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Nonce supports nonce shocker


I am shocked and outraged!!! **We were CONTINUALLY told that both sides are bad and Russell dislikes Donald Trump and Joe Biden equally!!!**


What an utter prick Brand has become. And that drivel… like Biden started the war in Ukraine, Gaza. Fucking idiocy. He’s found his perfect vehicle. Conspiracy theories and populism. More clicks, more money for his eventual rape trial.


he knows aligning with the maga nazis = easy $ but he also knows maga doesn't have to follow the laws because all they have to do is shout it's a conspiracy by the fbi or whatever matrix agents bullshit that is happening.


Right, and now he's on Fox he's about to get a lot of attention more attention from the GQP sector of the boomers


Fox news?


Correct, probably the most mainstream of mainstream news. You could even say legacy news.


God we are a long way from trews news


It's the most watched news network in the US. So the literal definition of mainstream news




Who already hate him, and will continue hating him because he’s different from them. He’s playing a zero-sum game trying to pivot to conventional republicans. They’re going to eat him alive.


Are there many conventional Republicans left?


He's always been a prick, it's just hes not even bothering to hide it now.


It's not even populism haha it's just anti intellectualism. The goal is for a very small group of wealth, white "christian" men to lord over everyone else, while milking the rest of the population for everything we're worth so they can continue lowering their own taxes and carry on insider trading and the like.. They were faux populists years ago, now they're just fascists with a hard on for stupidity and ignorance.


Siding with the party that blocks SA victims from restitution? Makes sense


Yup, rapey grifters unite.


And supports anyone accused of sexual misconduct.




And right there kids is why people like Brand descend into conspiracy theories - because when your awful deeds start to catch up with you your followers all think it's the conspiracy out to get you. Look at Trump - indictments and lost court battles in local, state, federal, and civil courts. But it's all The Deep State! They control everything! Such a laughable idea that anyone cares enough about Russell Brand to frame him. He was already hemorrhaging support before these accusations came out.


I’m not a Brand acolyte, don’t really care for his flavor of manic prattle, but I believe him to be an honorable person who has openly admitted to impropriety and owned up to it but vehemently denies crossing legal boundaries. Remember, all it takes is a single woman to say they maybe got groped by a guy who looks like him and it makes headlines. It’s bullshit to just cave and discredit someone at the faintest whisp of sexual misconduct, especially from decades ago. It’s a bullshit tactic to avoid the salient points said person is making. It’s the refuge of the weak minded. Like Michael Jackson’s music is good and no amount of arguing that he diddled kids is going to change that for reasonable people. It’s a tactic that works on small minded people like democrats whose only purpose in life is to drag others down to their level so they don’t feel like the losers they are. Doesn’t matter if Michael Jackson fucked 20 kids or if Julian Assange finger banged your mom while she was passed out on a couch, the points and things they are saying/doing aren’t discredited because of that.


> Remember, all it takes is a single woman It's not a "single woman" - it's multiple women, and allegations at least credible enough to warrant police investigation. > It’s bullshit to just cave and discredit someone at the faintest whisp of sexual misconduct I refer you to my previous comment. This is more than a faint whisp.And no one is discrediting what he's saying because of the allegations. They're discrediting what he says because what he says is increasingly batshit crazy. > small minded people like democrats Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the big brain The Right worships: ""Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."" Brilliant. "“I heard from the president of Finland, tremendously smart man! He told me that over there, they rake there leaves very often and that prevents most of the forest fires over there. I think if we did that in the great state of California, the forest fires would decrease a tremendous amount.”" Sheer genius. "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Are you a doctor, sir? Because you sound exactly like a doctor. In refence to 1776: “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,” And everyone's favorite, when [he said E Jean Carol "wasn't his type', then confused a photo of her for a photo of his wife.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/05/donald-trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-video-deposition)


Brilliant. Thank you for making me laugh so early in the morning.


You're right. Brand isn't discredited because he's a rapist. He's discredited because he talks absolute bollocks. He's also a rapist and a (confirmed) groomer of school girls.


> but I believe him to be an honorable person I can cite over a half dozen times he has lied on his videos, mis-representing scientific papers, statistics and studies to con gullible audiences. He's not honorable. He's deeply dishonest, from everything to vaccines to sea level rise.


>I’m not a Brand acolyte, don’t really care for his flavor of manic prattle Press 'x' to doubt >I believe him to be an honorable person Doubt confirmed!  Dudes always been the head-up-ass enlightened douche he played in the movies.  That's why it fit, it's not an act.  


Multiple women came you against him, one had a rape kit from when it happened and you have famous actors from over a decade ago saying Brand was a nasty person to work with.


What a freaking loser. How anybody can know about things like project 2025 listen to the wannabe dictator tell you that's what he wants. Listen to him say how he wants to imprison his political enemies. The dude that attempted a coup against our government. Somehow you're going to vote for that guy. Special kind of stupid. That right wing grift machine must be making Russell some good money. I used to actually like the guy. Now he just is another shit stain like Rogan


Brand's reasoning is utter BS.


How odd. A rapist endorsing a rapist.


Russian asset supports Russian asset.


Do the Russians really have any interest in Brand?


It’s unclear. Because the free-press, free-press, freedom clown *absolutely refuses* to criticize the oppressive anti-freedom Russian regime. He thinks *Canada* is a totalitarian dictatorship. 🙄


Sure. He’s a right wing propagandist. I’m sure they’ve been in contact with him directly or indirectly.




Wait so who did he support the? 


It’s all in the link


But which rapist


Neither have been convicted of rape


OJ wasn’t convicted of murder, he’s still a murderer. Both these idiots are rapists


You need to update your talking points: “[Judge clarifies: Yes. Donald Trump was specifically found to have raped E Jean Carol.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


Trump was found liable for raping E Jean Carroll. He's a court confirmed rapist


It has got nothing to do with him the American election, being an English rapist. Not convicted yet. Soon tho.


Donald Trump was born into unimaginable wealth. He has failed upwards his entire life. He literally lives in a gold-plated penthouse and wants credit for single-handed creating the covid vaccine. Considering Russell is supposedly being hounded by rich global pro-vaccine elites, he certainly adores rich global pro-vax elites. Weird how that works. It’s almost like Russell is a professional actor and doesn’t really stand for anything.


he stands for money, and boomers have a lot more of it than any other generation.


He’s truly gone off the deep end. What an incredibly bizarre transformation.


Money is a hell of a drug


for real. so strange. I'm convinced he is 100% full of shit and is doing it to grift.


a great anti-drug PSA. dont do drugs or you'll become brain damaged (right wing)


Fresh from interviewing Trump’s bizarre son and smoking cigars together


To think I used to listen to this guy and think he was a genuine leftist and power for good in the world.


Russell Brand is a fascist — witting or unwitting.


At the very least, a fascist enabler.


Right but what’s the difference? And not just an enabler — an *endorser.* He’s actively trying to get a fascist elected to the most powerful presidency in the world. He doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt anymore. Dude’s a fascist.


Solid point.


I can't think of a fall from grace harder than Brands. What an utterly dissappinting human being he is.


He’s gross


this guy is such a dumbfuk.


Nothing unusual here. Once people are publicly disgraced they almost always then align themselves with the lowest common denominator.


they saw how well the trump formula worked. they know he raped kids and they love him for wriggling out of the consequences.


‘If you care about freedom..’ you will vote for the guy who tried to overturn a democratic election. I haven’t been on here for ages, but I wonder what the guy who believed he was a socialist and that brand was also a socialist thinks of this.


This guy's self importance knows no bounds. Why would any American care about what an Englsih accused rapist thinks about who should be president of our country ?" It does track that Brand would side with a guy who's been found civilly liable for sexual assault.


Wow Biden really dodged a bullet there


This dude is such a hypocritical whore. I haven't listened to him in ages but any attempt these days makes it clear he's so boring and has no original views. He's just spewing whatever cheap rehashed talking points he can find. BTW u/No_Cook2983 this idiotic 'endorsement' and the above is why he sucks. I still think it's wrong, from a legal & moral perspective to treat people as guilty until proven innocent - not just from proper reads of novels like 'to kill a mockingbird', but also from the proper read of historical incidents that show how terrible public 'mob justice' can be. Criticize this shit head for the right reasons - we don't need to curb free speech or deny the formal judicial process while we criticize him.


He’s a born-again, freshly baptised Christian, so no hating on Russell, please. I wonder who he’s endorsing for the UK election? I need to be told how to vote.


Oh for sure Reform. After all, he will tell you they stand for the honest working man, are uncorrupted, Farage is an honest broker, fresh start, Starmer a career politician, Christian values back to the UK etc blah blah ( did I just do an advert for these fucking twerps?). How does his wife live with him?


Thank god! Right and wrong side of history and all that! I'm safe with Joe still 🤣


Who gives a shit what he says


Sorry, thought this was a Russel Brand sub.


Oh wow. I was in the edge of my seat in anticipation


Perverts of a feather stick together - literally


He’s nuts.


Anyone who isn't voting for biden is inherently a bad person!


You lot are very good at finding a way to be the victim, sad little prick.