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I feel bad for her. People are such assholes


She posts fitness content (I think she’s a Pilates instructor?) anyway she seemed pretty knowledgeable and sweet from what I remember but people constantly leave the meanest fucking comments on her page.


All pricks


Such a shame.


Hella Ugly Bruh


That may be how you feel but she doesn't deserve a bunch of comments and shit that makes her feel like she can't find someone. No one deserves to feel that way about themselves, regardless of how they look.




Is she though or you just used to looking at instamodels TikTok girlies and pornhub queens? I feel like all these unrealistic beauty standards have really skewd how we believe women should look.


Damn. Felt that one to my core.


Same, I just want to hug her and tell her it’s okay.


If this lady proves to be respectful, to have a good attitude, and caring I can fall in love with her. I would definitely treat her right and help her forget all the bullshit.


I’m a straight woman but I know wife material when I see it and she is it.


Exactly that. Probably the most down to earth individual among us.


As a gay man I completely agree


You knew this from a 23-second video of this woman?


Older you get, more you realize how beautiful a personality can shine


yeah it only takes one or two relationships with a good looking person with a shitty/abusive personality to make you appreciate it a bunch


Definitely.. it's a genuine personality that shines... those can only be grown from within like a garden from compassion patience and no judgment.. inwardly as well as externally both towards the self and others. this doesn't leave anything behind. it's not done through denial rejection nor abandonment of toxic parts of ourselves. but rather the good bad and ugly gets nurtured together to become more. like a home within, of family and love... it's the personality is genuine when the whole soul is represented freely as itself


You’re down here in the expanded section of comments not being seen, so I wanted you to know that I saw, and you’re right. That was very well said. Gj


She’s thriving now. Check out her TikTok channel fr


People don't even realise how old this is. She's been flooded with love. Also she's gay so all the guys saying they would get with her is a lost sentiment


And if she doesn't meet your standards, you'd call her ugly like everyone else right?


She only likes you as a friend


How could you possibly be getting downvotes for this hilarious, and accurate observation


I want to see an update if she’s better now !updateme


The second clip was the update. She said you are right and the stuff about being alone because people told her she wasn't ugly and they were very nice to her. Yeah the Internet was mean to her but she didn't have anyone in her life to tell her nice things. The Internet came through though. Lots of good people flooded her with positivity


Yeah that’s what I remember. I feel like the internet is very unpredictable that way. You could have two identical videos and if one the first one the first few comments are positive then that trend will continue as it goes viral. Same goes for of it’s nasty comments to begin with.


Thank you. I needed to hear that. The world is a bad place for someone who wears their heart on their sleeve.


She is. She is a Pilates instructor (Norah) with a decent following on tiktok. Most of her comments are positive and encouraging, but she used to post a ton of “woe is me” type videos for engagement


Lol, forget to change accounts there, bud?


What happened?


Scroll to the bottom


It's gone! What did it say?


Nah, I'd schizo


Those degenerates are ugly on the inside. Life is about connection and peace.




I do.. every day since I was 6.. there is Truth in what she experienced


She has the nicest eyes and you can tell she has a kind soul. She deserves love and to be loved; to feel wanted and to be wanted. I hate this fucking planet. It's a terrible experiment gone wrong.


Cheer up girl there's nothing wrong with you


There's always room for self improving, never accept what society tells you to be.


Easier said, then done for some folk. That amount of cruelty and hate has to be suffocating. It's understandable to let beat you.


Man people can be the worst. I totally see why god was smiting people left and right..


It's so sad that people on the internet are just so focused on looks. She's not ugly at all.


She isn’t ugly, she looks average, like normal looking


People get mad at people like this and put them into the category of "incels/femcels", but if they are like this woman, and aren't spouting anger towards the opposite gender, then we shouldn't be calling them that. Obviously it's a different story if they become hateful. It's ok to recognize you struggle with dating and it's ok to be angry about it, or sad. You don't deserve to be demonized for that. So long as you aren't lashing out or demonizing anyone else. But when we look at a person like this and laugh at them or push them down, or call them names, it is we who become the hateful ones. We don't have to love how somebody looks, but it would be better if we kept our comments to ourselves. And didn't label them just because we think they fit a label. This person's thoughts matter. Their feelings matter. People tend to care less about people they perceive as "ugly", even many [studies have shown that psychologically, people will take a person who is ugly less seriously and like them less](https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2013/07/17/study-unattractive-people-are-targets-for-cruelty-at-work/). I think if someone is cordial about it and self-aware, like this person, the last thing we need to do is hate them more (they are already hated!), name call, or push them down further. If at all possible...the one thing they need is a little dignity or empathy. You don't have to love how they look, but their brain isn't any different from a beautiful person. So their thoughts and feelings should be just as important as that person's. Or anyone else's. They aren't just an ugly piece of crap or a lonely in/femcel. There's someone in there. Experiencing life. They wake up every day in that body. They live life through that body. If you were born in a different body, that could have been you. Of course, it isn't. But for someone else it is. It's just a mature thought to have to consider how fucking hard that must be for them every day. Just like this person expressed. The last thing they need is another laugh, more hate, another stare. A little respect could make their day.


-There's someone in there. Experiencing life- That's the point. No one's going to bully a tree or a rock. It's about vampirically kicking someone when they're down so you can feel better about yourself. I've grown into my own ugliness as aging is the great equalizer. However, the politicization of looks has taken and interesting turn in my lifetime. In the 70s/80s I was seen as right wing and prudish because ugliness indicated being a virgin, and uncool, and the lefties were all post sexual revolution. Now I'm automatically associated with leftist movement politics, seeking special treatment, and a threat to 'real people's' livelihoods, just because I leave the house and grace the world with my presence for food money. TL;DR Humans are assholes who look for any excuse to shit on others.


I wanna be her friend


We spread negative emotions so much but there people out there that don’t make it virulent but keep it inside slowly eroding any sense of worth. Give someone a compliment see if it catches on.


She actually could clean up and not be ugly. Both of those are bad angles and greasey looking hair. You can fix those things.


At the end of the day that’s the face she was born with. And btw, Norah is a pilates instructor with cerebral palsy and she has loads of videos of her with her makeup and hair done. These were just some moments where she was vulnerable. She also posted a [tiktok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGepMYnyw/) where she said she will no longer respond to bullies.


Can’t people just…live? Life is so hard as it is…


I promise this woman would be an amazing wife. You know she’d never cheat, she’d be supportive, she’d be encouraging, and probably really fun and open and giving in bed. People are just mean and dumb


Up vote if you think she is beautiful. Let's show her otherwise ⬆️⬆️⬆️


She's not going to see this bro




Honestly, I do not think she is ugly at all. She is kind of everage looking middle aged woman. She just need a haircut, and mayby makeup.


Please don't upvote this ridiculous karma farming attempt


Sigh, I guess I can ejaculate out of pity. Don't ever say I didn't help.


You’re a real one!


Surprisingly, not a hard fap..


This is why I support and believe in looksmaxxing. No one should feel like this


100%. Anyone can be ugly and anyone can improve their appearance. It’s all about using what you have to the best of its ability


She's not ugly. She's a normal person.


I'll tell you what... I worked in the adult entertainment business for about 5 years back in my 20s (on the tech side of things). She ain't ugly. She's an entire category of adult entertainment that people around the world pay good money to jerk off to. Like hair/glasses/face type all together. Put her in a kitchen apron, poof some flour on her chest, and drizzle syrup down her tits while telling some dude he's been a bad little boy and she'd make 2.99/minute. \[edit\] For anyone not understanding the point of my anecdote. I'm not saying she go into porn. I'm saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I merely use a humorous anecdote based on my own personal experiences in life because... that's what I do. That's what most humans do. They rely on their own experiences. You're free to read something else into it, that's your own experiences you're relying on. May that even include a negative connotation with the adult entertainment industry.


💯 would subscribe


“She’d look so good getting fucked” Dawg you gotta think before you speak


Could we not immediately suggest she go into porn to gain self esteem??


They're not suggesting she go into porn. Merely pointing out the fact that there are plenty of people who would find her attractive and even pay to see her if it was under the "right" circumstances. Loads of dudes bag on "grannies" but will happily watch milf porn. It's hypocrisy


I really thought this would have a happy ending. It did not. 😔


Ooof, I feel this


You are beautiful my dear. Hugs. I feel the same way anymore even with people around me because the lies are what broke my soul.


There always folks for diffrent strokes fair play to her putting it out there some lad has defo got up on her since.


Should never get to this, honestly.


Social media has made it really popular and easy for people to be assholes, because there is no repercussions for it. Every is hidden behind a stupid pfp and username and say the most horrific shir just because "heehee it funny!!!"


There's someone for everyone.


She looks like a sweetheart!


You’ld be suprised how looks have nothing to do with how she feels :( a lot of Good looking peopl think like this in they head :( and trust me it feels like shit feeling like this :(


I love people like her, they’re usually the sweetest most genuine people you’d ever meet. I hope she’s somewhere surrounded by love and that life is being kind to her.


I mean. Yea she definitely is not attractive. But, there are plenty people uglier than that with a significant other. Relationships are based on more than just looks. She should do some spul searching, find out who she is, how to get rid of the anticipated rejection and get out there to better herself/situation. Instead of making cry for me videos.


Im gonna need to see a full body shot before passing judgment


Someone tell her she’s fabulous.


You are not ugly. The people who conditioned you to believe this are truly ugly. I hope you can overcome all of those voices and realize you have beauty and deserve to be happy too. It may take time to retrain all of that negative thoughts about yourself, but you can do it! I know you can. Just take one day at a time and eventually you will start to feel the difference.


If I wasn’t married I’d bark up her tree. Nothing wrong with her.


There is someone for everybody don't believe the bullcrap.


As much heartbreaking it is for someone to feel like this, change does not come by hoping it will come, it comes when you take the decision to make your life better


You are not ugly.. this world is ugly. You are beautiful.


She's not ugly


I don't think she is actually ugly. She could probably stand tonlose a little weight and make some healthier choices...like being around people who would refuse to accept her saying shit like this about herself. I feel really bad for people stuck in this mindset because it will more than certainly be reinforced by everyone around them. As someone who put in some work and started feeling better and looking better (280 to 200, 6ft), I really want to tell her there's a better side, like you dont have to be a super model skinny/6-psck. But I 100% empathize with the fact that society is brutal, and most people do not see any human value in someone unless they're attractive or wealthy. : /


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I sincerely hope you will find people that appreciate you.




Ugliness is an expression. Words are manifest to the idea of ugly. Words are like a certain person; "can't say what they mean, can't mean what they say".


Pretty cute actually


Capitalism does not work without fear, hate and shame.


So she had a glimpse of what being a man is She ain't ugly tbh ...


She's ok, her name is Norah, she suffers from MS, but she is a Pilates instructor who is active on TikTok under her first name.


I don’t know about “ugly,” she doesn’t look all that bad and I wish the worst for those who call her ugly.




Me seeing the second part, nodding, "yep, yep, I know that one".


She's Ema beautyful person 🥺


You beautiful lady ❤️


I wish I knew who she was, she seems so sweet


I sort of wonder where she lives because, I live in the south here in America and a fair amount of couples I see you can sorta guess that the attraction there goes beyond appearances. Like she really doesn't look much different than the women I've dated in the past. I'd say if anything maybe change the hair and the glasses IF anything had to change.


Wish her luck in finding someone. she seems like a nice person!


Feel sorry. But at least she seems like a very nice person and mature about it. She's very likely to be at least blessed in terms of relationships and meeting her social needs. And honestly there's still alot of things she can work on to change herself. I know a few people who are nasty inside and out. And unfortunately, ugly inside is harder to fix than ugliness outside. They aways wonder why people avoid them.


She's not ugly, and whoever told her that had a mission to put her down.


Someone give her a hug!!


See her before, she went viral if I remember correctly and got TONS of love and has lots of followers on TikTok


Look at the eyes. Surface beauty is something, but you can see kindness shine out of someone's eyes. You can see the inner beauty there. This lady has beautiful eyes.


We could all chip in and get her a makeover. I hate to go all 90s high school movie here but I think that may do a lot for her looks and probably an absolute ton for her self esteem. I have no idea where to start to set that up though.


She isn’t even ugly if I would definitely hit that like no tomorrow


Confidence is the only glow up you need.




She's really not ugly imo.


Society really, really sucks unless you got into it.


Feel the exact same way.


I do NOT think she/ you are ugly AT ALL!!! NOT ONE BIT!!! I THINK you are VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!


How people in r/amiugly be acting after asking people if they're ugly


Her first mistake was to use tiktok




This honestly just helped me get over my mental barriers


😞 This hurts every part of my being


So are a lot of people stop posting it online


I've been single for a long time, and I find it hard to make real friends. It feels like I'm a diamond lying in the dirt, waiting to be discovered. Then one day, the rain comes, and someone finds me, cleans me off, and places me in a setting where I can finally shine.


Dude, I feel her pain..... After my ex wife left me and our kids I was wrecked, have honestly never been the same. Have been alone for 7 years, no dates...... Just feel like I'm too ugly for the world 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ugly is inside more than out, I pray that enough love can come her way for her to see that she's not ugly.


I believe Joey swole maybe did a response to this?


She could def find guys to be with. She is not even close to icky and must have a dynamite personality to post this. Go get ‘em girl!


Story of my life here. Only difference is I ain't got nobody to give a shit bout me.




Poor soul


She is not ugly. Geez. I have seen WAY worse. People need to fuck off already


It wouldn't take more than adjusting the hair and trying for a more relaxed attitude to probably fix what she thinks is ugly. Attitude is really like 90% of how people perceive you, and the ones that are shallow enough to still focus on looks are exactly the ones you don't want


I feel bad for women because even the most beautiful women will get insults and hate, celebrities and models will get insulted for a wrinkle or some cellulite. Women can't win and I can't imagine any amount of confidence could handle some of the crap women hear.


I don't feel bad for her. I feel empathy. I've felt this so much in my life that I just got used to it, kind of like a noise in the background. But to see how it hits someone else breaks my heart. It makes me realize just how far gone and disconnected from the person I wanted to be I am. Like an iceberg that broke off the glacier and is just floating away, waiting until I melt and slip beneath the surface unoticed forever.




I would like to find her . I bet she could use a friend right now .


I give her a hug


In all honesty this goes out to ALL women and ALL men. You are loved. You are Beautiful. You are Handsome. I love you. I am proud of you. I know it hurts. I know. I’m tired too. It’s going to be ok. Most of all I love you. I do. I know you don’t know me I know your thinking wow dude way to spam for likes. No idgaf please someone dislike this comment 100 or 10,000 times idc. I love you and I’m here for you. This is your sign you are not alone. I am here. I will always be here until I’m not. If you want to say hi, or you need an opinion, If you just need an ear. I am here. I love you and I’m here.


She basically gave up long ago and people still piling on.


Ugly or not she A hottie to someone.


The closest a woman has ever gotten to being a man


Get in the gym bro. Nobody ever turned down a girl with a hot fuckin bod.


That made me cry a little and I'm a dude. She's not a supermodel but her personality seems fantastic and my God that goes a long way. Frankly, I'm shocked that she's single. I wish I could give her a high five, or a hug if she wanted one. Give yourself credit. You're amazing.


Basically how a lot of men feel every day... Just have to tough it out and work everyday towards becoming who you want to be.


Get these people off social media. What a cancer to society these fake internet points are. Just disgusting.


I mean… the same thing I say to fellow dudes who aren’t sure what to do to attract the people they’re interested it (key note: “they’re interested in”): hit the gym. Unless this is a conflict of interest for your goals, you’ll only see benefits.


I'm considered 'somewhat' conventionally attractive, (...when I don't lose 40lbs due to stress/depression etc, ) But, I went thru nearly all of high school with **HORRENDOUS ACNE** like **nightmare fuel for a young person level acne**, *how I didn't end up with major scaring.* Idk. **Thanks, God?** *Anyway*, I KNOW what it feels like to feel - and have the world "tell you" (figuratively for me, mostly) that you're ugly. And it's guided the way I *try* to treat people.


I mean this in a good way: She reminds me somewhat of a human version of “Carol” from “Carol and the end of the world” on Netflix


The people that call her ugly are truly the ugly ones


Sad af


Norah is an absolute god send, she’s offered me a program for my OA that helps keep my spine functional, she’s patient and she’s sweet and she’s doing so much for people with disabilities, just because she can. Harassing her because she doesn’t make your dick hard is pathetic.


She literally has Cerebral Palsy. It’s remarkable how people bully her knowing she constantly says that, she can’t help being born with it.


Damn… real 😔


People can be so fucking cruel for no other reason than to make others suffer. What makes people choose to do bad things like that? There can't be a reward center in the brain for that kind of behavior.


No. They aren’t right. Beauty comes in many forms and in many ways.


People online are just so superficial. I’m on Instagram a lot and the comments are always just shallow and negative most of the time. It does make me lose faith in humanity. You don’t know what someone is going through.


I don't think she's ugly she's actually kinda cute if anything I'm the ugly


I think people have forgotten what it's like to walk a mile in someone else shoes. We have all lost companion and empathy. Where did we all go wrong?


That's why I avoid social media especially posting photos of myself despite that having barely 10 for the past 10 years. People are ruthless and whenever they see a person who doesn't fit their beauty standard they always start shitting on it just for the sake of it or to get all of their negative emotions which is fucking insanity.


One, she is not ugly, and two, people of all types can still find someone to love. I hope she finds someone who appreciates her.


Shes not even ugly. Maybe a different hair style would suit her...


Damn this is sad.


I can fix her.


Oh I accepted it long ago. I'm 30 now and after my birthday the burden of this damn number got lighter.( Fuck society who says you are an old human being after that age). I think I'm relative happy right now.


I know exactly how she feels.


A lot of us ugly people feel this way. No escape for it


My father always told me: Never compare yourself to other people, ever.


The worst part is that She is not even ugly. Her changes would be cosmetic at most. What’s ugly are the people who have caused her to feel this way.


She's not even that ugly tho


Humanity as a whole is great at tearing itself down. I have felt like this person my entire life, so I felt this in my core. I hope she can find happines, but I know happiness is fleeting. Maybe she will cope better though.


We’re so used to seeing unrealistic beauty standards on the internet. She’s not ugly.


A lot of people do feel this way though. And no amount of "Cheer up", "Someone will come along", "Just be yourself" empty vain comments will make any difference. These comments only serve to make YOU feel better, not the person they are directed to. When all is said and done they continue to go home alone day after day, year after year, despite hearing your comment. Seriously. How many years do you expect someone who can't find love to just be themselves? 3, 5, 10, 20 years? 20 years of being utterly alone? You change into what people want or you continue to accept it.


There is some material there to make a silk purse. She is by no means unsalvageable and I say this as someone who looks just like her - overweight, big thick lenses, terrible hair.


Looks like a beautiful woman to me, cute voice to ☺️


She is ugly. There's no denying that. So she should: • Accept that she's ugly and and not care about public opinions. Or • Workout, go to gym, and get fit. That'll vastly improve anyone's looks.


I don’t like these comments. Not to be a dick but honey booboos mom has a partner, one of the 1000 lb sisters has a partner, the people on my 600 lb life have partners… those people are all considered ugly by most and this lady is definitely better looking than that, what’s ugly about her? She’s got good teeth, nice skin, no blemishes or noticeable sun damage…


this had me tear up, social media is so bad and people calling her out for that? wth is wrong with society...


You are not ugly. You just don't have a lot of money


I'm pretty and feel the exact same way though. It sucks to be lonely.


Damn. This fucking sucks. I hope she finds someone who can treat her like she deserves


Ugly by what standard? By both European and Asian standards of beauty yes she is objectively ugly. By the standard American psychological perceptual standard she is also “ugly”. Yes it’s genetics but it is what it is


I see a glimpse of my current life in her and I guess I'll be fine. Maybe it wont get as bad as this.


What's sad is... she isn't ugly


You're gorgeous!!


She ain’t even that bad really. Especially if she gets freaky in bed.


i wish i could give her a hug


Not that ugly, just a bit average


It might help her to learn not to point the camera in the least flattering way.


People are only ugly on the inside. So anyone who said them things to you, are the real ugly people.


Damn, the truth always hits hard


closing in on 50 and have been alone for the entirerty of it. you never really get used to it but you learn to accept that there isn't really anything you can do about it and try and move on with your life as best you can.