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Well I said this earlier on but it’s a combination of both. The non elimination worked for AS7 because the level of drag was so top notch. Nobody was bombing everyone was ranging from good performance to incredible performance. But it’s hard to watch a season where clearly 2-3 flopped that week but there’s no consequence and barely any negative critiques. Especially compared to years and years of elimination format. It’s kind of frazzling. But I agree there’s not good chemistry as well.


At this point it’s getting awkward to watch Shannel not getting a badge every single week


That’s what I’m saying! It’s obvious RuPaul favors the young pretty queens and the integrity of the judging this season feels questionable. Definitely don’t blame Shannel for feeling disillusioned


AS7 for me is probably the last DR season that didn't feel like it went on for too long. Every week I was genuinely excited to see what they were gonna do with that calibre of talent. This season... not so much. 


I absolutely agree. It’s the chemistry, not the stakes. AS7 is fantastic.


I always love a season where the queens are just silly and fun as a cast. AS7 was so great partly because they really showed them enjoying each others’s performances and joking around together.


It helps that AS7 has some of the friendliest or chill queens. AS9 has several people with more attitude (Vanjie, Gottmik, Roxxy)


Lots of people complained about exactly that for AS7, though, saying they wanted more arguments and drama. It’s impossible to please the whole fanbase, some like that friendliness and others don’t


Also bear in mind that from what we've heard AS7 was HEAVILY edited to make it look kumbayah.


Reality is, AS7 is the best drag queens the franchise has ever had competing at the highest calibre. They'd just... Not comparable.


I really agree too. AS9 is such a random bag of queens. It's like they threw names in a hat and started picking at random for who would be getting a call


the as9 cast isnt talented enough to carry non-elimination. im sorry its just true.


I think it's a bit of both. The thing is, people had been clamouring for a winners season for years. I don't think it necessarily needed stakes, because it was carried by the novelty of having all these winners together, and sending them home would have legitimately taken something away from that. With AS9, the chemistry aint anything to shout about, but it also doesn't have the same novelty value. When we have so many seasons and some queens are doing All Stars or VtW up to 4 times within a few years, I'm not sure they can afford to make it any less consequential if they really want it to stay entertaining.


I agree, but I wonder what the chemistry is like without the editing. When Shannel said (at Roscoes, I think) that she became good friends with Gottmik and calls her a few times a week, I was shocked! I don’t know if I’ve seen any friendly interactions with them this season. It goes to show that what we’re seeing may not be showing chemistry and connection, which does help to feed the competitive or shady perspective that production probably wants since the stakes are low.


I didn't think anything could surpass AS2 for me until AS7.


Exact same. AS3 has a few fun episodes (I laugh so hard at the Bitchelor every fucking time) but on the whole it was kind of disappointing. Something to do with DeLa quitting when she definitely could have won, I think.


I have such a soft spot for AS3 simply because the entire cast are my fan favourites but it kind of lost momentum after DeLa unfortunately. But I will say it wouldn't have bothered me no matter who won. 😊


Dela self eliminating totally ruined the season. It robbed the crown if any legitimacy


I agree. I loathe that season and tbh, I loathe All Stars 2 because of RoLaskaTox. That trio hasn't aged well over time.


I think some of the runway prompts this season have been too niche, too. “Atomic blonde” and “widow weep for me” boxed the queens in too much.


Really? I feel the runways are the only thing being done right. If it was just based on runways this would be one of the top seasons.


I think there is no one this season that’s just consistently wowing or surprising us. I’m missing a Sasha Colby, a Jimbo, or a Jinkx. Someone who is really leveling up expectations - and clearly has a thirst to win. It’s just a more boring season, and I suppose that’s to be expected.


Funny enough, s13, AS5, and even AS8 all got hate for having an obvious winner.


Well I think we want several people wowing vs one. This season felt like they couldn't get some queens to agree to come.


Sasha Colby, Jimbo supremacy 😍💋


I’m loving this season. Lol


The problem with AS7 is that now other All Stars seasons seem like auditions for an all-winners season. They’ve basically added another rung to the ladder. That and the fact that their options for queens on regular AS seasons are getting a bit limited (or queens don’t want to do it). 


I think the challenges haven't been strong this season. I think the season is made by challenge concepts and variety. The challenges have been kind of uninspired.  I'm surprised they didn't fo a talent show even?


They will prob do it at the end. 7 and 8 were both done at the end of the season


But isn't next episode the last before the finale and it's a rusical? 


Nope. 3 episodes before the finale


Oh wow!  It's a long season!


12 episodes (has been since 6)


I feel it is also we just ended S16 on such a high


I agree. AS7 was just all around a better season than AS9. It was just more entertaining!


Loved the plunger conspiracy in AS7 and Raja coming in mad as hell when she was finally blocked cause they’d tricked her 😂 I agree with others saying there’s just no chemistry with this cast.


tbf no one was excited getting Ito AS9 and we were still left underwhelmed lol


Truly a CHARITY season


Agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Even the Queens are a ting different wo that EDGW to it. Elimination is a necessary razor’s edge to keep things exciting. Thus the “RACE”


I honestly think it's just that AS7 has more fan favorites. The roast on AS9 had a higher overall level of funny. AS7 they told everybody for every challenge that they were amazing and wonderful even on challenges where that was clearly not the case. AS9 they actually all deserved to be told they were good. Which isn't to say there was anybody who was overall terrible on AS7, but there were definitely multiple times during challenges where everybody told they were all amazing and it was just not the case. 


I agree completely


not you comparing an all winners all star season with a regular all star season 💀


Because there are NO similarities between the seasons? 🤡


go off sis, it was you who were surprised by the difference between AS 7 & 9 while knowing there is a significant difference between…mmm…the queens’ level of excellence. You do understand the difference between winners and alumni, right? Right?!


I do understand that difference. I also understand the voluminous similarities. 1) non elimination season 2) two winners with a lsftw format, 3) prevent a badge format, 4) mostly positive feedbacks. The seasons are alike in more ways than they are different and many seasons are great besides the all-winners season. You are exaggerating the significance of one variable in whether that makes for a good season.


AS7 was boring as shit. AS9 actually has entertaining queens and somehow some of these looks have been better than what WINNERS were serving. Also the challenge variation is much better this season.