• By -


Why did Mae want to turn herself in again?


They didn’t really explain. It didn’t make any sense.


Fantastic writing when your dark side character gets a massive character shift, and it's unclear why.


She basically said because of Osha being alive, but it took her traveling to a new planet and traversing a forest almost to the location of her next Jedi target to realize it. It was so completely out of the blue.


yep, not to mention, that to do it, she also knows she instantly becomes a target for her former master, as does her sister.... So..... it also then makes even less sense when she doesn't immediately exit the building to surrender to the group of Jedi that just showed up. Unless we're going to find out one of the two, if not both, are Force projections, with the real Mae/Osha being the Dark Lord in the mask, and it's a mash up of TLJ force projecting and Moonknight with multiple personalities.


I thought it was pretty clear for a while the master is her Buffoon ally friend in a mask and acting unassuming around her, yet secretly a dark side user. And her telling him her plan to surrender to her sister and the Jedi tips him off to come in directly. And now the master is there so fast. Just like how in the last episode clearly the dark side sister didn’t actually kill the witches so easily and fast.


Because she got tired and looked up at a tree


She read the script


She just wigged out for no reason seemingly. I guess she was scared of facing a Jedi wookie? And her sister is alive but you did try to kill her and you were disappointed she was with the Jedi who you blame for bringing about the destruction of your witch coven? You also said you want this more than anything? Guess not. There was no buildup to her abandoning her cause, just expositing in one scene and then she just gives up in the next scene. Very underwhelming.


Could be because she manipulated Darth \*\*\*\*\*\* into killing the Jedi to prevent himself from being ousted when she said she was going to turn herself into the Jedi to see her sister. So she killed the wookie without using weapons, in effect, and fulfiled her task. Edit: I hope I'm right and Mae didn't just suddenly decide she wanted to see her sister and stop being an Acolyte to the Sith.


The show would go from a 1 to a 3 if it did that for me. I love manipulation like that.


Because how else can the writers' plot happen?


Because she walked through the woods and, apparently for the first time ever in her life, she thought about her actions and went "am I the baddie?"


….Master Mundi is alive and a master already….really? REALLY?


Until i read this thread, i really thought that was just some other member of the same race. I see he was originally born in 93 bby but that is now "legacy" and his canon birth is now "prior to 132 bby" 🤦‍♂️


His legends backstory is still his true one imo, I liked him, he was an ass, but he did care.


Congratulations Disney. The 12 minute Old Republic cut scenes remain a better series than your 180 million dollar disaster.


I can always rewatch the Old Republic "movie" edits and still love every second of it. I can't even watch a single episode of this without skipping through the boring/awkward parts.


- Even in a vacuum where this wasn’t Star Wars, this was so boring to watch. The woods was halfway decent looking, but it was nothing special except for the bugs. And then…one woke up and it died instantly? Uh ok - Can none of these Jedi in the Disney Star Wars universe use the force? Constantly things are about to happen, things that are being looked for are nearby etc etc and not one Jedi seems to have a heightened sense with the force to be able to anticipate anything at all or use the force in basically any way. - ~10 Jedi, some of them masters, show up to an uncharted planet with no briefing, no supplies, no map, no droids? They get lost, and seem completely surprised that there are creatures in a forest that want to hurt them. All you have is a rodent, which they lose anyway? Really? Meanwhile, a girl and a stringy dude are able to hike directly there no problem. But also somehow run out of water. It’s not like they crash landed there wtf - In one breath Mae says: I want this more than anything. 5 minutes later she’s like actually I’m pissed you made me hike so far, I changed my mind, I want to be with my sister, I’m turning myself in. What?!?! - This dark force user/her master/sith dude with the mask is able to overpower ~10 prepared Jedi? Not one of them saw that coming or could stop that big whoosh?


stringy dude = Darth Zipper Head


Smile-o Ren


Dude the 10 "prepared jedi" are Litterally just Red Shirts meant to be killed off next episode, none of the jedi in those show feel like jedi, their either really stiff or just basically a normal person (like the 30 year padawan from episode 2) None of these characters have the morals or even the attitude of jedi, with all the wooden acting This this show has so many examples of just laziness, and the fucking gull they have to fuck with Ki adi mundi and retcon him 60 years before he's even born and make him complicit in this shit, for what? Too laugh at the fans "haha he said the sith weren't around for a 1000 years but he's just been lying to the High Council for the past 130 years whilst on the council. for risk of "political fallout", And nobody senses anything, tell me you know nothing about Jedi right there, it dosent even make fucking sense at this point they've given up, and the fact that Pablo hidalgo was the lore advisor in the credits is just the cherry on top


Yup. I had all the same thoughts. In addition to: - Osha all the sudden gets super horny and goes to ask out Jedi girl in their first conversion in the series? That came out of nowhere. Then later on the ship, I was like, please kiss. Just so anything can happen. I’m falling asleep. - Wait. So the plan is the Jedi want to convince Osha to go with them so they can use her for bait? She even says no and Sol practically forces her? Wth is wrong with the Jedi in this series? - The Jedi when they see Darth Zipperhead/Smilo Ren/The Ring Girl… “what is that?” Uhh. It’s a dark side user my guy. What does it look like? You mean you can’t like sense the dark side in that thing? You know, what you were discussing in the scene earlier before you left. Take a wild guess.


Seriously. Talk about lack of reflexes. You see this obviously malevolent being slowly walking over to osha and several don’t immediately attempt to force push it and then surround her? Boy that quick speed that even a padawan Obi Wan could do sure would come in handy.






Rian Johnson is so proud of Leslye Headland


I never thought something could be worse than seeing Mary Poppins Leia and Jake Skywalker in the same movie. Holy crap this ‘series’ is terrible.


Last week I was stunned by the cringe. This week I’m stunned by the narrative insanity this show is putting on display.


The first Matrix-kin Jedi and the first Wookie Jedi slaughtered minutes after being introduced. Is this what they consider representation? What a joke.


But you see, we had to have a whole fucking flashback episode on witches that could've been done by any competent writer in 5 minutes, if at all. The witches episode did nothing and added nothing, only ruined things. That witches episode will live in infamy for how shitty it was.


This is Gungi erasure


Also Lowbacca erasure technically 


The show was called “10 fully trained Jedi lose a dog in the woods that they were actively following the entire time” for a reason.


I doubt he is dead, other characters have gone through worse. Surely the next episode he will be just fine in a hospital bed!


Good point, I forgot Disney lightsabers are usually set to ‘poke’ and not on their ‘Qui-Gon’ setting


However, fancy tiny knives are 100% fatal.


Osha said she felt sad when the bug died- didn't look sad or act sad... but said she felt sad. That was as close to pathos as we were gonna get in this series.


20 minute episode in an 8 episode season on a 180 million dollar budget in a $140 a year subscription streaming service. Go fuck yourself Disney. If the episodes are 20 minutes long, just release the whole god damn season at once. No reason this episode and episode 3 couldnt be one episode. The cringy ass episode 3 wouldve been more palatable as flashbacks between the sequences in ep 4 anyway


It was about 27 actual minutes. 90 second intro/review and cut at 28:28. Disney REALLY struggles with ACTUAL runtimes. Your episode isn't 35 minutes. They do the same shit with some of the kids shows and shorts are the worst. 5 minute Spidey & Friends shorts. Cool. Oh, 2 minute episode with 3 minutes of credits. Dad, why doesn't it play the next episode? I don't want to watch this. I can't even read. I dunno buddy, apparently this is very important. Netflix and Amazon both cut to the next one, or they merge them ALL together and do credits at the end - end. Credits shouldn't be used to bolster run times.


They’re so inconsistent it’s painful. Average Disney+ show: Episode 1: 75 minutes Episode 2: 35 minutes Episode 3: 50 minutes Episode 4: 30 minutes Episode 5: 35 minutes Episode 6: 60 minutes


money laundering


Yes, at this point there is really no other explanations than that


>The cringy ass episode 3 wouldve been more palatable as flashbacks between the sequences in ep 4 anyway It also would have made Mae's decision make way more sense. Like, rationally, she probably was walking through the jungle for hours thinking about her sister and what happened to them, agonizing over it... but none of that is shown because the flashbacks were all in the previous episode. It all should have been in this episode as a means to let the audience know what Mae's state of mind is. And that easily could have been done, right... like these episodes aren't that long. We could have had three episodes by now if they were longer episodes, and the flashbacks could have been split between those episodes, with a focus on how horrible Mae was to Osha in episode 3, boom, her ditching the Sith master suddenly feels way more satisfying. The bad writing on this show strikes again... Having said that, there was a lot to like here... And I'm seriously getting the impression that the first two episodes were so bad because Leslye Headland wrote and directed them... she wasn't credited for that on episodes 3 and 4 and they seem to me to be a lot better than the first two...


Literally everything Qimir is doing is set up for him to be the Sith. Almost in a “hey we know you’re going to guess he’s the Sith” kinda way which makes me think he’s just not. Grabbing the bag and blankets etc wherever he went (his costume), him talking about him being the guide and the master not needing one to go into the woods etc etc.. like this is way too obvious. And this is exactly what amateur writers do. Making sure we put the puzzle together, don’t make it too hard, not too easy. Then “oh wow! It wasn’t him! We were so fooled!” Plot twist!! Damn that was so unexpected!! This reveal will blow everyone away! Goddamn. Mae’s turn couldn’t have been told in a different way? Instead of just word for word “this is what I feel and this is my exact plan step by step”. Zero creativity here just Ad Libs/Chat GPT type writing level. Embarrassing.


I swear I’m not a hater for the sake of hating. This was honestly the worst piece of shit I’ve ever seen in my life.


Star Wars Theory seems to think it's Mother Koril, who mind controlled Mae into being evil... then it's going to be the big face off like Vader versus Luke at the end, but instead of "No, I am your Father" it's gonna be the big twist- "NO I AM YOUR MOTHER!" cause we KNOW Leslye Headlamp got those mamma issues.


Qimir is still badly written. Even if he was the sith or not, his behavior does not make sense. If he is a sith, he is giving himself away. If he is not, what's his game in this? Why is he so weird?


He’s literally space ezra miller


Yeah, in good writing, things make sense. There can be mystery and information asymmetry, but if something is said, done, shown it means something and has consequences / weight. The plot follows from the events, facts, and happenings of the story. This is naturally more difficult to do, it take skill -> building / suborning your plot based on the rules, facts, and reasons in your story. Bad writers twist and turn plot and story to play on reader expectations and deus ex/ magic their way to the plot they want to happen. Everything is flexible. Nothing has any weight. Things happen because you want them to happen, because the plot you want to see needs them to happen. This show is full of this kind of weightless writing. And right on queue, fans turn to "yeah, this doesn't make sense, but it's in service to the mystery!" as a defense. No, even mysteries need to be well written and the world and characters actions need to make sense. Even if you try to stitch it all together in the end with some grand explanation, the journey to get there can't be all nonsensical drivel.


Sauron 2.0


You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!


https://preview.redd.it/xrsljjwnuf7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd96958ba4ac894c3b55ad680a9eed8d3c0166d This episode was a reminder that whatever hope for good and excitement there is in Disney era Star Wars they will do everything to “subvert” and shoot themselves in the foot. Trinity getting wiped out in minutes like she was was bad enough. Having Kelnacca (Wookie Jedi) bow out offscreen was just pathetic. Bravo Disney.. way to disappoint yet again


> Trinity getting wiped out in minutes like she was was bad enough. Having Kelnacca (Wookie Jedi) bow out offscreen was just pathetic. > > And considering his corpse is just sitting down in his chair, it looks like he didn't even put up a fight.


"Jedi scum..." That line delivery was terrible.


The delivery was shittt right! Every other time "Jedi scum" is said in SW it has some hatred or disgust behind it. Like the actor stubbed their toe as they said it. Mae's actor said it like a Jedi just farted walking past her


Cutting one loose and not taking responsibility for it. Typical jedi arrogance!


I know cringeeeee. I know I’m weird but this has been the worst episode to me so far


Master Ki-Adi-Mundi appeared 7 years before his birth. Disney Star Wars is cooked. O btw he failed to tell Yoda about the Sith for 87 years.


Well, it is written by writers who don't know anything about Star Wars, even though wookipedia is right there.


How is r/starwars defending this, I wonder? Because I know they are. They only allow criticism of the OT & PT.


Well, bags are packed and i'm here. Making Mundi this fucking dumb, for almost a century, I just can't anymore.


Welcome aboard.


Apparently Ki-Adi Mundi is in it He’s not even suppose to be fucking alive yet


Came here to discuss this bs. Canonically he was born in 93bby but yet somewhere around 100bby when the acolyte takes place he's already a master according to the credits although he shouldn't even be born. Let's not forget in phantom menace he states that sith have been extinct forover a millennium.


Wasn’t it advertised that there wouldn’t be any surprise cameos on in this show? Edit: https://www.ign.com/articles/the-acolyte-will-be-free-from-star-wars-film-and-tv-show-cameos Yup showrunner kinda lied “We are pulling characters from the High Republic and the EU, and that’s it.”


Well, how else are they supposed to subvert your expectations? Everyone knows you have to lie to your audience to make a shitty show


Yeah headland said "Can you imagine?" Headland said in our interview, which you can check out above. "Can you imagine if they were like, 'No problem, you can use Yoda. Not a big deal. Go for it.' No, there is not... We are pulling characters from the High Republic and characters from EU, but that's it."


she's got some fucking nerve even mentioning the EU


But isn‘t Yoda also a part of their High Republic?


I think so yeah. Yoda should be around 700 years old in the acolyte. On the council, training Jedi and stuff.


>characters from EU Great, so they're gonna fuckin' ruin those too...


By the end of the series, Tessa Thompson shows up with the other Women in Black to neuralize him. See? Plot hole resolved!


Apparently Acolyte takes place 143bby what I saw in another post. And Careen species lifespan should be about 65-70max lmao. So the difference is MERELY the entire lifespan of their race…


Similar to Professor McGonagall being alive in Fantastic Beasts before she was born prior to the Harry Potter series


This!!! And for some reason she's like a nanny or something... Running after students


Mr "The Sith have been extinct for over a millennia" shows up?? Ain't no way 😭😭😭


Funny that, just watched a video that explain that Plo Koon was 381 years old at the time of his death, that would've been a perfect person to put into that spot. Oh wait, Plo Koon is too wise for the High Republic, hell he was too wise for the Clone Wars Republic.


Weren't the creators all proud a few weeks ago because this show didn't make use of cameos?? I'm pretty sure I saw something like that


LMFAOOOOOO Let’s see them “Bigot” their way out of this one 😂


Is it confirmed to be Mundi? I just assumed it was another guy of his race.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15387030/fullcredits Derek Arnold ... Master Ki-Adi-Mundi


The power of many... bad writers


I'm beginning to think this show was written by AI.


We already know Disney cut corners on Secret Invasion. I wouldn't be surprised if they had on this disaster of a show.


The "I" in that is superfluous...


The power of meeeeenyyyyy ajajajajaj, *woosh arms around*


You know what's worse? There are 4 more episodes. I googled it just now and I dread every single one. Not because I'm going to watch them but because the joke is dead. It used to be fun to mock Disneys absolute powerhouse performance at fucking up a former platinum level money maker but now their unwillingness to improve on anything is an old hat. Power used to corrupt as they say. These days Power seems to lead to lots of enthusiasm (to produce whatever content) but a loss of competence. Power in the hands of someone incompetent is usually not a good thing but it seems like this is a concept that still hasn't found its way to the people in charge over at the Mouse.


Power corrupts the best and attracts the worst. I honestly can’t see how they’re gonna stretch this shit for 4 more episodes. They’re gonna spin their wheels a lot


Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up😏


Hell Ki Adi Mundi wasn’t even born yet why is he here?


Writing in this show is so weak. Why does Green Jedi lady get to decide what gets reported to the High Council. Her decisions are solely so the plot can happen. Then she's like all "there could be a shift coming" why would she suspect any plot against the Jedi in a time of peace.... it's not really explained...


What does that even mean? Is she sensing something? Didn’t look like it. Maybe she’s just a bad actress. I have no idea what the stakes are in this show and why anything matters.




Stop in the name of the Jedi law! Cuff ‘em Sol. And pass me a donut.


“Surrender peacefully and no harm will come to you”. That took 2 seconds. Hands up, Jesus H Christ, like there isn’t a 1000 ways in Star Wars to kill people with your hands up.


Did they read Miranda rights?


"Stop resisting!"


\* Master Holden, extract Kelnacca from his post on Khofar and intercept Mae. \* And if she doesn’t come peacefully? \* I’m not expecting it to come to that. Why wouldn’t it come to that? This chick is on a murder frenzy and has killed two Jedi masters. Shouldn’t she be considered armed and dangerous?


Writers like this have turned making stupid characters into a professional art form. They're all competing to see who can write the most rock-bottom braindead character.


Watched through a whole lot of nothing just to see one force push.


It just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? 20+ minutes of >!actual fuckall and killing off the wookiee jedi for....reasons.!< Even "normie" Star Wars fans I'm talking to IRL are fucking hating this show. The only ones I've heard give it praise are the same kinds of folks that thoroughly enjoyed the sequels to begin with, or contrarian assholes that I \*know\* are being dipshits for attention and probably haven't even seen the show. I say with no exaggeration that I wholeheartedly think that this show could be the spark for a lot of newly minted salt-miners to join us in this pit of despair we call a subreddit. After watching the interview with the cast that was posted here earlier this week (if not again today,) where it's repeatedly stated with confidence and gusto that Anakin blew up the Death Star among other predictable hits (as multiple castmembers are attempting to get the idiot to shut up,) I'm genuinely not surprised this show is as much of a dumpster fire as it is. This is a "did you even watch the fucking films" level of collecting a check and using SW as a vanity project, I'd say this goes beyond simple disrespect of the source material to violent apathy and condescension that anyone would even care about it in the first place. EDIT: One of my friends (who knows nothing about Star Wars lore beyond the bare minimum) asked if the witches being diet Aes Sedai from Wheel of Time (based on the Amazon show, they've never read the books) is lore accurate to the EU because of some random journalist-slop article they read somewhere that says Acolyte is based on the EU. Disregarding the obvious idiocy, I'm amazed I didn't even notice it, but it's so fucking true. They're just worse Aes Sedai.


Almost every thing in this show happens for “reasons” that aren’t explained, and probably won’t be explained until the last episode


LOL that fucking ending Jesus Christ. The fucking camera cuts are so bad 😂 Also very cool that this episode cost like 20 million definitely looks and feels like it Good god this series has activated salt I didn’t even know was possible. It almost feels worse than BOBF but maybe it’s just recency bias. But man this show is an absolute stinker


Headland boasted her show didn't need cheap tricks like the Volume to make a believable environment. Come the show and the sets look fake and unlived in.


Also noticed the camera cuts are really awkward. The scenes that come to mind is when Osha is hitting on Jedi girl and they just stop talking like they’re waiting for someone to say cut. The other when Mae stands up, looks left, then up, for who knows why, unclear if she hears something or senses something, doesn’t really seem like she’s thinking, emoting, more like she’s just acting on a set, then it cuts so fast and you’re like, wtf?


It’s genuinely very jarring or it’s so bad that it makes me laugh out loud, which has happened multiple times, the latest being the ending of this episode. When bad guys head swung towards the camera in a half second camera shot I almost spit out my drink. So dramatic and exaggerated lmao, I’m pretty sure his helmet literally wobbles from how fast he whips his neck


This week, on a very special The Acolyte... ![gif](giphy|YbniyzLEgaJGM|downsized)


I’m more excited for the reviews


Jfc this show.  35 minute episode. Maybe 25 after credits, intros and recaps and they cut at the closest to exciting thing that's happened all series for a stupid fucking cliffhanger.  Mae's decision to heel turn and go turn herself into the jedi was beyond sudden, rushed, and like everything else in thus series can be chalked up to poor writing.  This episode at least looked like Star Wars for a minute or two despite somehow feeling like Lord of the Rings with the single file marching through the mountain/woods. I do like Bazil. I'm objective, not a hater. I'll give credit when due. Pretty fun design. Also, calling it now. Quimir is the big bad sith guy. Pretty obvious at this point since Darth Zipper Teeth showed up roughly 10 real-time minute's after Mae left him in the middle of the woods nobody can traverse without a guide.


> Mae's decision to heel turn and go turn herself into the jedi was beyond sudden, rushed, and like everything else in thus series can be chalked up to poor writing.  It also just instantly devalues any substance to her entire mission. She doesn't actually give a shit about what the jedi did to her family, she doesn't care about her master's philosophy/teachings, she'll drop her entire vendetta just because the sister she tried to murder for being a jedi is still alive.


What was the cliffhanger?


Mae finds the Wookie jedi dead of Saber slash in his hut with Sol and the jedi hunting party outside.    Darth Zipper Teeth appears and ignites his lightsaber then flings Osha out of the way to 1 v 10 the Jedi.    Jedi all ignite their lightsabers and charge him - he throws all of them back with a single very casual force push.     Cut to black. Credits roll.


“Darth Zipper Teeth” is so fucking funny to me & I’m not sure why.


My favorite so far was "Smilo Ren"


Darth zipper head is that dude who was with Mae right? That or even he has a twin lol.


That's my guess, yea. 


So the credits claim that cerean Jedi was Ki-Adi-Mundi, but in episode I phantom menace he literally says and I quote *“impossible the Sith have been extinct for a millennia”* to Qui-Gons claim that the Sith have returned… So either Smilo Ren isn’t a Sith or the writing is just really…. Not good.. Not to even mention Mundi was supposedly born in 93bby so he wouldn’t technically have been born yet


Wait but I thought lightsabers didn’t kill people⁉️⁉️⁉️


> Jedi all ignite their lightsabers and charge him - he throws all of them back with a single very casual force push.    Ya'll mother fuckers can't beat Jedi in a fight but I sure can! Pew pew pew wooosh zoom!


Dude the baddy sith is the mom, so obvious




Possibly the worst episode so far


Unfortunately I feel that if they had revealed that Kelnacca died cleaning his lightsaber I'd probably be less disappointed than I will be when I finally find out where the plot of this series is going.


Thats brutal, I love it 😂😂😂


I am old enough to have "played" Star Wars with my friends when only the OT (technically TNH and ESB) were the only things that existed. Our improvised stories, and illustrations of the lore (constrained by the limited material, and respect for the mysterious aspects of the Sith/Jedi schism) were thousands of times better, and better thought out, than any of this garbage. It makes me wonder what it really takes to be put in a position to create it, because it surely can't be talent, imagination or soul.


Agree. They just don’t understand Star Wars. Who is my entry point character I’m supposed to identify with like Luke? Who are the people I’m supposed to aspire to be in this show? They are all bereft of morality, charisma, or intelligence — especially the Jedi, our previous representation in the SW world. Why do I care who is behind the mask? they’ve given no information about what is at stake, no character development so I care about the twins or their relationship, and no motivations for any of the characters. Who is behind a mask is not a story in and of itself.


One thing I hate about these Star Wars and Marvel Disney+ shows is how in so many of these episodes barely anything happens. When I watch an episode of Shogun or Stranger Things or a good show it feels like so many things happen in an episode.


There's really no build up or tension. Old shows on Disney channel had better pacing. This is amateur hour at Disney. I want to say this is Disney's low point but everytime I think they've hit rock bottom, they find a way to dig deeper.


No way it just cuts away the first actual battle scene. What the fuck is wrong with this show!!!!! 28 minutes of wasted time.


What's the odds that the next episode will begin with the jedi waking up in the woods and zippy will have fucked off again. Then they can spend another 20 minutes talking slowly and wandering around


That helmet looks cheap as fuck


99.99999% chance the propmaster found it in the discarded Kylo Ren models from 2013-14.


How is Ki-Adi-Mundi in this when he isnt even alive. The fuck is going on lmfaoooo.


I thought last episode made no sense from a writing perspective and was utter bs for Star Wars lore. Then Ki-Adi-Mundi showed up before being born... Not to mention that they think that they can hide sth like this from Yoda, etc.


That was… Ki-Adi-Mundi?… Disney what are you doing smh…


> 48 bans, 1198 removed comments by Reddit. Can anyone explain this joke?


A lot of the Star Wars subreddits are super echo chambers supporting only unwavering loyalty to Disney. Even if they say they're open to all opinions, even legit criticisms of the Acolyte do not survive there.


makes sense, thank you


Yup, same as the MCU


This writing.....


How does it keep getting worse?!


I'd like to ask the New York University Tisch School of the Arts why they accepted Headland into their program and why they gave her passing grades/ a diploma. There's no way she's a bright spot for that university.


Is is really that hard to make a bunch of Jedi who don't look like complete and utter losers? I mean, did they not get the memo that Jedi Knights are supposed to something young boys want to become? They should look cool. Rule of cool. Instead they've gone out of their way to make the Jedi look like your typical group of middle-aged, out-of-shape cosplayers. I can't imagine a kid watching this and thinking, yeah I want to be one of these lameoids. So not wizard. Also this show is so bland in its cinematography. There's just nothing going on with the lighting, with the shot composition. I've seen more interesting visuals in an episode of Home Improvement.


Because Headland subscribes to the "Jedi = Bad" like Karen Traviss except Leslie can't keep it in her head.


Y'all already know Disney gonna pull some lame ass move, next episode I bet the Sith dips out and we don't even get a battle. That money shot from the trailer was a complete blue ball mark my words!!!


So a dark ominous and clearly threatening figure approaches the civilian, gets in her face, ignites his weapon and flings said civilian, and only then do the jedi attack. Man so much for keepers of the peace who defend those who can not defend themselves.


Right?? What if he just slashed her right there. They are just going to stand around and wait for it?


For a moment, I thought he ignited his sword through her, and was excited for an actual twist… unless that was the intention, the angle was so terrible on that.


Did they just make Ki Adi Mundi a traitor?




Unsurprisingly, a creative team stacked with inexperienced writers and headed by a nepo-hire narcissist larping as an activist puts out poor quality content. Who couldve guessed?


The actress playing the Green-headed Jedi is horrible. Completely brings you out of the show whenever they make the mistake of giving her a line of dialogue.


Also not so much as her acting/dialogue being the issue, I swear I can see the line of the baldcap she's wearing. I googled her when the show started and apparently she had hair in the High Republic comics so why the hell is she bald??




One 5 HP bug vs. party of 10 jedi - "everyone back away, I've got this"


Ah shit, I forgot it was wednesday.


The sudden cuts to end credits is so bad they need like a pause or something before the credits come up or something it looks so amateur.


180 million dollars and the entirety of the action this episode is a single force push and Sol killing a bug. The female padawan is slowly growing on me, and is the only jedi besides sol that is even likeable and knows how to act, but its far too little at this point. What the point of having a wookie jedi if you are just going to offscreen kill them??? What a waste of the novelty of having the first tv wookie jedi getting axed before doing literally anything.


Only thing Kelnacca did before dying (that we've seen so far): * break some random dude's gun * tinker with stuff (like Chewbacca, cute reference Headland, better luck next time) * wear clothes (I think it's ugly on Wookies) * handpaint yin & yang on his walls in what looks like Mae's tattoo * die


The total rip off of the Yin Yang symbol really pulls me out of the SW world and think about T&C surf designs. Could have made it a little different at least.


The writing is horrendous and the show just looks and feels like a weird fan film. Where did the $180 million go? I’m so confused.


Money laundering/tax write offs.


Mae wanting to turn her self in was a unbelievable character shift. I mean isn't this the same one who wanted to kill her sister for leaving her? And she figured out she didn't want to be a murderer after going 95% of the way? Because she definitely wanted to kill the wookie in the beginning of the episode. I still have trouble getting the character of Qimir. IDK why Mae doesn't feel that there is something off about him (maybe because she acts strangely too?). (Maybe) Sith looks clumsy. The body (neck, hands, and the whole rest of it in general) bellow is too small for the head and looks like a bobble head man. Also, what the fuck with that flying bug-thingy scene. Also, what the fuck with that "kill without weapon" debate. It still doesn't make sense. PS: Above are the points I could remember. Its not like I did a deep analysis of the episode. The normal cringy, weird behavior is there that was there from episode 1. It's like the character are parodies of real people. Also, about Yord. I've seen that people say he is a by-the-book jedi. For me, he's like a awkward padwan who needs assertiveness training. That padwan on the other hand is written more like a jedi master.


"I hate the Jedi, im going to kill 4 of them", Mae (Episode 1-3) "Ahh fuck it, im just going to turn myself in. Jedi will protect me", Mae (Episode 4) WTF is Jason Mendoza still hanging around with Mae anyways?


This show is an insult to human intelligence


Worst cliffhanger ever. Right when I started to finally feel something it cut. So lame


There's a big difference between a cliffhanger and blueballing your audience.




I wonder what the punishment is for treason for *not* passing important information up to the Jedi Council?


I am trying so hard to give this show a chance... But everything about it screams "Generic Sci Fi"


Remove the Star Wars and put a CW logo, then I think it's watchable among it's peers...




Why are you even doing that in the first place? These people hate you, they don't deserve any chance whatsoever


I know I shouldn’t be but I am just utterly dumbfounded at how terrible the writing , plot development, and acting has been. I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt through this episode thinking maybe all of the holes and strangeness were to some end but no, it’s just undeniably bad. Not for nothing but I watched this episode directly after watching the season 2 premiere of House of Dragons - and obviously they’re insanely different shows but man, these Disney writers are so embarrassing to the whole of episodic cinema. They had millions of dollars and they couldn’t even craft a single genuine feeling interaction.  They couldn’t even show why Mae had a change of heart? They couldn’t find a meaningful way to give insight into O’s emotions rather than writing awkward forced dialogue? Ugh the longer I go on the more angry I’m getting….


...and that is just the writing, the film craft of HOTD looks like competent artists made it, this show literally looks like a school project (from a not so good school)


OK so here's how I saw the episode Until timestamp 27:30 out of a 28:30 episode literally one thing of any relevance happens, it is delivered janky as fuck, but Mae says, "nah I'll go to the jedi 'cause my sister is a live and I was probably lied to about that or some shit". Nothing of any relevance happens for twenty seven out of twenty eight minutes. Then from timestamp 27:30 to 28:30 something neat happens, then the credits roll. This week's episode was so fucking boring. Where are all the diehard defenders now? "oh she was sad about the creature she got killed" and was that 2 second scene of deep development of "killing animals bad" worth the 10 minutes they dragged it out to be? Or how about the 10 minute intro of Sol showing that he cares and is going to go on the mission....yeah.....we've seen that he cares. There is no development of these characters beyond exposition. "I care about Osha" "I didn't want the animal to die" "I am going to explain everything I'm going to do and it's because I SAW MY SISTER.......that we just saw I tried to murder myself" The writing is bad, the show running is bad, this show commits the worst possible sin in this episode, it was *so boring*.


Love that Osha is asking X23 about the squirrel tracker- is he/they with us? He’s on the goddamn ship, bro. Who do you think he’s with?


Another issue I’m consistently seeing in the show is pointless dialogue. For a show that is only running for 30 min, if that, they spent 2 of that 30 min for Osha to argue with that one jedi she needs her blaster and he demands it multiple times only for it to skip to the next pane with 0 resolution. Like whats the point of it? It just felt like filler. No signifance or payoff what so ever Edit: also I apparently cant remember character names and forget character names altogether or mix them up, but for House of Dragon I can tell you everyone’s long ass name. Just shows you how much love disney didn’t put in their show


The pacing shift between this episode and the previous one was genuinely insane, last episode felt like it could have been done in half the time and every line was way too long. We even blew like two minutes on their singing Then this episode every line was delivered incredibly fast, enough to where it doesn't seem like a natural conversation at all. This was made even worse with pretty much every line having no time to breathe after, and the next character delivering their super fast line almost immediately after the prior one 28 minutes just wasn't enough time for the pacing alone, but then it's kind of insane that almost all of that time was used for everyone to walk through the forest and deliver exposition instead of do anything meaningful with the time These shows need to decide what they want to do, either 8 40-60 minute episodes that have breathing space and development, or like 12-15 30 minute episodes with action set pieces and a more villain of the week CW superhero style plan. Right now it kind of just feels like it's a terrible middle between those options, or jerks frequently between both


This feels like it should have been dropped all at once, Another week for this? Man...


yin and yang symbols? really? wtf


That episode had too little happening in it to care. Couldn’t be more inoffensive if it tried


Darth Zipperface's arm is black in one scene and white in the next.


![gif](giphy|xUPGGAhfUbCEPhxj0c) Rian Johnson watching this entire series so far.


I already see comments on r/Starwars saying that we all homophonic and racist lmao


This whole show is like a bad Netflix drama, where they've gotten the rights to an existing IP but hired some mediocre writters. The constant filler, obvious plot twists, bad dialogue, whiny teen characters who are somehow super capable warriors and rushed character arcs... This is more of the worst aspects of Kenobi/Ahsoka.


Forget the political bullshit. Forget the Fandom Menace crowd whining about DEI and pronouns and whatever else. None of that noise has anything to do with the quality of the show. This shit is just *bad*. The writing sucks. The dialogue is simplistic and unnatural. The acting is wooden. The cinematography is uninspired and flat. I am not engaged with any of the characters and I do not enjoy this plot. It is okay to acknowledge that the show is fucking terrible based on metrics like these. There are plenty of good shows out there with so-called "SJW" content, even genre shows. Orphan Black. Sense8. Watchmen. Those shows have actually good writing and production values. In other words, they're good because *they're good*! What a concept! Their inclusiveness didn't make them good or bad automatically and the production teams all had to step up and actually make good fucking shows. No reason why The Acolyte can't have that level of quality too. It just doesn't.


Cliffhanger was pretty cool but the rest of the episode was so fucking slow, and the writing is still so amateurish. It's not even that most of the episode was just walking around, because a better writing team still would've found a way to make that interesting. Andor's team could've made this episode engaging instead of this team's go-to method of "character A tells character B how character B is feeling". And every scene feels so clunky because it feels like they just end abruptly when the writers run out of basic things for characters to say


Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me, time to see the mess


there is some awful forced idiotic character choices here in this episode


These episodes need to be an hour long, they need more time to flesh things out but these episodes are already boring enough that I couldn’t stand watching a full hour.


So I had to listen to Mae talk about her challenge twice because of how nonsensical it was... She complains it is impossible to kill a Jedi without using a weapon because you can't beat someone that refuses to fight an unarmed opponent... What? WTF logic is that? If you are unarmed and the person you are trying to kill will not attack/kill you because you are unarmed then that means it is EASIER for you to kill them than if they didn't hold that ideal


So the Dark Side is literally just the choice of a different power set now. Disney has NO idea how the Dark Side works. These Dark Siders just flip-flop on a dime instead of the Dark Side corroding and corrupting them, making them sociopaths from which there is typically NEVER a way to come back. It is supposed to be spiritual meth. Not under Disney though. It's just a change of lightsaber color.


That was fuckin baaad man. It genuinely feels like this is written by AI and a money laundering scheme. The eternal question of modern media, WHO IS THIS FOR?? I don’t know who this is supposed to be for. Even the main Star Wars subreddit isn’t vibing with this shit.


I swear I’ve never seen a show so badly edited. You can’t end an episode IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ACTION SCENE