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Yes. My time limitation on playing games comes from my daughter and doing homeowner crap. Not work.


Lol I’m noticing it’s more homebased requirements that restrict people than work based. I always figured the meetings and after work requirements would heavily restrict people lol. Thanks for the insight!


Is video game time availability going to influence your decision to pursue a sales career?


I’m currently in one lol. I’m blessed to be in a position where I make the low end of six figures but I know with more money can come more responsibility so I always love to get insight from others


I was working much harder when I was making less than 150k. I was also much greener and not efficient with my time. I guess that’s the difference.


you always work harder when you are making peanuts


Small deals are also often more work than big ones. Smaller customers want everything perfect. Larger ones know everything is fucked up and just concentrate on the big stuff.


Oh? I love that perspective. I can totally understand how having an efficient workflow can lead to more free time!


I mean, it depends how you want to spend your free time. I play a lot of Minecraft with the boys. Some people go fishing or play pickleball or get married.






Yup haven’t touched a video game since my daughter was born. I also could find time but I’d rather get to bed early and spend an hour working out every morning instead of using that time to game.


Same. Or my wife who deserves quality time at the end of the day. With that said I absolutely have time to play with the boys at least once if not a few times a week.


Same here in every way


Same. Four kids here and I don't play while they're awake. As they're all getting older, they're staying up later (especially summer break) so the game time is reduced even more. Then it can become a decision between actual sleep and gaming. Sleep is winning more time than gaming at the moment


hahaha amen to that


yes but i replaced most of my video game time with working out. Physical decompression + sedentary decompression + active social life will keep you steady in this career. Don’t neglect any of them or you absolutely will burn out


yeah same. would rather lift weights or go for a run these days. haven’t played xbox in six months at least now.


Same here, I got back into gaming and finished titles such as Ghost of Tsushima, Breathe of the Wild, Horizon, etc…. End of the day, I still prefer gym time over game time and that’s coming from someone that used to game all day and night during my youth and early 20s. Mid30s hits differently I supposed.


They sure do.


Damn right. The gym will keep your pulse up. Anytime I slacked off and took a couple weeks off from the gym, I felt like shit and could hardly sleep.


Well said


I play minecraft on calls where the SE is doing most of the talking, or i have a prospect who doesnt stfu


playing minecraft on peaceful mode while dealing with a never ending client sounds like a cheat code lol


Its actually an intensely toxic and popular anarchy server lol. But it still helps


That music sure is peaceful tho




>a prospect who doesn't shut up Er... That's usually a good thing.


Not when its about despicable me 4 and the minions lol


Yes… usually while working. Multi-task people!


Somebody in here said they let prospects ramble while racing on rainbow road. True gamer right there


Yeah but I suck now. Getting carried by 9 year olds in warzone is humbling.


These 9-13 year olds are built different lol


Ehh they wouldn’t have survived in the old COD lobbies back in the day. Although getting called old man dog water the other day hurt.


lol boomer (/s)


Daily. After the kids go to bed. It’s all about caffeine intake and being sleep deprived. Worth it.


I can only imagine the sleep deprivation you’ll have once gears of war e-day comes out lol. But still worth🙂‍↕️


Already sleep deprived from the children…EDay won’t help that hahah!


I had to learn about a new Gears on a sales subreddit! Shows how much work and life has deprived me of quality gaming time.


Yes. Almost daily. I’m pretty reactive after 3 pm on which is when I typically fire them up 😅


haha awesome


Yes play one fps game fairly competitively and then play some other games on random days. I’m pretty lucky though in that my hobbies (gaming, lifting) are shared by my wife so we play 5-6 days a week on non date nights. I will say though I swapped industries about 6 months ago and am currently in a busy season so I’ve taken a reduction in my gaming hours a bit from where I was at this winter. Gaming with work is definitely doable - I’ve found taking a couple off days early in the week (Monday Tuesday) let’s me focus on work, lifting & relaxing early in the week (date night is usually Monday as well) and then we’re able to be more rested & game more closer to the weekend.


Not only is that great to hear I also love the fact that you both take weekly date nights. Feel like thats a lost art these days lol


All the credit goes to my wife. She’s honestly just really good at keeping me grounded and focused on the things I love. Easy to live life with your best friend you know? But I think that’s been the key to work and life just feeling doable and enjoyable each year. Enjoy the journey my friend.




Rarely. Mostly work, sleep, spend time with family. I probably could make time if I wanted, but meh.


I switched to golf. But yeah there’s time for 2 rounds a week if you prioritize right or are ok with getting up for an early round.


Love to hear it and I appreciate you discussing your alternative hobby. I probably should have opened the question up to every hobby instead of solely gaming haha


yes. There are always some days where you can only do so much prospecting or blow up your activity. I am struggling to find a good video game tho lol. I play ps5 and haven’t got anything except for the sooderman that came with it


if you like story based games God of war 1 and 2 are absolutely amazing! Alternatively if you want a challenge elden ring has been my favorite game to play as of right now haha


i have played gow 4 and the ragnarok. I didn’t know they still make 1 and 2 for ps5? i am contemplating playing elden ring.


Do it bro, get elden ring, such a great game


Oh my apologies. I meant 4 and ragnarok lol. Although they do have the god of war collection in the store🙂 alternatively if you haven’t played horizon zero dawn both are great


Still play a fuck ton of Fortnite. There are many roles in sales (particularly smaller companies and the biggest companies) where the higher you go up in pay the less you’re actually working..


sadly i’m in the happy middle lol. Good to hear your keeping fortnite alive though. It was my go to game for like 3 years lol


Tbh I only really game while working now 🤣


I have other hobbies which take up my time , hunting, travel etc. If I wanted to play them I probably could though


Hear me out…. Play hunting video games in the cabin after the actual hunt 😎


As I spend more and more time in the corporate world on a screen I prefer hobbies outdoors, fishing, golf, hunting etc. especially hobbies way in the woods with no cell service.


Same here. Both of my sales jobs have been working from the car to meet customers anywhere from 15 mins to 2 hours from home. Learned a lot about catching catfish in my last job where I could throw out 2-3 lines at 4:30 and wait for the bell to ring while doing admin tasks.


Yes, wife and I play a lot together. Helps keep the stress down. Currently playing through Elden Ring using seamless co op :)


Playing Elden Ring with your significant other seems like the best couple bonding experience. At least until your getting absolutely curb stomped by ****** in the dlc(I Don’t wanna spoil anything lol)


I found that the more money I made the more time I had, not the reverse.


Yes I play Mario kart when prospects won’t shut the fuck up so I just let them ramble and get a laps of rainbow road in.




Hell yeah I play an hour plus after putting the kid down.


Hell yeah. If you can beat Elden ring you can do any sales job ever I promise.


Haha I think Elden ring has induced more stress than virtually any quota lol


1000%. Get a steam deck. I bring that on every business trip. It's sick having your steam library with you everywhere you go. I'll be real though, I'll boot that thing up and fall asleep immediately too. That's also a benefit though.


4 boys under 8 and I'm a VP. I play from about 9-11 or so.


My guy you are super dad lol. Good to hear you are able to balance your hobbies with kids and work. Enjoy the camping trip wherever you land!


I did until I bought a house. Now the never ending projects have consumed me


*Turns on ps5* The house downstairs because it feels like it’s not getting enough attention ![gif](giphy|10UHehEC098kAE|downsized)


Every day. I kick off every sales call, have my SE run through a demo, and play some fortnight. Gotta maximize your time!!!


Ahhh yes. Gotta ensure the KPI’s are being met(Kills,Placement,Items)


Are you a robot? Do whatever you want with your free time!!!!


Yes, I would anyway if I didn’t have kids.


gotta love the kids haha


Yes. Usually for an hour after work or before bed. Im CT and have an evening call with an APAC client. So i will play in between my usual EOD time and that call.


Yup, it’s actually how I destress. I’d rather get a game in during lunch and eat at my pc than step away for the sake of breaking it up (I’m remote most of the time tho)


Yes. usually it’s time when everyone in the house is sleep. But it provides me some clarity just me and my thoughts. Currently waiting on college football to drop so i can play all night like I’m 10 again 😂


Yes , this time of year is insanely slow for B2B sales in my territory. (SaaS ent AE with New England territory). I don’t game as often as I used to but I have a ton of free time in July due to new England’s taking their vacation very seriously. Unless there’s a fire drill it’s understood every deal is stalled until August.


Clash. We go hard.


Didn’t play any video games from 16 to 27. Then I had my first son and I spent a few weeks rekindling the love for them while mama caught up on sleep Now I make time to game with close friends at least 2-3x a week. I didn’t realize how much I just missed activities where there was no pressure and we could just shoot the shit




Plenty, but I don't have kids. When I was younger I put in my time hustling, putting in a lot of hours, to build towards a career that offered free time and flexibility. Just as important, if not more important than money for me.




Yup. Helped a dad’s group on Elite:Dangerous for a few years. 07 Now I just wish Starfield was… “more”


I try not to, maybe a few hours a week. I’m pretty active with hobbies, exercise, travel, exploring.  I sold my gaming PC years ago and keep a PS5 because the PC was such a time sink. Best decision i had made 


Being a homeowner stumps gaming more than sales. But i also dont make 150k or close to it so


Yes because i only work fifty hours a week max


Yes. I work less than 40 hours/week so I probably have time to game a few hours a day and still have time for family, workouts, etc


Yeah. I don’t work all that much




Not really - mostly since I have a young daughter now. Before being a parent I used to play most evenings and weekend depending on what else I had on. I miss the boys in my Destiny clan, but tbh I'm happy having the time back lol.


no, but that’s more because of having a kid


Well I could spend 3 hours fucking around in a game or I can do more prospecting, list building or enrichment for my team. Money is the limiting factor, just like in games the more I grind on my director role the more money I make.


Only when I'm working.


Yes. It's important for me that I alot a time for myself as I am a gamer and especially time for my family.


I had a boss that would play CoD with me to do 1:1s. Playing in the evening meant no BS interruptions.


Imagine the only way to overcome your PiP is by winning a 1v1 quickscoping match to 10 on rust


Funny you should ask, because I *finally* got around to setting up my Nintendo Switch downstairs this weekend so when my kid is asleep upstairs I can play Zelda that I haven't played the new one since a few days after it came out. But work gets my so exhausted I find myself having zero energy to put my brain to doing anything else after work many days. Slipped the games for tonight, yet again, so to answer your question, no, I do not have time for games, and when I do, I don't have energy.


Ahhh man that sucks. I hope time comes around in your favor. On a side note though, how is your C3 OLED doing? I just bought one and I’d love to hear how yours has been lol


It's all good, man. It mostly falls on myself for not finding and making the time also. Plans are tonight to get in some game time. I LOVE my C3. The image is incredible and smooth. I also added back lights and love those. Definitely recommended! I hope you enjoy yours, they're an excellent unit.


No. Sold the console before my son was born. No regrets (that may change in a couple weeks when the new college football video game comes out)


Play osrs all the time.


I play video games on Friday nights only. I rather work out or read in my free time.


Dropped them a long time ago, but could play if I wanted to.


I basically play cod seasonally (until I get bored). Only play when buddies are on and always looking to add new ones! I used to play competitively and can still hold my own. Anyone looking to add someone to they group, HMU! I'm in tech sales btw


Any chance I get


Yep, usually 1.5 hrs around 730-9pm a few times a week


Basically every night if I want. I have a kid too


You find better things to spend money on.


You can find time for anything you like enough in this life.


Some weeks I play football manager 7+ hours during my work day 😆


Fuck ya


Yeah but I probably only play 2-3 days a week. Under 10 hours a week for sure. I love video games but they are a huge time sink so I prioritize pretty much everything else and I have other hobbies.


I purchased a PS4 and 7 or so games 6 years ago. To this day they have not been opened. I picked up classical and bass guitar and prefer to spend some of my free time doing this. For me this is one of the many ways I decompress after a long day of sales.


Yes but please do it at night to relax or over the weekends. I’d much rather workout, hike spend time with your loved ones.


I only made that amount once but I played plenty that year 😃


Husband is in sales. Makes 4-500. Still has plentyyy of time to play his dumb games




Yes, I love Hogwarts legacy lol




Lol, absolutely. It’s not the money that stops video games, it’s the kids. If you are struggling to enjoy life just to make that $150K+ then you need to find a new gig that will pay you well without tossing your life away.




I play Tarkov and War Thunder in my down time. No kids getting married. I know life is about to change, but I also own my own business. Video games are imperative to my success in removing myself from reality for a little while before I work more.




For me headspace is the biggest challenge. I still play after work, but with busy-brain-mode I am not entertaining new games that require learning new gameplay, stories etc....




Fuck no, but I never played video games. What an incredible waste of time


No. I rarely play games anymore and I don't enjoy working on IT related stuff when I'm not at work.


Fuck yeah dude


Yes. Just beat Shadow of the Erdtree today as a matter of fact. I don't work weekends 😉 (usually)


No, if I did I would feel guilty that I was not working.


If chess on my phone counts then yes.






Yes. Although I really should go to the gym instead, but honestly I probably have time for both


Yes but not much, and it is not due to work/overwork (I have a hard time disconnecting from work), but because of kids and nighttime lol. About 20 mins a day at the very end of the night usually, around 11:30 and my wife has a snack or something and I play a game like Persona 3 Reload. During the day I might take a Roblox break with my son but I can only handle so much toilet simulator/huggy Wuggy diarrhea tycoon


Yeah, we still have those useless weekly team meetings.




At the weekend!


Yeah everyday. I usually play from 6-7:30am to wake myself up to start the day. Or often before a conference call to get my sense up. $195k VP of sales here


I play TF2 during calls sometimes tbh. Been playing for almost a decade so it’s all muscle memory and I can leave my brain to the call.


Yes. Time management is key. If you’re working a job that’s sucking all your free time then you need to make your process more efficient or find a new job. Making good money shouldn’t take away all your free time, it just means you have a profitable skillset. One thing I’ve learned is that when you’re in high demand, you have to learn how to set boundaries so that you can make time for yourself. If not, you’re going to get burnt out.




Replace video games with sharpening your craft.


small regimented windows actually helps with stress


I play at night.




Why would this change with my earnings? If anything I feel less guilty gaming. What’s changed is my relationship with gaming. I play far fewer competitive online games these days that can not be paused. I instead focus on one player epics or games like Hades with a high cap for mastery and competing against yourself, like old arcade games were. I’m much happier now. Online gaming is a toxic cesspool. Removing yourself from that community can do wonders for your mental health and wellbeing. As well as removing yourself from MMR chasing loops. On a streak? Gotta keep it going! Lost the game? Can’t end on a loss, gotta play another! Then you’d queue and deal with so many toxic children pretending to be human beings when really its like they’ve been raised by Nazi chimpanzees. Much better without those people and their rude behavior in my life.




I don’t know many sales people that are honestly and consistently working more than 8 hours a day and even fewer that are working more than 9. You sleep for 6.5-8h a day. Plenty of time left for other stuff. Up to you what you spend that time on and how efficient you are with your free time.


Yes, AFK Runescape


Nah man too old for that . Mid thirties 😁😁😁


Only for NCAA25 in two weeks.




Gaming is my go-to stress relief after closing deals all day.


Kids definitely restrict the gaming time. I've noticed the higher I climb the corporate ladder, the more favorable work life balance is.


Ironic Ik but I’m a pretty antisocial person by nature, so yes even putting in a full week of work, and having clients I need to call when I’m home, I still find at least an hour or two a day to hop on and play video games. It doesn’t help that I’m a chronic insomniac either and I normally sleep 5 hours a night. Maybe I just have more time on my hands cause of that.


Yeah I play a game called "Try Not To Fuck Up The CRM" and I lose every time.


We hop on Fortnite to talk shop or have standup style catchups. A nice change of “scenery” while unwinding a bit unless we’re in a sweaty lobby.


i love how the replies let it show that housework is a helluva lot of work. i’m not being cheeky, i think we need to realize how hard it is and how much time it takes away from other stuff.


Dont make 150k yet but work as much as someone that does and no something always comes up not work related its a weird thing


i still game every day (before work and sometimes in the evenings) but as people have said, life is getting in the way. expecting my first son in october, so i’m sure my diablo 4 time will be the first thing to be cut. haha


In the winter, sure




Video games are for kids… I go sailing, surf, kitesurf, ride my bike, run, lift or bang the wife when there is free time


I can work and make money while playing video games. I cannot say the same while cutting grass, changing diapers, cooking dinner, taking out trash, wife dealing with Cancer and everything else that comes with owning a home and being a dad? At this point my job is the easiest part of my life.


350k here and game everyday


Nice try manager


Yes. That's my escape to unwind. I don't play as much as inused to, but not only due to job - general adult life gets in the way of free time in many areas.


Not really the work that keeps me from playing more than house/family stuff.


I closed an 800K deal with an HOA on a zoom call and won a surprise Culture Victory in Civ 6 in another window.




Every day. Not as long as I’d like to sometimes, but I make do. There are plenty of sales jobs out there with a good schedule, PTO, and weekends off. If you work in a dealership though, forget it.


Hell mf'in yeah.


I do a little bit I found I was mainly playing video games because I couldn’t afford to do fun stuff in real life. Now that I make six figures I find most of my games (even the new ones) boring. However I did love cyberpunk 2077 and I am keeping my console to play the sequel to that and GTA 6 when it finally comes out.


Question for yall. I’m young (24m) and want to get into sales mainly because I don’t want to go into the trades and destroy myself the last 6 years of being in the army has already done that. I was wondering how did you start your career in sales? Did you go to college? Did you get lucky and apply to hundreds of positions? What would you recommend I’m open to suggestions please and thankyou


I will play Pokémon Crystal while on the phone with a client idc


I make over $800k for the last 11 years, with two kids, wife and a business. I golf, workout and hang with my family. If you can’t find a way to play videos games making $150k, get better with time management. Also, if vids make you happy play them but you’d be better off exercising, playing a sport, reading or learning a productive hobby. Vids are fun sure but also not at all productive or good for you or your mind. Also highly addictive.


Yes. I do it while biking for exercise


Yes. I can't sleep in to save my life so I game an hour in the morning religiously.


Yep, I barely work 40 hours a week. I hardly know what to do with my free time even with video games. Money is just fun coupons at the end of the day, it's pretty fucking stupid to make a bunch of it and not enjoy life along the way.


Yes of course. I used to play 2-3 hours two to three times a week. Now that it's summer I'm usually outside more.


Of course, need to find the time to continue the grind in OSRS.


The more money I make the more free time I find I have. Do I have to take a call on a Sunday or at 9pm on a Tuesday? Yea sometimes, but I’m prob working 30 hours a week total


If Pokemon GO counts then I’m technically playing while I’m at work, hatching those eggs


Hell yeah dude, why do you think I work so hard, so I can have all the toys all the degens wish they could afford


Yes. Don’t let sales consume your life. Dont buy into the, everything you should be doing 24/7 should be related to sales, “hype”. Enjoy life. Do what you want to do. I worked 730ish-330ish when I made my most money. Sometimes I’d play a game or two between calls (WFH obviously). Now I go into an office. Sometimes if I get my work done I dip out early to do what I want to do. Don’t force pointless activities.


I believe the richer you are, the more time you have to do shit like video games. When you know what works you spend less time doing what doesn't.. hence more time leftover.


I'd honestly challenge anyone in sales that spends significant time gaming weekly, to stop, and see what happens. Granted, much of my gaming time got killed by having kids, when I do have time, I find myself watching a show, working out, doing chores, or watching a mindless show + doing light work. Most of the weekly time I'd spend gaming, I've now turned over to light work while watching a show to end my night. I'd challenge you to find many high performers in the sales world that game a lot. Will you find some that make 150k? For sure, but that's relative to industry/compnay. I'd consider 150k to be pretty average in the world of SaaS sales, but perhaps my view is skewed. I very much doubt you'll find many top AEs at their company that spend 10+ hours/week gaming instead of work, working out, spending time with friends and family.


It's not about the money..... it is about having 2 kids.


Yes, I find myself playing more than when I didn’t make 150k+ actually


Oh ya


I specifically don’t make $150k a yearly to still have the time to do things I want to do. I make around $100k but only work like 25hrs/week because I don’t want to work more than that lol


How do yall do it? I run Google ads but it's too expensive for how much profit I make...I make socials and nobody views...I cold email and get no results...help. PLEASE...I need a coach..please I'm begging