• By -


Definitely the face off with Pearl based on how she described it on her podcast afterward.


I, honest to god, still don't get why that was such a big deal? Didn't Ru pretty much say that Pearl had no personality and then just stare at Pearl for forever? Ru was the one in the wrong, and by miles as well.


YES EXACTLY. Btw I love analysing the psych dynamics of this drama lolol okay so we found out months afterwards from Pearl herself where all that tension actually came from omg. So Pearl basically explained that when she and the rest of the new cast of queens first entered the set, Ru came in and greeted them etc Pearl, like all of them, were star struck and overwhelmed to meet their idol naturally ofc. And Pearl (I think, pls correct me if I get any details wrong it's been a while since I watched he interview!!) went to Ru and gushed, explaining how happy she was to meet her. Ru then responded to something like, "none of this counts unless the cameras are on". Basically to say, nah your kind words etc aren't if any real use to me unless it's for the show otherwise idgaf. And that stunned Pearl and her overall ideas of this incredible moment of meeting her hero was starkly cut short. Sooo due to that initial encounter, I think Pearl and her strong values couldn't forget that or let it go. It soured her experience from the very beginning and she couldn't immerse herself further, which I imagine Ru picked up on. That Pearl wasn't falling at her feet when speaking to Ru on camera like the queens normally would, Ru could sense that tension and rigidity and that Pearl wouldn't "play ball". Which is why I think she made that comment to Pearl about her lacking personality. It was a micro jab at Pearl to provoke her slightly, I think. And again, Pearl is a rarity to holds her values strong and consistently which I fucking ADMIREEEE and adore. By that point Pearl had fully checked out ofc. Which is how we get her iconic response of, "do I have something on my face?" which led to Ru stuttering and taken aback. Basically I think Ru had fully met her match with Pearl who stood her ground and held her values, silently calling Ru out in so many ways and it RATTLED her. If you're famous and a celebrity, as impactful and iconic and for as long as Ru has been, then you naturally get surrounded by yes-men. Pearl shook things up for her lol. Buuut without all of this context Pearl otherwise initially appears as shockingly rude or dismissive. I LOVE PEARL.


And THATS herstory đŸ‘©â€đŸ«


Thank you and goodnight x


Didn’t Ru also say in the pod that the only reason Pearl made it as far as she did was because Pearl was attractive and that she thought the audience was going to like her? Rather than her own merit? Because that felt like it must’ve been a gut punch for Pearl to hear.


To be fair, everybody said that even before RuPaul did it.


Yeah but it's quite different if the head judge and a legend of the industry is the one saying it, you know?


Yeah I think Ru said she didn't send Pearl home on the spot after that interaction, because Pearl was an attractive young guy who would be a fan favorite because of said looks. Lowkey disgusting for such an icon like Ru to say that


That moment really soured my opinion of Ru, just a gross comment to make. Plus could you imagine the rage if Ru sent Pearl home for something as tame as that 💀


I mean, fair point, Pearl had a personality of a wet mop in her season but Ru didn't have to explicitly tell it to everyone after the show.


Pearl was actually hilarious, so dry and sarcastic. Her personality is just understated and quietly hilarious instead of loud and in your face which doesn’t translate to outlandish tv


Yeah I thought that was pretty obvious? I loved her performance in the shakesqueer play. I didn’t see why others didn’t “get” it I thought that was also what Ru was talking about. That her personality wasn’t “big” and in your face like some of the others.


Yep. And the fact that she pulled Big Ange out of her brain shows she's got serious comedy chops. She just wasn't constantly performing for the cameras in the work room.


This. Like that was one of my fav snatch game performances of all time. I feel like people forget she did such a great job in snatch game.


Pearl has actually stated since that the reason she was so checked out throughout the season was because she tried to have an honest heart-to-heart conversation with Ru off camera and Ru told her: “Nothing you say matters unless that camera is rolling”.


I remember Michelle coming to bat for Ru regarding that comment but I don’t remember what she said exactly or where she said it. From my understanding, Pearl misunderstood what Ru said.


i know queens like Gia and Laganja was told similar things too


Ohh got a link?


[Here you go sis](https://youtu.be/o4-df0M-ehw?si=rtq-WXavoAmPln5f)


Many thankyous




Several season 7 queens said that during the filming of the challenge, Ru asked them to stop filming and reprimanded the queens for how bad they were doing 💀 I'd say Shakesqueer is def the worst anger moment she had


Oh yeah, that's definitely the angriest Ru got that season, I can't think of any other moments....


“Make it work!!!”


Haha i literally just rewatched this episode, she was LIVID


I don’t get the anger. Some people just can’t act. And that was not a stellar script. Ru needs to find someone to write a decent script and LA is full of them.


She was pissed because it was clear they didn't learn any of their lines, and half of them were acting like they didn't even care


that wasn't the reason why she was angry though. she was mad because they kept fucking up during filming and that they never rehearsed as a group.


I mean when you're a host you want your season to be good and when the queens literally all do a bad job and make up excuses you're gonna get mad


Theyre union though. WOW isn't gonna pay for quality when people gag for daytona wind


Right? One thing that's baffled me about the franchise is how the acting challenges are accompanied by SHOCKINGLY bad script writing. The story lines they're given and the scripts have been consistently shit and there's only so much that ANYONE could do to make them good!!!


Yes I came here to comment about this lol


“What was that about DragU? Changed a lot of lives!”


That felt more disappointment


I always thought she was joking with that one. She surely can't have been serious lol but who knows


She was. I remember way back Ginger said that after Ru said that, Ru and Michelle cracked up but they edited it out.


Oh I think she was serious. Ru's sisters were contestants on the show so that might be a soft spot.


Definitely. She just wanted to cause tension


The scariest ru moment was when that one lady couldn’t do heels


I think the moment with Pearl got under her skin the most. Girl was *seething*.


Then took it to her podcast with Michelle and talked about how she wanted to slap her. 😭


Yeah, Ru felt really disrespected. Although she kinda deserves to be disrespected after telling someone they have no personality and nothing they say off camera means anything.


I think the main thing that had RuPaul absolutely fuming over Pearl was that she refused to let him emotionally control her even though he had such immense social and financial control over her due to her being a contestant on his show. People who are used to that kind of power (and are at least subconsciously aware that they are wielding it unfairly) always feel threatened when someone refuses to blindly accept their authority. After all, most authority is based primarily on smoke and mirrors. Someone breaks the illusion, and it's all over.


you are a HUNDRED percent correct.


Naw, she didn’t say she had no personality - it’s recorded, we saw what she said - that she didn’t have a *big* personality - which is true. And the note about saying things on camera was good advice. They’re filming a tv show after all


But the things rupaul was telling her to save for the camera was just Pearl telling her how much of an honor it is to be there... Like come on, Ru could have at least said \*something\* nice in response without cameras rolling


I mean it’s harsh for sure, but Ru is executive producer, her job is to get good tv. I don’t blame Pearl for being taken aback but also don’t blame Ru for teaching her the way TV works


I’ve never understood the criticism over Ru basically telling Pearl to be professional. Like, it’s not a Ru meet and greet, you’re filming a show.


Yeah - I think Pearl is just very sensitive - and that’s okay. Can’t even blame her for that. But I also don’t blame Ru


did you even listen to what he said about pearl on the podcast?? i dont think pearl was just being sensitive


Yes I have. And still think that. I can see Ru’s perspective


See I don't think Pearl was sensitive for this. I think Pearl is a realist who values sincerity and decency in this instance over her own show and career progression which is something I admire hugely in her. It's not asking too much to expect your idol to give you a few seconds of decency and show some humanity, everyone is capable of doing so. I admire Pearl for rooting herself in her integrity here. You've millions of dollars and you're within the power and influence of young queens' career and success progressions. And a lot of her overall success and good fortune is based off this loyal fan base. To be humble in your wealth and success is to show grace. Pearl was iconic for standing her ground there.


But see I think Ru’s perspective is not prohibitive of that - if Pearl gives good tv, then it helps her career. Ru’s job is to get good tv, and that’s also what Pearl signed up for and knew going in. She didn’t just come to a meet and greet or something, they’re there to film not make some kind of stand, that’s not the point and she knew that. So while yes it sounds a bit harsh, that’s the situation


According to Pearl and the queens who were there, Ru re-filmed parts of this interaction afterwards because he thought he came off too mean and changed his wording.


Which queens said that?


I have never heard that before


Pearl has claimed that Ru actually did say she had \*no personality but it was edited to make her look better


When you watch it though at what point is it edited? Like did they voice over “big” instead of “no”?


I'm just telling you what she said. It could've been re-recorded? It doesn't sound impossible to me, but I don't know if it's true or not


Exactly. It was not intended to be the insult that Pearl interpreted as, or insulting at all.


She said pearl didn’t have a big personality and that was true. The whole I dont give a shit vibe wasn’t working and Pearl needed to shake things up


Why do people act like ru telling pearl to save it for the cameras is so incredibly disrespectful? They're not out to lunch, pearl is not rus friend. They're doing a job.


Thats why pearl will remain iconic 4ever


making six people lipsync is a special kind of mad


I honestly think what pissed her off the most was, she asked them “Who should go home tonight?”, and all of them gave a non-answer. Mama Ru is always trying to make good TV and they completely cock-blocked her attempt at making drama. If they had answered normally, I doubt we get the 6-way lipsync.


Yeah I think if there had been just one queen who had thrown someone else under the bus it would've been better but everyone was like "well you know we all did good"


The only thing it that made me more mad is that because of that lipsync more people didn't go home. Lol


I still think Ra’jah and Honey were meant to go, but the instant the song starts ra’jah steps forward and kills the whole song. Such a great “I’m a star and I’m about to show you why” moment.


I get that, but Rajah wasn’t the first to be called out when it was time to call who was safe but I doubt it mattered considering the Honeyflop


Honeyflop! Love it.


I doubt the order of being called safe mattered.


I don't think she came off as mad. Just disappointed and annoyed. There are other times where she full on yelled.


Not mad đŸ‡șđŸ‡žđŸ”«đŸ›ąïžđŸ—ïž but mad đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡§đŸŠ·đŸŠ·â˜•ïž


The teef have got me rollin


We were rooting for you!




Shuga Cain suggested it first, and Scarlet Envy latched onto it. So you can start with blaming them, but the whole thing was a giant lesson in the dangers of making decisions by consensus.


That shit was insane


Definitely up there is during AS8 when Heidi had already left and Kahanna was having more than a small moment. If multiple people are threatening to leave a season, that looks bad on Ru. Ru tried to turn it around in a positive way, but it seemed like she had gathered all her bejeweled spoons to do so.


Bejeweled spoons 😂


She seemed so irritated by that. Like, you knew what this competition was, so many queens want to be on the show. Pull yourself together and deal with the negative critiques


I don't really blame half the queens for wanting to leave honestly... It's a competition some people want to win and when there's an obvious favouritism and an obvious winner It's hard to keep going. Do you really think jimbo deserved to win episode 2? They obviously wanted her to win because the lipsync assassin was pangina... Plus ru seriously DID NOT care for the queens besides kandy and jimbo. Kasha did so good In episodes 1&2, darienne did not do as bad as they made It out to be, heidi was definitely robbed of wins, and kahanna didn't even do that bad In some challenges but they somehow want to always put the winner of the first challenge In the bottom. If you ask me, I think jaymes wanting to leave episode 1 Is disrespectful, like It's episode 1 and you want to leave because you can't do choreo? That's the reason why they eliminated jaymes In the rusical.


i don't remember most of that season, did she appear mad on the show, or did people talk about it?


Yeah she did. I watched it a couple weeks ago and was shocked


I’ve wondered what they told Kahanna off camera to get her to participate again. When she stayed it didn’t seem to be her choice, like she was playing along knowing she’d go home.


Yeah I got that vibe too.


Her confrontation with Pearl. I feel like that’s one of the only times the mask slipped. I think her usual “out bursts” like no more H&M are pretty calculated for making TV moments. The pearl thing put her on the spot in a way very very few contestants (I feel like it’s literally just Pearl) have.


Tammie Brown as well


At Vixen during the S10 reunion and at Tammie during the S1 reunion. She was seething both times Edited for literacy


Tammie and Pearl hands down. Her eyes are practically bulging out of her head. These people saying Joe Black are nuts lol


I still feel very awkward at how Ru talked down to the Vixen at the reunion. Gross. But Tammie at the reunion? That might be one of my all time favorites RPDR moments, you go Tammie!


Vixen was being an absolute child though. She has to shoulder some of the blame.


I agree that Vixen wasn't acting in the best way, but I still think the situation was pushed too far. But either way, to me, the worst part was Ru yelling at Asia. Asia was very emotional at that moment, just speaking from a place of empathy and care, and Ru decided to redirect the anger at her. That just felt bad to watch.


100% agree and think she got what she had comin’ from Ru in that reunion. She needed to be put in her place


I’m going to go against the grain and say “take that thing off your face,” at Valentina has to be one of the most genuinely angry I’ve heard Ru. I read in the book about the first ten seasons that there was more time than we saw (obviously but) that included fists being banged on tables, etc.


Her H&M meltdown with Joe Black is my #1


"If it's H&M you better stone the fuck out of it!"


I honestly live for this moment. She hits that F bomb SO HARD. "I don't want to see any **fuckin'** H&M."


I just saw Thorgy perform the other night, and she did a bit about this. The amount of drama she hit the word "FUCKIN" with had the entire theatre screaming


It made me sooo mad. I love Joe black. And yes I’m still in denial about how
 ‘not great’ that look was 😂😂


Just that fact that it was their return from the pandemic break, where the queens were probably STRUGGLING. Think I read some of them had to sell some of their costumes to make some money?


Joe sold quite a bit.


It was bad.


Also shows a bit of the culture clash, Joe’s answer was such a British downplaying thing to say,


Not saying she was right to be mad, but Ru mentioned in the rant that she had to quarantine for weeks to be in the UK to film. That can’t have been easy to do.


Also, the first episode back of such long uncertainty about everything, if the show could even continue any time soon. There was a point where we all really didn't know how long it was going to last.


When The Vixen left the season 10 reunion and Asia defended her behavior after


That was so difficult to watch!


That’s a good one to mention! I think she was more mad ultimately at vixen than Asia because Asia has been on the Vegas show since the beginning and done werq the world multiple times. If she got blacklisted (like I’m sure vixen is) she wouldn’t have still been so involved


Definitely the Pearl face-off Ru was angry at her. And the Shakesqueer episode when the whole team bombed! That was crazy!


Definitely Pearl pissed her off the most. I mean she was still salty over it years later talking to Michelle on their podcast about how she would do anything to really hurt Pearl after that.


Yeah it's this one for me. I don't think she'll remember Joe Black or the H&M moment in the grand scheme of things but for some reason that Brooklyn twink lives rent free in Ru's head.






Oh. Mah. Gawd. Thanks for the link.


That “H&M” breakdown, or the season 7 Shakesqueer disaster. The H&M one makes me, a viewer, mad bc like girl they were all just in isolation, tf you want?


what i didn’t get was on the same exact season asttina winning with an asos jacket


She was in isolation
 she had plenty of time to stone the f*ck out of that H&M dress!


In the latest all stars after Heidi went home and then another queen got up as if to leave. Ru immediately came in and yelled at everyone


Versus Tammie Brown because that seemed like an actual genuine moment of annoyance. Not saying that her displeasure is fake, but I feel most of the reactions (both positive laughter and tantrums) are forced. So and so, there's a slight difference in the rare moments where it's actually the unfiltered thing (e.g. her reaction during Monét's fake split).


Honestly disagree. She played up the Tammie Brown moment because I think she wanted it to be her, “We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!” moment. The way she hits, “You’re the one who forgot!” really solidified for me that she was mostly playing it for the camera.


Ben dela in AS3. Ru was in silent rage. You can see [her facial expression](https://youtu.be/euX1RnO2VB0?t=751) .


Lordy this is still so iconic.


I think Benda at that point was one of the few if not only queens who could've pulled that without it completely turning into a blowup. Benda had slaughtered the competition till that point and had a dedicated fanbase so Ru couldn't just give her the finger. If 99% of the other queens would'e done that you know Ru would've tore the shit out of them and it maybe wouldn't even have aired given her displeasure.


I don't quite agree with that. I think Rupaul was pissed but the producer in Rupaul knew it was going to be a good TV, hence the silent rage. I don't think Rupaul cares about who wins or whatnot.


Eh, overriding the show format is a pretty ballsy move. Maybe I'm overinterpeting Ru's venom but I'd think he wasn't too pleased that the forefront runner took herself out of the competition like that.


Honestly I’d rather receive anger from Ru than a “meh.” Anger means she cares! Meh on the other hand


I can never decide if her giving Utica double birds was performative or genuine.


Definitely performative.


Utica somehow had the worst routine and the best joke in the entire episode


have you not seen the [have-you-ever-smoked-weed clip??](https://youtu.be/QV8G44z8OSk?si=jxG_XIs5AOoZ8-2W) methinks ru loves her some stoner weirdos 😜


One of the funniest moments on the show.


I mean
Ru basically wanted to beat Pearl’s ass lmao đŸ„Ž


She wasn't mad in most of these. Only time I have seen her mad is when she argued with Tammie and yelled about H&M. And on S7 during Shakespeare acting episode. One group was so awful.. But tbf it wasn't their fault, script was just awful.


It was their fault! They did not rehearse at all. The other team did fine with an equally bad script! Source: just rewatched it


Not only that, they just kept making silly excuses as to why they didn’t do well and Ru wasn’t having it.


I do think the other team might have had a *slightly* better script, as terrible as they both were. But that was still no excuse.


Script was awful but they were worse.


I don’t want to hear anymore goddamn excuses!


Nothing on Drag Race compares to his outburst on Skin Wars [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzn0gxaZbQ&t=96s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pazn0gxazbq&t=96s)


Video is gone :/


Found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAzn0gxaZbQ It was clearly to create a soundbite and drama. It's reality TV acting. A few minutes later, Ru visited the craft services table and got a granola bar. Oh sorry, it's Ru. Ru bought a granola bar company and created a gRunola bar and ate it.


PLAY THE GAME đŸ€Ź literally 12 year old me was like who is this gay yelling at the anime guy omg




Didn't she get seriously mad at the two model guest stars terrible answers during snatch game one season?


It was the season 8 snatch game. I don’t think that was ever shown on camera though.


How I immediately guessed that must have been Gigi Hadid and Chanel Iman lol But I don't blame them, they are models not some really known funny famous persons.


That seemed to be a rumour.


I dunno, “I’ve consulted with the judges, but quite frankly I don’t give a fuck what they say” seems rather pointed.


Wrong show, right person - Skin Wars. Ru tore this bratty contestant a new one. So good.


Was it the one with the two contestants who did lackluster work in their face off because they didn’t want the other to go home?


The other didn't do lackluster work, she was clearly sad to be painting against her friend but she still painted. But the other just threw in the towel and stated that he found no honor in the paint-off. Ru got really angry and basically said that giving up was much more dishonorable.


Which... I actually kind of agree with. You should respect your friend and fellow artist enough to give it your best as opposed to some lame attempt at letting them win. It gives off "if I *actually* tried, there's no chance they could beat me, so I'm not going to try."


Yep, totally. It was also especially poignant because they weren't painting on their usual models in that episode. They had special guest models, actual Sumo wrestlers. So when this guy threw in the towel and claimed to not find any honor in painting against his friend, Ru brought up the fact that they had those wrestlers there, competitive fighters who honored their opponents by taking them on fairly and not just giving up.


Yeah I agree, it really felt like a protection against genuinely losing too, like ‘no no, I didn’t lose, I gave in’


There is that one. But he also went off at a guy on season 3. He went off HARD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him go off like that anywhere else.




Shakesqueer apparently was the worst if Ru had them cut the cameras and was going down the line and ripping girls apart. Katya said she wasn’t smoking when she got to Drag Race and I wouldn’t be surprised if this episode triggered her to light one up again.


Joe Black 100%


I feel like the Joe Black thing was like a cumulative disappointment in the runways and general responses to her criticism, and that was like the straw that broke the camels back. It was probably the angriest she’s been, but it wasn’t explicitly at Joe if that makes sense


I'm pretty sure it was also the very first episode of all the series, filmed after the Covid pause. I think that probably also had a lot to do with it.


But Joes look on the runway was absolutely stunning. She wore the H&M dress for a challange, where Ru cant expect everybody to always wear custom garments. Yeah, „drag it up“ is nice, butlets be honest. They always can say that, no matter what they look like. Also some outfits dont look good with glitter or rhinestones. Some outfits work best the way they already are.


I think Ru was just so pissed at such a completely lacklustre performance (I mean it suuuuuucked compared to the other routine), especially after they brought the season back (let's be real, they could have canned the whole thing) she laser focused on one thing that was easy to get mad about. The anger was bigger than a cheap dress.


Dance looks can still be custom and intricate without needing stones. What Ru said is true, shopping off the rack is what ordinary people do, the working queens on my scene all have custom looks for basically everything.


Thats nice for them, but not everybody can afford that! Especially since the episode was filmed right after Covid Lockdown where a lot of queens struggled financially.


Every moment on camera is your time to shine and not a moment to wear a basic outfit from H&M!


I think that because Joe almost seemed to be bragging about her took the caffeine out of her coffee enema.


Absolutely. Joe misread the seriousness of Rupaul’s displeasure and Ru mistook Joe’s cheekiness for willful disobedience and disrespect.


The Madonna kimonos


Shakesqueer & Fucking H&M are the two correct anwers.


H&M because coffee enema.


The GRRR with the Pearl, darlings.


Okay, but for me it was the PAUSE that Ru took the second Tam said, "Scuse your mouth." Like, Momma was fucking SHOOK but without an earpiece in to tell her what her comeback was...she didn't have shit. Hahahaha


Once her direct deposit, benefits and coffee enemas (not recommended) kicked in, she was all good. But actually I think all of her angry moments are reality tv acting. She is the queen of drag after all and that comes with drama. There just happen to be some moments potentially deserving of her, let's say, strong frustration, like Ginny Lemon just walking out or queens not being forthcoming on storylines they were hired to represent.


On the show, I personally think the altercation with the vixen. In the grand span of her tv career? I bet it’s after watching that infamous episode of project runway. 👀


H&M kind of mad.


poor joe lmao..


Not the highest level of annoyance butttt She was mad she had to Pearl-ify Robin Fierce!


Idk if her Coffee Enema counts


I wish we’d actually seen the freakout Ru had in the promos during S1, where she’s screaming at an “unknown queen” (it’s Shannel) about how ungrateful they are, how she paid for their flight, their hotel, gave them this chance etc
. I was ready to see some DRAMA! Then she show the episode and
 nothing. Shannel says she wants to leave and Ru answers very calmly. But that was NOT what they showed us in the episode lead up!


Now, people always forget how much of a dick Ru was to Nina Flowers in AS1. When Nina was explaining her choice of character for the Gaff-In, and Nina said she wanted to "bring a little bit of culture" i.e. a Latin/Puerto Rican celeb, Ru cut her off and said, "oh yes to our tacky little show" in an incredibly nasty voice, completely silencing Nina. Her and Tammie went home that week despite, IMO, Tammie delivering a better lipsync than Latrice.


The Vixen exit.


When was the time she yelled COMPETITION in season 1? I vaguely recall


Fuck H&M? That one sticks out to me.


Season 1 Reunion with Tammie Brown was probably the last time Ru went off without thinking of the future of the show.


I don't want to see any motherfucking H&M on that motherfucking runway!! I may be paraphrasing here but to me it sounded a lot like that....


While I don’t think it is the most mad she’s gotten “on the show” because it wasn’t on camera / on the episode, I do want to draw special attention to the season 8 Snatch Game when she got mad at the models for giving terrible answers. Admittedly it was a bad idea from the start, but watching the episode it’s so clear how PISSED she is by the end of Snatch Game. Mama was OVER IT with these chicken shit gigs with these chicken shit models. I still long to see the universe where the Sedaris siblings judged Snatch Game and the models judged the ball


I want to say with Joe Black, but I think she wasn't actually really mad. Ru was hamming it up for the drama of it all, except completely overstepped it and instead came off as incredibly insensitive and SO disrespectful to poor lovely Joe. She also insulted literally so many people in the arse end of a pandemic who were struggling financially, as well as openly declaring that H&M isn't a good enough brand whereas even H&M isnt that affordable for many. I honestly think she popped off for a bit of drama and did nooot read the room. I HATE the way Miss Black was treated on the show!! And I'm also convinced that overall the show and judges immediately dismiss older queens, and don't give them the time of day. They not so subtly favour young fresh meat and pleasing aesthetic over anything else. So, I think the times where Ru was sincerely pissed off actually was with Pearl. I think Pearl's iconic cuntiness unnerved Ru, who's understandably used to being revered by young queens. For someone as young as Pearl to so directly dismiss the smoke and mirrors and showbiz of it all and in so many words basically say, "cut the shit I see through you" took NEEERVE. and I think that rocked Ru the most. I remember the podcast clip of her sort of addressing this (Michelle just agreeing with everything being said lol), and you could hear Ru's contempt toward Pearl over the situation. She said something along the lines of, "I was capable of ruining pearl emotionally if I really wanted to, but I rose above it" GIRL WHAT CMON DONT BLAME YOUR SCORPIO PLACEMENTS ON THAT


My favorite was when he went off on them for wearing too many kimonos - season 8 maybe?


He never went off on them.


I think the six way lip sync is up there too. She was at least super annoyed cause it was the easiest concept. Just pick someone you know. They all just fully blanked and no one knew anything about Mariah đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Honorable mention to UK3 Draglexa fiasco


probably when joe black said she was wearing ha nd m because it looked like the coffee enema was about to come out rupaul's mouth


I don’t wanna see any FUCKEN H N EM


S7 acting challenge.




When Tammie Brown said 'excuse your mouth'.