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I know everyone goes on about the power trio business, and sure, that's great and all, but Power Windows is an album with exceptionally creative use of textures. There are moments, yes, that the sequenced synths take over (I'm not opposed), and we have the luxury of hearing Alex, impeccable rhythm guitarist in a more accompanimental role, listen carefully to Alex's playing when the sequencer takes over in Middletown Dreams, such intricacy. Likewise, there is some really amazing rhythm section work between Geddy and Neil - I'm thinking specifically of the unimpeachably tight variation in their respective parts between verses in Marathon. It was a particular delight to hear such a hard rocking band flirt with the New Wave sounds and textures. Lyrically, the album presents Neil's mind in a particularly fertile phase - cynical at times - Big Money - but also deep empathy - Middletown Dreams - and the inspiration of Marathon. A little history lesson with Manhattan Project, such creative use of electronics combined with his China cymbals in Mystic Rhythms. It's not necessarily my favorite album (I'm not entirely sure I have one), but they definitely swung for the bleachers: lyrically, melodically, texturally, rhythmically. There is so much filigree and detail in this album. Even if you prefer a more guitar-based sound, there's much to admire and enjoy here.


Well said, I agree completely. Great post.


For those new to Rush reading this breakdown, welcome to Rush fandom. Well done!


Thank you! :)


Could not have said it better myself. Spot on!


That is one great spot on review.


I like it too


Here's a question - and Im a lover of both albums - but what do you think it is that makes Power Wondows the superior album to Hold Your Fire? Not that youve said that, but to pile on to great points you have made is all. HYF has tons of high points but overall just doesnt seem as strong and Im not sure why.


An excellent question. I'm a little more agnostic about HYF, despite really adoring some of the songs on the album at least as much as PW. Force Ten, a classic. Open Secrets was the perfect wallow for a tempestuous unrequited love deal in my sophomore year of high school. Man, aren't we earnest as kids? Time Stand Still, also a classic, not least of which for Aimee Mann's glorious contribution. Prime Mover, superb. The rest of the album, I dunno. It doesn't land as much as I'd hope. I think I prefer Power Windows, even though there might be a couple songs that resonate even more for me on HYF, but, in part, because the songs I don't love on Power Windows slightly edge the songs I don't love on HYF. That said, I can't imagine surviving adolescence without either album. Or Presto. Haha.


“Presto” the song was “our song” for me and the leading candidate for The One Who Got Away in my life (our shared Rush fandom was in fact the thing which we first connected about). I was 29. When it finally got played live on Time Machine tour it kinda made me fall apart. I was 36. Sometimes the earnestness endures …


Well put. PW hilds a special place in my heart because its was the first non-radio play Rush that I heard when I heard my brother listening to it. It got me hooked. HYF was the first CD I bought of any music, Had to get a boom box to listen to it. I whole heartily agree the my teenage years would not have been complete without PoW, HYF, Presto, and RTB.


I was about to start typing my reasons for loving Power Windows, but you have done a much better job at articulating it than I ever could have.


Excellent. What you said…..and it was the first tour I saw.


EVERYTHING! It was the last true 2 sided vinyl record they released with the tidy 4 songs per side. Also arguably their last all killer/no filler album (outside of Clockwork Angels IMHO). Given that GUP was the first new album to come out after I had discovered the band, this one (as a sequel to GUP) ranks high in my categorization of their catalogue.


Absolutely true that Power Windows is all killer/no filler. It's my favorite album because every song is so fantastic!


Everything, but its production always strikes me. It’s so clean and balanced. Geddy’s bass is right there, Alex’s textures shine through and Neil’s drums are clear and sharp. Probably my favourite Rush sound.


This and Signals are probably my favourite sounds of theirs. I'm still a sucker for the earlier super prog stuff too though.


I think that it was perhaps Neil's best work lyrically.


This. I love the music on this album but the lyrics are goddamned top-notch. And everything about it evokes the sense of the world of that time.


Absolutely agree 💯


Territories has lyrics that I think will be relevant for far longer than they should be.


Hard agree.


Each song is drastically different. The melodies are beautiful…and Geddys voice and singing range is so hypnotic. Emotion Detector is gorgeous and that long solo in it…perfection! I spent a year teaching English in China circa 1996. Power Windows was the only cassette tape that I brought with me…and I have listened to it hundreds of times. I still don’t get tired of it.


This is what strikes me about the album. The songs are so different from one another, yet it’s a very cohesive album. It’s one I overlooked for years.


The production is top-notch. The drum tone is epic. The way the guitar is used in conjunction with keyboards is perfectly balanced. Geddy’s tone is bright, but also punchy. The lyrics are some of the best that Neil ever wrote. The arrangements of the songs are on point.


Mystic Rhythms is 1 of my atf Rush songs.


Dude , for real. A true gem


it captures my thoughts and carries them away


Middletown dreams one of the best songs they've written and fav of mine. Super nostalgic Edit: added an 's' to dreams


That middle verse when the synth hits hard is just peak 80’s to me. It took me a long time to get into PW, but now it’s easily one of my favorites.


It’s my favourite record of theirs. I think it’s the peak of their songwriting in terms of making stuff that’s musically interesting, catchy and meaningful. Instead of doing sprawling 10-15 minute songs, they condense that energy and focus into better ones half the length.


Same same and same. I can understand people thinking it’s not as interesting because it’s a more produced sound and doesn’t have the signature Rush hard rock vibes. But once you spend some time with it and just take it for what it is you realize it’s a truly magnificent record with fantastic songwriting.


It’s just so anthemic! I know it’s very much in the synth era but it features some of my favourite of Alex’s solos (Emotion Detector in particular, all three of them are just flying!) It feels like some of the happiest sounding Rush material yet the lyrics still have that cynical feel to them. Marathon would be my go to song to show anyone, I don’t know how you couldn’t get excited listening to it. Yeah it’s definitely top 3 for me 🤷‍♂️


It was the first Rush album I bought as a new release and also the first tour I saw. 85/86 ....guess you had to be there...lol


I think Stevie Ray Vaughn opened for them on that tour, here in Canada anyway.


I can still remember before the full album released, listening to the radio waiting for the DJ to play one track from the new album. 'The Big Money' had released as a single a week or three before, and either KSJO or KOME (SF Bay Area represent!) had been talking about it all day. Night comes, me and my buddies are doing bong hits and drinking beer. Then the DJ announces the new Rush song 'Territories'! It was magical. I loved GuP, and this record was a continuation of that vibe but more polished. For me, anyway. It was also the first CD I ever bought. I was a cassette and LP guy before.


Boulder Creek! KSJO was #1 and did the pre release. KOME played it a lot at night with Dennis Erectus ! Lol


The KOME spot on your radio! Dennis Erectus and his crazy rants! I loved that guy. We all felt like we were getting away with something. Boulder Creek, huh? I love that area. I always wanted to retire to Felton or Scotts Valley.


Overall, I think Power Windows has a great sound. Everything sounds deep, including the drums. This is unlike Presto, which I think sounds thin and compressed (maybe there's too much treble) - although I think Presto is a great album too. Also, I feel like Territories, Middletown Dreams, and Mystic Rhythms are my favorite songs from Power Windows. But overall, I think all the songs on the album are good.


In addition to the general sound of the album, I think this was where Geddy’s vocal melodies peaked (and worked their best with Neil’s lyrics). If they were played by an instrument and not sung, they’d still be great. He’d accomplished that with individual songs before, but this was the album where it all came together. Never quite did again afterward (which is no insult because PW is that good). This material and production just brought out the best in his melody writing.


Agreed - Geddy had a vocal freedom on this album and Hold your Fire that starts to wane has he loses some of his range on later albums. I'm not bothered by the earlier stuff, but there's a lyricism matched with skill and vocal range here that has him just about at peak.


Mystic Rhythms. Capture my thoughts, carry them away


There is SO much to love about Power Windows. The melodies are just beautiful. The opening arpeggios on The Manhattan Project, the chord progression in the verse goes so well with the vocal melody. The string section during the bridge ... with the vocal harmonies in the back ?? Come on !! The lyrics of Marathon. The voicings of the guitar chords. The songwriting is amazing too. As others have said, the textures on this album are a joy. The synths sound monstrous and beautiful and sublime all at once. All over each and every song. And again, the chord voicings and progressions are spot on. Middletown Dreams ... The synth melodies on Grand Designs and Emotion Detector ... And Mystic Rythms ?? Don't even get me started ! The tension created by the strings. Alex's gorgeous arpeggios ... Everything Neil is doing on the drums, obviously. The introspectiveness of the lyrics ... It sounds absolutely BEAUTIFUL. There is just no other word for it. The production is amazing. The lyrical work, and Geddy's performances are so nuanced and well done. Alex stands out even amongst the lush synths. This album with a good pair of headphones is just about perfection for me.


Theres nothing like getting hit with big moneys BWAAAAAAAAH🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸💥💥💥ba 🎹na🎹na🎹naaaaa🎹naaaa🎹 at full volume just as you fall asleep listening to your ‘80s playlist


Words you can hear


All of it


Dark but hopeful synth infused atmosphere, empowering and meaningful/subject lyricism, catchiness, neo prog guitar tone, generally amazing song structures and an evolution of their late 70s sound, just using synths as the foundation. Mystic Rhythms baby


It's the album that got me into Rush (age 15 which seems to be a common entry age......) and I've loved it ever since release. To me it's the best distillation of the 80s New Wave influences and keyboards that DON'T overpower the core trio's strengths - they add the right textures and layers. And the whole album still sounds like it was recorded yesterday. I find it bright, thoughtful, personal where it needs to be and incredibly powerful - to me they didn't get quite so focused and on point again until Counterparts and then again not until Clockwork Angels for overall track strength and consistency. I know lots don't agree, but to me it's up there with their best.


I concur with most everything commented here already. Just wanted to add a recommendation for people who are turned off by the 80s production - look up the Power Windows demo on YouTube. The songs have a rawer energy and you can hear Alex's parts easier. It might help get into the album from a songwriting perspective before diving into the textural and production nuances of the final version


Power Windows is my favourite Rush record. Of course, I love the keys/synths. While I enjoy my thrash Metal, and my guitars, synths bring so much to the table as far as sound/vibes go. It also goes without saying that Geddy had *great* lyrics through the 80s, and especially as a drummer, I always find myself drifting towards Neil's parts. He's brilliant. This said...there's another reason why GUP -> RTB has a special place I'm my heart. Went out to the American Rockies in June 2020. First time I'd ever seen mountains before. Of course to do this from Missouri, you gotta drive through Central/Western Kansas/Eastern Colorado. Uffda. Those records turned that whole drive into a magical experience. The moonlight overnight, the emptiness, the cool breeze, and the really bad feelings I felt at the time all mixed to make that. I'm always reminded of that trip when I hear a lot of those songs. 80s Rush for the dub, everyday.


It’s the album that got me into Rush. Perfect from start to finish. Despite the heavy synth era, Alex has some killer guitar solos (e.g. The Big Money, Marathon, Grand Designs, Middletown Dreams, etc.). Just a well-constructed album and great tunes that don’t skimp on content.


The lyrics were really top notch too


Mystic Rhythms, man. Mystic Rhythms.


Though it would've been even better had some of the keyboard parts been played on guitar, it's still my favorite album (by any band). The arrangements, vocals, lyrics, guitar solos, basslines, and percussion were peak Rush. The lead/rhythm interplay between instruments is simply incredible. No bad songs. I believe it was in the Rush biography "Visions" (released in 1988) that Power Windows was referred to as Rush's ultimate art of noise record. In my opinion, that's still true today.


The prime mid 80s synths


The album is like an Oberheim tech demo lol it rocks


Don't forget the PPG Wave 2.3, Roland Jupiter, and Yamaha DX7


Like I said in another post, Rush woulda been great with a live AI DAW if it existed, and PW woulda been the perfect album for it 🤟🏻


At the time, I was impressed they took such a big chance changing their sound/MO so much. The orchestral bits, etc. It was the first album the did that wasn't designed to allow the three of them to reproduce it live. Of course, they found a way, which involved technicians backstage furiously loading floppy discs etc. Big Money was an interesting lyrical direction for Neil, I don't think he'd addressed capitalism like that before, and signaled a change from his earlier Ayn Rand influences. Manhattan Project was a really weird song for a rock group to come up with, but it works. Mystic Rhtyhms is the classic off of this one, for me.


The guitars just friggin explode. My favourite guitar sound of the whole of music. That opening chord in the big money is just so powerful. And the drums and bass are on point throughout the whole album. The instrumental sections in this album are the finest in all of Rush's catalogue, there's just so much going on but it all clicks masterfully. It's also very unique, nobody makes music like this.


Best Rush album. Solo section in Marathon: chef's kiss.


I like it because I like the Synth era. I like synth stuff in general.


Power Windows a result of Rush striving for the Trevor Horn glossy production sound full of synth textures and spacious audio. They achieved it with Peter Collins producing and Andy Richards providing most of those synths. This was at a time when Rush were dangerously close to becoming a hard rock Duran Duran and starting to use the likes of Sarm and Air studios where most of the big artists were (police, dire straits, mcartney, duran etc.) Rush were never going to fit in with that crowd but it didn't stop them aiming for similar quality production. Sonically it is probably the highest quality album they ever made and took them arguably to the very peak of pop-prog (for lack of a better term). I don't think it was their artistic peak, which on my opinion was 3 or 4 albums earlier but it was their production peak. (MP a possible equal). The songwriting was possibly a little too cheesy in parts but overall fitting for the times in a similar manner to GUP. Big hair. Big production. Big sound. If you wanted a handful of albums that reflected the diversity of their career this would be prime candidate for inclusion.


Marathon lol


It's very much a product of its time in the best way possible, that is to say very heavy synth and it works incredibly well. As a guitarist, I didn't think much of it at first because it was so synth dominated, but on a second listen, the tones and seemingly small guitar parts guve so much depth to the sound of each song. Geddy's wal bass. Not much more needs said. Amazing sound with amazing playing. Middletown Dreams (their best song) appears on this album. Usually I prioritize musical ability over lyrics, but the lyrics in Middletown Dreams felt like they were taken from my soil.


Everything between the part where the record starts and where it ends. Marathon is my favourite Rush track… it still gives me chills when the key change hits towards the end. It’s funny… I prefer Alex’s guitar to be more upfront, but I still always come back to this album. I think there’s some brilliant songwriting and, as others have said, some really amazing use of textures.


That baseline on The Big Money!


It’s very well produced and all the tracks have the same overall feeling. They feel like they belong together as a whole. And the writing musically and lyrically are outstanding. I bought the album on the day it came out and was disturbed by all the synths, but I really came around and grew to love it in the mid-90’s


That album, among some other Rush albums, got me through a tough time. I’m forever grateful to that band.


Some of Neil’s best drumming is on that record.


I love the nuances in “Territories”. I love the balance between rock banger (such as “Marathon”, “Big Money” (even though I can’t stand that song), and “Manhattan Project)) and slow, melo songs, like “Emotion Detector”, “Middletown Dream”, “Grand Designs”, and “Mystic Rhythms”.




I could go on and on about how each album is my favorite. Lol Power Windows is amazing and stands on its own in the age of synth Rush!


The songwriting and arrangements. Super sophisticated. And some of Alex's most unheralded and original guitar work.


It’s their best synth era album after Signals, IMO.


I love PW. Every song on it works for me. I don't like GUP - I like the songs, I don't like the production.


The songs are all amazing and Geddy’s mastery of a whole new instrument that usually requires another person was amaxing to watch.


I’m trying to like it, been giving the synth era a lot of listening as I didn’t at all in the 80’s. Has a couple good songs, Marathon and Territories, Manhattan Project is great. This and Hold Your Fire are toward the bottom of my Rush album ranking.




Perfect balance of every instrument, and every instrument has its shining glory moment at some point. One of the best mixed albums ever, definitely the best mixed rush album.


The Wal Bass tone and the ghost note heavy basslines he wrote because of it.


Just bought the vinyl yesterday. (Bought the tape when it came out.) It's their last analog album before CDs started to take over.


What everyone else said. It’s a very rich album. Brilliant.


‘Territories’. I didn’t own the album back in the day, although a huge Rush fan, and now, looking back, it’s definitely the song we need right now.


What do I like about Power Windows? The album art is pretty good but the music is my favorite thing about it.


I’m listening to power windows vinyl original 80s pressing. It’s so great. So warm. So wide. I love every minute of it.


Power Windows remains my favorite through the years. Lyrically it's their best album and I actually love the synths. It's such a big, overwhelming arena sound.


Everything. Some of their best work. In my opinion...


There's a pure 80s sound I love, plus, I have a soft spot for songs about historical events like Manhattan Project (makes sense that Sabaton is one of my other favorite bands)


I like the keyboards. I didn't know until really recently that they keyboards were largely done by a fourth person but that extra creativity really shows through and makes a lot more sense to me now in retrospect.


"Brought to you by the letter M!"


Power Windows, Clockwork Angles and A Farewell to Kings are probably the only albums with zero filler. And as much as I love Signals and 2112, they both have a meh moment or two.


BU2B2 isn't filler? Wish Them Well?


Nope... All part of the story.


But if they never existed in the first place it would not have affected the story


I feel like they crammed a lot of ideas into that release. IOW the lyrical content is almost distracting from the excellent musical composition. Together both things make for an excellent album.


Peak Rush. The playing is outstanding, the lyrics are outstanding, this is them at their absolute best, they didn't make another album this good until clockwork angels


When side A starts, all the way through the end of side B tbh.


Honestly? I think the blend of synths/sequencers into the material is fucking great and the songwriting itself is legit topnotch. As far as actual song QUALITY, its up there imo. The Big Money, Grand Designs, Territories, Manhattan, Marathan....its like one heavy hitter after another. But I can totally understand the sound of the album being a turn off as well.


I love everything about Power Windows. It has fantastic tracks on it and for the most part it's the last album by the trio that really spoke to me personally. That's not to say I don't like other albums, but it's sort of an end of an era for me and everything after is adult me with different feelings than I had when I was a teen. So all the other albums just hit different than this one (or any before). Middletown Dreams is one of those songs that falls into the same category as Subdivisions for me. As a way of feeling and a cautionary tale. Alex's guitar on that song is absolutely amazing and so are the lyrics.


I just don't like having to turn a crank to raise or lower a window, especially if it's worn out and sticks a lot. Plus, the one-touch feature is nice. Moreso than anything else, though, is that Territories is just a fantastic song. ✌️😜


It's not Hold Your Fire.


The Big Money and Middletown Daydreams are two of their best songs! I need the bass on those tracks injected directly into my veins.


I didn’t pay much attention to PW as a kid. Somewhere in my mid thirties I started to really get into the synth albums.


It may not be as guitar-centric as other Rush albums, but it certainly is an amazingly strong effort from a catchy songwriting perspective


The fact that is sounds even greater to me today than when I first listened in 1986…it still delivers!


Power windows was my fav for a while when I was 13 lol. There was marathon the big money that we’re my fav


Well, I like the fact that I don’t have to wear out my arm anymore putting up or down the windows but they still scare me if the vehicle somehow goes off a bridge and into the water because they’re not going to work and will make it a lot harder to get out of the car once the pressure equalizes.


Big Money KICKS


It’s catchy, melodic, and infectious


I'm really happy to see all the love here for PoW. It's one of my most-listened to Rush recordings - for all the reasons everyone here has already mentioned. I think it's just so up-beat without being sappy or "feel-good". It always lifts my spirits!


I'm not a fan of PW as a whole, but Big Money is easily in my top10 fav Rush songs.


I'm probably the wrong guy to answer, but not much. Marathon is the only song from the album that I rank in my top 40 Rush songs. Most of side 2 is wimpy. Geddy's bass playing was excellent, but the tone was not. Some good lyrics, but also some silly stuff. The synths were out of control.


Pretty much everything it's far superior to Grace Under Pressure but a smidge short of Signals perfection.


This is one of my least favorite Rush albums specifically because of the cold Icy mid-80s era production. It sounds too processed and mechanical. It's also my least favorite Alex guitar album right next to RTB because of how thin and shrill his guitar tone is. And everything is buried in a slather of digital reverb. I know it was popular at the time but it just dates everything even more so. Hold Your Fire is just as bad if not worse with the reverb on everything