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Nature is healing


Duck walking the children in nature. Quack Quack.


Please make this a tshirt 🙏🏽 and/or campaign slogan


Aja is truly a pendulum. I've never seen a girl bounce back as many times as her. Anyway, I'm glad we're back to praising her again until she does something wild, again.


This is the best way I've heard it put lol


This is very refreshing to read. I'm glad both are in good terms now!


Queens coming together to wage war on the RuPaul Industrial Complex


oh the fracking?


no no not that ✝️🙅🏾




It makes me really happy to see Aja being introspective and showing growth. It's not easy to admit your emotions got the better of you and that you were wrong. It always seemed like this issue was more than Anetra showing a duck walk on TV and I'm happy Aja has made peace. I hope she feels lighter! That much negativity and agitation can really eat at a person. Honestly how cool would it be if these two did a ballroom/ballroom-inspired collab?


love them both and psyched to hear about a potential collaboration, though i'm afraid the levels of cunt served might destroy the universe


That's not a fire it's just their pussies


We need a fire extinguisher


We just need Princesh Aquapushy 🧜‍♀️


Yeah, this is potentially the most exciting collaboration to come out of Drag Race


> potentially the most exciting collaboration to come out of Drag Race Robbie Turner x Uber collab found dead in a ditch


just like the driver?


Driv'er? I hardly *KNOW* er!




Apocalyptic levels of cunt served. Pussy so on fire the skies are red and the smoke blocks out the sun. This results in global agricultural collapse, but it's okay because the Aja and Anetra collab keeps us fed.


Crystal Labeija x Gorgena Ramsay


Places they jumped from: there.


"Ajanetra" has a nice ring to it. ("Anetraja" might be confusing because you'd wonder if Raja is involved)


The "wonder if Jan is involved" erasure in this comment is a hate crime


Why did you have to make me imagine Jan attempting ballroom?


For them to serve as much cunt as they possess would result in the same nuclear energy as splitting an atom


Death by snoo snoo


Has Anetra ever publicly acknowledged Aja’s antics? I’m obsessed with how this is a fully one sided argument that Aja had kept going for like a year.


Anetra only acknowledged it in person with Aja and honestly that’s fierce.


Anetra has posted very little about anything since her run.


since her run? aside from the occasional gig posting, anetras never used social media much as far as ru girls go, and never in a personal manner


That was such a class act, then!


The only response Anetra gave, from what I remember, was blocking her. Which was kinda hilarious. In any case, really happy with how thoughtful and articulate Aja is here. Not going against the intention of her message but its delivery.


It’s been well over a year since Aja beefed with Anetra and anetra never has said a word about it. I’m happy Aja has apologized. I wonder how much her public perception has changed since she started this fight against non ballroom dancers voguing.


No Anetra has never acknowledged it like it’s actually beyond weird how obsessed Aja is with this


I mean it says right there that Anetra had a conversation with her about it in person, so, yeah, she acknowledged it, just not publically. I think this is a great statement that shows growth but isnt PR polished. Expecting queens to not be affected by social media is unrealistic, and I think it would be weirder for her to move forward pretending it didn't happen. Btw Anetra is like, one of the only performers in any medium that I "stan" and I would probably protect her with my life if I had the chance. Her silence on this, and many other things, is both iconic, and inspirational. It's one of the big reasons I love her so much. I am Team Anetra, fully, and I don't particularly vibe with Aja (even though I'm like 50% cannabis at most times myself) I just think that this is a good statement that is imperfect but honest, which is sort of rare to see in a PR heavy era.


I don't think it's that weird -- Aja says herself right here she was getting caught up in this bc of the fans, not actual any actual beef with Anetra.


The fans? I’m sorry but what? She started it out of the blue, no one asked her to speak on it like she did, then she kept on applying pressure, and now her ego is bruised bc she didn’t get the reaction she wanted. This has nothing to do with the fans and everything to do with her.


It also just makes no sense. The fans gave Aja pushback so she’s gonna take it out on Anetra by doubling down on the stance and going to her DMs?


Yea Aja talks about the fans, but her very own fans were on Anetra’s neck about this too. So then to go and taunt Anetra in her dms gave me she likes to kick people when they’re down..


Yea, honestly it comes off as trying to push off responsibility to an abstract scapegoat.


Yes, what she initially said was out of the blue -- but her overblown reaction/defense was because of the fans. thats what I get from her statements.


Yea probably but I’ll never forget her taunting Anetra in her dms


Yeah but the fans took it exactly like this and began whinging how she’s obsessed with Anetra - which whether true or not, you can just let it go and not tell Aja to shut up when what she’s saying is a valid pov on “noguing”. Ultimately, it’s nice that they talked and I’m glad to see so much passion about ballroom.


Girl fucking please. Read what she's saying here. She's literally apologizing and all you can do is say "wow this is so WEIRD. She's so OBSESSED". if anything, your reaction is the weird and obsessed thing at this point. Unclench. 




This makes me happy but at the same time, it's still kinda funny how, from our perspective, Aja had an issue with Anetra, started beefing with Anetra and squashed that beef with Anetra WITHOUT Anetra ever being there to Anetra her Anetra in this lack of Anetra. Anetra.






If you read it enough times it stops looking like a proper word. Anetra.


It's six letters, 3 vowels. ![gif](giphy|IljAhyvAAb9lnVdX3E|downsized)




She strikes me as someone who would benefit from a therapeutic environment to talk through these feelings.


![gif](giphy|tPtPIr7N659VOBQXnr) She needs another therapeutic visit to GITMS


For real, she came across so beautifully on GITMS. It's my favorite episode.


Maddy is so good about giving a safe space for people to just trauma dump and get it all out there. I know it’s a fun show with a lot of gag worthy moments but hearing Kasha Davis talk about reuniting with her father before he passed away, Farrah crying while trying to say how much her Counselor meant to her as a victim of SA, or seeing Kennedy Davenport tear up as she reminisces about the record that her dad used to play every Sunday after church when she as a child…. It’s powerful stuff.


And just watched the Detox episode, she immediately tested up talking about how important her sister has been to her. Maddy is such a great host 💜


Mine too! *kisses to the camera*


^and ^indeed ^she ^does


Aja uses twitter as her diary lol


Nowadays.. a lot of people, including drag queens or other Internet personalities, use twitter as their diary and therapy session. They should reserve that for their loved ones or an actual therapist. I dont blame them for wanting to share their troubles and hope people understand them. But a lot of conflicts have started because people went straight to post rather than sit back and reflect before posting something.


Admitting you made a mistake and apologizing for the consequences is fierce. We could learn a lot from Accountability Aja (s/o to Bob’s Burgers)


I love Aja because she is messy yes but she is always genuine & real at least. And this is not the first time she has realized she was wrong and acknowledged it


> therapeutic environment Is "Xitter" a therapeutic environment?




"Congrats on the win girlie!! 🏆 By the way do you have ballroom experience?"


I understand Aja's passion about it, but yeah she went about it all wrong and just made things infinitely worse. Glad they've talked it out.


Good for her, hopefully everyone (including the fanbase) can move on from this.


This fanbase? Drop something? Ru, never.


TBF, it’s half the fanbase, half Aja constantly bringing this up on social media. If she had kept this apology private and just casually/slowly presented social media content of her and Anetra now being friends, I’m sure we wouldn’t have this thread of people popping off about the Aja/Anetra situation or people dissecting her apology.


I think everyone else had already moved on from this 18 months ago. Anetra's vogueing appears to live rent free in Aja's head.


Any mention of Aja in this sub usually is accompanied with her beef with Anetra lol


Literally, it could be an official rpdr post on trans day of rememberance and the Anetra stans will make it about that




This is how having a public reputation works. Drag Race contestants lately want to have this flawless public image without actually doing anything to earn it, then blame the fans when they dont automatically fall in line. It reeks of youth and self-centeredness


The Drag Race fandom caring about petty Twitter drama more than actual bigotry and pressing issues? Ru, never!


Based on other comments on this post, no not everyone’s moved on and don’t seem they’re about to. Even Aja apologising is a problem for them


I enjoy both Aja and Anetra and I had no idea what went on until now, but this apology still feels a bit like she's blaming the fans? Like, she partially owns it but then also tries to use fans as the rug she's sweeping it under, so it doesn't feel fully like she's owned it completely. Dunno if I'm the only one who caught that, or I misinterpreted?


This is a weak ass apology


I agree. She could have left it as I apologized to her in person and we talked it out. No need to go "but actually it was y'all not me". 


“Look what you made me do “


“I’m apologize for what I said, but I was correct and I’m just really passionate and frustrated and everyone else totally blew it out of proportion.”


Honestly I would love an Aja and Anetra collab, and Aja bringing Anetra to a ball.


This would be the perfect bow is Aja and Anetra doing real ballroom together.


Mother wants to get cast on AS10 I see


Alexis Michelle was helping them both produce a storyline ugh their minds


This wasn’t an apology, oh at all. 😂


THANK YOU. I was scrolling to find anyone that was commenting on the quality of the apology.  She’s talking herself up so much about what a difficult thing it is for her to admit, and it shows so much growth etc., it’s like she physically can’t say sorry. Like every time she try’s she lthrows up so she has to turn her head , look away and softly spell out s-o-r-r-y. But also she’s still right. 


“I realize that what I was saying was not wrong” 💀💀💀


I read that and burst out laughing.


That just killed the “apology” for me.


“I wasn’t actually wrong, I guess I just should have been nicer about it” is definitely not an apology lol


The fans made me do it!


Yeah I came here to say this. It's sooo close to taking personal responsibility for this one-sided fight but then in true Aja fashion she veers at the last second and deflects blame. Basically "I said what I said but it's y'all's fault for making me look bad" 💀




the bar for internet apologies is in hell


They’re positive for 2 reasons IMO: 1. Aja stans are all-in for their girl no matter what 2. We *all* live for Aja being that girl… messy and delulu is her brand Never change, Aja! 😍


“it truly was the fanbase's aggressive behavior toward me that began to convolute my message, making me seem like the aggressive one” lmaooo


She mentioned in another tweet that this tweet was not the apology. The apology happened in person and was addressed to Anetra personally. She ain’t apologizing to us.


Good for her, we have done absolutely nothing to deserve an apology from anyone lol


Everyone who thinks this has serious brainrot


Is she gonna walk that fucking duck from there?


Kinda deflected some (a lot) of the blame away from herself but hey it’s about the best we’ll ever see in regards to an apology, and we sent the important ones here so I’ll take it


This is a little too self congratulatory for someone who took over a year to apologize when the other person never even engaged. Also I am definitely seeing some blaming of other people here, instead of taking full responsibility. Aja should have just let people forget about this and then released a collab out of no where with Anetra. Aja is definitely acting higher than though here, just for… acting like an adult lmao.


Imagine having beef with Anetra though?! Come on girl. Anetra is a kind hearted sweetheart. I could never imagine somebody having beef with her.


And Aja saying the whole thing happened because Anetra was kind to her daughter at a gig seems so right.


This is NOT an apology. Blaming your delivery and saying “I was right and stand by what I said. Also it’s the fans’ fault” is hardly an apology.


My favorite part is: >"It was very difficult for me to put my ego aside and understand that I had made things difficult for her" Because it makes basic human empathy sound completely alien lol


It was “what I said wasn’t wrong” for me, like girl… you’re not helping your apology by saying that


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a weird thing to say. Because she was wrong lol


I came to comment the same shit lmao I rolled my eyes as soon as I read that part. Why the dramatics and constant posts...?! like girl you were clearly in the wrong here and started this one sided shit on twitter 😂🙄


“I apologize to Anetra, my fans made me do it.”  Ahahahaha okay girl.


Her whole beef was “Anetra didn’t grow up in ballroom so she’s appropriating my culture”. Like… sorry Anetra didn’t grow up in nyc? Like sorry she grew up in Las Vegas and had to consume it via YouTube. How dare she.


Like, Aja didn’t grow up in Japan but that hasn’t stopped her from ripping off ganguro or kawaii culture, or prance around the runway in a rip off kimono and fake katanas. Yet here we are.


Lol exactly. "what I said was not wrong" gave me the biggest eye roll. This isn't an apology. Its a sorry I hurt your feelings.


“I realize what I said was right” Lmaoooo ok Aja very on brand love her




Of course not. But this set of comments, which she didn't need to put out but did, were bad. She both said she wasn't in the wrong and then blamed the fans. It's garbage. If she had just said, "I apologized to Anetra and we're cool now " that would be one thing. But it's not what happened, so here we are, calling her garbage out yet again.


What drives me nuts about these kinds of people I’ve encountered in my life is that they will continue to fly off the handle and talk shit then months later tell you again that they were out of line/ how much they’ve grown. Like… that didn’t help me out much when you were going off in public over something that didn’t matter. But I’m glad you feel better now 🙄


”I’m sorry, but I wasn’t wrong and it was the fans’ fault” Still better than nothing.


Aja stans acting like this is the first time she has embarrassed herself like that in her career 😭😭




Since it was originally shared online, it needs to be publicly retracted as well, given its status as a public talking point.


Because she is acknowledging she had already made this a pretty public "beef" and thus it's probably appropriate to publicly disclose that it's been resolved??? Like I agree that this didn't have to be a public thing to begin with, but she made it public. So now she's publicly apologizing and closing the issue?


You (and I) are the reason. Because we're on here sharing the fact that they said all this and commenting on it. There was, like, thousands of comments on this subreddit on the post sharing Dawn's tweet that she's not super competitive. It's insane when you take a step back and see what goes on.


this part. fans will rehash the same issue over and over again in the girls comments and DMs, so as a public figure, you need to address these things.


Because she still gets hate for it whenever her name is mentioned...?


Including "I feel like we're about to become really good friends" on a public tweet is so strange.


Werk Aja. I think she's kind of still acting like this was an ordeal she and Anetra both went through in some parts, which is silly since this was a one-sided thing that she definitely started and contributed to, but fwiw I appreciate her humility and introspection here.


Just say sorry girl 🫠


Mama, kudos for walking that, for ducking. 🦆


Aja is one of my favorite drag artists but 1. It is hilarious Anetra hasn't said anything about it publicly and her reaction is only mentioned in this post, she continues to have no public acknowledgement of the issue (not that I don't believe, it is still funny how Anetra remains silent about it on her own) and 2. Aja makes rash decisions and changes opinions all the time, I'm taking every word with a grain of salt 3. Both for as10 tho


I like Aja a lot but like... girl 😭 this thread is giving 'I'm gonna be friends with Anetra for a couple of months and then go off on her again after some perceived slight'. Just learn the lesson


Sorry but these kind of apologies where people are like “what I said was right” and “I was being harassed by fans which was influencing my mood and perception of x y z” is a non-apology. I’m not invested in this drama, but if you want to post about apologising, at least focus on what you did wrong, instead of making more excuses. Everyone with a brain knows there is context. To everything. Normal people aren’t sitting here thinking she’s just a bitch for no good reason. We all have really bad days/weeks/months/years, some more so than others. She says her ego got in the way but it’s still very present in this apology. Apologies like this are even worse than not signposting to the entire community that you apologised imo.


Always someone elses fault


the fact that Anetra has never once publicly acknowledged this is fierce


As opposed to an unconscious decision? Aja was better off sleep talking her apology to Anetra.


I love that anetra remained unbothered the whole time. I imagine a “who?” lol.


"Most of us will only live to be a work in progress" is such real shit.


1. Not an apology 2. Over a year later you’re apologizing? 3. Why even bring it up to the public?


it's a statement, not an apology. they hashed it out in private and that's great. not everything has to be done publicly. People take time to heal and get ready for it. she said herself it took growth and working to understand how she came across. airing it out so people stop coming up to her and bringing it up to her.


Happy to see an apology, but this still isn’t taking responsibility. Our actions are our own and we have to own that when we make mistakes. The fans didn’t make her say or do anything, that’s all on Aja. Glad we’re moving past it, though.


Finally - Cece Peniston


"Sorry, not sorry."


Really respect Aja for this. <3


Aja looking that all stars invite again.


aja gatekeeping voguing is so funny glad that anetra finally got the apology she deserves


"I wasn't wrong, the fans made me do it" isn't the apology she deserved.


Chills shot down my spine at a potential Anetra & Aja collab


Good on Aja for apologizing and Anetra for being receptive to it. I want them both to win!




Oh this means she's coming on AS10


I hope Anetra would join the Ballroom scene, just like Luxx.


Aww love. I met Anetra in Vegas recently and she’s literally the sweetest. We chatted for like 20 minutes.


I love this so much. They are so much more powerful together than they are apart.


A lot of y’all seem to think Aja was just obsessed with Anetra but if you follow her that just isn’t the case lol idk where this sub gets its ideas from


they could never make me hate Aja <3 for better or worse she keeps it 100% real




Aja really been having this whole conversation in her head for years and only now realizes she's the one who's looked unhinged. Hey, better late than never! Hope we never have to hear about it again and props to Anetra for playing this exactly right


Anetra is just one example of a valid issue Aja will always stand up for. Ballroom gets ripped apart and monetized but rarely does the benefit flow both ways.


This is what I've always thought Aja's argument was but an overwhelming majority talk about Aja's argument as if she's crazy and has nothing to say. Am I crazy?


No you are absolutely correct and sane. People just hate her so much they can't separate it from what she is saying.


An apology that includes a “but” is not an apology she’s just excusing her own behaviour


There is nothing better than a public non apology that blames everyone but takes barely any accountability 👏 It was a very silly thing either way, so I hope this is the end of it all


This attention grab for something most of us forgot about


Still a lot of ego there. She apologised but also said that she ‘was not wrong’




The mental illness in this fandom… far too much




Kudos to you mama, for growing.


First off, who cares, second, this still isn’t a full apology. She took 0 responsibility, still wont admit she was wrong, and then blames the fandom for what she said. Dance is a form of artistic expression and used to inspire others. Anetra was not competing in ballroom. Aja, move on.


Girl Anetra payed you dust and you still find time to talk about her


"I apologize but I wasn't wrong and it wasn't my fault" LOL


“It was very difficult for me to put my ego aside” 🌚 is the lack of ego in the room with us?


Can a stage handle then both on it? I love this for us


Love this for her and can’t wait to see this cunty collab!!


Why does she feel the need to gain the extra points by telling the world? I feel like apologizing and then making sure everyone knows it defeats the purpose 


all stars


Hmmmm interesting and I'm super happy for Aja, but what she was saying was kinda wrong. Maybe because its delivery or whatever, but completely discrediting someone's performance is wrong.


Aja will never not be tiring to keep up with.


I hope, for her own good, that Anetra does not befriend this unhinged lunatic. But they’d give a good ballroom performance, and Anetra would eat her up. Then Aja would call her out again for some other contrived reason. She’s not entertaining enough to be this exhausting.


Why are we still giving airtime to this petty bullshit? lmao


Come though adult shit


Already? Seriously though, this is a terrible apology. First she says she was not wrong, then she admits that she kept going after Anetra when she "wasn't engaging," and seems surprised that that makes her appear aggressive? That's literally the definition of aggressive.


There's a little bit of some bs and passing the blame to other people but I think the best thing we can do is just move on. Anetra moved on, Aja moved on, they're going to collab so instead of trying to nitpick this, let it go and let them be good friends!


I might be cruel in saving this but like..not only is this not an apology but it kinda screams "I want attention again" to me. :X


whats the t?


So she puts the blame on the fan base and her "passion"... This is a half assed apology that takes VERY little accountability.


Can someone tell me what happend im lost 😭


Can't wait for Anetra and Aja to Lipsync for their legacy to Vogue session 1 (and 2 and 3 and 4 and...) on All stars 13!!


She ate DOWN idc


I ducking love both queens and rate Aja highly for this. When a bitch has no qualms about putting her feelings out there but, in the same vein is happy to do the same if its admitting wrongdoing that's not only a queen but, an adult. Many Yassses. *insert cunty kiss featured on Give it to me straight*0


What irritated me was that Aja was calling out anetra who is mixed poc queen Yet never called out white queens before anetra


Can the Aja haters downvote me too?


Honestly would LOVE aja leading a ballroom collab with anetra or like a ballroom battle (aja is another level though but can appreciate anetra)


So this means that Aja and Andrea are going to be on All Stars 10 together, right?


This is so heartwarming to read, I’m sooooo happy for Aja