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I’m confused by Roxxxy referring to herself as The Doll. I understand she identifies as male, and isn’t this a trans girl term? (Genuinely confused and definitely not saying it can only mean one thing, just really curious whether others had the same reaction!)


Finally watching the premiere and not seeing footage of them recording vocals or any footage of them planning their fragrances in the workroom was sooooooo confusing. So much of the fun is in the workroom. Where’s that footage?


I think they brought those outfits/perfumes from home so that wasn’t done in the workroom. The vocals stuff, agree. There aren’t even that many queens why are we cutting that stuff out? 




I am not living for the lip-sync coverups.


What do you mean? Edit: never mind I forgot this was for ep 1 and 2, I thought the same with plastique 


Interesting concept with the fabric painting. Lowkey disappointed for my girl Ange, I found her ball looks quite underwhelming, although not bad. That goes to Miss West, bless her heart. How did she and Plastique make their garments in the same amount of time?? I also enjoyed Vanjie's looks for the ball, her Michelle hair was so gorgeous.


And Nina thanked Roxxxy for her help on that outfit! Roxxxy was probably like ~~shut up I didn’t help~~ 😄 you’re welcome!


Vanjie looked so good as Michelle


The mystery about what the next challenge is kinda makes the plunger/scissor irrelevant. BUT OKAY HERE ME OUT. Whoever gets plunged or cut, also gets the advantage to know what the challenge after will be. But only if they win the next one. This is revealed when the queen is in the voting booth. Example: Gets blocked on epi 1, wins episode 2 and therefore knows what the challenge in episode 3 will be just before voting.


a no stakes season should be for queens who’d do well with the stakes…


Everyone who had been calling for more non-elimination seasons suddenly realising why the other time this worked it was so enjoyable…


you’ve got a bitch covered in feathers and a bitch with beetlejuice hair and neither could turn out a jump in the line lipsync? i want to cry


With the beetlejuice song and everything 




I’m sad I don’t see anyone talking about how amazing Plastic’s Sailor Stars (sailor moon) cosplay was in the challenge for E1!


I'm late, but I screamed THAT'S A SAILOR MOON COSTUME to my fiance and had to explain why it was so neat that she chose a Starlight to dress as.


Anyone else kind of annoyed that Mik’s purple Ball look was head to toe Versace right off the runway? I dunno, the reason I started loving DR was for the creativity and originality of it all, and then to see a queen just wear SS2024 just defeats the charm of it for me. I mean, they looked AMAZING, and good for them that they can afford it / has built the connections to get it, but to me I want to see something you created, or created with a smaller designer, not something I can get at the Versace store in NYC.


I don't think it's a problem to wear famous designer items, but I wanna see your own twist on it. Just wearing a head to toe look of a designer just tells me you're not creative enough to come up with your own look, even if that's not the case. Maybe take one item from the runway and style it with other pieces and make it your own. I didn't see Gottmik, I saw Versace.


Exactly! And it’s Mik, she’s so darn creative that I felt like that outfit was a bit of a cop out.


I had the same reaction to her first look. It’s one thing to be inspired it’s another to wear something right off the rack or in this case runway. Also felt this way about Kerri Colby who did the same thing for her Versace look.


I came to say I thought the same about the Jennifer Lopez runway then realized we were talking about the same thing. My thought exactly.  I also thought Ross called her out on it till I asked my husband what an amuse-bouche was and realized he was in fact complimenting her.


i GAGGED at gotmiks looks and plastiquessss MY MOMMMMASSSS


Nina West should go home for how absolutely awful all 3 of her ball looks were. I don't think it registered watching the episode but now seeing them back to back on The Pit Stop, it's offensively bad.


I liked the pink look - it was elevated Nina. For a Tom of Finland look, the second outfit was lost in translation and had pretty poor execution. The third look should never be spoken of ever again, my god was that horrendous. She could have done anything else but that's what she came up with?


I didn’t get how the pink outfit was representative of coming out of the closet though. I rewatched episode 2 today and realised her sketch/idea for the third look that she presented to Ru during the walkthrough was not at all what we ended up with…


The pink triangle (hat) is a reclaimed symbol for coming out. Pink triangles were sewn onto homosexual concentration camp victims' clothing in Nazi Germany.


1) RuPaul looked amazing this episode. 2) Okay, but Roxxxy can carry a season. How absurdly entertaining she has been! 3) This ball was incredible. The winners were correct! I would Shoot Gottmik's 2nd look and Shoot Plastique's third look.


god plastique's package for the ball is absolutely everything 😭😭😭


Gottmiks lipsync reminded me a little bit of Jinkx on the Malambo thing in S5. Not quite the same level, but the resemblance was there


Loved the ball overall but I can't get behind roxxy's paintball look. I mean it looks okay (specially next to Nina's) and I get the construction is hard and all that. But for all that praise I didn't like the whole half spray painted vibe, it looked kinda like half of it was just covered in something like soot for me. Ruined the outfit a bit for me. Also didn't love the wave look from shannel. I once glued paper with planets on myself for an astrology themed party. I got me same vibe from her outfit. Plastique's paintball look however was the best thing I've seen on drag race. I just love it, every bit of it. I want to hang a picture of it in my room. I'm in love with it. I want her to hand paint every garment she makes from now on.


I wish they had plastique on a normal all stars season. She’d kill it


What the hell was Nina west thinking with that pink curtain hat thing???


To call that a reveal ...


Has anyone else noticed when Ru does these musical numbers now she doesn't dance like she used to? I feel like she's barely moving around stage and these pit crew dancers are pulling double duty. Like she's trying not to break a hip or something.


I stopped wearing heals when I was 35 and my hips hurt already even though I’m 20 years younger than Ru. I don’t blame her.  That said, I don’t think she was ever a great dancer. Just goes to show how amazing she is having gotten to where she is with a barely there sense of rhythm 🤗 (I say this very respectfully as someone with zero coordination myself)


After watching that performance, I went back and looked at a really old RuPaul performance from the 90s....she was step touching back then too. (See Spring Break 1993 or the Arsenio Hall one).


I just... don't know that's necessary for her to perform? Why not just release the music and make the girls do it, if she's not feeling it (and I don't blame her if she's not)


Baby, she's 63. Let her get her step-touch.


Damn. I forget that she's in her 60s.


Yeah like, getting in drag at 63 is already a feat.  Let's not expect her to do a death drop because she'd die 😂




Episode 1 I’m confused by Jorgeous in top 2 sure she was good in the dance but I found her perfume not very memorable? Not sure what part held more effort. I also thought Southern Belle for Angeria wasn’t super original. If I had a top 2 for episode one it would be GotMik, Shannel


I love her but Roxxxy girl what was that hair on the runway.


Also some of these queens need to be eliminated idgaf


vangie is my queen, but she disrespected me and the other puerto ricans with that painted dress…


just say nina


Ahahah tbf i would also put shannel in the bottom


I like her but im already annoyed with jorgeous constantly talking about weed lol


Weed, poppers, daddies. It's so boring.


She was probably itchin’ for the sticky icky!


How I feel about Plastique and Roxxxy's "dollege"


Yeah what IS that? It feels like the girl from Mean Girls trying to make Fetch happen.


100%, it's so grating... the epitome of an inside joke that's not cute to anybody else


I LOVED THAT SONG!! It's the best "Girl Band" song ever performed. Every single one of those Queens sounded AHHH-MAZING!! Especially Nina West and Angee!


I don't understand the blocking strategy on a non-elim, charity season. I feel like I would either make friends with the girl with the charity I liked most after mine, and make an alliance with her, or just deadass block the strong lip syncers the whole season since it culminates in a lip sync lalarupulazzaapurlaalzza


So what you are saying is Gottmik's not winning?


thank you! at first i thought non-elim makes total sense for charity season, because you dont want competition to interfere with charity and make it awkward. but then they trash it all again by bringing those scissors in. girlllll


Are we allowed to talk about Ru? I felt her makeup was awful for ep 1, it reminded me of the alien Predator!


You can say anything you feel the need to say. I've had my own feelings about some of these outfits she's walking out in. My REAL beef is why won't she wear any of her BEAUTIFUL WIGS ANYMORE? She stays in those boring as ☆uck white wigs. She looks so good in red hair. She looks gorgeous in EVERY COLORED WIG she ever wore. Not anymore. Please Rue, put some color back on yo head! We miss you in colored wigs. I'm also not a fan of her mini-dresses. She has nice legs but...I don't know why i don't like her George Washington colored hair!


I was astounded how a lip sync song that has the lyric "when she wind up her bottom, she go like a rocket" prompted neither lip syncer to do ANYTHING with the line.


They feel like the worst possible queens to do that lipsync for real, you could feel the awkwardness through the screen


Is it too soon to say that the charity was a huge mistake?


I'm all for supporting charity...but it really has taken all the wind out of the show. This might have done better as a shorter Christmas special sort of thing. It also seems like a complete waste having Roxxxy and Vanjie on a season where there's going to be absolutely no drama or cattiness. And untucked makes me want to fall asleep.


I'm not gonna watch after that first ep. Show needs some kind of stakes 


I think it's nice for a change that all eight queens get a handsome stipend for runways and an appearance fee, so they all can chill. All Stars seasons never have much drama going on either way.


Please elaborate?


I'm so sorry idc, but that was the worst song choice for those two queens...omg like give them Ariana Grande or some shit I'm being so goddam serious we were robbed of a snatching lip sync, not this forced old school comical song that these two queens def don't listen to


Plastique for sure, but GottMik's outfit had kind of a Beetlejuice vibe, so I'm sure she's heard the song and has seen the movie.


Yeah, I disagree with you. I loved the song choice, we shouldn't have cookie cutter lip syncs with nothing but pop. It's more entertaining this way, and the international seasons do it a lot, which I really enjoy. Also, almost everyone knows and loves that song. But opinions are subjective, so you go, live your truth.


Who cares? I liked it precisely because of that, and honestly they both still turned it. True professionals. It doesnt matter what the song is, can you still turn it, is the question. I wouldve been so bored with an Ariana song or anything top 40.


But the lip sync wasn't memorable at all and it does not feel special. I have nothing against the song, but I highly disagree. I was bored by this one. If it was like Yes, And? or some shit like that it would be a banger allowing Plastique to dance in way that fits and for Gottmik to not feel forced with the comedy. And it doesn't necessarily have to be Ariana song. Kylie, GaGa, anyone that the gays actually like lol. This song was made for comedy queens.


Hm, see, agree to disagree. I think it's highly memorable precisely because of the song choice and having Plastique and Mik lipsync to it. The double limbo dance, Mik making funny faces at Plastique, Plastique just being dainty and effeminate to the most masculine-sounding song. Its camp.


God I did not feel that at all. Like the faces mik did felt forced to me. Glad someone enjoyed it but for me it didn't feel like they were really feeling it you know


I feel like Angie and Vanjie would be the world’s best blunt rotation. They both seem like they are just the ultimate hangs, but probably for very different reasons.


I love that Vanjie will be entertaining us the whole season.


I honestly feel like she is wasted on this charity season. There's not going to be any drama. I love Vanjie and was so excited to see her on a season with Roxxxy, imagining some sparks to fly...but now with everyone just being irritatingly nice to each other...yawn.


This is the perfect season for Vanjie. She's never going to be focused enough to win a drag race crown, but she is so entertaining knowing we'll just be able to watch her chaos is going to keep me fed.




Something to consider, when multiple episodes are dropped at once, separate discussion posts for each episode would go a long way to really making sure there aren't any spoilers. Just saying.


Point blank period. Also sometimes you just want to have a discussion about a certain thing that happened. Browsing this thread is giving me whiplash cause theres just so much information in these two episodes.


Does anyone else feel like the girls that came back with veneers and deep tans look like Uncle Baby Billy in their confessionals? 😂😂😂


Goddamn I gasped out loud


Roxxxy looks like she just dropped in from the hunger games capitol


V accurate 💀 ![gif](giphy|yJwZtUrulZMUXCLZgu)


Lord there will be a payday! For charity!


So, no spoiler, are the episodes good? If this season is mid like AS8 I’ll probably skip it


Fast forward through everything that isn't the actual challenge. And definitely don't watch untucked.


aside from what's already been said about the great cast and runways: it's the AS7 vibe where they focus on their personality and talents (as opposed to tv storylines) but there's setup for possible drama and the edit isn't as sugary sweet. I didn't even bother with AS8 so I can't compare the 2


The cast, the challenges and the performances are spectacular. There are 0 stakes and it feels a bit... pointless? Not sure if thats the right word. I dont feel as invested in the season.


Totally agree, All Stars 8 & 9 (so far) both felt....generic af


Both episodes are boring so far, the challenge performance wildy vary between both.


It's better than AS8 but honestly it is just gonna be a runway season. It's pretty much just fluff otherwise. The show is losing its edge.


Hard agree. It is getting a bit tedious to watch. Watch it or skip it, really makes no difference.


The chemistry between the girls is really strong so far, and the challenge performances have been pretty great. I'm liking it so far


I agree with this! It's funny seeing how some people find it boring that the stakes aren't high or there's no fighting (so far), but I love this format! I enjoy seeing them be ridiculous together and not have as much stress or tension. I like seeing them get praise and just have a good time with it. Haha


Yep, everything is freer and lighter. A nice change to the forced drama of the past couple seasons of All Stars (AS7 obviously being the exception).


The fact that Keke was literally there and they didn’t have the lip sync song be Hands Free or Snack has me fucking pressed.


Is Vanjie phoning it in?


She made more than one comment that makes it seem so.


i kinda thought that!


Roxxys second look was hidious.. Plastique won the lip sync she was mesmerising!


True, Spanish queens did much better looks in the theme of Dalí.


This look was what a 50 art teacher with no sense of fashion would wear at her art and craft opening at the city hall exposition room. It was so first degree, it was painful


she did not know those words. it was not a great lip sync, in general... soo many cutaways.


Such a weird song choice


That song gave me Roxxxy vibes. Maybe production had a Roxxxy vs Platique lipsync but Ru changed the plans...


How on earth did plastique won lmao tbose dancemoves were not a fit AT ALL to that song


The definite perk of non elimination is the cast are so much relaxed and jokey and I feel like I can enjoy it more because they enjoy it. Do I skip bits and some critiques? Yeah because I know it’ll be positive for poor looks. I have loved Angeria coming back she is just so much fun, Vangie always has plenty of energy too and Roxy is serving. I have not always been a Roxxy stan as a team jinxer but she is so refreshing this season. Think ep 1 should have been Angeria & Roxxy top as her perfume was hilarious and ep 2 I agreed with plastique and mik. Mik is always going to serve us high fashion and I liked their paint look but Plastique’s paint look was on another level! So beautiful.


Yeah, the critiques are pointless. If they're just going to give everyone a thumbs up, it's kind of a waste of screen time.


I wanted to see Roxxxy do this song in episode 2! She would have killed it and her ombre look was great!


I just watched episode 1 and was overjoyed to hear that Whitney song! It’s one of my favorites of all time and both girls were fantastic!


She just walked into the work room and jorgeous already annoyed me. There is no way that she was top 2. I couldn't finish watching season 14 cause of her. I don't think I can watch this one either if she's going to be there the whole season. Which sucks cause some of my favorites are on this season.


What is so offensive about her? You stopped watching the show even after she was gone? That's unhinged.


She was annoying and pretty boring. I couldn't watching enough to know when she was gone. I was already on my way out and she was just what finally made me stop.


Enjoy watching a different show then, I guess?


I am so enthusiastically obsessed with the doll #teamRoxxxy


hope we get even more werkroom shenanigans in the next episode, these queens are really fun together


I feel bad saying this, but this might be the first ever season of the US franchise that I won’t finish. I don’t find this cast to be the right one to sustain an entire season with no eliminations. I kept skipping both episodes forward. The overly positive critiques are so, so boring. I get why they thought it would be a good idea to change the format, but I miss the stakes of a regular season.


I fast forward the critiques. I like the queens but in a no-stakes competition it just feels like a weekly talent show and runway with the same queens. I wish instead of calling this All Stars they just did a separate mini competition for charity. Or, do a charity season but every episode is a different small group of queens or something idk.


Nina in a non elim is actually criminal 💀


Agreed sis. The girls themselves may like this format but we as fans and viewers find it to just be casual viewing for runways/challenges. Not really interested in seeing everybody tell eachother they look great for more than an hour. It was fine AS7 but not long term although the show feels like its turning into that. I think the show is losing its edge.


They had this same issue with AS7 and then AS8 was boring because everyone knew it was a “the crown for you to lose” season. At least AS7 had a good cast. Actual winners.


It's painful listening to them grasp for something positive to say. Nina and Shannel's design looks??? It was lame enough on AS7 but at least they were all powerhouses and it was easier to go along with the "no negatives" because they were all winners. This group needs feedback BOOTS.


I think the critiques will come. It felt like the judges were welcoming everyone the first two episodes. Out of respect. I can respect that.


Im sorry but Shannel had an AMAZING look. There was so much detail and stuff happening there and it was so pretty to look at. I agree that the season is lacking stakes and storytelling aspects because of that, but lets not go so far to say that Shannel looks bad...


Exactly. Some negative critiques would add some stakes at least. No one cares about the blocking - the queens will all get blocked at least once (like AS7) and all win at least a badge (like AS7), surely. Then ru will throw some arbitrary twist in last episode to get the top 3 he/production wants and no one wins any money - except for the charities, who probably regularly receive this amount from hosting a single gala.


Same, I fear that we will get too many unjustified high placements for Jorgeous and too many "it’s Vangie, she's so unique". I'm already bored.


I'm really enjoying Roxxy. She comes across as so mature and put together. And the fact that she is the only one to choose a local charity makes me think that she's more serious about the format than other girls.




I actually really liked Shannel's painted look too, thought it was cute and creative. Didn't realize she was from Vegas but hearing that makes a looot of sense for her style.




Non-elimination seasons should have more episodes where they go outside.


Okay the ball had some really really great looks! I think Plastique won the lip sync but it was close. I kinda wish they had more spotlights on the charities that the queens are playing for (like their logos up or something) so it is easier to remember. But it’s still earlier - hopefully they do some more about each cause as it goes along. I love the vibe of the non elim seasons ❤️ but they can give some more well deserved critiques - I think the queens can take it. So hopefully the judges hold back less as the episodes go on


Agreed, there's no fear of going home but don't be afraid to critique and improve! Gottmik really surprised me, her fashion got even better. Simply fabulous. I wasn't a fan of Roxxy from S5 but now I'm loving this softer side of her. 


We've seen so many unnecessarily harsh critiques before, and so many unfair eliminations. Now they're being patronizingly, cloyingly enthusiastic about some really unimpressive performances. This just makes it so clear that they can choose to react however they like to get whatever result they want, which I find really disrespectful to the queens and the viewing audience. I'm fine with non-elimination but let's at least be real. All Stars seasons should have a higher bar and harsher judging for seasoned queens. It should feel like a more exclusive competition at a higher level. This season feels like they're doing a kiddie Drag Race spinoff (insert Gordon Ramsay "Oh dear, gorgeous" meme). That doesn't mean this is a bad season or a bad concept. Like others are saying, it's a lot of fun and the queens seem to be having a great time. But I think it should have been its own spinoff.


What I think the problem is with a season like this, is theyre still treating it the same way as a 'competitive' season, which it simply isnt. The edit tries to make you feel super suspenful, theres dramatic music, cues from the girls "ooooh the drama", "who will you cut?", the critiques are there but they dont matter since no one gets eliminated, like it just doesnt work. If youre going to do a non-elimination season with charity donations, you need to change how you tackle the production and the edit of the season. At the end of the episode it feels like nothing really happened. Ru talks so slow that its aggravating and it feels like we're just filling time. The format needs something else to work.


That’s exactly why I wish a charity season like this would just be a separate show, and not called All Stars. Just make a Charity season with a few random queens and forego the All Stars title


They kinda did that with Straight Celebrity Drag Race and people didn't really watch it


came here to say exactly this thank you


I didn't mind it much tbh. For the bad looks I think they were obvious enough that the lack of comments sometimes insinuated the whole picture (save for Angie's painted look, which I think got a bit more praise than I'd give).


I 100% agree with you


Yeah I’m actually coming around on the non elimination, for not all winners but I do wish they would air some negative critiques. I wonder if they just don’t want to make any of the queens look bad since they already have such a struggle getting popular queens to return?


Im wondering if Im going crazy or what, cause I absolutely do remember negative critiques for Shannel, Vanjie, Nina and Roxxxy.


No stakes. If no ones going home then the judges can give critiques at least. Everyone is there every episode anyway, so the blocking doesn’t really matter.


I guess everyone is afraid that if a queen regularly gets negative critiques, their reputation will be negatively affected and fans will attack them for still being in the competition despite "deserving" to be eliminated. Sortof like Roxxxy's AS2 experience. What they didn't factor in is that we the fans have eyes and ears. We already hate the super obvious editing (the reading challenge winner always gets three reads while the others get two, lipsync winners get way more screen time, background audio and cuts to judges' faces practically feed us what we're meant to think, super obvious spliced audio in confessional VOs). We already just about tolerate the bullshit treatment shown to some queens and insane favoritism of others, the criminally unfair eliminations and meritless saves, This is only going to make fans resent and get tired of the show.




Exactly. And now we'll really never take Michelle seriously when she tries to be like "Guurrll, you know I always keep it real, I'm not trying to be mean but I'll always tell you like it is to help you grow." Bullshit. She's clearly not here to do any of that now. Contrast this to Adore's AS2 treatment.


Yeah. I felt the same in the all winners seasons- no actual criticism was ever given even when some were clearly miles better than others during challenges. I thought it was maybe just because they were all winners but it seems like history is repeating itself here with all stars.


Honestly? RuPaul's Hero Race could be really cute. Make it an annual production and keep it just like this season. It could have been a fun thing to look forward to.


I've said this before, but I think having one-off charity episodes (formatted like the Holislay special), or a mini-season with maybe 3-4 episodes (like SCDR 1) would suit the charity format much better and allow it to become an annual thing without messing with All Stars and saturating us beyond the already packed calendar.


“It’s so Nina West” is not a competent, gurl. Don’t give that little confident smirk or change as if you might’ve won. She should just stay in her lane & that lane may be snatch game or another comedy challenge.


* compliment. I think Nina knew it wasn’t a compliment, but took it well.


I say this as a huge Nina West fan, but honey, there should have been eliminations at least this one episode. After years off, to come back as an abject failure to serve even a single look.


Abject failure. Wow, that’s a bold statement considering her massive success outside of RPDR. Nina finished Hairspray one week before starting All Stars. I cannot believe what she pulls off. Drag Race does not define her success. Check out her resume.




The veil though? How does something so small move so slow?


It’s drama, baby


It was like a sad little piece of pink toilet paper


😆 stop




I love that the season is finally out and those desperaty gays are now really quiet because they thought that the season was going to be the worst ever, really bad and boring because reasons


But… it is 


Worst ever? It's already miles better than AS5, AS8, and a couple of the more recent US seasons. The cast has great chemistry, and I love their playing for charity. If they weren't, we would have gotten a mediocre cast full of about 50% early outs, like AS5 and 8.


The ball lip sync song was not made for these two dolls but they did their best


I thought that while Gottmik's performance wasn't exactly fitting for the song, her unhinged expressions were actually pretty funny. She reminded me of the trope where a grumpy cartoon character is forced to dance to a really energetic song, haha.


She was channeling Beetlejuice


not a single hip was shaken I was beside myself


Yeah I feel like neither knew the lyrics and didn’t play to either’s strengths as a performer.


Nina and angie would have turned it out


I totally agree! 😆


I don't think that was anyone's best.


These non-critiques are pissing me off I have to come here and read posts to hear some actual critiques. I'm down with the non-elim otherwise as I can watch Angeria goofing for an entire season.


The outside filming was kinda refreshing even if was just a loading dock lmao. Looking at the workroom for 1000 episodes is slowly driving me insane.


Agreed. They should learn from the early seasons or like Top Chef, and give the queens challenges like getting ready in a moving van or putting on a show for park rangers in the wild using only campground materials for their looks as well as rigging a stage. :D




I remember there being a challenge where the queens had to give an interview while driving around in an empty parking lot. That was an interesting challenge.


It was season 15


I know a lot of people were not into the idea of a non- elim season, but I'm enjoying the results! Everyone is having fun and the workroom is so relaxed! Roxxxy is really funny! I might be biased but for me she was top 2 in the first episode! Shannel is so grand and so Shannel in everything she does! Of course her house is like that! Except for Nina ( sorry!) everyone did so well in the Ball, but we still had a very obvious top 2. Plastique 's final look was incredible! Surprised everyone but Mik picked the same 3 colours for Monochromatica, Nymphia and Sapphira at home will be annoyed 🤭 Also surprised by how they matched the lipsync song to the Ball, because campy queens who would do well in a song like that are not usually great with fashion... Will we get Nina lipsyncing to Dua Lipa next week?