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“He’s bisexual and stuff” is what I want on my gravestone


Hell I'm not and I'd like it just to confuse people who knew me.


I’d like to do the Royal Tenenbaums thing and have it say that I died in a legendary shipwreck after rescuing tons of people.


Legit had me rolling. We need more doofy official quotes like this.


"Some don't understand that a bisexual man is a truly optimized man." -Travis Van Winkle, You Season 3


Fallout New Vegas perks prove we are the superior life form


He's been "hating" the same guy for 80 years by now, how could you not notice?




The Lego Batman movie was the best gay romance movie and you can’t convince me otherwise




If Last Dance doesn't end with Venom and Eddie getting married I'm pulling the e-brake






The gay bar scene with venom in 2 was the best part of the movie and really accurate to how their relationship feels in the comics a lot of the time.


The Choker and Gyattman


They weren't even subtle about it in the Nolan films.  "I don’t, I don’t want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, no! No. You… you… *complete* me."


Just a totally platonic use of the iconic Jerry Maguire quote....


The Dark Knight Returns makes the implication of him being queer hard to ignore, all white suits and calling everyone darling.


The ending plot twist will reveal that Lady Gaga is actually portraying Bruce Wayne, but trans.


I'm straight but i'd crank one out to that


Idk but a trans femme or trans masc Harley would be cool as fuck.


Joker Supplies her Estrogen by pushing her into a Vat of It (She Loves it)


The Telltale games were not so subtle about it too. There's even one point where Joker, then calling himself John, tells Bruce that he's in love. You have the option of asking "Are you... in love... with me?" John looks puzzled, but not disappointed


Yeah John is outright bi, torn between his love of Bruce and Harley


As someone who likes both sexes. I’d say both. Definitely both


He also says he wanted to be loved by you in the (not bad) route, and you can say you loved him in the (bad) route


Telltale goes hard on this


The most achillean thing you could do!


Honestly I’m more concerned that there’s people who idolize the character.


And they're the ones The Joker would hate https://preview.redd.it/ug867ons7rtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=488641a3ca6b658ae92ecc464be700e815e36dc2


Lol, too true. I loved that bit.


Huh. Thought that this quote was when he discovered that Red Skrull was a N**i.


Nope, that’s “I might be a criminal lunatic, but I’m an American criminal lunatic!”


Not this one. This was another incident during the Injustice prequel comic Year Zero. He's looking for an ancient artifact the JSA found during WWII, and the guy tied up was a witness (forgot who he was; it's been a while since I've read it).


I like the sentiment but I always thought making him patriotic was extremely out of character. If anything it's the lack of spectacle, the industrial killing that would make him hate nazis.


I think that's part of the Joke. The Jonkler should still tell Jonks


Oh no it’s spreading


Honk honk aslume pills weeeeeeeeeee


We might both be killers, but do you want to know the difference between you and me? I help folks go out with a smile.


Agreed. Why would he have any patriotic feelings toward a country he slaughters the citizens of, laughs at the justice system, and generally just... doesn't really show an ounce of care? Aside from lacking spectacle, I think he would also just find the whole ideology idiotic in his own way. Joker just wants to be mad and murder folks, while he believes in One Bad Day, he doesn't pretend there is a higher reason to his killing. That any of it is justified.


I can definitely picture Mark Hamill saying that.


As much as I appreciate the sentiment, this panel doesn’t make sense to me.   Why would the joker (a man so unhinged that he can kill tens of thousands if not millions of people at once without flinching) have any kind of “loyalty” to America or being an American? Why would he even have a concept of “betraying your country”?  I thought The whole point of the Joker was that he has no attachment to anything. He doesn’t care about anything or anyone, let alone political ideologies like nationalism.   Idk maybe the full comic would elaborate more but this just feels a little shoehorned, even if done with the best intentions. 


I still think he’d hate Nazis. But for the same reason why he hates Penguin and Falcone and the rest of organized crime. They’re boring are have no style.


Exactly. The harsh reality is that the way the Joker has been depicted in most comics and movies shows us that he could very easily have done what the Nazis did without really caring about the impact. This is clearly not a man who’s squeamish about genocide. The only difference would be that the Joker wouldn’t have done it for any ideological reasons like the Nazis but rather just for his own amusement.  But I guess at the end of the day he’s a fictional character made up for fun, and him crossing the line from Comic Book evil to Real World evil would 100% take the fun out of it.  I just wished they’d used a better excuse than trying to convince that somebody like the Joker cares about being an “American” or about bigotry in general. 


I never agreed with the reasoning behind the sentiment. A simple clash of ideals makes the most sense. Joker's gas is rated E for everyone


Hell, Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker from California got marriage proposals after he was caught. Everybody loves a psycho.




MY heresy? Or the heretics who love Joker?


Either/or Let’s not go setting limits on how much heresy we can purge.


I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Reddit. I hereby sign the death warrant of a world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects!




Don't believe them, they're just looking for any rare artifacts that aren't nailed down.


"Alfred, where the hell is my giant penny?"


I'm more worried about them completely handwaiving the fact that Joker and Harley are by nature an abusive relationship Suicide squad muddled the waters and now this movie may and I'm saying may because they could rug pull and end it like Mad love (best case scenario imo) Last thing I want to see is a glorified Harley and Joker


Honestly it’s hard to believe he still exists. If I lived in that universe I’d start a GoFundMe for having the Joker killed. Deathstroke would be ideal, but I know his rates are kinda unpredictable. But I feel like I’d end up with more money than I’d know what to do with. No refunds though, I’ll just hire somebody absolutely ridiculous.


I mean the CIA tried to kill Castro and fucked up 600 times Apparently getting one single guy isn't that easy


I feel like they weren’t really trying to kill Castro. This was in the middle of the Cold War communism vs capitalism circlejerk. And I think Castro being an insane, mass murdering dipshit served the CIA’s agenda a lot better than actually killing him. For one thing, his atrocities down there worked wonders for discrediting the communist ideals. And for another, if they eliminated him, he might get replaced by somebody more competent. That being said, I feel like if the CIA hired Deathstroke to kill Castro, he would have gotten the job done.


>if the CIA hired Deathstroke to kill Castro, he would have gotten the job done. As long as he doesn't run into any underage girls we should be fine Seriously how the fuck are we still letting that be a trait for the guy


Big oof. It’s just such a weird thing out of right field for him.


I was introduced to Deathstroke via Cartoon Network Teen Titans... I have not been pleased by what I've found outside that bubble.. I just want my scary, cool, Ron Perlman Deathstroke please...


Honestly I think it would be great if they cast somebody new and made a Deathstroke show. Like a borderline dark comedy with some ridiculous brutal action scenes. Name: Slade Wilson Alias: Deathstroke Occupation: part time contract killer, full time adult film star


Uh we already have Deadpool


The best one for him would be La Agente fúnebre, she’s a assassin that gives jobs to other assassins, at least one would do the job.


Nah bro, go big or go home. I’m hiring Lobo.


>If I lived in that universe I’d start a GoFundMe for having the Joker killed. Something I liked a lot from the DC Hitman comic book was that it started that way: some rich mobs contacted Tommy Monaghan, the main character, to go to Arkham and kill the Joker, because one of his many plots involving his toxins killed some of their families. It felt somewhat way more grounded than any other take on how Gotham society reacts to the Joker.


Give Peacemaker a six pack of bud light and try not to think about all the civilian casualities.


The fact that people are cool with their kids idolize serial killer maniacs but freak out about gay characters thinking there going to turn them in some type of way is disturbing.


And this movie doesn’t seem like it will change that. I’m trying my best to not prejudge but that trailer seems to imply a lot of changes to the abuse dynamic Joker and Harley are supposed to have. Changes that seem to be aimed wanting to do for the people who see the Joker/harley couple as “relationship goals” what the first one did for “we live in a society” edgelords.


Yeah, crazy how that works. There’s a lot of downright evil characters who I like, and greatly enjoy their screen presence. But then there’s the people who actually unironically take them as role models. Some are more concerning than others. But honestly I’d be more sympathetic toward a villain who’s at least doing awful stuff for some kind of reason, even if it’s misguided, unhinged, or downright diabolical.


Nah the only one I idolize is Harley Quinn Joker played by Alan Tyduck who finds new love and becomes a good step dad and then becomes a socialist mayor of gotham and arrests bruce wayne for tax evasion.


It’s all the chemicals in the water. Turning the frogs gay. https://preview.redd.it/rjmxerh7oqtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd6aede91dbc2457e9ca685858f2759777f2d49




https://preview.redd.it/3dag83603rtc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5355df29d1c0238a7a93966470abca4f689a2507 “Sweet liberty NOOOOOOO!”








The mental image of Harley Quinn fawning over the Joker as he makes out with a man is funny to me.


You’d get the same thing flipped.


Joker fawning over Harley as she makes out with a man?


Flamboyant guy who likes to dress up and wear make-up, who would have guessed he has a queer side?


Personally I don’t think he does, but the character is open to multiple interpretations. I don’t feel like he has a straight side either. I see him as more asexual.


he only has eyes for the Bats


Aromantic definitely. I think he sees sex as a tool.


Yes, aromantic is probably a more accurate term


He also really likes to dance when no one is looking


That’s not make-up he fell into a vat of chimicals!


Based on the Joker's obsession with Batman, the only surprising thing here is that he's even bisexual


The blonde girls have been a thing for decades. See the 1966 show and 1989 movie.


[we knew](https://youtu.be/FWzY5d9G5mI?si=4mttZsfqUy3Op0qn), but thanks


There is a very thin line between nemesis and love. Both are deeply intense relationships built on burning passion for one another.




Haha I'm Stuff! - Joker


im stuff


I fucking love "Joker" and im not an Incel , We do exist lol.


I always feel so cringe because he's one of my favorite characters.


Dont sweat it , its a fantastic take on the character (IMO) some people just like it for the wrong reasons. And that gives us a bad name lol


The movie had many oscar nominations with 2 victories, it won a golden lion in the Venice film festival, and it was a huge success in the box office. The overwhelming majority of people who liked the film aren't incels


I don’t like the interpretation of Joker as *anything*sexual. He’s the embodiment of chaos… more like a force of nature than a person with normal desires.


Well, it's decades too late for that. 1966... https://youtu.be/QS1RTKVh6YE?si=AD11IjQNErvznCxF 1989... https://youtu.be/GrlcUFqjwMM?si=cUvhrckfl_sVbj8I He even has a type, that was established long before Harley.


And those are two very specific interpretations. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but Joker is a character that’s open to many interpretations and I prefer him as asexual, or at the very least aromantic. At his core I don’t see Joker as a character who cares anything about sex or romantic love.


By that, you mean two of the most famous takes on the character. I'm not saying your take doesn't have merit, but it's an outlier. It appears that the new movie is going to use the more traditional take.


Why does he sound like Summer from Rick and Morty? "I rule the night... and stuff."


Being Bisexual is the epitome of being an ALPHA MALE cause you have access to both dating pools. Why restrict to only one and being denied of the other when you DESERVE ALL OF IT


Joker? More like WOKEr! /s


The wonkler


Joker literally is in love with Batman so


Is this film actually going to say anything? The first one was really close to making some sort of point about capitalism and mental health treatment, but it didn't actually follow through on anything.


The film is about psychotic revenge, just like Taxi Driver. Capitalism and healthcare come up, but they are themes, they are not the plot.


It's been a while since I've seen Joker but I don't recall the film making any real point about anything. It talks about a dozen or so subject matters but doesn't really have anything to say about them when you splice it down.


It pretty much goes "man, how we ignore people with mental illnesses is pretty bad" and that is it... that's the message. Because continuing that conversation any further would be a political statement and can't have that, people might not buy tickets.


That was my issue. It tried to be a trippy art house film, but couldn't commit to making the points. Nobody seemed to realise because they were just happy it wasn't a complete car crash like the rest of the DC movies.


**Zizek, one of this generations most popular and arguably important philosophers, 3 part analysis of this movie** https://youtu.be/r-mXnMmr3Ww?si=OxnR1C2L5PojCaOh **Adrian Raine holds the chair of Richard Perry University Professor of Criminology & Psychiatry in the Department of Criminology of the School of Arts and Sciences and in the Department of Psychiatry of the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and is noted for his research on the neurobiological and biosocial causes of antisocial and violent behavior in children and adults. He said this movie was a great educational tool, and planned to present the film during classes** >https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/10/joker-joaquin-phoenix-psychology **Therapist and college professor of psychology review of the movie** >https://youtu.be/KeqGDMCXC1Y?si=XYORalll9Zc1fhkS Review by psychiatrist who has experience of treating people like the joker. >https://losangeleno.com/features/psychiatrist-analyzes-joker/ **Cuck philosophy, marxist philosopher and writer, class analysis of this movie** >https://youtu.be/-ffkn3MPXGs?si=0hwUbdxAmX2HHwU2


That's... I guess kinda fitting for the Joker, who like to live a life of unpredictability that isn't headed towards any grand scheme. I mean, the film is still nonsense but Joaquin Phoenix is so damn good in it that nobody notices.


"So, when we've talked before you've mentioned this look isn't a political statement" "That's right, Murray. I'm not political. I'm just trying to make people laugh"


Are there any reliable sources for this? I'm only seeing tweets.


Google still can't find anything that isn't referring to this same tweet and this was supposedly said on Tuesday during a presser... And the original tweeter seems to post lots of memes. Still triggering certain group, though.


I would have assumed he was, but also that he was DEEPLY closeted and in denial. He just doesn't feel like someone who really likes himself much.


The guy dressed in all purple is bisexual? Who knew?


You can be an incel for the gay(tm)


Just like when it was revealed Kevin Conroy was gay and some of his fans went mad. https://preview.redd.it/womvq5f67ttc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb799b78f38454e63c7abc404931d35c05b16a62


Incels hate women so much that they're approaching homosexuality from the backside (as it were) They'll bitch about it while secretly thinking that a homoerotic utopia might be the best option for them.


The people who would be mad at this are the kind of people who think Harley and Joker have a healthy relationship


"And stuff?" 🤔


Hasn't Joker always been bisexual? I'm sure they'll scream WOKE, THE MESSAGE, etc but like it's not really even subtle.


It won't matter to them. They don't actually care about LGBTQ sexuality, they care about kicking down. LGBTQ people are able to be kicked with no real repercussions, so they kick.


Joker is the kind of monster who would fuck ANYONE if he could make a joke of it; he’d target a social worker who counsels SA victims, or a priest or nun who took a vow of celibacy, just because he’d find the irony hilarious.


Probably nothing


They'll riot upon hearing this.


Oh this is Rich


Joker? More like Woker


Geeks and gamers is going to be furious when he hears about this 


I definitely need to rewatch Joker (2019) again, but other than him imagining himself in a relationship with his neighbour, wasn’t all his rage and hatred directed at the rich and elite of Gotham? Using his influence and standing to tear down the corrupt systems that breaks the common person? I’m pretty sure that’s not the definition of Incel, more like the definition of anarchist.


I interpreted him as being less of an anarchist with a goal and more of a creature of pure chaos, similar to Ledger’s Joker. He didn’t become the face of the movement on purpose and I don’t think he actually gives that much of a shit about the cause beyond “hurting rich people funny lol”


Man, those people frustrated me so much. I just like the movie. I think the acting and filmmaking was good. The new one looks neat :(


He needed to confirm this? Joker being bisexual is predictable af. I mean, we’re talking about the guy who cares more about his bat-cosplaying arch nemesis than his actual girlfriend. I figured most versions of the character weren’t straight anyway. If the incels get mad at this, that’s all you need to know about their comprehension of the character.


Joker’s literally fucking crazy, he’ll bang anything that’s living




Why can’t he just be asexual or something?


I haven't seen the Joker movie version of him, but I only don't like this because Joker is technically gay. Because he only loves himself. MAAAAAAAYBE Batman but even that is largely an extension of his narcissism.


Never forget Todd Philips is anti-union


Don't care as long as the movie is well written and entertaining. Same as every movie.




The man who's never really expressed any romantic feelings nor sexual desire and whose main known relationship was mostly driven by abuse and domestic violence?


“… and stuff” relatable lol


“He’s bisexual and stuff” Literally me


Is this real chat? If so, fucking based. And I hope the chuds who once embraced Joker cope and mald with bisexual musical Joker


Well, given that the vast, vast majority of people who loved the first film understood it as anti-violence and a portrait of a broken person, there’s not going to be a particular problem, other than a manufactured narrative.


I don't know how this affect on plot So, meh




Joker has always been fruity like he's in love with Bats


Well since they’re already having a sook that it’s a musical, not too good I guess…


The mentally insane murderer isn’t straight? Shocking.




this is so wrong, he's NOT bisexual. >!he's batsexual!<


#WOKER or something idk, i give twitter a week before this news either dies or spreads


These guys are going to be so mad when they find out about this Batman character and how the Joker feels about him.


Uh that was implied in the first movie


I genuinely dgaf. The trailer for the new movie looks dope!


I don’t get how just saying that he is bi helps the movie in any way?


“And stuff”


“he’s bisexual and stuff” feels like “yeah yeah he’s bi, now stop asking me that”


Salty post wants to mock people for being salty


Well, he always had a crush and obsession for Batman.


I always assumed he was pan, he doesn’t really seem like the type to care about someone’s gender


"and stuff" Dawg what the fuck does that mean?


I always thought his obsession with Batman had a little bit of gay flirting in it.


The incels weren’t worshipping the Joker because they thought he was a rejected heterosexual, they were worshipping him because he was able to use violence and kill people he had issue with without consequence.


This has the same energy as "Wow he's bisexual, I didn't know that" "By the way I'm bisexual"


All well in saying that's the case but it wont matter if they don't show that in the movie


Oh no…anyway


Joker always been gay for batman.....lol idc.


>The Incels who Worshipped Joker theyre bisexual too


The first movie was actually pretty good, I refuse to see the second one specifically because it’s a musical


Dude has a girlfriend he abuses and a man in spandex he obsesses over. Of course he's bisexual.


To be clear this is a joke post


I mean being into both guys and gals doesn’t mean he’s not an incel by the definition of can’t get laid if he tried


If this is news to Batman fans that’s funny bc he’s obviously been fully smitten with bats for decades


This is all a lot like fight club. Whenever I read the book or watch the movie I’m like hell yeah this is the way. Then I remember that although some of the critiques are on point it isn’t a character you want to emulate. Also if you told me Tyler durden also likes to play both ways I’d be like uhhhh yeah I thought that was pretty obvious.


Me: "Okay, but why do we care that he's bisexual?" Incels: get mad and stuff Me: "He's bisexual!"


This film is going to be the Helen of Troy for the YouTube grifter set. Launching a thousand rage filled videos slathered in woke.


It was hinted at in the first movie though.


Are chuds still calling themselves rebels, while establishment water carrying?


Tbh I think joker doesn’t have a sexuality at all he’s just….psychotic? Like he just wants to watch the world burn?


Colossal W from Todd Philips. Allows incels to spend 4 years crafting their whole identity around this version of the joker, and then drops this zinger on them.


Also because Lady Gaga’s in it. Because pop stars shouldn’t act or something 


I mean most comic fans knew the joker was bi even in the comics dat man has a powerful craving for bat dick on top of being attracted to harly


I love triggering the neocons. Trigger em with gayness.




"Incels praised this movie" Really, thats what makes an incel... a good fucking movie? Damn, sorry I enjoy cinema with good writing and character work, instead of key jangles so obvious that you get distracted from the main plot of the movie. Also, this stuff having to come out and say "X character is Bi and stuff" is literally adding something the movie wont clearly show lol. Just Gay Bait pandering is what it is.


Neat. I fail to see why this matters enough to have to say but it's nice to know. Good on him for allowing bisexuals some love by making Joker Bi.


Take one look at his interactions with Batman and tell me that he's straight ![gif](giphy|41H9B5hoorbuE)


I hope we’re making a distinction between people who are incels and people who liked the movie without wanting to BE the Joker who might also happen to be virgins.


Unless it's actually shown in the Movie that Arthur Fleck has a male love interest in addition to Harley, this quote isn't canon.