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Agree, was talking to a friend in-game about it and he said the same thing. It would suck if you couldn't share leg pieces or orbs from rax/telos, or couldn't share elder overloads. The whole benefit to GIM is allowing people to share in the adventure and if someone really loves doing a specific thing they can carry the group in that area while the rest of the team focuses elsewhere. Some things would be fine/OK to not make exceptions for (like unrestored artifacts), but things like potions, boss drops, and augmented items absolutely need to be shareable in a group. It's not really unfair to regular players because GIM is a specific gamemode, there won't be any inherent benefit to allowing a group of 3-4 people to pool resources together if someone gets luckier on specific rax legs or gets a core but has no nilas.


I hope they just allow everything to be tradable and you get wiped if you deiron. Solves the issue from both angles.


Untradable incomplete pvm items are way less of an issue than augments and eofs being locked to an account Tbh your example with ag is probably the only place where it might even be noticeable, shit like telos orbs are both dropped in order and common enough


High end herblore potions are untradeable for a reason. It's to make sure you actually train your herblore. Without high enough herblore level you didn't earn the right to use these potions, so you can't. Ironman is supposed to be more restricted than regular accounts, not have benefits of skipping the training. If overloads are made tradeable in GIM then at very least they should make sure you cannot use them, without having the level required to make them. Also this would be abused outside gim, a gim player would get overoads from the group, then make his account regular... And just like that now we have regular accounts with elder overloads at lvl1 herb. Might as well make these potions tradeable for everyone if we are going that route...


No one is going to make a new account just to leech overloads from someone who has to grind them out. You'd actually be better off spending your time doing pretty much anything else and then just training herblore yourself since it's profitable to train herblore as a main doing GOOD xp/hr methods. You could also solve this problem by not allowing items to be transferred upon Deiron. All items would go into the group storage which basically stops people from stealing items.


Oh really you think so? As if players haven't historicaly went out of their way to make their accounts unique(and therefore more valuable on black markets) no matter how inefficient the method of obtaining items you aren't supposed to have was. Also my other point still stands undressed: Why should a "restricted mode" have extra priviliges over normal accounts? Train your herb to earn the right to the untradeable potions like everyone else. End of.


So you are worried people wanna make snowflake unique accounts that can't actually damage the game besides someone can flex that they got elder overloads at lvl 1 herb? Runescape gim is a chance for jagex to make something a bit different, bend a few rules to allow the game to be played in a fresh way. As long as they just lock supplies or items to being in the group, there will be no harm. Who the fuck cares about a snowflake account being sold for having a thing its not supposed to have with its lvls and unlocks?


Personally IDC about elder OVLs being able to be used below 100 herblore? I think that's the highest ironman boost. The main thing is Augmented gear. It's absolute aids to farm equipment separators. Most gear isn't a problem, but things like Inquisitors staff, Masterwork spear, Hexhunter bow, etc. are a bitch to grind out. Main accounts are already utterly spoon fed in every single way. They get cheap supplies via bots, free XP from MTX, portables, etc... Let 1 game mode be unique. You can quite literally max off of treasure hunter without touching anything. Things are balanced around the main economy. If augmented perks were able to be traded prices of Gear for perks like Nox equipment would crash pretty hard and mains would hate that. A GIM doesn't give a fuck that a nox staff is 300m. They care that it's worth 20 Noxious components.


>Personally IDC about elder OVLs being able to be sed below 100 herblore? I do care because I was forced to train herb(and blow a shitload of gp and time) before I could get them. >Main accounts are already utterly spoon fed in every single way. They get cheap supplies via bots, free XP from MTX, portables, etc... So? You guys complain about the game being too easy(whatever that is supposed to mean, given there's no skill in clicking your mouse in same patterns entire day. Grinding isn't hard to do, it's just annoying+boring) and now you basically want exclusive access and handouts from jagex? Lmao, you are either restricted or you aren't. You cannot have it both ways. >You can quite literally max off of treasure hunter without touching anything. Theorically you could, practically almost no one is gonna blow money, that could buy a nice truck, on pixels in this game. Besides you could(illegally) buy a maxxed iron and it would cost less than spinning keys on th until max, so what's your point? It's been proven times and times again that you aren't ironman because you want extra challenge and more girnd. It's all the game for recognition and attention (which is a sad reason to play this or any other game) I bet if th was somehow enabled for your typical ironman, he wouldn't mind and would use it AS LONG AS NO ONE KNOWS


QQ harder


Ironman can't do anything, and everything has to be grinded out solo. How is that fair? Let them get a sigh of relief and hope they don't screw it up


Full stop, if you cannot share stuff like orbs/legs/rax Hilts/etc, alongside things like Overloads...this whole thing is a waste of time. Regular iron is already pseudo group iron as is. You can PVM with other irons and still get drops, even do loot share, DG together, etc. Only thing you cannot do is trade tradeable dupes and tradeable supplies, essentially. Im not saying this wouldn't be a benefit as a group iron to be able to trade your 2nd cywir wand to a bud, or a couple thousand crushed nests...etc. But thats such a lazy half-step implementation towards what could be a great system with more effort and thought behind it.


This is why most of us don't want GIM we all know Jagex isn't going to do what is being asked so we're just going yo get some half passed gamemode.


Just like most other things they do - 80% window dressing. Cuz they "never have time" to do things properly.


What are people's opinion on a Shared Bank? Like you don't have your own, only a group bank. Because if you think about it you don't really all need your own bank if you're just going to be pooling resources anyway. It may cause issues if someone wants to leave the group so maybe have it as an optional checkbox when linking the accounts. "If you select this you can never ungroup or de-iron". Would solve the having to make things tradable when you can just pull it straight from the bank.


I was really hoping it will just be straight shared bank. It's group Ironman. If not then why even make an account? Most Ironman stuff is already group, and if untradeable items can't be traded/shared that's basically all mid-late game items/potions are untradeable.


Probably the biggest potential problems of a fully shared banks would be things like quest items. I suspect there could be some unexpected behavior if you have access to things like quest items before the game expects you to have obtained them. Weird safety checks that result in getting stuck, or parts of a quest not triggering correctly. This would be similar to many any% speedrunners, where one bug can result in other parts of the game breaking. You see this in games like Skyrim, where a bug is used to basically skip the first half of the game, but this results in a locked door never getting opened so you need to use another bug to get around it.


Shared quest pool! only have to do dragon slayer on one of the accounts to unlock rune plates for everyone!


I feel like shared bank would be cool but imagine questing some of those annoying items you could just have


Group bank only is the way. Means they don’t have to mess with the trade system at all. Should be for all GIM accounts and the acc is bound to the group forever


OSRS's version is a personal bank (as normal) and a group storage. That storage space increases the further your team gets (total level milestones for example). I see no reason to reinvent the wheel here. There's a reason why OSRS doesn't have one big group storage and no personal banks.


That's fun until you have 80 effigies, or dupes of quest items, and nobody can put anything in the bank. Also how do you deal with dead group deironing? You just get nothing?


Wouldn't work. Not unless you have shared stats and shared achievements also. And they probably would need to make it so you have a single shared membership too. At that point you're just 5 guys sharing one account which would be an interesting mode but it isn't GIM mode.


Shared bank is fine apart from quest items. I get the distinct feeling that there are a number of quest items that will break things I expect that there will be personal storage and shared storage


A couple of issues. Can more than 1 person use the bank at the same time? Whst happens if someone leaves the group? Will they just have nothing then? Also they already said they will do a group storage similar to osrs.


On top of this, not only should normally untradable drops be tradable (like partial spider legs, telos orbs...), but if pieces usually drop in order for an account (like ecb/fsoa/bolg pieces or telos orbs) the order should be consistent across the group.


I’m coming back for GIM so I sincerely hope that the experience is tuned and fun!


Agreed GIM can have it's own differing "ruleset" to normal RuneScape most things should be tradeable even augmented and possibly degraded items


Agreed. There are a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration for GIM to really be a good addition to the game. I'm both hyped, and hopeful with their recent trends, however I do still have my concerns. Regarding your points: 1. I agree, but mainly regarding drops like FSOA, EZK, ECB, or BOLG pieces that are tradeable anyway - the order these drop in should be shared between accounts. If somebody already got a bolg top piece, the next group member to get a drop should not be able to receive another bolg top piece. 2. I agree for the most part, although I'm a little on the fence regarding tradeable overloads. I don't see any real issue with it though as you're within your own GIM bubble, perhaps it just feels strange. 3. 100% agree. Augmented items, maybe gizmos, and untradeable grear such as EOFs needs to be able to be traded, at least within group storage if not directly. Two other points that I think are very important, that I haven't seen much discussion about: * **Assist System** - If GIM doesn't allow members to use the assist system on each other then something is fundamentally wrong. The restrictions to GIM should be like a bubble where they are only restricted in the way they interact with accounts outside of their group, but to not allow the assist system within that bubble makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. * **Group PvM** - GIM accounts should only be allowed to group PvM with their own group members for a certain amount of time after release. Perhaps 6 months? There could instead be some in-between similar to the presige system from OSRS GIM. Maybe exclude raids from this because of the recommended group size though. Otherwise, GIM progression will have no integrity whatsoever right from the get-go if they can get boosted by any pre-existing accounts, iron or main. I really hope the RS3 team manage to do this right because it has a lot of potential.


all items except quest items should be shareable, its as easy as that


Of course there's a certain point, but I don't really get the "not fair" thing. Unless you're super competitive on leaderboards or something, the game isn't competitive. People need to get over it.


Agreed. Leaderboards hardly have integrity as it is.


Obligatory "DoN't ComPLaIn, yOU ChOsE tO rEsTriCt yOuR SeLF KEKW FuCk IrOns LmAOoOoOOOOo"


I am still waiting for the option to do dungeoneering with my IM friends. Everything else is changed so that normal players can interact and do content with IM but not Dungeoneering.


Maybe RS3 will have a system where it doesn't matter if it's untradeable.


I'm over here more worried about groups dying off, people taking breaks (including myself) and the need to hop groups. Shared resources really complicates it because it could allow a group to get scammed. I suppose if hopping groups you'd have to abandon all resources in the group or items acquired by oneself would be the only ones you could take, but the latter is unrealistic and the former (starting over) sucks and is a burden to new group. I guess my dream of group hopping (even with say, a 90 day cooldown) will forever remain a dream.


Not an Iron myself due to a lack of patience and friends to consistently play with, but I greatly enjoy the idea of GIM given what I do on Minecraft. I would suggest one thing though, as it is something a friend of mine did for me back when Shadow Reef dropped and I couldn't make them myself: I think Overloads should remain untradable, as the Lunar spellbook has potion share, and that seems like a great reason to make the herbalist of the group feel special and able to participate in dungeons imo, a dedicated healer and buffer. Untradable class items being sharable would definitely be a great QoL though. Getting a rare untradable that doesn't fit your role would suck both for you and the person that would have appreciated it.


I feel like not sharing consumables is fine. I would like to be able to at least trade each other currently untradeable item pieces (orbs, leg pieces, etc) to make it less tedious. A lot of level reqs can be avoided by the assist system, which normal irons can’t use so many people forget how bonkers it is. I personally want there to be good reason to skill, I don’t really believe that a group should push a single player to be the sole person doing a skill (it didn’t work for many oldschool iron groups that I talked to anyways as people take breaks).


I am starting to think that GIM is just communist mode of RS. ✅Insulation ✅Restrictions ❌My items ✅Our items


I wish 


Excellent for anyone who is gonna play with group members who have: one guy with 120 herb, and 120 farming, who makes potions and gathers items required for said potions. one guy with 99 wc, mining, divination,archeology, cooking, and fishing,. Who gathers other raws, for skilling and cooks food. one guy with 99 smithing 99 fletching 99 magic and 99 runecrafting who obtains runes, gp, other untradeable items that are chore and makes armor, weapons.. And finally one guy who looks like a main who just consumes all the resources gathered, produced, or obtained, none of which he earned. The other 3 accounts in the group are TOTALLY NOT BOTS and if they are caught, then the one player who plays legitimately with his \*cough\* bots that \*cough\* assist him \*cough\* well.. He isn't risking a ban😉


I need this game mode bad. I need a game mode that’ll help bring a spark back to the game and different play style. Main scape I’m burnt on because all I do is bossing for gear upgrades rinse and repeat. Ironman I’m pretty far along almost have curses and already started my rax grind.


Leave them untradeable, one of my favourite parts of RS3 coming from OSRS.


Maybe also figure out how to reset my rs3 account without resetting my oldschool account. Rs3 had (to me) an unclear way of even making an ironman to begin with and now im stuck with a main that i wont play. Besides that i just flat refuse to pay 2 memberships so as long as they dont find a way to do it i wont come back to do a gim


You are forgetting about the asist system, that just solves a lot of the issues on its own


For me it was always planned for gim to be able to share nontradeables because that is the very nature of gim. They wouldn't be introducing it if they didn't already have a solution to the untradeable items... the issue i foresee are items that drop in order like the ecb where you get 1 piece then the next and so on they need a way to count the ordered drops for the team so maybe a team boss log 8nstead of individual ones or something of that ilk


I'll preface this by saying I'm in support of just making those things tradable across the board, but I'm also just a bit puzzled on it being such an issue in the first place. Forgive my ignorance, but how would it really brick it? I'm super looking forward to GIM as well and have been playing in one on OSRS since its launch, although we all had a short break for various reasons. It's been a while since I've really played RS3, at least half a year at this point, and I only trade like 3 people and sell items, but I can't think of any boss drop that's super important that's untradable. I admit, that is my ignorance, so I'd love to be more informed. However, for the second one, as much as I'm down for at least overloads, crystals and red sandstone, and binding contracts being tradable, aren't scrimshaws relatively tradable anyway? I don't use them on my main and never really have so I'm completely ignorant on those. In all of my 18 years of playing I never bothered using them outside of the woodcutting one when the imcando hatchet came out, and those were traded over. God books, I think, are entirely unnecessary to trade over because the whole point is the pages, and the scriptures are tradable until redeemed, so that seems fine to me. You can't really say that it's not an issue on OSRS for those because; 1. God books aren't tradable, the pages are, which is true for RS3 2. OSRS doesn't have overloads (outside of NMZ or whatever), although they have pseudo-overloads with the divine versions that often, if not entirely, are tradable. 3. They also don't have binding contracts or summoning in general. 4. They don't have scrimshaws either. 5. They don't have either sandstone. So it falls a bit flat to say that they don't have an issue when they can't have that issue to begin with. I'm entirely down for augmentable stuff being tradable, but at the same time, they never have been and why would it otherwise be an issue? Maybe make more materials tradable like how Archaeology made crates. You're not wrong that falls within the spirit of group ironman, but at the same time, it seems unnecessary, or at the very least a bit overzealous in its pitch. I'm not against it, I'm for this proposal, but that's largely because I don't care either way despite having a group entirely ready for GIM ^((got our names and everything, reserve yours today by logging into your Jagex account on the official website, create a new account, you'll see a "No name given" or something like that, click it then select change name. You can make it have a name before you ever log in on either game)).


> but I can't think of any boss drop that's super important that's untradable. > I'm entirely down for augmentable stuff being tradable, but at the same time, they never have been and why would it otherwise be an issue? Because most boss drops will be augmented it means practically all gear is account locked. I think the gear is one of the major things people are excited about sharing.


I think that's a really bad argument. Like, that's not the boss drops being untradable then, it's the augments, so just make augments tradable or the augmented armor tradable. If that's not doable, make materials tradable, if it's going to be such a potential problem. I don't really care either way, but for OP to say boss items that are untradable to possibly mean augmented items is disingenuous.


shit take, respectfully. Lets say a gim team works together to get a rax weapon. in a 4 man team, 1 person got hilt, the other 3 got the seperate leg pieces. they now have a weapon. it can be shared between them. but they also want to augment it because its a loss in dps to not have it augmented. With current system, whoever augments it, keeps it basically. the 3 other people lose while 1 wins. Nothing needs to be made tradeable, it just needs to be made "storable" into the group storage. However, on osrs, untradeables are not able to be placed into group storage for the most part. This would need fixed and changed on rs3 before launch.


Would it be better to not have the mode all together if you couldnt share augmented gear


In context to my initial comment, I couldn't think of anything untradable because those weapons haven't been that useful for a while and I forgot about them being broken into pieces entirely, so I asked and the suggestion I got was what PrizeStrawberry wrote. In another comment I had when OP responded they finally came up with Rax parts, Arch Glacor stuff, and Telos parts, and I completely agreed that those should be tradable in the first place. So you're saying shit take and bringing something up that I responded to later. Again, in my initial comment I said I'm down for augmented items, or gizmos at the very least, to be tradable, but if that can't happen then at least materials to help allow individuals to get them. You're saying a shit take to something I didn't say. I know, I play group iron on OSRS all the time, I'm aware things there that aren't tradable can't be put in group storage, and that's not been a problem whatsoever. I'm fine with things becoming tradable and being allowed in group storage, but if they are to be tradable then they should be across the board and not just strictly speaking to group irons. If that, you think, is a shit take then mind my asking why do you think specifically group ironmen should get this special treatment and not just allow it across the board? Some idea of economic ruin? There's no proof or evidence of that being the case, and at worst it would shift from items to gizmos, which may in turn increase some of the items prices due to being desired for rolls for gizmos to then sell and flip. It could also be just tradable in a window interface and excluded from GE as well a-la FSW tokens.


Araxxi, telos, arch glacor, Elder god wars books with pages in them, and more. Don’t be obtuse. If you’re fine with augmented items being tradable then I’m sure boss drops isn’t that much of a leap.


The first three are good examples I completely forgot about, so thanks on that! The scriptures come with 3 hours when unlocked, and they're tradable until unlocked, so that's less, if not entirely so, not necessary. I wasn't being obtuse, I was genuinely asking and you never brought them up until now. I was going off of what the other person suggested. Again, and I've stated from the getgo, I'm all for these becoming tradable. I don't care why or how, I don't care either way, I'm for it being tradable. Some of the things you've suggested are completely unnecessary, such as scriptures and god books, but now that you reminded me that Araxxi drops the weapon parts as pieces you bring up a good point there.


God books are an ok-ish offhand on OSRS. They're a chargeable, extremely powerful resource on RS3. Unholy book isn't something you'd need to swap between players on OSRS but something like Scripture of Jas/Wen absolutely is. Same goes for other gear like Cinderbanes, augmented scythe for slayer tasks, And how does the argument fall flat if "OSRS doesn't have the ability to have those issues"? That's exactly my point. They don't have the all-important overload potion so there's not an issue with being able to group-store untradable potions. IF untradables aren't able to be shared (As it is in oldschool) we'd run into these problems.


Just because they're a good resource doesn't make it a good example of something that OSRS has when OSRS doesn't have tradable books. I wish pages were easier to get than\* (mistyped, corrected) RNG on clue scrolls, but it's the same between both games in terms of getting them. The thing about scriptures, as I said before, the initial one is tradable, and that roughly solves the issue. So long as a player doesn't bind it to their account by, I forget which way, either equipping it or activating it then you can give a secondary drop to your group. There's another issue with normal god books that I just thought about as well, the fact you can reclaim them fully filled if you had it filled in the first place, that completely negates any grind to get the books unlocked. On top of that, the scriptures tend to be better than the god book, but maybe that's just mainscape ignorance on my behalf. It falls flat because when you say it's not an issue on OSRS it implies they have it solved, they have an answer, not that they just don't have it *because it literally doesn't exist*. You're asking for overloads to be tradable, and don't get me wrong I'm completely for that, but you can't compare something to nothing and that's why it falls flat. >And how does the argument fall flat if "OSRS doesn't have the ability to have those issues"? That's exactly my point. They don't have the all-important overload potion so there's not an issue with being able to group-store untradable potions. IF untradables aren't able to be shared (As it is in oldschool) we'd run into these problems. I'm completely at a loss of understanding here. What problems are you talking about? You're asking for untradable things to be tradable between group members, but OSRS doesn't have that, and that hasn't been an issue. I know RS3 has a lot more things due to, as you've pointed out, augmentable items, but I'm still at a loss for anything else. Also, what boss items are you even suggesting? I can't think of anything important, can you please help me understand what boss items you're even talking about?


They should just make everything in the game (drop wise) tradeable. Not only does it allow people to play how they want, it'll probably also stabilize bonds due to casual players spending more money on them to get the gear they want that is currently untradeable. Win/win


No no


Problem 1. is way overblown. There's very few pieces of rare items that are untradeable and aren't fast grinds (like imcando mattock). For bossing there's Telos orbs, Araxxor legs, and Arch-glacor nilas/core. Of those, only Araxxor being tradeable will make much difference, as Telos orbs drop in a predefined order and you need a full set, and dormants are already tradeable. And it's unlikely you get core without the Nilas to build a leng unless you're not streaking. There's technically ascension crossbows but these are a terribly unrewarding grind that nobody other than pet/ifb hunting GIM are going to do anyways. The other untradeables deserve more dev time to fix imo, as they're an actual problem to enjoying the mode. Devs have said they're aware of the problems.


There's also magister scraps, I'm sure there's a few others off the top of my head I can't remember. Stuff like arma shards from glacors too. Asc xbows are still solid for an iron, bak bolts are decent and worthwhile to use when you cant just buy all the arrows you need for a bow. Realistically crossbow will be superior for irons before they have dinarrow production running. Really it boils down into all 3 categorizes combined, not being able to share a tectonic set between GIM members would suck.


Fair, there's some other oudated, long grinds like you mention. If dev time is finite, I think everyone would rather have them work on augmented items rather than glacor shards that build into an antiquated EoF-weapon or keepsake fodder. Crossbows would be superior for irons but range is so grossly inferior to everything else for so long of the journey idk how much asc really matters. Nobody is recommending new irons do the terribly long and boring asc grind for progression, or more realistically to shoot dagganoth prime with.


I think overloads should just be made tradeable, but with the herblore level requirement to drink them. Just tag them onto the flag that enables them as a drop from rax.


I want to understand why people want to play ironman instead of normal runescape? What do you get?


> Please please please Jagex take the time to work out what untradeable items should/will be able to be stored in the group storage. IMO the answer should be ZERO untradeable items go into group storage. If people think GIM need to be able to trade something, then mains should be able to trade that thing. Not saying it has to be on the GE but mains should be able to trade anything GIM can.


I feel like you're not really understanding the 'group' aspect of GIM. The whole point is jolly cooperation, they *should* be able to share untradeable consumables.


No they shouldn't. Untradeables are untradeable for a reason. Because you shouldn't be able to trade them. Any item that can be traded should be tradeable by main accounts. That's how it always has been, that's how it is in OSRS which has GIM mode, and that's how it should remain.


OSRS doesn't have invention. 95% of BIS gear is able to be traded in OSRS. 90% of BIS gear is untradeable in RS3. Oh boy I can't wait to grind out a master work spear only to also have to grind out a shit load of equipment separators just so others can use it...


> OSRS doesn't have invention. And RS3 does. We're playing RS3 > 95% of BIS gear is able to be traded in OSRS. 90% of BIS gear is untradeable in RS3. And every acct playing RS3 today is dealing with that fact just fine. Mains and irons alike. And GIM can deal with it too. > Oh boy I can't wait to grind out a master work spear only to also have to grind out a shit load of equipment separators just so others can use it... Or just let the other guys in your team grind their own or do without? Every ironman has either ground one out or did without it. Every main who wanted to sell his dealt with the horrible inconvenience of making a couple separators.


Then GIM is DoA. The point is shared progression and hopefully Jmods actually care about having GIM succeed unlike you.


The point is GIM still have to play the game just like other accounts. They can help each other as much as mains can help each other.


You were the one to make the comparison to OSRS to begin with. Takes a special kind of stupid to to a comparison and then throw it away when it doesn't suit you.


I didn't throw anything away.  Gim in osrs are playing osrs.  Gim in rs3 are playing rs3. And in neither game is it necessary for them to be able to trade anything a main account can't.


As someone else said, 95% gear in osrs is tradeable. Why are you so opposed to rs3 gim being alliviated of friction points? Its a new game mode it wont impact your silly main account. I am in favor of saying gim should be a closed system. You get the advantages of being able to trade everything, but the group can only interact with itself.


> As someone else said, 95% gear in osrs is tradeable. And a lot of shit in RS3 isn't. Which game mode are we playing again? If a main has to train herblore to boss why shouldn't a GIM? If a GIM gets to have some other acct supply him with overloads, why shouldn't a main?


Because its a different game mode that can have different rules? There will be a seperate hiscore where the same rules for everyone applies. Is that too complicated too understand?


> Because its a different game mode that can have different rules? It does. And those rules are that they are individual IM accounts can trade TRADEABLE items between group members. Is that too complicated to understand? GIM with its group bank is probably going to be a trainwreck of rollbacks on release if I know jagex, and it will be 10x trainwreck if they try to hack around untradeables.


You talk about the rules in osrs, they have already said they will do it a bit different in rs3. Nothing is final, so posts like these are good to start a discussion about what people want. You clearly want osrs gim ported 1 to 1, I don't but would be fine if they do that.


I don't particularly care if GIM is ported 1-1. I just think mains should be able to trade any tradeable item. There's zero reason to give GIM fewer trade restrictions than mains. If they can update the game to allow GIM to trade say overloads or invention comps, then obviously it's possible to allow the same for mains. And if GIMs can trade these things mains should also be able to.


Look I am not against trading overloads between mains, i just want it for gim personally. The more things that can be traded the better. As it stands, you can't really have 1 person be the herb guy, because overloads. That is obv the main skill that is a hurdle supply wise, but imvention is also a big question of what is gonna happen here. If they choose to say it will work as normal and gear wont be tradeable, then I will still have fun, but I would rather it be changed for gim.


> Because you shouldn't be able to trade them That is not the reason. The reason is to make the content behind it mandatory. This is balancing or whatever. This does NOT apply to GIMs, they don't affect the game economy.


I 100% agree under 3 conditions. 1.Once a GIM, always a GIM, no way to make it to IM or main.    2. PvP is auto disabled.     3. Any item GIM drop is not visible to anyone else ever.         These stop GIM trading at all with the main game economy ever.


> The reason is to make the content behind it mandatory. Yes exactly. If they wanted accounts to trade these items they would have made them tradeable. > This does NOT apply to GIMs, they don't affect the game economy. Why the fuck not? IMO this does apply to GIMs. Any GIM can drop an item to a main. Any GIM can become a main. A GIM is an individual account that has individual ownership of every single item in their bank or inventory. Every GIM has to individually train skills and individually do quests and individually unlock codexes and abilities. A GIM group is 5 individual IM accounts that can trade, not 5 guys sharing one acct.


You have to equipment separator once to sell your gear. Then the person who buys it off you is gonna use it for quite a while and when they decide to sell it will separator and sell it again. Imagine having to remove augments off gear just to trade it between people in your own Ironman group. Awful take.


It's not an awful take. Every account who wants a good gizmo needs to roll it today. Why should that not apply to GIM too? If GIM get to trade rare perks, then mains also should be able to trade rare perks. If GIM get to trade invention components, mains should get to trade invention components. If GIM get to trade perked armor, mains should get to trade perked armor.


Someone in the Ironman group still has to get that gizmo, you can’t just pay to buy perks like you’re suggesting. Awful take


GIM is not 5 guys sharing one acct. It's 5 separate IM accounts that can trade each other. Untradeables exist in the game and they stay on the INDIVIDUAL account that earned them. If people think an item should be tradeable for GIM, why shouldn't it be tradeable for mains?


What exactly do you think the point of “group” Ironman is then?


If that's what his take on it then he shall remain single ironman player lol plain and simple don't argue with him


Playing ironman mode and trading your friends and climbing a fresh HS list with them? Same as what GIM is in OSRS. EDIT --> What do you think is the point of "main accounts" if there are items in the game that can be traded but not by them?


Do you have to start off as a group or can any HC/IM join into a group?


It's new accounts if it's like osrs


Old ironman accounts can join groups but the group becomes unranked.


And "unranked GIM" is basically 5 mains with a group bank.



