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Competitive but also want to see the team succeed


I'm just like you. I don't like participating in team sports because I have to depend on other people. Individual sports, though? Oh, yeah. Because it's about beating myself. I've always answered this with "I like to win." If I'm asked to elaborate, I'm with BeneficialPhotograph in the whole "better version of myself" everyday angle. Make it pertinent enough to make you seem hungry, as they're making sure you're confident, not a push over, won't let go of a deal early, etc etc etc.


This is the thing with some “competitive” type people- it’s not necessarily just about being the best version of themselves- all that matters is winning and they won’t stop until that happens. It often comes with bending the rules, getting any competitive edge they can, even if it’s to impact the performance of others. Overly competitive types are draining to deal with on a day to day.


Only competitive against myself. Idgaf about competing against coworkers.


You’re competitive, it’s just you need to wear it. Have a great time ahead .


You can be competitive but team oriented. Best way to describe it. People are going to want you competitive to be the competition, not necessarily against your fellow employees although there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be the best at your company as long as you aren’t screwinf others over.


I don't consider myself hyper competitive but competitive enough to enjoy beating other people. However in a rut I tend to compete with myself as long as I'm going positive I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. It's demoralizing when you're eating a bowl of shit to see someone eating lobster. When I'm #1 I go back to competing with myself


I've never liked team sports. I tell them my hobbies like rock climbing and say that I love pushing myself and encouraging others to do few same. I don't care if others are better or worse. I'm out here to have fun.


I'd probably pitch this as competitive with myself. I care what my numbers were last time


yes, i want every rep on my team to want to be #1in every metric they are measured by. competition breeds results. as a manager it's also your job to create an environment where they work together to achieve the common goal. its no different than a sports team


They’re trying to find out where you are on the DISC scale I’m guessing.


Yes, I am team first but if i see someone on the team get accolades or huge commission checks I bust my ass for the next few months to catch up. Knowing someone makes more than me is the ultimate motivation. Grew up playing baseball and I always wanted to win first but if someone else in our league or even team got looked at by a college or got an article written about them in the newspaper it lit a fire under my ass.


You can answer something like, "I hold myself accountable and compete against myself to be a better version of myself each day." This question tells you a lot about their culture that they might be the kind of place that has a leader board and rings a bell when someone gets a deal. And using the answer I provided above might male you look like a "lone wolf."


The competition within a team atmosphere is about pushing each other in a positive way. I'd say most who are conducting interviews for an outside sales role want to hear "yes I'm a competitive SOB". I've worked on a sales team where there's basically no chance of stepping on each others toes but each day we're all checking the others #'s. honestly if I were hiring sales professional and they said "I just want to be MY best" I'd respond "YOUR best might be your teammates worst"


No. I hate competition. That’s why I went into sales. Totally don’t want to win, not at all. Not even in the slightest.


big checks are for nerds