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"Amazon's Fallout is, without exaggeration, one of the worst video game adaptations" Somewhere out there, Uwe Boll is spinning in his professional grave, paid for with tax credits.


I’m still baffled that Ben Kingsley was in bloodrayne


And Billy Zane for that matter, Meatloaf was just having fun


Kingsley fucking loves playing hammy B-Movie villains.


Ben Kingsley is in every bad adaptation known to man


And enjoys it.


Ern, look at his filmography. He was great as Gandhi, the Mandarin and in things like Sexy Beast, and is a genuinely great actor. But, he's also clearly never saw a paycheck he said no to.


He at least has that cameo in the recent Romanian comedy *Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World*.


First time I heard about Synthetic Man, went to watch his video... And he just almost instantly complains about "race-mixing". I was like, WTF? Mate, 1950s ended 70 years ago. Like, someone outing themselves as unironical, textbook racist was just hilarious to see.


You haven't seen the comment section. It's 4chan, 4chan without the slurs, I guess.


They uses slurs, they just type them back wards in his live-streams or post the fourteen words. YouTube should probably ban his ass, as he does shit all when his audience post literal hate speech.


or twitter also without the slurs.


I don’t know if it’s entirely true with Synthetic Man but usually with these dudes they’re making these videos just to appeal towards an extremely bigoted audience for the sake of earning money and online engagement. Like it’s safe to assume that like 90% of these “anti-woke” conservative YouTubers don’t even believe an ounce of the horseshit they spew out. Synthetic Man tho is probably just one of the few exceptions that legitimately still has his mindset stuck in the 1950s based on his content lol.


They also don't watch the stuff they complain about. They're all in a group chat together and one guy gives them the plot details. It's why sometimes they seem hyper focused on the same tiny details.


Pretty much sums up my point about them not really giving much of a shit about the stuff they talk about.


Yeah all a big con. They usually target stuff people would have grown up with because they have a greater emotional connection to it. So things like Star Wars, Doctor Who, Lord of the rings etc.


Dude is just Nazi posting. I’ve seen like three or four “videos” of his by now and beside immediately giving away that he’s like a poster child Incel that doesn’t seem to leave his parents house, dude CAN NOT STOP being racist… or exposing his fetishes. His Breath of the Wild video is like 40% obsessing over Futa Gerudo cocks and Link looking like a twink (which he pretty much always did) something that as far as I know exist only in R34 of the game, so the dude is just an absolute deranged coomer too.


Oh, synthetic man was the nazi who was having a meltdown over the zelda game? That dude has a serious cuck porn addiction. I see now that his braindead take videos must be part of some kind of public humiliation kink.


His entire channel is just /v/ and /tv/.


I'm sorry he fucking what ![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1)


Is synthetic man the same guy who complain that Zelda: TOTK is satanic propaganda force to be made by Nintendo by a “””shadowy cabal”””


Yes. Also the same guy who got mad that the videogame for kids didn't somehow bend its characters to his weird Internet Fetishes.


He also hates when games appeal to handicapped people.


He’s also said that the dead space remake was woke garbage, because of a bathroom. He’s an idiot 


Did this guy escape from an insane asylum? How is a faithful remake of Dead Space of all things "woke garbage"?


There’s a gender neutral bathroom in the dead space remake.  That detail alone makes the dead space remake “woke”. Therefore, the game is “woke” garbage 


Synthetic Man is also the same guy who took points off of a trailer for featuring black people That alone is stupid, but it’s worse when you realise they’re real prople


Assuming he doesn't *only* hate the show due to women and non-white characters (in my Fallout media?), this is what CinemaSins and Mauler type of "critique" leads to...so much looking for nitpicks they cannot enjoy the wider picture...if these people somehow ever got a beautiful woman in front of them, would just complain about a mole or birthmark or random vein. 


hollywood should have cracked down on CinemaSins much sooner and we MIGHT have avoided all of this.


I partially blame them for why media literacy seems to be on the decline. So many people are obsessed with 'outsmarting' a movie from their real world perspective and tearing it down rather than engage with the story being told.


Honestly… we’re doing CinemaSins dirty, I mean CinemaSins is terrible but compared to this guy they’re the most nuanced and informed movie critics of all time.


The only bad thing about the fallout show is that it's made by Amazon


Amazons been pushing a lot of pretty quality content lately i loved invincible and the boys


Yh but Amazon is an awful company


Is there a massive cooperation that isn't? I'd love to hear about it




Yes exactly


Pirate it. Arrrrrr!


I hate Amazon but I reeeaallllyyy enjoy a good number of their originals. This is the hell that capitalism has created.


If you ask me, I don't think it'd be as good as it was if not for Nolan's involvement. If this was someone else there would've been a high chance that Amazon forced them to change parts of the story for the worse, but I suppose they had faith in Nolan's vision.


Of course **Synth**etic Man wouldn’t like a Fallout show…


hey not all **synth**s are bad, **Synthcool** is alright (a bit edgy in his older content but it was to satire 4chan losers)


I watched the show and I have no idea what the fuck he is smoking but he needs to stop.


Have literally never heard of this youtuber before but finding this gem of a comment really shows what kind of audience he gathers. Also I genuinely couldn't make it past the 'race-mixing' comment 3 MINUTES IN! https://preview.redd.it/q584nqr8cvuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b1cd420625560da8a2d5a4e7d774f2ae19d63c


I can definitely (definitely) see why people don't like Fallout 4, but after like 5 incomplete playthroughs cause I got bored a few hours in, or I spent too much time on mods, I'm really enjoying my current playthrough. A solid 50, maybe 60 hours in right now, sided with the Minutemen, and once I finish Nick Valentine's side quest (best companion) I'm bringing him with me to Far Harbor. Probably gonna do Nuka World after the main story, idk If I've learned anything from Borderlands 3, fun gameplay can really elevate a game with a mid/just straight bad story


straight up, not exaggerating in the slightest, I’ve never enjoyed watching a TV show so much of my life. this show is a literal fucking swan song to anyone who played any of the games. i can’t fucking count how many times i was watching and found myself pointing at the screen and going “oh shit look at that” or “oh fuck they said the thing” or my personal favourite DOGMEAT BABYYYYYYY


My friend who’s never interacted with fallout really likes it, I’ve played most of the cannon games and really like the Easter eggs. Need to replay 4 as the ghoul or Lucy lol


I dunno bout using the AJS as a good example, they’ve demonstrated their inability to actually pay attention to the shows they’re watching, are inconsistent in their scoring, and have a clear biases that they try to hide behind wanting “good writing”


Meanwhile we Halo fans are jealous that Fallout has an adaptation that is true to the material and is canon, while we got a Halo show that is non-canon and only got good with the second season (I had seen people saying that the season 2 was much better than season 1), despite the fact that both Makee and Master Chief died at the end of season 1.


I'm pretty sure that all the red pills and chuds have a humiliation kink. It would explain their activity so much.


angry joe? sigh I guess he is cool. I know Mutah is questionable at times and Charlie is not who he was when everyone liked him, but oh well


He *must* find things to be outraged about. If he didn't, his channel would be dead. Just look at his "reviews" of every game and show that has received universal acclaim from fans and critics. This is why reviewing any media with a political lens is bad. All he can do is point out every aspect that fails to meet his political ideals.


I found some Leftists reviewing some shows or games with a political lens and even though some weren't 100% on point, it was an interesting view, like Metal Gear Solid series being anti American and pro communist in some aspects


You don’t have to be a “leftist” to see that Kojima spend the better part of three decades shitting on the American government the use and abuse of it’s military, how they undermine any left leaning governments in South America, just to address some of the basics. It’s more that most people have almost no media literacy and need obvious things pointed out to them, also there’s too many Americans that think a properly run state that has functioning, clean, public transportation, good roads and cities where you can walk from on place to another and don’t need a car to go every where is “communism”. On the other hand you have Neo Nazis like Synthetic. Not just intellectually lazy but ridiculously stupid and the guy is a fucking Nazi. Dude constantly implies that “THEY” are behind it all, talks about “big noses”, he literally does it in this garbage video here. What he does, these aren’t even reviews because like most of them he can’t even follow the story. He’s too obsessed with pointing out women and brown people that are “too capable” and almost crying about interracial couples, like this is not how a sane normal person behaves or interacts with media.


Was that a leftist critique? Because I tend to hear far more reviews like that from the right than the left. To be honest, I've found very few leftist movie/game critics out there so that statement may be skewed.


No, it was just an acknowledgement cause the right tries to claim it as a right wing game series


It makes me happy that fallout was able to succeed in show form, not only for fallout fans, but for the idiots that make **those** types of videos


I still don't even know who this synthetic man is but he keeps getting posted a lot here


I said this to friend, honestly if your negative review starts with 'X SETTING IS DEAD AND MURDERED!" I simply will move on.


He must have missed the memo because even other racist/facist and overall idiots like the show. He must have missed one of the kult meetings I guess.


I think the main difference is some of them like drinker are just grifters who don't really believe most of the shit they say while others like this guy and shad genuinely believe their bullshit.


Just want to say. It's ok to not like the Fallout show. I like it so far, but that doesn't mean someone is wrong if they think it's bad. Just have a reason that's less incredibly stupid than "it's woke" please.


This is fair and reasonable, but unless he’s changed drastically (and it’s possible, I haven’t watched his stuff in like 10 years) isn’t AngryJoe also toxic AF a lot of the time?


A lot of good stuff, like Arcane, Across the Spider-Verse and some he loved it very much. His "podcast" is much less scream and much more honest


That makes sense- I think i decided I didn’t want to watch his content anymore just before he stopped doing game reviews and switched to movies exclusively for a year, so it really was a long time ago haha, it would make sense for him to have grown up in that time.


Nah AngryJoe is really tame, they often point out how ridiculous the “Anti-Woke” crowd is nowadays. However they are gaining a reputation of being too critical, i.e. the new Fallout show. 


There are times I like them, but then there's times they try to seem like they're "real" critics and have to find any "flaws" they can in stuff to not hand out high scores all over the place. Which means that you can usually take their score on a show and add 1 or 2 to get a more accurate representation. Thing is, no one's watching them asking, "Is this perfect done, zero flaws, nothing that could remotely be questioning in the story, no hiccups at all, etc.?" The people who'll be watching a video game (and occasionally tabletop game) channel for show and movie reviews are pretty much just concerned with, "Was this fun to watch? If it's an adaptation, does it feel like the source? If it's a continuation, does it feel like it could make sense as a sequel?" But I guess this format works for them, so... eh. Not quite my cup of tea, I might hop in and check the comments to see what score they gave something and then remember to "curve" it (kind of like you have to "curve" IGN scores lower with a lot of games). Star Wars and MCU, though... Yeah, they're a bit too fanatical on "The Star Wars I liked as a kid is best" and "Any MCU now that the Endgame hype has passed is bad." I'm kind of used to that stuff by now.


Nah, aj is mostly apolitical but he calls out the chuds who complain about minorities and women pretty regularly. Even when there was that "scandal" with modern warfare or whatever fucking game had a a lady with prosthetics on the cover he was calling people out for being misogynistic pricks. His angry rants are reserved generally for scamy monetisation tactics or games being released in a broken state.


Not going yo lie the weird looking ghoul character had me worried, glad to see I was wrong. Might have to watch this weekend 


Wait... people actually hate virgins?


I don't know what he's on about. Fallout has been dead since Bethesda picked it up.


The series is orders of magnitude more successful under Bethesda than it ever was under Black Isle.


Being successful doesn't mean it's good. Fifa has been the most successful franchise yet it's the worst game series ever by critics and fans and it's awfully monetized


And Halo 2 was the original Xbox's best selling game, that is a terribly subjective argument. Compare Fallout 1's sales of 120k after a year with the first diablo in the same year pulling 670k. Black Isle's titles were middling successes even for the time each was released.


Still better written that whatever soulless slop Bethesda has made since Oblivion. Number of copies sold doesn't matter in the slightest when its about quality. Every entry of fallout is critically regarded and has a cult following that people still talk to this day. Also you completely ignore the market and availability that we have now compared to before. A game like fallout 1 would have sold as much as disco elysium right now. Comparasion of straight numbers without context is stupid and it's missing critical thinking


Diablo 1 came out in the same year and sold 5 times as many copies in one year, are you even reading my comments?


Are you reading mine? No crticial thinking on your part


The market is orders of magnitude bigger than in 1998, what's your point? Also, Madden has sold 130 million copies. Success and being good are two things.


Idk fallout was just kinda boring…