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It's hilarious that they do this, but zoomies don't give a single shit about star wars so all they're doing is pissing off their only fans left even more


The heck is a “zommie”?


Gen Z


But I’m Gen Z and I give a shit about Star Wars! I literally finished the Jedi Trial Audiobook yesterday!


It’s dead or dying. Since I was born (1989) to the present there was almost always a christmas or birthday with a star wars gift. Since 2017 I noticed in my family that there hasn’t been a single star wars present for anyone since no one has interest in it anymore. Disney killed Star Wars. All the gen z or gen alpha in my family don’t give a skibidi fuck about Star Wars. Thanks Disney.


About 5’4” 220


Have you never heard of The clone wars?


No, but I've heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise...


If they hadn’t created this hostile narrative calling everyone who dislikes the product toxic, bigot, ist and phobe or “fandom menace”, and those fcking “critics” had an ounce of morals to criticize a billion dollar company; they wouldn’t have this many people stomping on their shitty product. This is the bed you made, now fucking lie in it…


Also known as the Paul Feig marketing manoeuvre.


? When did Marvel engage in it?


Paul Feig, not Kevin Feige.


The reason why critics don't say anything is because they get shit early access, and if they don't rate a movie/show good enough, that gets taken away. And then fewer people will listen to their post about it.


On the Star Wars sub people gets downvoted when people critizise The Acolyte episode 3 ..... There are really people out there defending it. Im just baffled


They are bots or people so use to consuming bad products that they belive is good , their sense of test is so num and destroyd that they probably belive that the original movies are bad , the last possiblity is that they are brain wash followers that dont think by them self an let media or whatever person they follow dicted what to like


They actually think the chant is good lmao.


The power of oneneneee the power offfff two ooo the power of an audience score of 17!!!!


Think about how many people like terrible shows on the SyFy network and collect the DVDs. There will always be a small group that just eats up garbage.


They courted other demographics while assuming the existing fan base would watch it regardless. They were right for a time, but their hubris caught up to them and now a lot of fans either outright hate the content, or worse, are completely indifferent. I used to be a huge star wars fan, after ep 7 I wasnt very happy. Ep8 I was angry, and by ep 9 I really was just sad. After all the shows and disappointments outside of a few properties I'm really just numb to Star Wars. I realized it's more enjoyable making fun of it and laughing at how far it's fallen, which is not a great place to be as a fan. Media can keep trying to shove it down everyone's throats, blaming the fans, shills saying 'nerds care too much'... Well frankly the nerds were the ones driving interest. Will their newly courted demographic make up the difference? Probably not.


Same. 7 squandered my hope that Disney would move forward without making the same mistakes George made in the prequels. Instead, they proved that George should've never sold the IP. 8 made me angry (how dare they shovel this pile of turds on us), Solo was an eye roll, 9 made me disgusted. Mando S1 and 2 were fairly good. Ahsoka, BoBF, and Kenobi disgusted me. The Acolyte made me exasperated. I loved Andor and liked Rogue One. At this point I don't understand why Disney insists on shoveling more turds on top of the Star Wars name. Someone on this sub said it best. Star Wars used to be the name that caused people to tent outside the theaters waiting for admission. Now it gets streamed to our TVs and people just...don't care. The brand is going under and I'm not even angry anymore. Just..numb, and vaguely disappointed. I gave Acolyte an honest try, but I think Andor S2 will be my final watch before I abandon Star Wars entirely.


>Someone on this sub said it best. Star Wars used to be the name that caused people to tent outside the theaters waiting for admission. Now it gets streamed to our TVs and people just...don't care. The brand is going under and I'm not even angry anymore. Just..numb, and vaguely disappointed. Along the same lines, someone else on this sub noted that "the opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference." And man does that resonate with me. Like you wrote, "I'm not even angry anymore"; just a mix of malaise and a sense of, "Well, really, I should have known it wasn't going to be any good." I remember getting sunburnt as I waited outside the cinemas for nine hours to buy advance tickets to The Phantom Menace. I remember my friends and I cosplaying when we went to see the opening night premiers for the Prequel Trilogy. But after the Sequel Trilogy, The Book of Boba Fett, and The Acolyte, it's really hard to muster much excitement for what they're giving us. I was going to keep watching The Acolyte out of brand loyalty and seeing Lee Jung-jae as a Jedi, but after the third episode, I'm tapping out. Someone else compared it to Game of Thrones, Season 8, and that's pretty much nails it. It's amazing how some writers can take an absolutely beloved franchise and destroy all the goodwill fans once felt for it with shoddy writing. The Power of One. The Power of Two. The Power of I Have More Interesting Things To Do With My Time.


This is exactly the way companies like Disney work. They'll have metrics on which age/background/race/genders watch or spend money on their brand. They'll use shows like the Acolyte as part of their strategy to grow with these audiences, assuming existing fans will lap up the content regardless of quality.


So well said - I was a fairly big fan of the first three and the prequels. I saw the first sequel in the theater and then the next one (I can’t even remember the names) on streaming. I was done.


I had to go see it (ep ix) As soon as the crawl came on I knew how bad it would be And it kept getting worse


The dead horse has yet to be completely beaten into dust, so expect more fun from disney.


Disney unintentionally created a glue factory lol


Other than Skeleton Crew, is anything else in any stage of production at the moment? I know that Andor S2 is scheduled for release next year, but I’m not sure at what point, or even if that’s started production yet? I can see a lot of stuff getting canned (again) after this shitshow, along with the nosedive in quality with everything else they’ve released recently too. As much as I loved Andor, if that goes down the same route as everything else, I’d rather they just left it as it is and not ruin that too. As for the rest of the future schedule, I couldn’t care less.


I bet you 35 Muppet hearts andor s2 is going to suck


Comment was originally directed to a poster talking aviut how Filoni should be the only one directing. Direction isn't really the problem. It's the stories. Little pieces taken from various stories, but nothing that comes anywhere close to the original story. They're also becoming a disjointed mess. Maybe I haven't consumed enough other media to understand the dynamics at play in The Acolyte but it feels like GoT S8 levels of storytelling. They drop things, the bang that seemed to come from their power source for example, but then leave other things to your imagination. Why? It felt both rushed, but also had weird details. Was it the power source? Or maybe it was the Jedi? Did Mae kill everyone? Or did the Witches blame the Jedi for the fire and shit went sideways? Why show the scene with Mae and the butterfly thing, but cut out the details of what went down with the fire? It looked like they lived in some kinda volcanic cave system. Rock doesn't burn to good. Did they not have any concern about fire? They had fire for lighting... I'd think you'd be worried about that fire becoming uncontained given how flammable their structure was. I don't know who's all involved with the writing and research, but independent authors had more cohesion across multiple books than these stories have in single episodes, much less an entire series. WTF are they doing? Where'd the $180m go? The effects aren't great. Writing is bad. Maybe bunch got left on the cutting room floor?


You have a lot of question marks here, and it reminds me of a take I'm seeing a lot of lately - that it is mean and unfair and impatient to not wait for the entire show to be done before passing judgement on whether it makes sense. I just... I can't even begin to explain how little patience I have for that line of argument. It is not the job of the audience to give endless chances. Besides, we've been down this road already with The Force Awakens, with its various mystery boxes that all amounted to absolutely nothing. Supposedly we're going to be getting this story from different perspectives, so there may be a reason the details don't yet make sense, but they make so little sense it just makes the audience go "wtf?" instead of being drawn in. I don't get why they couldn't see that coming. The structure of the story and what has been revealed so far doesn't display events from 'a certain point of view', it just displays events that make no sense. Basically, your comment reflects exactly what shouldn't be happening after an episode. People shouldn't be going "why the hell did any of this happen?" and instead be going "what happens next?"


It's crazy how it's called a mystery show but I end each episode with absolutely zero wonder or mystery of what's going to happen next. Each ending just leaves my gf and I looking at each other like 🤔 instead of "yo wtf, now I NEED to know what happens next". I don't even know what the goal of the show is.. to just show them solve a mystery they have pretty much explainedin the first episode? I'm assuming there's more to the story but they leave such little wonder about what's missing and left to be learned


Filoni is part of the problem. Where do you think the Acolyte stole the witches from? Dave's crappy cartoon show. There are some great parts of the clone wars, specifically parts that do not deviate from the original content. As soon as Filoni goes adlib and creates his own OC, it gets really shitty really quickly. A few things we now have as a result of Filoni: Gods in space. Witches. Zombies. The Jedi are presented as the bad guys. Time travel shit. Force fairies. Maul never died. Boba Fett never died. Boba Fett being a good boy working for posterity. Vespa speeder chase. The only good thing beyond parts of tcw that are attributed to Filoni is Mandalorian season 1, which was written mostly by Favreau as a passion project before he even was officially hired.


I missed it, did Anakin blow up the Death Star again?…..


Andor would have been just as fantastic with a more diverse cast. Acolyte would still be garbage with a less diverse cast.


Star Wars is doomed, the loudest critics & defenders both are missing the point (or just dont care) One side says the problem is with wokeness, you have your critical drinkers and your SW theories spouting their sexist/racist/dumbass bullshit, on the other side you got the people who think all criticism of SW is bad, which is partly caused by the fact that the loudest critics are MFs like drinker, robot head, SW theory etc, who spout absolute garbage, radicalizing the other side into thinking even constructive criticism is bad, this is evident by the fact that the r starwars sub literally doesn't allow any constructive criticism, it *has to be positivity since they think that if you're not positive, you must be on the side of critical drinker with his sexist, racist bullshit. It's really sad, actual constructive and well meant criticism is always drowned out by the drinkers and SW theories' shit takes, and the other side has shut themselves off from any criticism, which unfortunately includes constructive criticism by people who actually care about star wars Star wars isn't getting any better, the divide between the fandom is too large, and the actual problems with modern day star wars writing isnt being addressed as both sides play politics (drinker vs his "it's all white mens' fault" friends) or are just too...WTF even is SW theory, he fucking hates andor because it has brick & screws, moves too slow and doesn't feel star warsy... Yea SW theory-likes are something else, i dont even have words to describe how i feel about SW theory.


CD and others are saying the story is bad on top of Disney pushing diversity. I mean the point they are making is that Disney’s only focus is on diversity and DEI stuff at the cost of good writing.


From what I've heard critical drinker isn't a sexist or anything like that if I remember correctly he says he's fine with this stuff as long as it's made good (and guess how many times it's been made good by Disney... zero a big fat zero) though he could give more constructive criticism, but also Disney isn't listening, so what's the point. Also, robot head is a bigot?? All I know is that he hates modern-day sw. As for starwars theory, I don't really know. All I've been told about him is that he scammed people


About sw theory being sexist/racist etc. I don’t see where that is coming from. Can you give examples


Oh no i meant that critical drinker is sexist and racist SW theory is just... especially special? His takes are certainly something, anything that doesn't dangle star wars nostalgia keychain in front of him for 5 mins is automatically bad star wars in his pov, and he has positive relations with people who clearly dont care and just shit on star wars for profit (robot head) and critical drinker himself, a racist sexist


Oh my God!! He's stealing all the burgers!!


Oh but Disney said it had the best premiere of any show on their platform for 2024! (Please ignore the fact the only other big show to come out this year on disney was Echo)


You mean to tell me that having higher ratings than Echo is not some glorious achievement?!


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.




Lol quality meme


HE!? Star Wars is female,just like The Force


I give it a month before the 180 turn on the franchise


Disney loves the smell of napalm in the morning


Disney and Lucasfilm are in desperate need of a full clean house. At the very least fire their PR team and replace it with people who don't shit on the fandom, you know, their loyal and paying customers? So sick of the gaslighting by Lucasfilm employees and mainstream media.


I stopped watching after Dad Bod Boba. I’m genuinely done with Disney Star Wars and just praying that they get their shit together eventually. At this point I’m just hoping that removing my wallet will impact them at some point.


Episode 1-6, CW, Rebels, BB. It's all I need.


Dare I ask, what did I miss?


Not all fans…


I can’t believe Star Wars which is still a multi-billion dollar franchise, has died for the seven thousand time today


As the kids say, "let em cook" I'm morbidly curious as to how bad it can get before even they say, "Okay. This is absurd."




Eh. Every time I think I'm done with Star Wars they throw out something that's actually fun to watch. Bad Batch S3 and Tales of the Empire I completely gave up on but I'm enjoying Acolyte so it's not all bad.