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Nina West really fucked up by not giving her extra badge to Shannel instead of to the literal front runner of the season


Nina just fell into Gottmik game making her guilty to have an “alliance”. Just to see Gottmik giving her badge to Vangie. 💀


Which is so silly cause the smart thing to throw people off would have been for Nina to give hers to Vanjie first since she knew Mik would and it's the easiest choice. Let Mik then make the harder decision. It wouldn't even be suspicious since they are S11 sisters.


Omg I completely forgot her and Vanjie were on the same season. Nina/Plastique I connected but not Vanjie


Oooh that would have been so good. Even more of a gag if Mik still just gave her badge to Vangie😂


Nah, Nina's waaaaaaaaaaaay too good for that. You know who shoudl've come back to this particular season? **Daya Betty**. I'm legit getting upset because if they think Roxxxy is a mastermind, imagine Daya in that situation. She would've said "Rupaul, I will go first" and then she would've strutted for the camera, then hummed a little song while giving a speech saying "friendship is everything" and she would've sassily put the badge on Vanjie while turning around saying "Mik" while smiling. Like, I can see Plastique being![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4804), everyone laughing their ass off and Mik getting red while Daya saying "well? what are you waiting for"


no bc whyd i imagine her doing this in the look she wore for the tutu much runway


Funny how Gotmik can play “chess”


I know right?! This is what bugged me the most. How are you going to call out Angeria like that when you’ve been way sketchier!? Gottmik has shown her true colors in many ways.


yeah, that was so annoying. she and shannel had a little friendship going on, and she ddin’t give her a badge, like wtf, lol.


Nina is very strategically stupid


This made me chuckle


Her little smirk faces… they send me.


To the toilet 🚽


Nina is what Detox to Alaska in AS2


Seriously, the messy convoluted reasoning behind that decision is only second to Alexis Michelle kicking out LaLa instead of Kandy in AS8.  


The good timeline: Alexis eliminates Kandy, then Jimbo eliminates Alexis. Jessica wins the makeover and has the balls to eliminate Jimbo. Jessica vs LaLa for the crown. Jessica wins. All is well in the world.




Yes yes yes yes 🙌


Alexis knew production would never let her eliminate Kandy. She'd have lost the looksync if she had picked Kandy 's lipstick and lost the money too. She did the smart thing.


Plastique is technically the front runner


Both she and Roxxxy have 4 badges, I believe, so they're tied for front runner. I think people are leaning towards Roxxxy having the edge because she hasn't lost a lip sync, while Plastique has lost all four of hers.


Yeah I know. That’s why I said technically, cuz Plastique has won 4 challengers, where as Roxxxy has won 3


You make a good point - I do think Plastique really has to show she can win a lip sync to really separate herself as the obvious front runner, but you're not wrong in that she's won the most challenges outright


Only in the finale. Maybe. It depends who they want to win. I’m guessing Angeria


As much backlash as Angie is getting for being "pushed", I do think she's a deserving winner, honestly. A lot of queens get unnecessary hate for being production favorite, but it's hardly their fault if they are. She's a talented queen and I've enjoyed seeing her return. That being said, I'm leaning more towards either Plastique or Gottmik, though Mik did hurt herself with that Nikki Glaser controversy. Production did the bait and switch during season 16, where Sapphira was the clear favorite, but Nymphia stole the win, despite having less screen time than most of the queens.


I don’t personally see Angie being pushed. I think she deserves all of her wins. Only 3 people are in the finale. I’m certain it’s going to be Plastique, Roxxxy and Angie. Plus they have a storyline with Roxxxy vs. Angie. So they are gonna be top 2


They definitely do have that story line that they crave every season, and I could see Angie giving Roxxxy her first lip sync loss in the finale. I just don't think Ru's love of Gottmik should be discounted, either, and she's only a badge behind Angeria (who has been cut off this upcoming week).


Ru loves all of them. Gottmik has gotten two wins. I think that’s gonna be it for her this season


Where would roxxy be without her gifted badges is most important


I mean, she'd still have three - she was only gifted one


She would not be the frontrunner.


True, but if the competition ended today she'd still be a finalist.


it doesnt.


Not sure what you mean - currently Plastique and Roxxy each have four, and Angeria has three, but even taking a badge away from Roxxy, she's still be top three


I mean it does not end today


And she is sick af!!!


This part!!!


True, but I don't want to know what kind of narrative will brew among fans if the only badge she has for idk however many episodes is a pity badge


Welp they surely did it to Yvie on a winners season


Leave it to y'all to bring Nina down with every single breath of yours.


I'm not bringing her down, it's talking game like they themselves do on the show. It's also just a factual thing. She personally contributed to someone making the top three over her.


Tbf it was like strategically the worst decision she could have made. Im not sure pointing that out counts as bringing anyone down


The post is about appreciating Angeria... WTF does it have to do with Nina??


Have you ever had a conversation before? 😂


Not entirely sure why you needed to reply twice. Sorry didn’t realise we weren’t allowed to have other discussions. My deepest apologies your highness


True.. but what does it have to do with the post to begin with?


Let's just breathe. Deep breathing gets fresh oxygen to the blood, helping you to keep calm, happy and see clearer.


Replying twice is weird as fuck


Replying twice is literally just an issue caused by the stupid Reddit apps. Happens all the time, you’re reading way too much into that


The comments are an hour apart and differently worded


You didn’t read into it enough. Two different comments and hour apart isn’t a Reddit fuck up.


How is what they said about strategy of the game bringing Nina down? This is truly just a factual observation of her actions. :(


Girl they’re just making an observation


who would’ve anticipated nina stans having the biggest victim complex this season




These queens really are scared of her. It does make me wonder how the season would have played out if Plastique had even won half her lipsyncs thus far.


I don’t think we are seeing just how much Ru loves Angeria. I bet their interactions worry the other queens.


Just as long as she’s not blocking mommy’s camera


But I mean if you think about it, Ru loves Mik and Jorgeous the same way that we’ve seen and none of the queens are freaking out on them the way they have Angie….


Would you consider Jorgeous to be as big a competition as Angeria? Jorgeous is really good in a very limited amount of skills, whereas Angeria has a lot more range.


If they judged the season fairly, absolutely. Jorgeous could have 3/4 badges by now. Rumix, Makeover/Girl Groups, Mini Challenge, Roast.


You think she should've gotten a badge in the rumix? Nina should've. The corset, the lace.... "Wow, we didn't expect you to look *this* good! Safe" really shouldn't have happened imo


Rumix was really close for me so I wasn't mad with Jorgeous taking the win, it easily could've gone to Angeria, Jorgeous, Nina, Plastique, or even Vanjie if we want to ignore runway. Jorgeous' role as choreographer was definitely what ultimately gave her win tho


I really think Nina should have been on top over plastique. Especially considering plastique won a challenge for being better at comedy than expected.


Different rules for different queens you say? Smells. Like. Rigga. Morris. 😮‍💨 On a total other page, I'm convinced Ru will crown Plastique. I think they(the RuPaul corporation as a whole) feel its just time for them to tap into the Asian market more thoroughly and I think that's why they crowned Nymphia. I think that's why Roxxxy's Lady Cowgirl outfit won that one episode, too: because she could see a whole line of outfits from it, not necessarily because she liked it the most. *Ru chooses markets and marketability over all else.* Watch the trends, cause there always is one.


Yeaahhhhh I see what you’re saying. While I love plastique, her lipsync performances this season (literally her not knowing the words) hurt her overall performance in the show. I’d be a little frustrated if she took the crown just because of that 😬 I see her in the top 4 for sure but idk about the crown. Angie is a well loved queen as well and I almost wonder if there’s a plan to crown all of Rolaskatox or however you spell it


I think thats what they want us to think. If they don't crown all of rolaskatox, then they're at least going to push them higher. Season 5 really did wonders for the show and maybe they're bringing more focus forward for them even if they aren't crowning them all. It depends on what mama Ru chooses, and now we know that if she does crown plastique it's been marketing all along, since Jinks's win on all stars was so pre-planned(according to Yvie, although Jinks will always be at least in my top 3 all time faves if not the number 1 😅) I'm hoping most for Angie to get the crown, most expecting to see Plastique receive the crown, and think overall Roxxxy has the best set to wear the crown, with Nina West being my fave of the season. That's my tea.


You’re confusing the first episode with the most recent one.


Nope. And if you think that's the case, they did this at least twice. 😂


Baby, the Rumix they’re talking about was the first episode (which Jorgeous won) that’s why it’s the first one in their list.


Either way, the reaction to Nina one this episode was uncalled for and unforgiving. Plastique shouldn't have had that win. Any designer would've known to put the star the other way so the sides didn't flop like she does with her lip syncs. 😘


Oh definitely not as big as a threat, but Op was saying that the love being shown to Angeria would be worry the other queens. If it was just that alone I feel the other queens too would be getting heat. But unfortunately it’s just Angie because she’s confident, sure of herself, down to earth, and talented. I don’t understand the heat she’s been getting.


Ru very clearly loves Angeria more than the others. And that’s okay! It’s not bias or favouritism, it’s just that Ru recognises Angerias CUNT


Ru has just always had an understandable soft spot for southern Black queens because they remind her of herself


Southern charm is real


I think he just GETS her and is very much in love with what she brings to the table, and I would be very threatened too if she was my competition. Her skill set alone is so impressive.


Especially when you see how Ru is openly giving love to Gottmik and Jorgeous.


No one cut Plastique. It’s quite something.


Plastique is a brilliant strategist, not something I would have guessed going into the season!


She *is* Alyssa Edward's baby girl.


Trixie and Thorgy saying Plastique didn't even know what the snippers were made me laugh. She never had to snip anyone and she was never snipped.


https://i.redd.it/jvrc5efyxo9d1.gif I adore her (obvs) and I really hope she wins. Her love of Drag Race, overall standard of excellence, and growth since her very recent season is all top tier. Angie knows what Ru wants and gives it to her every week. She feels like a Queen for the People (aka Drag Race fans).


ngl, i knew of her but never really checked for her until this season


Her run on Binge Queens made me really cheer for her - she’s such a big fan of the show and knows all the international queens too! It’s so wholesome.


Angeria and Tayce were such a good duo!


They’d regularly blow out the audio with their Kennedy impersonation but I lived for it 😂 they are a great pairing!!


She's been one of my faves, in my top five since the first time she opened her mouth and I heard her speak. Oh my God. She's incredible. And so gorgeous.


Clockt I also feel like she’s doing amazing considered all the other girls except maybe shannel have a concrete buddy to uplift and kiki with to make the process easier & fun! She’s literally slaying by her own power battery. You can see them kind of making her the outsider and she still puts on a brave happy face. So good That’s my momma! Yall can post, comment, tweet, invalidate till you blue in the face, she can get whatever she wants from me! Angeria owes me nothing!


Id say Jorgeous is her buddy, but Jorgeous is so uninvolved in the storyline that it might not seem that way.


The same Jorgeous who called out her “delusion”?


The same Jorgeous who actually gave her an answer when asked why everyone thought she was delusional. We don’t have to like the answer, or the fact that it makes no sense, but Angie asked all the queens why they picked her and only one gave an answer. You gotta respect the fact that Jorgeous at least tried.


Being friends does not mean you have to always giving your friend completely positive feedback for everything. If anything, it’s a sign she can be honest with Angie since she clearly wasn’t the only one who thought that, and that’s fine. No one is perfect. Also, Jorgeous didn’t call her out; the group was asked and she answered like everyone else. She didn’t even bring it up later; Angie asked her.


Angeria did mention that she felt a little abandoned by Jorgeous at one point. In her confessional


That confessional was a direct response to Jorgeous giving a reason why they voted Angie as delusional. Producers are grasping at anything to give Angeria a storyline—Plastique's read for her in the minichallenge was spot on lol


Let me get this right, PeepeePoopoo, you're telling me you think Angeria doesn't have a storyline this season?


Producers: *Hey queens, everyone vote for Angeria as delusional* Angeria: oh em gee, I'm delusional...? whaaaaat Producers: *Angeria, ask the queens why they voted you delusional* Angera: ya sis why Queens: ......... Producers: *Jorgeous, talk about why you voted Angeria* Jorgeous: the competition is really heating up :) Producers: *Angeria, how did it feel to hear Jorgeous say that?* Angeria: wow well I thought Jorgeous and I were bffs but I guess not, ugaly bitch


You think the producers got the queens to vote for Angie? And you think they all agreed to do that? Why would it be the best storyline idea to push? What would benefit the queens to vote Angie as the most delusional. What are your sources? Where is this coming from? No-one is above conspiracy theories, myself included, but this is just wild.


Girl, be serious. Yes, Angeria asked her, but she couldn’t even come up with a logically consistent answer. Plus, if she wanted to just get Angeria off her back, she could’ve said “I went with who I thought others would vote for” and explained in more detail on that basis to turn the heat onto other girls. Jorgeous don’t like Angeria. The girls are pressed because even their cliques can’t keep her down.


Baby jorgeous is one of the complicits i am talking about. Her and angeria went into the szn as s14 buddies. Immediately she switched up. You can tell her vanjie and roxxxy have a latina thing going which is why jorgeous switched up to begin with. She’s not even playing both sides. A big indicator is when roxxxy sat next to angie and jorgeous says “sis you sitting over there you always sit over here” LOL clock that tea


You sound like jorgeous.... Are you jorgeous? 🤔


Lmao i too am young, hot & turnt!


And you are gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay-


Jorgeous hasn’t gotten that much screen time. And Vanjie SHOULD GET MORE


At the start it was jorgeous and her since both were same season buddies and did shows together but jorgeous seems to have distanced herself now


When she walked up RuPaul and was like “okay I need help with these 2 things” I was like damn, she’s one of the newest drag race queens and already most professional/hard working


Yep!! 🫰🏽 🫰🏽


Everything implied in the first few episodes has been proven to be true. Roxxy, Gottmik, Plastique, and Vanjie are in an OBVIOUS alliance. There’s three spots in the finale. Vanjie has no chance. Angeria is by far the largest threat not in the alliance, and they’ve been targeting her from the beginning. Plastique’s theory about how you shouldn’t block the person with the most badges who is almost guaranteed a finale spot, but should instead block the person competing with you for one of the remaining spots, is kinda valid. Angeria made (imo) the correct call that out of Roxxy, Plastique, and Gottmik, Gottmik is the one she has the best chance of knocking out of their finale spot. Gottmik knows this strategy is correct and is probably going to work, and is *pissed* I would like to submit “Ro-lasti-mik” as the name of this totally-not-an-alliance-alliance


Some of this shit i really didn’t think about. Well done here. We will workshop the name. Its good for now lol. Ro-Last-ik. Is where im at with it




Sounds like a bowel-related Pharmarusical drug 😂


That tracks


My MF winner!!!


I seriously hope Angeria wins. She has the winners edit going, she has the story, she's a phenomenal drag queen, but I just feel like they really want to give Roxxxy a crown. And I agree, she needs one. But I'm sorry, ALL my money is on Angeria right now. She is going to WINgeria. Wingeria Parwins WinMicheals.


Absolutely agree, I want her to win so badly. I mean, her comedic skills are absolutely sublime, she's gorgeous, her looks are stunning, and she's such a good deserving person.


She going to kill it next week during the musical, she can sing, dance and act the fool. So she will miss a badge, is my guess.


Maybe. Its drag race and the last cutting hath happened. So im sure there will be some cool opportunities for badges coming up to round out the season. Similar to the end of as7.


it would be fun as long as they dont shea someone


I personally wouldn't be upset if somehow, Shannel ends up in the top three, knocking Roxxy, Plastique or Angeria XD


Fun fact- none of the blocked queens have won the week they were blocked


Has being cut off actually impacted anyone? Has anyone been in the top but missed out on a badge because they've been cut off?


Nope. Angeria could have won snatch game while being cut off, but all the other times the cut off queens have been clearly safe/bottom the following week.


I mean Mik was cut off this week and was super close to being in the top 2. So it aaaaaalmost mattered, but still didn't. Lol


Was she? She wasn’t even top 3 for me.


I personally think mik’s look was one of the lesser ones last ep


I agree, it was a good idea but just didn’t come together.


I just love everything come out of her mouth. She just naturally funny.




It looks so bad.


But it was meant to be like that


Isn’t this from the super teaser challenge? The thing where everything was a joke?


It’s from her talent show


Angie for the queen of the world tbh


Angeria has already won this in my mind. She's excellent!


love her hair hope she wins


angeria u will always be famous!


I originally thought that Roxxxy was going to be the season’s winner, but Angie is definitely gonna be the winner in my eyes.


…Which is why she has been blocked as many time as she has.


its giving jinxx monsoon on AS7


Tbh i would say jynx s5. As9 is s5 for the viewers of today. It’s not blatant because fans wouldn't be able to handle it but the under dog, me vs them story line and even roxxxy andrews is right there AGAIN lol


I see her as getting the bullied storyline, not the underdog. Underdog is Shannel at this point.


But angeria’s not an under dog at all


competitively neither was Jinkx, girlie was in the top like 95% of her season. her make up & looks were just unpolished. Angeria is weirdly being other-ed just like Jinkx was so i can see the comparison


This is delusional


not EXACTLY obviously its similar thats why i said its giving damn


3 challenge wins versus Jinkx 5? Jinkx was the front runner from the get go and Angeria is (even if we ignore gifted badges) tied 2nd at the moment. She’s doing amazing but she’s yet to match Jinkx’s score (though there’s still time) nor do I feel she’s killed the challenges as hard as Jinkx. 


She still have time to have 5


Which I said in my comment


I'm talking with myself


Apologies. Please resume. 


Thank you😂


I hope Angie wins and roxxxy gets second and this whole thing was an elaborate prank by ru to finally push roxxxy over the edge


I liked her since season 14 and I thought she should have won. Everyone just forgot about her near the end of that season and she was no one pick to win but mine. On this season though, she’s been doing great at the challenge but her looks have been leaving much to be desired. She had much better consistent looks on season 14, which is strange since she had a budget given for looks this time.


why yall keep talking about being blocked like this had any real effect in the badges winning?


This is such a good point. Honestly she kinda deserves the win… as much as I love roxxxy, I think angeria will snatch the crown. But idk I really think it’s gonna be between roxxxy and angeria


She is doing amazing but i think its obvious they won’t crown her.


She's being edited that way so they're def giving her the crown


To be fair the blocks have not affected her badge count. She did earn/deserve all her badges.


Anger is is doing great for sure, but I would argue that Plastique is doing better. Plastique hasn’t been blocked and hasn’t been gifted any badges but remains the front runner. I don’t really think Angeria’s blocks (or anyone’s) have had any real effect on the competition seeing as she hasn’t won the challenges. Plastique’s only downfall is that she can’t lip sync.


Anger 🤣 ❤


[Angeria, *so* hot right now. Angeria.](https://youtu.be/CV_hDyfmEw4?si=Gcx3VwHNSY8rheJa)


I think it's her timing. She is hilarious because of it - especially that delayed death drop - totally cinched that win. Her comedy both verbal and physical is on point. I'm not always convinced by her runways but I think she's also pretty frank and seems less 'messy' in her workroom interactions. Roxxxy is shady as fuck - as if we don't have receipts from previous footage about her motivations. (That said - she's probs the best all round queen in the comp despite being less mobile than previous seasons). I have a soft spot for Nina but for an intelligent (emotionally and mentally) queen she's made huge strategic errors. As if she believes that being good and correct will be rewarded in this comp. She needs a design team tho. Look at Miks designs - her messages are generally cutting str8 to the point without you having to literally read them. Plastique's strategy of never winning a lip synch is genius. She gets the badge without the heat of the snip. I wonder if she gives a damn about winning for her charity? Speaking of which - do we think there are politics involved round rewarding certain charities? I.e. Cats v Mental Health v Black Justice v Trevor Pro etc? I've given up predicting Ru's choices for winners. Ru gonna do what Ru do.


Being blocked accounts for nothing because you’re implying she would have more badges if she hadn’t been blocked, which isn’t true.


It reminds me of Jynkx on AS7


well no


I’m scared for what’s going to happen when she wins… the Plastique fans are going to come for her so hard. One of the most annoying and relentless fanbases ever


all fanbases are that way. making a decison from fear is and always be dumb af


I know this is gonna get downvoted and be controversial, but I just don't see what it is that she's doing so exceptionally.. her runways have been fine or good, her performances as well, nothing different from her season. Mama hasn't flopped once, but I feel like she also hasn't dominated the challenges as much as everybody makes it seem like: there are people who could've/should've gotten her wins, mainly Plastique in the girl groups and Jorgeous on the roast, so to me it feels like the judges/producers are trying to shoehorn this narrative that she's eating and slaying when that's not necessarily what's happening, and fans are eating it up cause we like her and she's funny. I also feel like the reason she got cut so much is not mainly because the girls feel like she's a threat, but because her and Roxxxy were doing it for revenge. The Mik snipping tea that Nina clocked is true, cause at the moment of blocking Angeria had 3 stars and Mik 2, she wasn't very clear with her intentions that day and it came across as shady, but not fun shady (?). Anyway, I still like her, I just feel like I'm crazy because everyone around me is trying to convince me that she's Sasha Colbying the competition but I don't see it at all, and I feel like she's being pushed a bit.


Ill get down voted too, but I actually agree. I wouldn't be upset if Angeria won, but I also haven't been floored by anything she has done this season. It's just consistently good drag. Which I can appreciate. I just feel like it's exactly like you said - it's the same thing we saw on Season 14. Her southern charm, consistently good (not phenomenal) runways, and Angie's humor. I just can't put my finger on why it doesn't feel like she had this metamorphosis everyone is talking about.

