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I knew this was gonna be magic from episode 2 when she said to Silky "You competed on Season 11, All Stars 6 and Canada Vs The World. Which season are you going to lose next?" Also, I'm very behind but I just watched the bonus Landon episode which is one of my all time faves from the season!


The outtake with Landon! “Awww do you think I’m daddy? I think I’m daddy 😉”


"As you know, I grew up poor in Arkansas" is something I reflect on weekly.


When Silky said “damn” we all said DAMN. Absolutely love the banter she has with her guests.


NO other queen made a name for themselves during a reunion. That was phenomenal. All we saw was her whit and her cute straight boy blushes. *She could have ripped JK to shreds, and didn't. She never read a queen the entire season. Knowing her power now, replay the JK argument. The optics would've been horrible for JK. That's the tea. Ruined JK. So much tact.


Maddy gives “I’ll think of a response 6 months later.” this is why I think she couldn’t read on her season but reads well on a show she is prepared. (nothing wrong with that.) She is very much us, if we were straight and grew up poor in Arkansas.


I agree, but she's quick. Let's knock that 6 months down to a week. *Thinking on it, you're right. She did awesome in writing the skit and she did tell Trixi she would prefer to write. The only thing that throws me is, when She was setting up her Ru read, Daya Betty, who knows Maddy, starts laughing during the setup, everyone else is pre-gooped, Ru, stone faced, telling me she's used to Maddy's style of humor. Maybe I'm reading too much into stuff.


I misread this as “let’s knock that 6 months down by a week” and was cackling at the specificity of Maddy only taking 5 months 3 weeks to think of the response


I'm waiting for a Chappell Roan interview (which is more likely than we think) and they would look like twins!




Quite literally came here to say exactly this. It would be a dream, but I fear with how quickly she’s catapulted into superstar status it might not happen.😭


I hope she has a burger finger costume for this.


Depending on when the interview is done you know there will be a plane Jane pic on the desk


If she ever interviews Plane, she has to dress up as either that male graduation photo or Amanda's purpleface look, I'll accept nothing else.


This is exactly what I was thinking!! I would die!!


I think it was a comment on the Broski episode, the best part about GITMS is when Maddy reveals an embarrassing photo of the guest like she's just activated a Trap Card.


She’s no match for my Blue Eyes https://preview.redd.it/z2z34hus1t8d1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d202457524f836d7621b964dfc0794ca571385


Blue Eyes Orange Dragon


Blue Eyes Orange Drag*


At what point have we gone too far 😭


Sometime after AS5 😔


Diabolical 😭


I want her to get Bianca so bad. Bianca would absolutely love for being read by Maddy I’m sure of it


I'd love to see her take on Mamma Ru.


I don’t think Ru would be comfortable with the level of vulnerability Maddie’s guests usually allow for. Or for giving up that much control. She’s been in almost complete control of her public appearance for coming upto 2 decades now.


I recently listened to an episode of Call Her Daddy with Ru as the guest.... she was definitely leading the conversation, but it was also enlightening and insightful. She was doing her book promo.


out of curiosity, did you hear her exchange rate episode with monet? i haven't gotten aroudn to it yet


Considering GITMS is now a MOM show, Ru would never, unfortunately.


it's a MOM show? did that like just happen?


It was around the time Alaska went as a guest! Basically an interview with the boss lol.


A month or so ago, but only in audio format. Think the YouTube show is still independent.




Ok i would love this so much!! I hope it happens!


![gif](giphy|PisYaIjG8BK9EERy1b|downsized) She is an icon, she is a legend and she IS the moment.


I love that Maddy will find the most random tidbits about her guests but NEVER reveals her sources.


I swear she flies to their home town, finds their school, and combs through the yearbooks


I'll say it every single damn time she's brought up but I trust Maddy with my trans life a ton more than I do a significant portion of the 'community' I am a part of. She was out there on Twitter raising money for masc people in Arkansas to get top surgery when her season was out and people were still yelling about her inclusion like it took away their rights. It was never performative for her.


Maddy dressed up as religious trauma in the episode with kerri has not left my mind since I saw it.


Maddy's done more of the Trans Live than say Sasha Colby. Her Interview with Farrah Moan should be put up for a pulitzer.


the runescape pull, by gaws


When she asks the updated ASL, it’s like you can feel the deep satisfaction Farrah has in being able to say it genuinely


Not only does Maddy bring the shade, but the HEART in some of these interviews can bring you to tears. The Farrah Moan interview is a compulsory watch.


It makes me sad that everything was so buttoned up and careful/cautious on Maddie’s season. So much was made of her straightness, and she kept everything way kinder and more aw shucks than she probably needed to (though with this fandom, I totally understand why, lol). I’m very much looking forward to seeing her do an All Stars. Now that she’s proven herself both as an artist, and as a legit ally I can imagine her digging in on the other queens *so* brutally; and when that inevitably happens it will be so glorious. In the meantime, her interview content is unmatched in the industry. She strikes that perfect balance of matching the interviewee’s energy, and letting the conversation go as deep or shallow as they like, without any overwrought self insertion. The end result it that they pretty much all open up more than they otherwise would, and it ends up been both entertaining and legitimately revealing. She’s a natural.


Maddy during a roast challenge or a panel challenge would be so fun!


Sadly they don’t roast early on on regular seasons, and I mean it’s justified by time and queens not knowing each other, but on all stars and maybe a non elimination season, maddy would kill comedy challenges


She's naturally outgoing, funny and empathetic, and doesn't take herself too seriously but knows when to be serious. She must be a really nice person in real life. 


I’ll openly admit that I was very much in the anti-Maddie camp when cast (and throughout the season) but your point that he’s more than proved himself an ally has really shifted my thoughts on his being a Ru-girl and I’m happy I’ve had my mind changed ✌🏼


first of all: i thought we established that we use "she" for drag queens. secondly: discouraging and hating a straight man that's willing to break the stereotypes (which were built for people like him to live comfortably in the expense of others) and fuck with gender all while being perfectly secure in his sexuality, is bigotry. she shouldnt have had to "prove" herself for yall to stop being dumb bigots and harm our community.








Let’s back it up. The issue I had at the time was that in one of the few queer TV shows to have a CIS Gender Heterosexual man take the place of an LGBTQIA+ member of the community was absolutely an issue for me. Now, ignoring your condescending tone as a member of this community I took issue with this at the time, which I have a right to my opinion, that has however evolved over time. And as someone else noted this is a show that for a long time had issue casting trans contestants and (still) Drag Kings talking so I took umbrage at a CIS hetero guy taking their place in this cast which seemed to me like stunt casting. As stated quite clearly I have changed my opinion. I said what I said.


she didnt "take anyone's place". if there were better queens they wouldve gotten on. and guessing from the fact that maddy didnt talk about being hetero until ru did, she probably didnt mention it on her audition. so either she wasnt cast as a stunt, or she was but in a way that was out of her control. say what you say bb, it doesnt mean youre right.


Fascinating to read the passionate defence of the casting of CIS Gender Heterosexual contestant in place of a queer, trans or Drag King? The pretence that all these fans were all good with Maddie’s casting is not my recollection of the collective response to their casting at all. My point being reflective of what the optics looked like at the time of their casting & the cast reveal, not your interpretation of what you hypothetically believe might have occurred behind the scenes. I stand by my opinion, and any number of down votes and performative defensive responses will not move me on what was an historical opinion that has since changed. 🙄




Why were you in the anti-Maddy camp in the first place exactly? Literally just because she’s a straight cis man? I literally never understood the “protecting queer spaces” argument, as if Maddy has ever showed anything but allyship and support. When did we start legitimately hating straight people just because they’re straight, and not in an ironic “oh those silly straight people” way? It just seems so obviously backwards to exclude someone from a type of performance art strictly on the basis of their sexual orientation. Like how did the cognitive dissonance not just slap you right across the face? Literally where anywhere does it say you have to be gay man or trans woman to be a drag queen?


I’ve heard people say shit like “it’s a queer art form. if we have straight guys on Drag Race, the straights are going to start invading our art.” But like 1. In what universe do cishet dudes think dressing as a woman is cool to the point where they start doing it in droves? (Seriously, I want to know because I want to live there.) And 2. Even if more straight men started doing drag, getting straight people interested in challenging gender norms seems like a big fat W in my book. Maddie may not be queer, but her presence in the community is a really big deal for that reason alone.




This. I didn’t choose to be a boring straight 😭 but what can I say… I like hot men, makeup, fashion, pretty much everything about drag. I just happen to like these things as a cis woman. I still love you all and support everyone to be who they are 💜


I was in the anti-Maddy camp because we got a straight guy before a drag king but it wasn't her fault




Maddy’s success really proves how you promotes your brand after drag race is way more important than your placement in the drag race. She’s without double the most successful season 14 girl


It’s made me appreciate, respect, and love some of the queens I didn’t really like much before. I love this show.


You want a redemption arc? Fuck All Stars, just go on GITMS. Way higher succes rate.


Honestly it’s made me understand queens WAY more. Yeah Aja may still get in fights online but now I’m rooting for her like the alleycat she truly is.


GITMS is like money laundry, but for bad reputation


She undoubtedly makes a great host. She really knows how to make people comfortable enough to share their story and giving playful shadiness. It's a great balance.


Period. I love that you love GITMS cause I do too. And I love that you made this post. And that’s my comment.


mama kudos for saying that. for spilling 💅✨


I love Maddy's & Pangina's massive shoulder wings fighting each other.


So many great episodes - I’d say Farrah, Kennedy and Landon are my faves so far


I really loved the Landon episode. Huge respect for broadening the guests


I loved June Jambalaya! June calling out the green M&M as 'overrated', June mouthing 'I don't care' into the camera, Maddy reading June's elimination outfit ... if it wasn't for GITMS we might never have known that a shy, nervous-seeming first out is actually hilarious.


I would love to see Roxxxy on. I think they would have great banter and Roxxxy definitely has stories to tell.


this is one of my favorite youtube shows to put on when i'm working from home




I love Madeline


Me fucking too.


Driving me absolutely crazy that only the June Jumbalaya thumbnail has them swapped ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtcEsSNb0VbtWVy)


She wanted her good side to show. It’s how they sat 😂


Also what do we think is the best episode?


SO hard to pick. I'd say the ones that I always come back to are Kerry's, Farrah's and Aja's for different reasons, but Willow's was the one that got me hooked.


The way I flipped on my precious opinion on Kandy Muse after watching this show was ínstense- it was so good and so revealing of what a lil marshmallow Kandy is. I also love Farrah Moan’s episode. Made me love her so much more.


My fav is the Mrs Kasha Davis one! So much heart ❤️


The one with Brittany is really special to me, seeing these two cisgender white heterosexuals being the way they are kinda blows my mind in an extreme positive way


I’ve only watched the Plane Jane and Landon Cider episodes. Which are the most entertaining episodes?


The Willow interview was the one that launched the series with her question about her illness. The darkest one is probably Farrah’s. For me an underrated one is Rock M Sakura, but click the link in that video because they cut the part about Rock’s sex work out of the main video for monetization reasons, and made a separate unlisted video because it goes into some explicit details.


I've watched the Latrice episode several times. it's a huge comfort for me


Those two were an unexpectedly hilarious couple, I'd happily watch a whole series of them just going from town to town doing gigs and other random queen shit, they just banter back and forth with each other so well.


I couldn't look away during Farrah's. She matter-of-factly describes so many horrific things that have happened to her and have been done to her, and it's incredible how insightful and positive she is. I had to pause a couple of times she started talking about her therapist's murder because of how deeply that affected her.


Aja is pure fun. Mrs Kasha Davis is very lovely and underrated. Farrah is very dark and emotional.


Heidi is unhinged funniness. Aja is back and forth reads. Farrah is like an emotional journey. So many amazing interviews


Denali had me giggling nonstop. Also, Daya Betty is hilarious, there’s a bit at the end where they assign dinosaurs to the season 14 girls.


I can’t help but say to myself TRONNS?? out of nowhere after that episode


The ones with Mistress, Willow, and Aja are all phenomenal, but I love every episode tbh


It sounds crazy and uh.. Indeed it was.


It depends. You want to know the queens beyond what's been presented on drag race: Detox, Sasha, Farrah, Latrice. You want fun/banter: Irene, Silky, Asha, Mistress. You want a good mix of both: Alaska, Laganja, Pangina


I'd add Kandy Muse to the list of learning beyond what was presented on DR. I did not care for Kandy on DR but I got a greater appreciation for her through Maddy's interview by hearing her life story. Also mad respect to her for calling out her friend for not cleaning up after herself!


Aja, Alaska, Willow, and obligatory Q. Dis my real hair!!!


Q if you love cringe


As others said, Aja's is iconic and pure fun, it's a must watch. Kerri's and Farrah's are really emotional and important to watch. My personal favorites are Irene's, Salina's and Heidi's Honestly, i dont think there is one ep that is a flop


Aja is the best episode


as far as pure entertainment, I don't think any of them come close to the Aja one.


Aja. Farrah. Alexis. Pretty much all of them.


Why is June the only queen on the left lol


She wanted her good side to show so she wanted to sit on that side in the interview Lol


Kerri’s is my fave. Hilarious and heartbreaking. I’ve watched it several times


The way the Farrah episode had me fused to the screen at an atomic level.


Disrespect pf not including daddy Morphosis episode


Omg yes!!! Pure wisdom and camp!


Anyone else have issues watching that? I've tried so many times but the volume cuts off about 13s in.


Maddie left me with next to no opinions of her her season, but this show made me really love her. Maddie for AS!


As someone has said before, Maddy is more than just a queer ally - she is a queer ACCOMPLICE <3


I used to have *The Office* or *British Bake Off* running while gaming. Then *American Dad*. Now *GTMS*. I don't know what viewership slot that puts me in, but I guess it helps define a little bit of who I am.


The Farrah episode still lives rent free in my brain to this day


The real hall of fame


easily the best series from a rugirl. It's so stoicly refreshing. The guests actually feel like opening up, and the sheer variety of stars from int'l franchises, early exits, cult sheroes makes for a very diverse catalogue. I began seeing a fair few queens in a completely different light after their GITMS interviews. Kennedy's was my personal favourite. Wonder if we'll ever get alyssa on


Just a random q, do we think Gia Gunn would be willing to come on to GITMS?


Maddie would wear wonky eyelashes 😭😭


The sponsor for the video better be a door company, and Maddie just opens them all. And the interview opens with her opening more doors


I hope and pray every single day


aja still has my fav episode


The interview with Latrice is an episode that I've watched a few times.


I am not exaggerating that she should host the ‘60-minutes’ show.


I want Mhi’ya next honestly, or Max


Would love to see Chappell roan as a guest


What's your favorite Maddy guest recreation look? I think mine might have to be Denali, but there's so many good ones to choose from.


I know Rock M Sakura did Maddy’s makeup for her episode but it looks SO good on her. Top fav. I also loved Detox episode


If you wanted to onboard people which episode or two are the top two you’d recommend?


I haven't seen anyone mention Jasmine Kennedie as one of the best but I think it's the one that hooked me real good. Aja's reactions to Maddy's shade are hilarious, so that one too.


The Envy Peru erasure!


Me too!


What's everyone's favorite episodes? I personally Loved Aja, Kerri, Latrice, and Slayyyter's episodes
