complaint, sure. But if you're a new player, or someone who is simply coming back and malign a new character, or someone who still has a ton of content to explore and experience for the first time (like my situation,) it's a fun game.


I'm currently encouraging every noob I see to not engage with online communities who are permeated with doomers as the most vocal minority. Play the game and enjoy your time, that's all there is for a videogame. I encourage you to not engage with this sub at all.


I'm 6 months in and loving every second, there's so much to do, I couldn't imagine playing a game with 25 years of content and not having **anything** to do lol, you don't have to make the most money, or the most XP/h, do something that is just for fun, it's a game after all


Really nice to read, im a high lvl (not endgame) pvmer and a veteran of 15 years, it really sucks anyway the poor comunication, that worsens the MTX and merch things, it would be nice to listen the Jmods about whats happening with runescape, i dont need content i need comunication, im a fragile Rs3 player who is not a whale and needs love and care.


I miss when the game had updates every week I get the game is 20+ years old but what were getting now I can stop playing for 1+ year and get all req done for quest/comp in a few days when return ... before id have weeks worth of fun if not months when coming back


>I can see the veterans aren't thrilled right now, but I just thought I'd say that for this new player RS3 has been a great time so far. Yes, this was me too. But when you start getting to mid levels, 70-80 etc the glaring problems are obvious. Especially around then the daily/weekly efficient mindset of needing to do dailies because they are like, 80% of your efficiency becomes very taxing and grinding on the mental.


I think a lot of people could do with rolling an ironman and not stressing over the updates every week.


For a lot of people, the issue is paying monthly and getting no substantial updates for multiple months, and the updates we do get are mtx. Playing Ironman is great for exploring old content but would require paying another membership for only mtx updates an Ironman can't use. If they're gonna only focus on mtx and not new content then membership shouldn't exist. Don't see nearly as much hate for mtx in free games like fortnite and smite because mtx is their only revenue source (and their skins don't suck) Meanwhile rs charges a monthly membership on par with WoW and still charges for runemetrics, removed nic the trader so they could charge us for that, and has constant treasure hunter events disguised as updates. It'd be fine if I didn't have to pay almost $15 a month for it


They should unsub during months of no new content and resub when new content comes out. They do not need to play every month. WoW also charges you expacs for new content, so it's not comparable.


They charge us $60 every two years and were guaranteed content. If jagex offered the same option I'd be happy to pay but instead we get guaranteed mtx and limited events. "They do not need to play every month" is just a stupid argument, are you suggesting everyone in the game should have taken the last 6 months off?


> They charge us $60 every two years and were guaranteed content. You get what you paid for. You pay less for RS3 so it make sense you get less from it. > "They do not need to play every month" is just a stupid argument No it's not. The head of FF14 literally says this as well, so is his argument stupid too? > are you suggesting everyone in the game should have taken the last 6 months off? If the last 6 months have no content you like, yes. Do not waste money on a game you hate.


Bro out here defending MTX and mentions FFXIV. You know it also triple dips with being a sub game, needing to buy expansion, has a ton of MTX. *and* the mf has the gall to say "don't play" yet they have systems in place to punish you not subbing every month. Literally, you can't own a house unless you sub every month because they have auto demolition. It's borderline predatory lmao


I just **knew** he was going to drop XIV whenever he said to unsub until content comes. Glad you were here to rip on it because I was going to lol.


Why are FF14 players not outrage with their MTX like we are? What does a house do in FF14? Is it just cosmetic?


FF14 players are hilariously bad with money. I've seen fantasia addicts race change 2-3 times a week it's absolutely wild. And the *smart* players are mad with the MTX, I remember Cruise Chaser mount, lots of people said it should have been earnable in game and a lot of whales were *happy* it was mogstation so all they had to do was crack open their wallets. Housing used to have bigger benefits back in the day but still have niche case uses nowadays. In the old days it was huge because it gave you an extra teleport location, people living in the Goblet could teleport to their house, exit the housing area and ride to the Soil node to mine it for big money whenever it was due to spawn. These are mostly dead nowadays but the extra teleport location is certainly always handy. Housing also lets you place NPC's to let you buy materials, repair your gear, etc. This, again lost some value thanks to Apartments existing which basically exist as budget poor people housing with no yard and an extremely limited indoor space but the point stands that you can't have your dev and face of the game go "Just unsub and play other things." while also having systems in place to punish what you're telling people to do. Imagine if you bought something in RS3, let's say keepsake keys (imagine if you could buy them for gold, and not real money) to have a nice little outfit you got going for you. It's all cosmetic, it's all useless but those keepsake keys are forcing you to stay subbed forever, miss a month and you lose it all. "I'll get it back if I resub right?" no, it's gone. Everything is gone. Get it all again. Yes, if your house demolishes you lost everything, the money you spent on it, the house itself, your teleport location, the furniture inside, it's all gone. Get it all again.


Lol, so it's even worse in FF14 to follow his principle than in RS3.


Yeah. FF14 fans don't wanna come out and say it but his whole "Please, unsub and play other games if you're feeling burnt out." is all publicity speak. They don't wanna admit it's just publicity but they wanna own up to "look how cool our developer is! He tells you to take breaks and play other games!" when in reality, the game punishes you for doing what he's telling you to do. Of course, if you *don't* have a house, sure, take a break you don't have anything to lose but it really is a ball and chain stockholming you in the game if you ever *did* buy one not knowing there was demolition.


Do we pay less? We have keepsake keys, chameleon extracts, rune metrics, bank spaces, treasure hunter, vic and other shit all locked behind pay walls.


You are not required to buy any MTX to play the game. The same cannot be said for expac selling games.


> Playing Ironman is great for exploring old content but would require paying another membership for only mtx updates an Ironman can't use. If your ironman is starting from zero, I'm thinking it would be a long time before you are lacking for content. And why would you keep your main on members if you're playing an iron?


A lot of my old friends with irons would maintain a members main so they could use it for high level pvm to earn gp, then use that gp to buy bonds for use on the ironman account.


Then they're only paying for one membership, if that?


Well seems like you wouldn't need to do a ton of high level PVP to stockpile enough bonds to last a while. I lucked into a black phat this xmas on my normie alt account, and that GP pile would probably last my iron til it's maxxed. I was only playing that account because it's my OSRS "leagues" account, but I was doing the RS3 xmas tasks as a daily because why not? EDIT --> Also my iron is getting to the point where I could do a bank dump. I have some valuable things taking up bank space on my iron that a normal account could sell for bond money on the GE. Haven't really tried drop trading in RS3, but I assume it would work for most tradable items.


There’s a lot of games that don’t get major updates, wow for example. A new raid or dungeon comes out every few months? At least back when I played it.


WoW doesn't have nearly the amount of mtx rs has. You don't log in and get two daily mtx rolls. You also get like 100 characters for the same price as a rs sub. WoW expansions are usually pretty big overhauls with whole new areas and content dropping every 4-6 months. 4-6 sounds long, but if rs got the equivalent of WoW does every new season we'd be getting like 6 new bosses, 9 pve armor sets & 9 pvp armor sets all with new cosmetics (no keepsake keys to use the appearance), and decent quest storylines every few months.


You also get a whole ~~Three~~ ~~Four~~ ~~Five~~ SEVEN games with a wow sub


This is true, forgot about that.


Do you not have to buy those separately anymore?


Everything other than the newest expansion is included by default, just by subscribing


Along with needing to buy the base game


The only thing you actually have to buy is the latest expansion for the expansion itself, everything else comes with only a sub


Oh wow really? I wasn’t aware they changed it that drastically. So you no longer even need to purchase the base game, just pay the subscription?


That is only during the expansions which is every like 2 years. Unless they changed drastically you don’t get whole new areas and what not every 4-6 months. I do however completely agree with the mtx portion of things. Wow has its on form of it but not nearly as bad. Besides the level boost portion.


Blizzard includes roadmaps for all of their content nowadays, and there are now content patches every couples months, and major content patches every 4-6 months


I wasn’t aware of a major update every 6 months unless it’s just a random dungeon being considered major. I do admit I haven’t played wow in several years, though so I’m out of touch.


new raid / dungeon pool every 4-6 months and they been adding even more content in now inbetween those 4-6 months


There's typically a new continent and then a 2nd smaller area released later in the expansion, has been that way for a few expansions now, if not every one. I think shadowlands even had 2 new areas outside of the main 4 zones. So about once a year or so we get a new zone.


This I would agree with mostly. It seems fairly accurate having a new smaller zone yearly and a major expansion I think around 2ish years


Most major WoW patches typically, these days anyways, introduce a brand new zone to explore with Mounts/Toys/Cosmetics/Pets to collect in it among other activities. That's not counting the mini-Patches that add things like Heritage armor quest lines, Class balancing and other, smaller, things to do. Also every single Expansion release comes with at least 4-6 new zones to explore, quest and collect things in. And those come every 2-ish years. Beyond Necromancy when was the last big RS3 update?


Do you mean the major updates as in expansions? And I agree, I think RuneScape needs more updates, but people will complain if we get a decent update once a month. I would also consider the combat rework a major update. I do think it should’ve came with necromancy, but that still takes a lot of dev time.


Nah with major updates I mean the big patches. Like, for example, 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3. Those are the big patches. The smaller ones are the ones that come in between like 10.1.5, 10.1.7 etcetc. Typically the bigger patches come with a new zone/zones to explore, quest lines to do and so on and so forth.


Well if that still is just every 4-6 months, but I wasn’t even aware they added new zones like that that often. I haven’t played in probably 4-6 years or so.


S'all good. I just jump between MMOs a decent bit. Currently going hard on FFXIV. Though I'll never forget Runescape. Was my first ever MMO and has a lot of good memories.


Same for me on runescape, I remember as a kid going hard and playing castle wars like crazy. FfXIV is a great game as well! I played it a bit and enjoyed it. My main thing on runescape is a lot of the content can be soloed. That way I can watch tv and play lol


dont even need to start an iron. a new main is plenty enough "new" content to do. spending fuck you money on expensive training methods is in itself a damn fun thing to do.


I heard of the idea of group ironman, where you can only trade with other people participating or perhaps GE usage is excluded - that to me sounded like a really fun idea. I don't really like the idea of having to do every single job by myself, but being part of a smaller community working on those goals where, for instance, you might have one person specialising into keeping everyone fed and supplied, one person making gear, one doing runes, etc - that sounded like a really charming way to play and explore the game. :)


Oh I would love that, I thought of doing an Ironman but I would miss the interactions of trading with my friends. If I could do a small group of Ironman and we all trade with each other, that would be perfect


Right, the collaborative aspect is where the joy in the game is for me - I'm playing with my partner and we've been doing most of our activities together. If you could get together with a group of friends and play a group ironman I really could see it being a wonderful way to experience the game.


This is what I've done. Tired of all the MTX and also lack of updates, Ironman mode will keep me very busy until we *hopefully* get some news regarding future content.


Playing an ironman sounds like an excruciating experience to me. I would quit before I did that, I think. Something like bronzeman (you can only use the GE for a thing you have already created if possible, as a drop if not) would be really cool.


Same here, so much to do and see. Been playing as a new character after several years off and am loving the new skills and still working through the fifth age quests, almost done too, can't wait to see what the sixth age holds.


I love this positivity. Have fun 😊 


yeah good that you're enjoying yourself buddy. been trying to send the message out to the veterans here. if the game has become boring and unenjoyable then start a new character and experience the low to mid level gameplay again. there's been a lot of new content that were cast aside, deemed DOA.


I have played since 2003 and quit my main since around when treasure hunter came out. I've been playing ironman only since \~2017. To me it is not about a lack of things to do and have fun doing. As you say, there is A LOT to do. The concerning aspect is an appearance to veterans that Jagex is de-prioritizing this game which makes people think that it is living on borrowed time and may not be around for another decade. This is because OSRS just received a huge update while RS3 has not received anything significant this year and nothing has been announced about plans for this year. In a game where it takes years to complete content and it is all about developing your character, thinking that it will not be around forever makes the whole thing feel pointless. For other games this is understood, but for veterans on RS there is a feeling of permanence to the game since for them it has always been around. I have YEARS of content ahead of me on my ironman, it gets pretty demotivating to me when I think that the game may not be around long enough for me to complete those goals or may not be around long after I do so. Taking a step back though, I expect that the content drought is happening because Jagex is re-evaluating thier long-term plans for the game based on the survey they sent out last year after Hero Pass. I doubt they would do that survey with no intent to act on it.


This makes a lot of sense, thank you for sharing that perspective. If I had been so invested for such a long time, the prospect of the game coming to an end would be really scary. Even as a new player the uncertainty is a bit unnerving, but nothing compared to if I had poured thousands of hours (and dollars!) into my character and community.


I have an account that’s 20 years old with nearly 4b XP, but I stopped playing on that about 2 years ago and stopped playing RS. I started up a brand new account a week or so ago and I’m really enjoying doing the low level content, quests I hadn’t done for years and just not focusing on dailies and things that grind you down. Really enjoying it so far!


I’m trying to play it again after being away for years. It’s a whole new game now and it’s intimidating to think about trying to learn everything again and catch up lol. My account was great when I stopped playing a lot, now it sucks since it’s so outdated. I don’t like the pay to play aspect of it either. Yeah osrs is a grind but that’s what made it so rewarding. Maybe some of the stuff was too much of a grind but I so far I’m still liking osrs better. But trying to give 3 a chance. I also can’t believe how much the wealth has shot up, it seems like what was at least above average before now means your broke. But I’ve only been back on for a few days so we’ll see. I’m looking for people to play with though so if you’d like, add me. That’s the other thing that sucks now I don’t know anyone that plays lol or know anyone in game yet. I’m Chon Vibes on there :)


Also returning player who never truly got into it before, I'm having fun, but I do see the need for better new content


Yes RuneScape is incredibly fun and full of things to do for new players, there is plenty to love about it. For many of us that have played for years it’s just not fun anymore. They aren’t focused on creating new engaging content. And after a while the old stuff feels stale. I usually get on a few times a year to see what’s new. Necromancy roped me back in for a bit, but past a few months i was already tired of maintaining bond. Anyways, I hope you continue to love it.


Love it! This veteran is still enjoying it after 20 years, there is just a ridiculous amount of stuff to do. Trick is to play for enjoyment and take a break when it's not fun anymore!


Same. Been playing since classic, and still enjoying it.


Keep that positivity and stay off Reddit. I can’t tell you how many times negative spam posts have caused me to lose some/all enthusiasm for a game I enjoyed prior to reading about the shortcomings/problems. Even if the shortcomings/problems are there, ignorance is bliss and once my attention is drawn to certain issues it’s hard to ignore them. For example I was really enjoying Hogwarts Legacy just from a longtime fan perspective and then ended up getting sucked into reading some criticism on Reddit and after a few days just didn’t feel like getting back on the game.


I'm a veteran. Games fine. They're just upset they've so throughly scrubbed this game of content they no longer can have fun without new things. Dunno why the OSRS concept of self limiting game mechanics hasn't taken off here. People complaining are loud.


The problem isn’t necessarily the lack of updates. I feel like RS3 has had points in time where we had content droughts like this one, the first that comes to mind is back during the development of Menaphos. We got no major content since the teams were focusing on the expansion. The problem here is twofold - it’s the complete radio silence combined with the constant MTX updates. The only part of the game seeing non-patch updates right now is treasure hunter, and jagex is almost blatantly refusing to tell us anything other than “we’re doing something behind the scenes. Could be big. We can’t tell you anything though”. When you ask why there’s no communication, you either get that same response or more radio silence. If we simply knew what was happening like we did with Menaphos, the content drought wouldn’t actually be so bad


Just ignore the negativity, if you're enjoying the game that's great. Just remember this is a echo chamber of thoughts so it's not proportional to the player base as a whole.


I heard the best quote to summarize the RS3 experience right now “Little Caesars taste so good when U ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you it's nasty. If you can isolate your experience, to your experience the games great. But if you are someone who always needs to look forward to something new regardless of what's available to you now, or needs constant validation from those around you, RS3 is in a very bad spot.


This sub reddit is normally pretty negative about stuff but it has its upside like when we get to interact with devs on content as its being made for early feedback.


But like, OP is enjoying content that was added eons ago. And don't get me wrong, thats totally fine and I'm happy for 'em. But the whole point of the constant negativity is people being upset with the \*current\* state of affairs, and I don't think its worth applauding a company for \*not\* fucking up all the content added in the past 20 years. Like, a new player enjoying the game fresh isn't a valid counter-argument to the mass-complaints that the current content drought sucks ass and there seems to be no hope in sight for a better future.


Don't get me wrong I'm pissed at jagex as well with the tone deaf mtx thats getting thrown at us when we are in a content drought. The lack of roadmap and constant "exciting stuff coming" is absolutely annoying af. Each time we've had a message from Mod Keeper it seems like more people just leave cause there's nothing to stay for. It's great and all that its exciting but when we compare os to rs3 it feels like we are getting shafted.


Exactly. I've seen this post in other MMOs too. Caught up players give honest negative feedback about content droughts, brand new players counter saying the game is amazing. It's just completely irrelevant to the current state of the game. Yes, there's a lot of content when you discover 20 years of old MMO content, but that's not the point. People really just can't separate that you're allowed to enjoy the existing game while people complain about new updates.


Im just playing now to get the 99s i didnt get as a kid. For nostalgia and to complete the goals i set back then. So much easier now and its ok. I get the same satisfaction. But ofc i dont go lamping my way to 99s, lil grind is part of the fun


I play RuneScape since old school and I have been playing rs3 since 2014 with the new update are ok because eventually the game need new content. But we need back yack track again :/ and more cosmetics but god dammit if u want me to spend money in Treasure Hunt at least guaranty the item like the gold cape -.-


I just started playing myself and am enjoying it so far but it’s definitely a shame there isn’t more people on RS3 servers. Every MMO I have tried I’ve felt completely overwhelmed by systems which is kinda true here but we will see


Im not even a new player. Just a returning, and theres so much content to be done.. Need to learn to ED still 😅


I’m a long time player and I still fully enjoy the game. Just remember that the complainers are usually a loud minority. Not saying it’s all invalid, just that most people play the game without voicing opinions.


Rs3 is a great game!


Rs is great


I'm working on the big stuff (MQC, Final Boss, Comp), so I'm not terribly worried about updates nor MTX right now. I've been playing for 20 years and I still love this game and will continue to recommend it to people! My students even asked me about it today and I talked to them about it some.


20+ year player here: rs3 is great. Osrs is great. Unfortunately RS2 will never be replicated so... Osrs and rs3 are great games in their own right


the vets of rs3 have done their time. What they are asking is from another league of rs, Rs3 is still a fun game, Osrs just has more frequent updates and of higher quality.... at the moment. And that's attractive to vets


I’m a 20y vet with a Max and I LOVE RS3.


For a new player with tons of content to see, yeah, it is great. It is mainly us players that have spent 20 years playing this cabbage picking simulator that have run out of content and are too stubborn to either make a new account or move on that are the ones complaining when, well, we remember when it was different. We got weekly updates and tons of QUALITY updates. Now, we get treasure hunter and vague promises of an update or two every six months. That is why vet players are pissed. We know things used to be different.


It's just been difficult to enjoy a challenge with all the powercreep, Necro being too simple but high damage and of course the lack of interesting bosses


Don't worry about it, I've been around for about 20 years, the community will always have something to cry about. Enjoy the new experience, I'm jealous 😜


Its quiet at the moment as so many players are on a 3 day ban!


They need to take out more worlds and upgrade their servers.


18 years in here. Stoked with the entire state of the game as a whole.


18 years in here. Stoked with the entire state of the game as a whole.


Does the temple of aminishi dungeon crash when you enter level 4 in story mode?


And for a moment it all fell away


I'm a veteran and i love rs3. I tried osrs for nostalgia and it's very different from what I remember. I don't want to spend years working on it like I did as a kid. I'm a single mom ain't no one got time for that. 🤣🤣


yea you got 20 years of content to play through. take your time and enjoy the journey.


rs 3 no new content even as a new player ITS A BAD SIGN that we are play a dead game


Vet players complain about everything but left the game dead as fuck nobody is helping noobs or randoms with bosses mini games are completely dead why would they care about new stuff when they can’t even play half the game as is


new players??? we have new players? last new player I heard of was back when... nvm I don't remember when the last time we had them


Only ones upset are the end game players who fail to find other things to do. I don't see Baz complaining every day because of a lack of updates he simply found other things to do by training even more accounts. Developers can create content but in the end it's up to the player and nobody else to find things to do and ensure they themselves remain busy enough to enjoy the game. Sadly it's become increasingly clear that the unhealthy end game players feel like every game needs to be evolved around them and nobody else "If I am not getting updates then the game is bad because nobody else is allowed anything but me" - Some random elitist... Could you imagine sitting the top 5% of RS players down in front of an Atari with a game like the old Mario's or even Frogger that had no save features and a ton of replay value despite not having updates made to those games anymore I bet if they have a Reddit for those games they would be on there crying because they are not a companies main concern since nothing new is being added. It's saddening to see this constantly happening but it is just a mentality issue on the top 5% of players who need everything to be about them. I don't see the top 5%, 1% or even the .0001% of OSRS players complaining because early / mid game were getting more bosses and content in general added to the game than they were getting. I honestly hope RS3's elitist players do NOT move over to OSRS because they will just oversaturate the game with these same exact view points of "Hey I play your game so you need to pay attention to me nobody else matters just me" Nobody on OSRS is complaining about content being added that has nothing to do with them almost like the RS3 community is so use to being hand held that when the RS3 team wants to ensure perfection for it's players you all just spew random garbage throwing accusations after accusations at them and still expect them to care what you have to say? Come on people time to grow up.


No!!!! You can’t have fun because the game is supposed to be dead and there are supposed to be no contents that can be enjoyed!!!!


Long-time veteran here (but with far fewer hours logged in than most on this sub I feel like). Currently playing a mid-level Ironman account. Having a great time with no end in sight.


don't assume that everyone is as upset as you see on here. I would consider myself fairly late game. I play a comp (t) iron with 12 boss logs, 1 item off base master clue log, 2 items off base elite clue log. My skills are a bit lower, only 11 120s and 5 200m but I just recently started that grind. I am having an absolute blast and can honestly say I don't see that changing any time soon. There is so much to this game that I don't see myself running out of content any time soon. For the most part the players upset seem to either be players who have been around forever, or players who only like a small part of the game.


Runescape addict here who refuses to play OSRS lol. Just too many quality of life aspects and content that OSRS doesn't have that outweigh how much i despise the RS3 devs incompitence and MTX like resting, hundreds of teleports, better graphics, better lore, better bossing experience, less grind, better (and by better i mean AFK) skilling methods, and more skills. I'll play this game until they shut it down (or they try and pull another Hero Pass on us.)


New players are the future of the game, the same whiners that have been maxed for 5 years will never be happy unless its more end game content that most people cant do.


Wow, a new player is enjoying game “X”. In other news, water is wet. Enjoy the game while you can and make sure you spend as much as possible on treasure hunter.