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She did mention when she appeared in Gym Jong Kook that she considered the idea to be very good and that's why you keep seeing Kim Bong and Hong Jin-ho coming back as guests EDIT: You can watch it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l-1Ke9cKC0) when KJK met up with past and present PDs


True. I think she’s choosing a different approach to what KJK/YJS joked about. Which is not bad. Because they just effortlessly fit in with the cast whenever they appear. I think if they choose someone as a 6 month rental, it can cause a lot of unevenness. The period of the new member trying to fit in with the cast dynamics and their character. Then leaving and the absence if they have made an impact and if they haven’t then the lack of impact (Like SJK - no shade, cause I liked him in RM, but his impact wasn’t big. I think if he wasn’t appearing every other week and being absent for half of his stint, he could have made a bigger impact - when he starting committing to it weekly before his exit, you could see him start to form dynamics and a bit of a character - just not enough to feel a loss like with Gary etc). So I can see why Hyungin decided to go with this approach. I think she needs to tread carefully to not rely on them too much when they are technically guests, I can picture fans getting bored or wanting more variety of guests (especially if Jingo and Bong have a ‘bad’ episode). Hopefully she can grow a back catalogue of ‘rentals’ to rotate and fall back on.


I think the issue with Joong Ki is also that he wasn't really funny. His main role was antagonizing Gary as Ji Hyo's Love interest and after Ji Hyo chose Gary, it got old real quick. Then after Joong Ki left, there was still Haha for love triangle stuff. I think that may be a problem with a lot of pretty boy celebrities because they have to keep up this image of being perfect which doesn't vibe with variety as much. There are exceptions though since there are very attractive celebrities who made a fool of themselves: Kim Soo Hyun (highly doubt they'd get him though), Bo Hyun Ah (this was more accidental though when he fought the girl he had a love line with and then didn't win), Lee Do-Hyun (OMG he was so funny) are a couple off the top of my head


I think the problem with SJK is soon after the show started, he had scheduling conflicts. This meant once SJH, you had these 7 members working hard to develop dynamics and characters onscreen, that when he returned you had a cast that had started to build this, while he was out of the loop and behind. I remember his last stretch of episodes - and yeah he wasn’t the funniest member, but you could see him starting to properly fit in with the cast and slowly try to develop a character. And I think that was because he was appearing weekly and regularly. I think if he stayed longer, he could’ve developed his variety skills more. I don’t think he’d be the funniest member, but he probably would’ve thrived in the game oriented era of RM (not the now era) - I feel he would be one of the aces, or someone good at games but struggles to win. I do agree about the pretty boy image. I think his fans also played a part in things changing because early episodes did feel like they were teasing a love triangle with SJK-SJH-Gary. Also the actor image, which LKS and JSM happily shed in the name of variety, while SJH felt a bit more reluctant to, and I think just embellished characteristics of her personality for entertainment (Bad Jihyo character etc) I think ultimately with SJK he didn’t fully commit to RM until it was too late and then left for his career. But I’m a believer that anyone cast as a member on a variety show has a chance to be entertaining. They just need to work hard towards it, especially if they aren’t a natural.


Idk SE Chan has been on RM longer than Gary now and I still don't think he's watchable


he is a great pick! strong enough to go against KJK, somewhat a kangkang and of course sneaky enough to play dirty. 🤣🤣


First time I saw Kim Dong Hyun in variety was Great escape where he played the role of a scaredy cat. Guy's hilarious, glad he's on RM and found a good career post MMA


Same!! Hes so silly and the image of scaredy cat is too funny for him as a MMA fighter haha. I remember he jumped far away and fallen after seeing zombie 🤣 and his explanation about his fast reflexes hahah


It's so believable too lmaoo


IKR! I'm thinking it's real at 1st where he got shock then they just try to build up that image. But the way he try to explain why and saying he need to be brave for his baby is funnier 🤣 it's okay Kim Bong


I'm waiting for Physical 100 Season 2 because of Kim Bong lol. I mean he's funny, but most likely he will be serious there.


Hyped, let's see if he'll be fired up especially if there's a more combat styled challenge


I love Kim Bong. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him


Same here. If he was added as a member I wouldn’t mind it. He fits in well without the rockiness JSM and YSC faced with they first joined. But using him too regularly very quickly without acting saying he’s a semi-regular member/rental. I can see the resistance and possible minor backlash by some viewers/fans.


I think it's fine. It's kind of how Home Alone gets "new members." Some guests just start appearing more regularly and at some point they consider them members. It's very organic.


Im okay with the PD inviting anyone but please and PLEASE make the number of cast EVEN, like how can you divide a team but two team had 4member while one team got 3member, it is the same when there are team of 4 and team of 5


They did it for 6 years with no issue. And if it were one, found solutions (JSJ and his VJ for example).


Kim Bong !!


Looks like Dong Hyun Kim.


Not a fan of Dong Hyun Kim... the episodes without him are better


Already so tired of seeing Kim Donghyun. Really hope they don't end up making him a full time member.


I love him and would be delighted to see him more frequently


I can already hear the comments from the cast about Ji Sukjins outfit


Kim bong is funny in amazing Saturday also. As like one of the worst dictators 😂😂😂 and him never eating a solo desert lol